
By 1oveme

404K 13.8K 18.3K

in which a girl falls in love with an angel she doesn't deserve. chaelisa au. minor jensoo. started... More

author's note <3


13.4K 489 796
By 1oveme

hey sis
𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓵𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓼𝓶𝓾𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓵


Lisa felt cold. Despite being under all of the layers of comforters, blankets and pillows under the warm heater of her penthouse, the blonde still felt a shiver creep up her spine. It didn't help that she'd been crying every night and her tear stains were practically frozen to the sides of her face.

Chaeyoung had broken up with her a week and a half ago and she refused to answer every single one of Lisa's phone calls and text messages saying that she was sorry. It was hard for Lisa to just explain everything. The things Lisa's father was involved in was dangerous and it wasn't something Lisa could just drag her into and pretend everything would be okay. She didn't want to put her in any chance of danger and if she did, it would've taken a toll on her and she would feel that constant guilt.

The whole week and a half Lisa had been living in was torture for her. She had that unceasing feeling in her chest as if her heart was being squeezed since the last time she had seen Chaeyoung. She couldn't help but feel cold. Not even the warmest hot chocolate could get her to warm up her insides.

The next day, Lisa talked to Taeyong. And in the state she was in, grumpy and sad and all, she demanded that they were not getting married, even though that's what they had agreed on. But there were consequences to that decision. Lisa had been getting a constant scolding from her father whenever he called her or when she would come into that evil mansion of his. But, she could care less about anything he was saying. She just wanted to be with the one girl that was always running through her mind. The same thing was happening with Taeyong. He would often call and they'd vent to each other about it.

And that last consequence was about his father's decision to come after the Manoban group. Taeyong had said that was almost dangerous for Lisa to be walking out alone, so now she would always bring her favorite bodyguard, Junhoe. He was quite a funny and laid-back type of bodyguard, but despite his personality, he was a skilled fighter with fast reflexes. It helped that he was smart too, so he was Lisa's ideal bodyguard; someone to talk to and someone to protect her at the same time.

"So, what's the plan tonight, Lalisa?" Junhoe asked her as she seated herself in the passenger seat of his black SUV.

Lisa sighed in frustration, adjusting her sunglasses that slid down from the bridge of her nose with a finger, "Just take me to Jennie's."

"The club is closed." He almost asked.

"She'll be there." Lisa told him, looking out the window, "Just drive, June."

Junhoe was a close friend to Lisa. She didn't have many friends. She only kept those who she knew that wouldn't leave. When Lisa had first arrived in South Korea, she didn't talk all that much, only when she needed to ask some questions or whatever, but it was never to socialize. Junhoe was one of the few who got her out of her shell, including Jennie, Taeyong and a few others.

Junhoe already knew about the situation Lisa was in with her father and everything. The blonde had ranted to him dozens of times and didn't even fail to include Chaeyoung in the conversation as well.

Chaeyoung has been inside of the blonde's mind a lot today, which was similar to the days before, as she looked out of the window, watching the snow fall from the night sky. It was early December and and she wanted nothing more than hot chocolate and cuddling under the warmth of a blanket with none other than Chaeyoung. Lisa almost hated that she felt this way about a person but she was glad it was Chaeyoung. She couldn't picture herself thinking about anyone else right now.

When they arrived at the club, Lisa stepped out of the car without a word having Junhoe to follow her in pursuit. She didn't mind that Junhoe was following her all of the time. Sometimes, she would forget that he was even there since Junhoe didn't talk that much on the job unless it was just them two.

The moment Lisa stepped into the club, her eyes widened in shock as she stared at two dark haired girls making out near the counter top. They both halted to look towards the chime of the front door opening and pushed each other away as soon as they saw the sight of humanity.

"God, I almost don't want to sit there anymore." Lisa groaned, making her way towards the bar, shaking her head at both Jennie and Jisoo.

Junhoe walked behind Lisa and sat himself at the corner of the bar, away from the rest of them, turning around to watch the front door and any other possible entries.

