Absolution ➺ H.S. AU

By Happilystyles_

256K 7.1K 2.2K

❝It was the minute that I couldn't see those green eyes anymore that everything went dark.❞ More

Prologue ➺ Paisley
Chapter 1 ➺ Harry
Chapter 2 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 3 ➺ Harry
Chapter 4 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 5 ➺ Harry
Chapter 6 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 7 ➺ Harry
Chapter 8 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 9 ➺ Harry
Chapter 10 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 11 ➺ Harry
Chapter 12 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 13 ➺ Harry
Chapter 15 ➺ Harry
Chapter 16 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 17 ➺ Harry
Chapter 18 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 19 ➺ Harry
Chapter 20 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 21 ➺ Harry
Chapter 22 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 23 ➺ Harry
Chapter 24 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 25 ➺ Harry
Chapter 26 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 27 ➺ Harry
Chapter 28 ➺ Paisley
Chapter 29 ➺ Harry
Chapter 30 ➺ Paisley
Thank You

Chapter 14 ➺ Paisley

5.5K 186 54
By Happilystyles_

After the movie was over, I walked Harry to the door, but of course, we didn't get out without running into Hattie.

"Hello." she said, meeting us in the entryway.

"Hi." Harry said nervously. It's funny, he never was usually nervous or timid, but you put a member of my family in front of him and his confidence practically melts away.

"Hattie, this is Harry. Harry, this is my cousin Hattie."

"Nice to meet you, Harry." Hattie gave a little nod and a smile.

"You too. I've seen you around school, I think."

"Yeah, I'm graduating this year. Next week, actually."


"Yeah. Well, I'm sure I'll see you around." Hattie said, waving and exiting into the kitchen.

"Bye." Paisley said.

"I can tell you guys are friends." Harry said, smirking to me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You're just very alike."

"People don't have to be similar to be friends, Harry." I said, opening the front door for him.

"I guess you're right, because we're nothing alike." Harry said.

I just shook my head as he walked down the driveway, getting in his car.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said from the doorway.

"Bright and early." Harry smiled, his dimples popping.

With that, I closed the door and was almost up the stairs to my bedroom, when my mom's voice rang through the house.

"Paisley!" She yelled.


"Come down here." I should've known she was going to have something to say about this. This is precisely why I didn't tell her sooner.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mother standing over the sink doing dishes and Aunt Kara sitting at the kitchen table.

"Yes?" I asked, standing near the doorway. Maybe if I don't sit, she'll know there is no room for discussion here.

"I just wanted to talk to you about your...new friend." She said carefully, as if choosing her words more hesitantly would deliver the blow any less painful. I knew from the start she would probably not be okay with this. But she just doesn't see people like I do. She's too judgemental without even knowing it.

"What is there to talk about? We're friends."

"But...why?" She asked, as if it was the craziest idea to believe.

"Because, we are." I answered. She didn't need to know all the miniscule details about what brought Harry and I together.

"But, Paisley, don't you remember what he did to you?" I laughed at the thought.

"How could I forget, mom. I've got scars staring back at me everytime I look in the mirror. I'm at the hospital every week for lung treatment. I can't go up the stairs without getting short of breath. Believe me, I haven't forgotten. That doesn't mean I can't forgive." She just stared at me as if she couldn't believe what I was saying.

"But, why would you want to be friends with someone like...him?" She asked, and the way she said it made me want to be sick. We couldn't be more different in the way we view the world. My aunt Kara just sat there like she didn't want to get involoved, and I didn't blame her.

"Just because he made a bad choice doesn't mean he's a bad person." I stated. We could argue all day, for all I care. She's not going to change my mind. I've already pondered it and thought about it and debated it myself a thousand times. And I'm happy with my decision. I'm happy with the relationship Harry and I have grown.

"But, Paisley. How can you be friends, you're so different. Are you going to start acting like him?"

"What do you mean, acting like him?"

"What I mean is going to parties and drinking and doing things that aren't right."

"I've been friends with him for a little while now and haven't turned into a delinquent thus far." I said, not believing that she thought I would actually be so stupid to do the things she was suggesting.

"All I'm saying is that people are friends with those that are like them. I don't want you to make any mistakes."

"Well then maybe Harry and I are more alike than I thought." I yelled and rushed out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my room.

I've known my mom long enough to know that this was coming. I knew her closed-mindedness would have a problem with me getting close to Harry. I just never thought she would actually prevent me from forming a relationship with someone because of it.

When I was in the confines of my room, I pulled out my phone. If my mom thought hanging out with Harry would turn me into a bad kid, might as well be it.

The way I see it, bad things happen to me whether I act the good girl or not.

To: Harry- Are there any parties this weekend?

I wanted to go to a party, and Harry was just the person to take me to one.

From: Harry- Of course. It's the last week of school, so there will be tons. Why? :0

To: Harry- I want to go to one.

From: Harry- Again, why?

To: Harry- I want to see what it's like. You enjoy them, so why can't I?

From: Harry- I just don't know if...you'll like it. Why the sudden urge to go?

To: Harry- No reason. I lied, but I had a feeling Harry would see right through that one.

