Rivals (revised) Loki x reade...

By Luv4ever2121

110K 2.7K 318

Hey everyone, I love rivals, however I feel like it's too short so I'll be adding more details and tweaking a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

7K 177 20
By Luv4ever2121

You didn't get much sleep that night, you had a million and one things on your mind. Loki had kissed you and then everything went south, fast. Any thought of you wanting him to touch you again, quickly went out the door. You didn't know what he was going to do to Troy. But then again, you still didn't understand why Loki did anything he did. You felt bad for bringing up what had happened to him regarding Frigga. However, his reaction only made you hate him to the point you wanted to literally stab him in the back. You knew even if you did get the chance to stab him, it would do nothing to him. He would feel it, but in no way be injured.
This was one of the things you hated most about him. He had made sure that he could never be killed. He had gone out of his way to ensure that. By imbuing himself with magic so that he could take wounds that would kill most other people and gods. You, too, had this ability, but not because you thought you were better than everyone else. Once Frigga had learned what Loki had done, she asked you to do it as well. She said that if he ever got out of control, you were the only one strong enough to defeat him. She also said that she wanted him to have someone, if anything were to ever happen to her and Thor.
Once you had finally gotten to sleep, it wasn't for very long. You were soon awoken by the sound of someone knocking on your door. You stumbled out of bed and over to the door. When you opened the door, Liv and Amber stood there crying, Liv holding her left arm.
"Come in," you offered.
They slowly walked in and collapsed onto the sofa near the fire. You noticed that all your stuff was now in the room. You made your way over to them.
"Let me see what he did," you said, softly.
Amber helped Liv undress to her undergarments, her body was ugly with bruises.
"I think he broke my arm, too," she whispered, pain laced in her voice.
You held out your hand, she carefully placed her left arm in it. He had broken it. You turned her arm over slowly, so that her palm was facing up. She yelled out in pain.
"I'm sorry," you said. "You might still be a little sore for a couple of days, but your arm will be healed."
You ran your fingers over her forearm, letting the magic flow through her skin. She winced slightly, as her bones mended themselves back together. You proceeded to run your fingers over her bruised body, causing the bruises and cuts to disappear. You motioned for Amber to undress, her body was just as bad. This was all your fault. You were the one who had upset him and they were the ones who had to pay the price. You knew how he got when he was angry.
"I'm sorry, I can only heal your bodies and not your minds of the trauma he had put you through," you said.
"We are grateful that you can help us in any way," Amber said. Liv nodded her head in agreement.
"This is all my fault," you replied, falling back into the sofa opposite of them.
"Don't take the blame for him," Liv said.
"I'm not. He was, however, upset because of me," you responded.
"He's always upset about something or someone. You don't put up with his bullshit, so yes, he is often upset with you, but you shouldn't feel bad for fighting back. I wish I had the courage to stand up to him," said Liv.
"I think he loves you," Amber suddenly muttered. You looked at her, shocked by what had just come out of her mouth.
"Why in the world would you think or even suggest that?" you asked, bewildered.
"Because I swear I've heard him say your name before. He's only whispered it, very quietly, but I'm sure it was your name," she replied.
"Just because he's said my name while you're in the room doesn't mean he's in love with me."
"He does it during sex."
"Now that I think about it, I've heard him, too," Liv chimed in.
"He would rather die," you said, stupidly. This was too much, you couldn't handle it. They must have heard wrong.
"I think he would rather die, before you found out," Liv said.
"He hates me," you argued.
"He made you his slave and locked up the only person that you sleep with," Amber said.
It kind of annoyed you that she had said this, but she had just taken a beating from Loki because of you; so you let it slide. It annoyed you not that she she knew about you and Troy, really everyone knew about that. It annoyed you that she had said she thought Loki loved you, because it's exactly what Troy always said. You wished you could talk to him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," Amber apologized, pulling you from your thoughts.
"I'm not upset, I'm just confused. You did nothing but tell me what you heard and point out the facts," you replied.
"I shouldn't have said anything," she quickly said.
"Please don't think that, I'm glad you did. If it is true, then I might be able to use it against him. I am tired and I'm sure you are both exhausted. You girls can stay here with me tonight, if you would like."
They quickly nodded their heads in agreement. You waved your hand and the sofa turned into a bed. You walked back to your own bed and snuggled in. Did he really have feelings for you? That was your last thought before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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