"Hey, June," Jennie leaned over to give the younger man a high five which he gladly received as he waved over to Jisoo as well, before turning the young blonde who had placed her forehead on the countertop, "I'm guessing you want a drink."

"Obviously." Lisa replied sassily.

The constant grumpiness Lisa felt had started to lace her words and it would often come out harsher than she expected it to be. Jennie and Jisoo understood though. The night Chaeyoung had broken up with her, she came rushing to the bar, crying her eyes out nonstop as she drank loads of shot and whatever and however many drinks she needed in order to numb what she was feeling. It hurt her a lot that night. She didn't expect her first real breakup to be this painful. She thought she'd get over it in a quick second but that wasn't the case.

The night grew later and Jennie had lost count of how much Lisa had drank. She knew Lisa would throw a fit if she stopped giving her drinks, so every time she gave her a shot, she'd put in some apple juice and grand halls add more in each shot. So by the time she had given her enough, Lisa was drinking apple juice without even knowing. That's how drunk she was. Junhoe made the smart movie of not drinking at all, unlike his boss.

"I'm going to give you water, now." Jennie spoke.

"I don't fucking want any water." Lisa replied, her head feeling heavy as it lolled to the side a few times.

"Just give it to her." Jisoo said with a sigh, "She won't even notice."

"Y-Yes, I will." the blonde slurred as her eyes began to grow heavy, "Just give me the fucking alcohol. I'll pay for it this time."

"You know, you say that but you never actually pay for it." Jennie took a shot glass and filled it up with water before placing it in Lisa's hand, which she gladly drank, failing to notice it was a different liquid.

"See? She drank it anyway. She didn't notice." Jisoo whispered in Jennie's ear and smiled.

Jennie smirked at the blonde before turning her head to give Jisoo a peck on her cheek, "She's too drunk. And she said she wanted to take her bike home which has been outside since two night ago."

"I'll just take her home. She won't be able to drive anyway." Junhoe informs all of the girls.

"That's the best option, anyway." Jisoo replied to him.

"No. I'm taking my bike home tonight." Lisa jumped in, taking another shot of her water.

"You're drunk, Lisa." Jennie told.

"So fucking what?" she replied, "I'm taking m–my fucking bike."

Lisa's eyes had started to grow heavy. Her head started to fall limp, but Jennie grabbed her head and gently placed it on the countertop and simply told her to sleep. And she did.

It had been a whole hour since Lisa had fell asleep, but she awoke to the sound of Jennie, Jisoo and Junhoe talking loudly about something. Lisa groaned at their conversation, trying to block out whatever they were saying but it was no use.

"We should call Rosé and tell her that Lisa is drunk and she doesn't have a ride." Jennie spoke.

"Will she even do that?" Junhoe asked, "They're not in the best terms right now, you know."

"Chaeyoung doesn't have the heart to say no," Jisoo said, "She's too nice for that."

Lisa shot her head up immediately and glared at them, "Can you all just shut up?!"

She didn't know why, but the fact that they talked about her freely like that made her angry. She was just trying to give herself a good nap while trying to numb the sadness or whatever she felt but they interrupted it.

"Junhoe, can you get me ice cream?" Lisa asked. It was almost a demand.

"Where am I supposed to get ice cream?"

"The gas station across the street." Lisa informed him, "Please."

"Alright." He replied, "Just stay put and don't drive your bike at all, okay?"

"Aye, aye, Captain."

Junhoe stood up from his seat and grabbed his car keys, bidding his temporary goodbyes and headed out of the door.

It had been a good ten minutes since Junhoe had left but the older girls started to get fed up with Lisa's attitude. They understood she was hurting and all but it's pushed its limit.

Jennie sighed as she listened to how irritated the blonde was. She wasn't mad or anything, she just felt as if Lisa's demeanor was rubbing off of her a little bit, but that thought was shaken out of her head as soon as she heard the front door open with a chime. In came five men, dressed rather roughly and casually with clothings distressed on certain areas. She could tell they were packing some sort of weapons beneath their pockets and she felt nervous at that, bring up her defense up as soon as she noticed.

