The Lonely Heart

By RenMiles

75.5K 1.5K 201

Kagome loves Inuyasha, but it becomes obvious with his 'secret' trips to Kikyo at night that he may not love... More

Part One
A Night Like No Other
A New Day
An Unseen Event
The Final Battle
Past and Present
The Past
We Meet Again
Unexpected Love
The Truth
Abrupt Reunion
Abrupt Goodbye
Part Two
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter One

2.5K 55 1
By RenMiles

DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi / the television series are produced by Sunrise.


As the sun rose up in the sky for the day, its warm, multicolored hues shone through the window pane onto the face of the young miko and stirred her from her slumber. When she rolled over, a familiar pair of strong arms tightened ever so slightly around her. When her chocolate brown eyes blinked open, they were met with soft golden ones gazing back at her. For the last few months, they had spent every night like this. The daiyōkai was adamant about staying by her side to ensure her safety, and she gave up trying to argue it. She would never admit it to him, but she loved waking up in his arms everyday. It made every day just a little bit better knowing that it began and would end with him being by her side.

They had spent the night in her room at the family shrine when they had come to have dinner with the family the previous night, which they usually did at least once a week because she would help her mother out around the house to make sure things were still okay. She would also hound her brother to make sure he was doing good in school and not getting into trouble. Sometimes she would tease him about having crushes at school, though she could never get a name out of him.

By yōkai traditions they were mates, but she wanted to also be married through human tradition as well. Even though he saw no point in it, he had agreed to court her for a few months before he would propose. Every morning she woke up with a bit of butterflies in her stomach, wondering if it would be the day he asked. She had always dreamed of having a wedding, but never thought she would have a happily ever after like the princesses in fairy tales.

The daiyōkai gazed into her eyes, a small smile puling at his lips, "Good morning, mate. Did you sleep well?"

"Mm. Always do when you're with me Sesshō. G'mornin." she smiled, leaning forward and gently brushing her lips against his.

A soft rumble sounded in his throat and he caught her bottom lip between his teeth, sucking on the flesh a moment before releasing it. The action brought a gasp from her lips and sent shivers down her body. She swatted at his shoulder playfully, trying to give him a straight, stern look as she attempted to roll the other way to get out of bed. However, he was stronger and refused to let her go just yet.

"Sesshō, it's time to get up for the day. I do still have to go to school you know. It's no different than yesterday or the day before, or last week and will be no different tomorrow or next week. Besides, I've enjoyed reading your book about me in history class."

The daiyōkai looked at her, a perfect silver eyebrow raised, "How do you know it was this Sesshōmaru and not the kitsune who wrote the book?"

"Oh I have no doubt that he helped you write it, but you have always had elegant handwriting and were more educated than he was. It took me a bit to realize that but then I knew for sure that it was you."

With a soft chuckle, he loosened his arms to allow her to get up, "Hnn. The kitsune did help with parts this Sesshōmaru was not there to witness, which was quite a bit. The wolf yōkai helped a bit as well."

"Honestly, I'm just surprised nobody has realized it's me the book is talking about. Having been absent for a good chunk of school before now, with ridiculous illnesses. I haven't told my best friends, they didn't know about it in the first place and I'm not exactly sure how they would react to it. Besides, one of them probably wouldn't be able to keep the secret among themselves and I'd rather not deal with all of that unnecessary attention." she rambled on as she got dressed in her uniform.

Her high school uniform was different than the previous green and white one she used to wear. This one consisted of a white formal shirt, a deep blue button up jacket, a plaid skirt and a striped neck tie. The skirt was just as short as the green one had been, and this made the daiyōkai jealous, he did not want anyone else seeing so much of his mate's body. If it was up to him, she wouldn't have to go to begin with but he would not keep her from going. Education was important, and he would not get in the way of her academics.

The daiyōkai was now sitting up on the edge of the bed, and she walked over to lean down and press her lips gently against his. He ran a hand through her hair, pulling her close to him with his other arm wrapping around her waist. She smiled through their kiss, knowing he was trying to stall the inevitable. 

"Sesshō, I really can't stay, if I stay any longer I will be marked tardy and then I'll have to stay after school for detention." She put a few inches of distance between their faces, trying to give him a stern look.

He managed a small pout, "Fine. This Sessōmaru does not wish for you to be gone longer than you need to be, mate. I will see you this afternoon, dress in something nice later when I come by. We will be going out."

"Where are we going?" She raised an eyebrow at him as she pulled on her socks and picked up her shoes.

Now it was his turn to smile, "You will find out later, no need to ruin the surprise. Have a good day at school."

She shook her head and slung her backpack over her shoulders, heading out of her room and down the stairs. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she put on her shoes and walked out the front door. 

Before closing the door behind her, she called to her mother over her shoulder, "I'm leaving! See you later! Love you!"

"I love you too dear! Have a great day!" her mother's voice carried back to her as the door closed shut.