Instead of replying with a text this time, my phone rang, signaling I had a call.

"So why do you really want to go to a party?" Harry asked, his voice curious.

"Wow, a hello would have been nice."

"I'm serious, Paisley. Tell me."

"I just want to see what it's like."

"Bullshit. Does this have something to do with me?"


"Your mom?"


"Your mom and me?" I stayed silent, and I'm guessing he could put the pieces together. "What happened? Just tell me. It won't hurt my feelings, I promise."

I took a deep breath before I spoke. "She just doesn't want us to be friends. Thinks I'll become a bad person by hanging around with you."

Harry was quiet for a minute before he said anything. "So why do you want to go to a party?"

"To show her that partying and having fun doesn't make you a bad person."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Harry asked, as if he was hesitant to go along with it. I was suddenly feeling stupid for asking him such a thing. Of course he wouldn't want to bring someone like me to a party.


"I don't know. Some crazy shit goes down at these parties." he said.

"Yeah, well even when I make good choices, I still end up getting hurt. I'll be fine." I said, and then instantly regretted it. Did I forget who I was talking to? It was horrible of me to say something like that to Harry, and as much as I wish it would, it didn't slip by him. He stayed quiet on the other line.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I said, my voice getting softer.

"Yes you did." he pointed out.

"Well...yeah, I did. But I didn't mean to like rub it in your face and stuff. I'm sorry, Harry. I wasn't thinking."

"It's okay. It's true." He said.

"I didn't mean to make you feel guilty." I said, even more quiet now.

"I know."

"It's just, like, my mom is driving me crazy and I just want to do something fun and not worry about the consequences. Are you mad?" I asked, hoping this would somewhat clear the air between us.

"No, I'm not mad. Well, since graduation is coming up, there will be tons of parties next weekend. I guess I could bring you along, if that's what you really want."

"Yes, it's what I really want." I said, glad that he said he would take me.

"Won't this make your mom hate me even more?" He asked curiously.

"She doesn't hate you, Harry." I explained. "She just doesn't think you'll be the best influence on me. And no, I think she may realize that you're okay." Harry let out a big sigh on the other end.

"As long as you're sure you want to do this."

"I'm sure." I said.

"Okay, I'll let you know the details as soon as I know." Harry said.

"Yay! Thanks for doing this for me, Harry."

"Paisley, I never imagined you of all people would be wanting to go to a party."

"What was it you called me the first time we hung out? Was it one of a kind?" I laughed from the other end of the phone, using the tagline he labeled me with in his basement.

"I believe so. And right now I think it's even more fitting." Harry said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Talk to you later, Harry."

"See ya."

Looks Iike I'm going to a party.

* * * * * * *

"Hattie Woods." Our principal's voice rang out through the audiotrium. I was holding back tears as Hattie walked across the stage, receiving her diploma. I was proud of her, sure, but the tears that were coming were really a result of the fact that Hattie would be leaving me soon.

In less than a year, Hattie will be gone. My best friend will be miles apart from me. How am I supposed to handle this?

I am happy for her, because she's finally at that point in her life where she can grow up and start to do great things on her own. Selfishly, though, I'm going to miss her very, very much.

After Hattie walked across the stage, and I swallowed my tears down, the rest of the ceremony was a bore. After it was all over, Hattie came running up to me, my mom, and my Aunt Kara.

"Guess who's a high school graduate!" She yelled, waving her diploma around.

"Congratulations." We all said, and rushed up to her, engulfing her in a hug.

"Thanks." She gushed, smiling back at us.

"We've got a college student in the family now." Aunt Kara said, all smiles.

"You know it." Hattie laughed.

"I'm gonna miss her though." I said, hugging Hattie again.

"Oh, you won't miss me that much. You'll have to come and visit, like, every weekend. Meet college boys." She teased.

"Alright!" I said, fine with that suggestion.

We stuck around about another half hour, Hattie saying heartbreaking goodbyes to all her highschool peers. After that, we went to a nice Italian restaurant for a celebratory dinner.

It was all very nice, but I had a hard time not thinking about tomorrow. I'm going to a party with Harry tomorrow night. He said a friend of his was throwing an "end-of-the-year bash" and since I wanted to go he said it would be a good one to go to.

I'm nervous, but also really excited. I'm a teenager and I want to do something crazy and irrational before I get too old. And I know going to a party isn't necessarily 'rebellious' but or me, it is.

I told my mother about Harry and I going to this party. As much as she doesn't want me to go, I think she's accepted the fact that it's going to happen anyway. She should trust me enough to know I'm not going to go crazy. And althogh she doesn't necessarily trust Harry, she's glad I'm going with someone I'm comfortable with.

She made me promise to call if I need a ride home or something, so I think she's just accepted it.

I just hope it's everything I want it to be, and maybe proves to my mother that not all parties are bad and destructive.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  

Hello I'm not sure how to feel about this??

I just love Paisley as a character but I'm not sure if my devolpment of her is clear or not...Any suggestions? Please give feedback!!!

On another note, though, how did you like this chapter and what has been your favorite part so far?

Vote and comment, chickies!!

Macy xx

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