Jennie's eyes narrowed at the men and her mood completely changed. A sudden urge to protect the girl right beside her came over her, so she stood forward, leaning against the counter top as she continued to glare at those who had just entered her sanctuary.

The blonde, on the other hand, spun her stool around thinking it was Junhoe and her ice cream, but was shocked to notice that it wasn't what she was expecting. Same as Jennie, she narrowed her eyes at them gave them a scowl.

"We're closed, boys." Jennie called out.

"I think we've noticed." One of them said.

It was the man with a light scruff just alongside his chin. He sported a flannel top with ripped jeans and he had his hand in his pocket, standing straight puffing out his chest in an attempt to make him seem intimidating but he just looked like a fragile stick.

"Which one of you girls is Lisa?" He asked, "Manoban? Lisa Manoban."

"What do you want from her?" Lisa glared at them, feeling a little bit nervous as to what this whole scene would become.

"I think she would know." The man smirked at her, pulling out a blade from his pocket.

"What if she doesn't know?" Jisoo whispered.

"I know." Lisa confirmed with a shake of her head.

The blonde stood up from her seat, feeling a little bit like jelly as a headache churned in her head slightly. It was always the same feeling she'd feel ever since she'd been to Jennie's, a crushing pain just on one side of her head that came and went in a pattern. It made her want to pace about it but she couldn't sit, couldn't lie down or relax.

"So whatever you need to do, just do it now." Lisa spoke in a low tone.

There was a dangerous moment of silence, almost as if they couldn't decide who would make the first move, but that was soon discarded when a man to the right lunged forward with the knife in his hands.

They were thugs. They used their strength and fists without the use of their brain. Some of them had the advantage of speed and some, just bulk.

Lisa wasn't exactly a fighter, just like Jennie and Jisoo, but it didn't mean they didn't know how to throw a punch. Through the years, the blonde had started taking boxing lessons with the help of her personal bodyguard after noticing that there would be a rare chance she would have to start using her fists.

The men came at Lisa all in one go after one of them with the knife made a move. Jennie climbed over and made sure to grab the spraying faucet and aim at them using the boiling water. She held another bottle in her hand, using it as a second option when one of them would come up in order to protect her girlfriend.

Lisa, on the other hand, had stood up suddenly, feeling that ache in her forehead, before grabbing the stool she was sitting on to hit one of them with it, which worked. The man in the flannel grunted in pain and angrily lunged at her again, using his knife to aim for her head, which she dodged closely, leaving a cut on her left cheek. Lisa grabbed a bottle sitting on the counter top and whacked another man out on the side of his head, but soon was pulled by her arm as a blade met her stomach. Lisa screamed and kicked the man's shin, making him drop to his knees

Jennie had already knocked out two of them using nothing but her hot water and glass bottles that costed her quite a lot of money, keeping Jisoo behind her who had landed one hit on the man that came after them.

Lisa pressed a hand to her stomach, keeping pressure on the wound. She almost couldn't feel it, but if was burning against her skin, and she couldn't help but glare at the last two men standing in front of her. One of them lunged towards her again, engaging in a fight full of fists in wits.

They failed to notice a chime at the front door as a girl in a over-sized hoodie came in, shocked to see the scene. Chaeyoung watched as Lisa limped a little bit with cuts and bruises on her face same with Jennie, but Jisoo looked unharmed.

The brunette watched, glued to the floor, as anxiety slowly built up gradually inside her chest, watching as Lisa was punched in the face, bringing her down to her knee. Chaeyoung had the urge to do something about it. With little experience about any type of weapon, Chaeyoung grabbed one of the knives that were laying on the floor and made her way to the man in front of her.

The fear sits on her like a pillow over her mouth and nose. Enough air gets by it, allowing her body to keep functioning, but it's crippling all the same. With an extremely shaky breath, Chaeyoung plunges the knife to the side of the man's body. He screamed in pain and turned around, slapping Chaeyoung across the cheek.