The miko jogged down the flights of stairs, aware she had dawdled a bit longer than she meant to and for that she would have to make haste if she wanted to make it to school on time. Usually she would walk with her friends or walk by herself, sometimes take her bike if she was really running late, but she settled for getting a bit of extra exercise today. 

Within minutes, she was at the entrance to her school panting. She really needed to exercise more, if this was going to become a habit. That was a thought she would save for later, because she had to hustle through the campus to get to her history class on time. The class wasn't as bad as she had previously thought it would turn out to be in the beginning of the year. It amazed her how much detail was put into the book of her past encounters.

As she walked inside the room the teacher had stared at her quizzically, she was always early to class, usually the first one to class. She had made it through the door and into her seat, less than a minute before the bell rang to signal class to begin. The teacher began class without hesitation after the bell, going into a rant about demons and the Shikon no Tama being guarded by priestess after priestess to ensure it would not fall into the hands of evil. 

After the teacher's voice got hoarse from droning on, he cleared his throat, "This week's assignment will be writing a journal as if you are in the shoes of a priestess, it does not have to be Kagome or Kikyo, you can make up a name if you wish. Write as though you are going through the same hardships, battling evil demons and humans alike to protect the world. You can even feel free to add in details of an actual battle that took place, or make up a battle between you and a demon or evil human. It will be due the beginning of next week. I expect you to write at least 5 pages worth of entries, though you can definitely do more."

Well this shouldn't be too hard, I actually went through all of that. So I can just write from my own experience a week in the feudal era! 

She smiled to herself, trying to figure out which week she would choose to write about. There had been many encounters, many experiences that she could pick and choose from. She wasn't sure if she should choose something that would be a life lesson for someone in this day and age or just anything in general. Her mind was still racing when the shrill sound of the bell rang that signaled for everyone to head to their next class. It startled her, causing her to jump a bit in her chair and blink several times before getting up and collecting her things off the desk.

~~~~Later That Day~~~~

Three outfits lay across her bed, she had been having a hard time trying to pick out what she wanted to wear. Sesshōmaru had said that they would be going out, but he didn't tell her where they would be going. All he had said was to dress in something nice. What did nice even mean when it came to clothes? She didn't want to under-dress or over-dress for the occasion. 

She had been staring at a light green halter top dress that flowed to her knees, with little beads strewn all over in various patterns. It seemed to fit in the nice category and it wasn't too flashy or fancy. Other next to that was a sky blue skirt paired with a white tank top with a floral pattern, and she wasn't entirely sure that he would appreciate her showing so much skin even if the outfit was cute in her opinion. Lastly, there was a pair of charcoal grey dress pants that she had in the bottom of her closet and a maroon button up shirt. 

After several minutes of wanting to tear her hair out, she finally decided to just go with the green dress. Once she was in it, she combed through her raven tresses and grabbed a soft, yellow cardigan to go with the dress. As soon as she picked up her shoes and was at the bottom of the stairs, there was a knock on the front door. His familiar scent filled her nostrils as she heard his knock, and a smile crossed her lips. 

"Almost ready, just putting on my shoes and I'll be out Sesshō!" she called out as she fumbled with getting her second shoe on her foot. 

She got up off the stairs and made a beeline for the front door, eager to hug the daiyōkai since she missed him. She had gotten used to having him near her, that being away from him felt strange to her, even if she was only at school. When the door opened, his arms were instantly wrapped around her waist to pull her close to him. In turn, she wrapped hers around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

"This Sesshōmaru missed you, my mate. You look gorgeous, did you have a good day at school today?" he smile down at her, resting his forehead against hers.

She smiled back at him, "I missed you too Sesshō, and thank you. School was as usual, boring, though I am actually kind of looking forward to the new history assignment I have. We're supposed to write a mock journal of a week in the shoes of a priestess guarding the Shikon no Tama. Other than that, there wasn't much that happened today. So where are we going anyways?"

"Oh? Well that will be easy for you, considering it is based on you and you lived through many battles against demons and evil humans while hunting for jewel shards. You will find out once we get there, let's go shall we?" he held his arm out, like a gentleman, for her to take. 

When she looped an arm through his, he escorted her down the various stairs and out of the shrine entrance to where his car was waiting. The Mercedes Benz looked shiny as ever, as if he waxed it daily to make sure it stayed clean and spotless. It reminded her of how he would always keep his haori clean when he fought in battles, he never seemed to get blood on his clothes no matter how messy battles got. 

He held the passenger door open for her as she climbed in and buckled her seat belt, before going to the driver side and doing the same. After his seat belt was buckled, he turned the keys in the ignition to bring the car to life. It purred as it came to life, a sound he enjoyed hearing more than he thought he would. With that, they took off towards their destination.

A/N: Hey guys! Again, sorry this is a bit later than expected. It was supposed to be posted earlier this afternoon but I had been busy the last few days! Please forgive me! I did NOT forget about you lovely readers <3 I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the second half (technically the sequel to but I didn't want to create another story for this so I just made it "Part Two") Stay tuned for next week's chapter! I love you guys(:

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