All I've Ever Known

By sheeeranism

18.8K 375 42

Taylor Swift has been a wreck since she broke up with her boyfriend Taylor Lautner. She would give anything t... More

1. Maybe I Was Wrong
2. Missing You Like This
3. Do I Deserve Another Chance
5. I Watched It Begin Again
6. Finding Each Other Again
7. Physically Far, Emotionally Close
8. Some Things Change, But My Love For You Won't
9. Coming Closer
10. Pieces Falling Into Place
11. Pained But Not Broken
12. I'll Never Stop Waiting
13. Home
14. I Won't Give Up On Us
15. Distance Timing
Author's Note
16. The Unexpected
17. Not Part Of The Plan
18. Minds Change Like The Weather
20. I'm Yours
21. Baby Names
22. Baby Life
23. The End
Author's Note & Thank You's

19. I Do, I Do

574 13 0
By sheeeranism

"Its funny how time flies by. We met, we dated, got engaged and now are getting married. Its so fast."


day of the wedding

I nervously paced the floor in the guest bedroom at Taylor's penthouse. They wouldn't let me in our bedroom because they didn't want me to see her in her dress before the wedding. Something about it being bad luck.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. I sighed.

"Unless you're Taylor or here to take me to the church go away," I shouted.

I heard a chuckle and saw Scott Swift walk in.

"Nervous huh?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said, "I just wanna see her you know?"

"Yeah I know," he replied, "The car is here, lets get going."

"Ok," I muttered.

Scott and I walked out to the car. I searched for Taylor but, of course, I didn't see her. I rode to the church with my parents. Scott stayed behind to ride with Taylor.

I hadn't talked to my parents much since I called them to tell them that Taylor and I were expecting a baby. They were disappointed that she was pregnant before we were married. So of course I had gotten mad at them and we had stopped talking until now. And now, riding in a car with them, was really awkward.

Just as we were pulling up to the church, my mom broke down and apologized. I was taken back a little, but I wrapped her into a hug. My dad came around and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Taylor, we're sorry about how we reacted, we see you're really happy with your life and we'll always support you. You're gonna be a great father and husband," he said.

I nodded. "Thanks Dad."

We walked into the church and I went to the back. I greeted our wedding party and watched time crawl by. Finally it was time to start the wedding.

The groomsmen and bridesmaids walked down the aisle and I escorted my parents and Taylor's mom down the aisle. Finally, only Taylor and her dad were left to come down.

As cliché as this gonna sound, my jaw dropped when I saw Taylor appear at the other end of the aisle. Her dress had to be altered because of her growing baby bump but she looked gorgeous. She was so nervous her dress wouldn't fit right with her belly, but she looked so good. Her dress was beautiful and her hair was beautiful. Her face was glowing and she was smiling at me.

Slowly, her and Scott walked down the aisle. Scott was crying a little bit, but he managed to wink at me. Once they got to the end of the aisle, Taylor stepped up next to me and we held hands.

She was looking into my eyes and mouthed with a smirk, "Don't you love the baby bump?"

It took all the strength in me to not kiss her right then. Instead I mouthed back, "More than you know."

She suppressed a giggle. And then we payed attention to the priest.

Taylor was about 3 and a half months along. If we hasn't moved the wedding date up, she'd have to be wiggling into her dress at 7 months along. I know she was pretty happy about the fact that we had moved the date up. And not just because she could fit into her dress better. We had been waiting a long time to finally be married. It's been a struggle, but we made it.

Taylor squeezed my hands and I was brought back to what was happening now.

"Taylor Alison, do you take Taylor Daniel to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" the priest asked.

"I do," Taylor said softly, looking deep into my eyes and squeezing my hands.

The priest then turned to me.

"Taylor Daniel, do take Taylor Alison to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" he asked.

"I do," I replied holding back the urge to kiss Taylor until he said that I could.

We then exchanged rings. I was shaking so bad that Taylor had to help me put her ring on.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said joyfully.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I took Taylor's face in my hands and kissed her. For the first time as my wife. I dropped one of my hands to her belly. After a few moments we forced ourselves to pull apart for the sake of our guests. We turned to face the congregation.

"Ladies and gentleman, I now present to you Mr. Taylor Lautner and Mrs. Taylor Swift Lautner!" the priest exclaimed.

I stole a glance at Taylor, she was smiling so big. But so was I. We linked arms and walked down the aisle to the back of the church. We stood in the back with my arm around her, greeting guests and excepting congratulations. After the line was gone we got into an old car that Taylor's brother, Austin, insisted we use and rode off to our reception.

We talked and laughed and danced. At our table, I overheard Taylor's maid of honor, Abigail, whisper to her jokingly, "It's your wedding and you can't even drink or have sex tonight!"

Taylor laughed and said that she'd survive.

Around 3 in the morning, we rode to a hotel in the center of Nashville and relaxed together.

"Babe," I said, "You should go to bed."

She sighed. "Yeah I should. Are you gonna go out with the boys?"

"Nope I'm staying right here with you. I married you, not my friends. You and our baby are the only thing that matters to me right now," I replied.

Taylor laughed and after stripping out of her dress and into a sports bra and shorts, crawled into bed. I climbed in right next to her in just a pair of shorts. She laid her head on my bare chest. I settled my arm around her shoulders.

Just as she was drifting off to sleep, I whispered into her hair, "I love you, our baby, and us."

I caught her smile before she slipped into sleep. I laid awake for a while longer, just watching her sleep. The rise and fall of her chest and enlarged belly. I could watch her sleep forever. She's so beautiful like this. It's like at this moment none of what goes on around us matters. If I could make all of her pain go away, I would do it without thinking twice.

I finally fell asleep with her tucked up close to me. I slept only a few hours that night. So when I woke up at 10 the next morning I was pretty groggy. I looked over and Taylor's side of the bed was empty. Just as I was about to get out and look for her she came shuffling in from the bathroom. I jumped up and went to her.

"Morning sickness is a brutal bitch," she mumbled, "I didn't ask for this."

I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She tilted her head back and rested her it on my chest.

"It'll all be worth it," I murmured into her hair, "I promise."

"Oh I know," she replied. She tilted her head up and kissed me under my chin.

"You like to tease?" I asked jokingly, looking down into her eyes and taking her chin between my finger and my thumb. I bent down to kiss her softly.

"Just you," she mumbled against my lips.

I picked her up and carried her to the big hotel bed. I knelt down in front of her and kissed her belly. Then I stood back up and sat beside her.

She looked at me and said, "Well now that we're married and I'm pregnant, what do we do now?"

A/N: thank you very much for 1.4K reads!! I'm super excited about it but like I said before this will be ending soon. I have other things I need to concentrate on so...what do you want to happen? Let me know in the comments. Thanks again guys!

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