Suddenly, hands seized Chaeyoung's back and she prepared for the worst; to be thrown against the brick wall, to be stomped underfoot into the floor, to face the outcome of her first and last fight. Whoever grabbed a hold of Chaeyoung had no intention of letting go, tearing her away with more strength she had to hold on.

She wasn't expecting it to be Lisa. Lisa was the one who had picked her up, on for a moment, before she pushed you to the side, effectively away from the brawl.

Junhoe had joined in moments later with a bag of Lisa's ice cream in his hands. He took down the last two men with one swift move, pinning them down with his hand and feet, making sure that if they move, they'll end up with broken bone. He made a quick jab to their necks and they knocked out.

Everyone looked at each other. They were almost too shocked to comprehend what had happened.

Lisa, on the other hand, stared at Chaeyoung. She didn't expect her to be here at all. So with everything else and whatever she was feeling, Lisa ran. She ran to Chaeyoung, almost knocking the wind out of her lungs, wrapping her in the tightest hug she could possibly give.

Lisa didn't talk to her after they parted, instead, she just kept their hand intertwined and made their way to counter.

"I have your ice cream." Junhoe said, as if everything that just happened ceased to exist.

Jennie let out a laugh and put everything she was holding down only to put an arm around Jisoo protectively.

"I need a drink," Jennie said, as she poured herself a glass.

"Yeah, me too."

Lisa joined in. She didn't sit though. She made sure to stand by Chaeyoung, almost afraid to leave her side.

"You get one and then you're cut off." Jennie told her in a scolding manner.

Jisoo made sure to attend to Jennie's cuts and bruises, as well as Lisa's. But she made sure to quickly put bandages on the blonde's stomach, which Chaeyoung had failed to notice as she was too occupied being nervous with her shaky hands and all.

"So are we just not going to talk about the fact that Lisa was stabbed?" Jisoo spoke.


"What?" Chaeyoung turned to look at Lisa with worried expression, but the blond discarded it when she shook her head stood up.

Lisa didn't want to talk at the moment, so got up and grabbed Chaeyoung's hand and said, "I think we'll go now. I'm taking my bike."

"Hey, I said—"

"June, I'm taking my bike whether you like it or not so you can stay here and have a few drinks with this pretty girls."

Lisa walked out with Chaeyoung without looking back. The moment they stepped into the empty parking lot, they stood there in silence. There were so many things they wanted to say, to practically scream. Just stepping outside with Lisa makes Chaeyoung's breathing rapid and shallow. She could feel her pulse pounding in her temples. It's a relief to get to he out of that suffocating building, because between the heels and her legs shaking, she's afraid she'll trip.

Stars shone as sugar spilt over black marble, glistening in the sun. The night sky was such a welcoming sight, appearing like magic at each sunset, promising to return as she faded in dawn's first light. There were times in the daytime, under skies of blue, Chaeyoung would think of those faraway stars and how they'd return after the shadows blended into the dark.

It was a welcoming sight to see, even after the event that had just happened.

Chaeyoung stood behind Lisa, who had fiddled with her keys nervously. The blonde didn't mexpect everything that had happened; a bad fight, her being stabbed, and Chaeyoung joining in bravely. With Chaeyoung behind her, she felt nervous. She didn't think today was the day she'd talk to her or even make contact with her. She had questions and an apology to give but her nervousness took over relentlessly.

"Are you going to be okay to drive?"

Lisa perked up and looked at her with an unreadable expression. She stared at Chaeyoung, hoping to have the image of her face in her brain for a long time as she stopped her motions of turning the key in the ignition. Chaeyoung could see the faint circle around her left eye by the glow of the streetlight. Instead of the usual concern that would overcome her, Chaeyoung couldn't help but gaze at her. The fight was over and she felt no different about her, only that she was somehow more beautiful than before. The bruise added to her bad girl persona and it only seemed to attract her more.

Lisa just nodded, scared of what might come out her mouth. She felt nervous under Chaeyoung's stare, feeling that thrill in her chest.

After finally getting the keys into her bike, Chaeyoung expected Lisa to drive them to her apartment but was soon shocked to find out that Lisa had brought her to a very luxurious building where her penthouse was. It was the first time Chaeyoung would ever step foot into where Lisa had lived. She expected it to be a little cozier and less extravagant.

"So this is where you live?" Chaeyoung was the first to break the silence.


Lisa cursed under her breath for stuttering, before taking Chaeyoung's hand and dragging her into her bedroom.

Her room was like a wonderland for comic driven recluses. The walls were white that pulsed in the light, sprinkled with various posters, mostly of strange Japanese cartoon shows. Chaeyoing doubted she could read whatever was written on the poster. Her comforter was pulled over her bed, even though she hadn't cleaned it. The result was lumps of varying sizes and shapes and the comforter was weighed down by her laptop. A desk sat in one corner, littered with wadded up pieces of paper and pens. A few shelves were pushed against the walls and filled with books. Some books sat on the floor in front of the shelves.

But what shocked her most of all was that to right of her wall, there were little prints of photographs with a small fairy light right above it. They were photographs of Chaeyoung. All of the photos Lisa taken from dates, staying at her apartment and literally everywhere they had been. Most of them were just candids, where Chaeyoung wouldn't even notice that Lisa was taking.

Chaeyoung smiled softly at the wall. It put an ease on her to notice that Lisa probably wasn't lying about loving her a lot. She turned around to face the blonde, noticing the little cuts on her face.

"Is that your bathroom?" Chaeyoung asked, pointing towards one of the doors.

Lisa just nodded, staring at her. She felt that if she talked, she would've choked on her words.

Chaeyoung walked into the bathroom. It wasn't long before Chaeyoung found the first aid kit and a few tissues and cotton swabs. She took it out into Lisa's bedroom, watching as she sat on the edge of her bed. She also made sure to get an ice pack to place on her forehead where she was hit. Lisa sure as hell acted like a baby whenever Chaeyoung would press a small dab of alcohol onto her wound.

Chaeyoung counted every time Lisa was wince. She couldn't help but feel an ache in her chest watching the pain Lisa had been through. But, before the brunette could place another one of the cotton onto her face, Lisa stepped her, gently grabbing her wrist, halting her movements.

"Chaeyoung," she breathed.

"Lisa, let me treat your cuts for a momen—"

"Will you please let me talk to you?" the blonde asked desperately, turning her head to look up at her.

Chaeyoung stayed silent and gave in. She nodded her head hesitantly watching has Lisa closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before opening them again.

"I'm sorry," she started, "I'm sorry for not letting you know about my father and everything. I'm sorry for not telling you about this whole arranged marriage I'm supposed to have—which I cut off by the way. I'm not getting married. I–I couldn't do that to you."

Chaeyoung watched her ramble on with an expression Lisa couldn't read, which added to her nervousness even more.

"Chaeyoung, I love you. I know I've been distant about everything and I know I have a hard time telling you things but I'm going to change that. I promise." Lisa stood up from her seat and looked at her, taking her wrist and moving downward to intertwined their hands together, "And I'm not using you. I could never use you. What we had together was real and I don't want to throw any of that away. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry about eveything, just... Just please, let me fix it. One more chance is all I'm asking for."

"I–I just... thought you didn't want me anymore." Chaeyoung admitted.

Lisa broke into a fit of tears and wrapped Chaeyoung into a hug. She buried her face into Chaeyoung's neck and wept. The sound of her sobs filling Chaeyoung's ears and the hot warmth of wet tears touched her flesh. Lisa kissed her neck, then her jaw, up to her cheek, where she cupped her hand under Chaeyoung's chin to make her look at her.

"I'll always want you." Lisa whispered. "You'll be the only person I want... I'm sorry for making you feel that way.

"No, Lisa, I overreacted. I didn't even give you a chance to explain yourself." Chaeyoung started but was soon interrupted by Lisa who had shaken her head rapidly.

"No, no, no. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine," Lisa smiled, "But there's no need to point fingers."

"Will you promise you'll tell me if there's anything wrong?" Chaeyoung asked.

"I promise," Lisa went over to kiss her temple, "No more secrets."

"What were you doing at the bar anyway?" Lisa asked.

"Jisoo called me and told me you were drunk and that you didn't have a ride home."

Lisa awed at her, "You would've picked me up even if you were mad at me?"

"I mean, yeah."

Lisa placed a kiss on her cheek. For a moment, a realization came up in Chaeyoung's head. She took a step back and glared at Lisa which left her confused.

"You know what? You don't deserve my forgiveness."

"What? Why not?"

"You didn't let me help back there at the bar." Chaeyoung said, "You literally kicked me out. I felt useless."

Lisa's playful demeanor dropped as she gave Chaeyoung a look of sadness. Her bottom lip jutted out slightly giving her a small little pout as she stared at her. She stayed seated for a moment and licked her lips before looking back up at her. There was a static in the air and it made Chaeyoung feel uneasy.

"I was scared." Lisa said as a stray tear slid down her cheek, "You had that knife in your hand and everything, and when he slapped you I just... I needed to get you out of there. I've never been more scared in my life. I could've lost you over there and it would've ruined me. I cant have you mixed up in those things. Okay? I love you, and I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you."

Chaeyoung smiled and pressed a kiss onto Lisa's lips, brushing her tear off with her thumb. If the kiss was a second longer she would've forgotten what she had to say.

"You won't lose me, remember?" Chaeyoung said with a smile, "I'll stay as long as you're here with me."


Without wasting anymore seconds, Lisa leaned in and kissed her. Chaeyoung gasped as she felt Lisa's lips hungrily press against her own into a passionate kiss. Chaeyoung gasped as Lisa pressed her body into her own, Chaeyoung kissing back with as much passion and urgency. They were consumed by the feeling of teeth scraping and pulling against her mouth as they gripped and tugged at each others' clothes.

Chaeyoung seated herself over Lisa's lap, straddling her as her lips moved smoothly over each other.

With a soft moan, Chaeyoung arched away from her grasp. It was cute the pout that came to Lisa's lips, but it was quickly removed. Chaeyoung sought for the hem of her shirt and then pulled it over the top of her head in one fluid motion, leaving her in a simple black bra, captured all of Lisa's stunned attention.

"Shit, Chaeyoung." Lisa mumbled, dragging her hands up and down the brunette's sides.

Chaeyoung yelped as she was quickly lifted off by her thighs and gently placed on to the center of Lisa's bed. Lisa pushed herself between Chaeyoung's legs and easily lifted her shirt up her arms. Chaeyoung's hands threaded through Lisa's locks, pulling as Lisa's mouth moved to her neck and sucked her shoulder leaving a hickey.

When Lisa pulled away to look at her, her breath hitches. Chaeyoung, on the other hand, had just noticed the deep wound on Lisa's abdomen.

"Lisa, your stomach!" Chaeyoung sat hp to get closer look as tears brimmed at the corner of her eyes, bringing her hand up to graze her fingers on it.

"Baby, I'm okay." Lisa took a hold of Chaeyoung's wrist and pinned it to the side of her head, leaning down to place a kiss on her lips, "We don't have to do this tonight, if you don't want to."

"No, I–I want to." Chaeyoung confirmed, running her hands through Lisa's locks.

Chaeyoung whimpered as she was pressed against the bed and Lisa kissed along her neck. She lifted Chaeyoung's leg and put it on to her hip while she used her left hand to search for the strap of Chaeyoung's bra.

So instead, Lisa traversed down her neck, teeth nicking at he collarbone before soothening by a lave of her slick tongue. She didn't stop there, sliding down Chaeyoung's body until she gasped at her kiss on her nipple, so tender and tentative that she thought she might just lose it there and then.

Her kisses started off short and sweet, slowly working into something deeper and hotter. Then, Lisa was shimmying Chaeyoung's bottoms off as well. The moment her fingers flirted around Chaeyoung's underwear, a single moan escaped.


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hi i don't really have much to to say except that i haven't proofread this whole thing so ya

thanks for reading this shit ily

sorry the chapter is so long



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