Destined Together

By Shivikaloverss

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Annika Trivedi works for Shivaay Singh Oberoi but what happens when they are put into a situation where one i... More

Chapter 1: Trivedi Dream
Chapter 2: Hungover
Chapter 3: Maybe I Do Care..
Chapter 4: Tia Kapoor
Chapter 5: Annika's Decision
Chapter 6: The Wedding
Chapter 7: The Shocking Revelation
Chapter 8: Annika's Secret
Chapter 10: Hidden Secrets!
Chapter 11: Annika's Enemy?
Chapter 12: A Bunch Of Lies
Chapter 13: Is this the end?

Chapter 9: Blackmailed

2.4K 173 9
By Shivikaloverss

Morning arrived shortly, the sun shine bright like a shooting star. Annika's eyes were flickering for a while until she managed to open them fully, she looked beside her and took a great yawn. She looked away and rested for another second before realising she was sleeping next to Shivaay. His arms were rapped around her waist and her head was on his chest. She tried to escape but couldn't manage so there was one thing left to do, she elbowed his chest and he suddenly rose up.

He turned around to see Annika, he panicked. Yes they were married but they weren't even comfortable to hug EACHOTHER forget about sleeping together. It was all because of Annika getting scared last night that caused it to happen.

"How did I end up here?" She questioned nervously.

"Well.. um.. you were frightened yesterday night and you weren't letting me go."

"This is so embarrassing!" She said her though out loud.

"How, we are married. It's not that awkward"

"UM YA IT IS! And also, lets think about that.. was it a love marriage of a bloody force marriage?"

"You don't need to bring it up all the time!" He rolled his sky blue eyes.

"Baghad Billa" muttering under her breath.

"What? Did you say anything?"

"No, nothing" she smirked.

Annika left the room at once to the bathroom to change and freshen up. Shivaay on the other hand was getting arrangements done, on important calls and bossing people around.

"Khanna! Khanna!" Shivaay repeatedly shouted. Khanna arrived after his name was called. "Hm, what did I say about replying to me! You answer if I call you, understand?" Shivaay commanded.
"Yes sir, sorry sir" Khanna apologised at once.
"Is the guest list complete?"

"Yes sir, we called everyone and they say they will come tonight."

"Good, make sure the security system has no problems! Go now!" Shivaay rushes to his cousins.

"Everything all set?"

"Yes bhaiya, everything should be done!"

"Umm.. Prinku. Can I talk to you privately for a minute?" Shivaay questioned


Shivaay: I have a favour to ask.

Priyanka: Go ahead!

Shivaay: Actually.. the thing is that Annika doesn't have anything fancy and this theme for the party is fancy.

Priyanka: Ooh.. love!

Shivaay: I bought her a dress but I want you to give it and don't tell her who gave it. PLEASE.

Priyanka: Ooh, Bhaiya is in loveee!

Shivaay: Oh come on Prinku! I told you this cause I thought you weren't going to tease.

Priyanka: I'll do it for you Bhaiya but I want to ask one thing! Why don't you admit it you like Annika Bhabi?

Shivaay: W-Whaaaaat, that's not true..

Priyanka: Bhaiya, DONT even try to lie when you can't.

Shivaay: Prinku, some things take time and some things aren't meant to happen in the first place. *sighs* Annika's been through a lot and I don't want to make it worse.

Priyanka: If you say so, I'll go give the dress to her!

*Priyanka leaves and Pinky comes*

Pinky: Shivaay, tells me one thing!

Shivaay: What mum?

Pinky: Where is Gauri?

Shivaay: I don't know, why?

Pinky: Omkara asked me to give her this but I can't find her anywhere!

Shivaay: Uh, check my room. She might be with Annika. I'll be back, I have a call.

*Pinky leaves to find Gauri, meanwhile Shivaay is in a call.*

Shivaay: Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Unknown: Give me money now or else I'll upload these photos!

Shivaay: Who is this and how dare you blackmail me?!

Unknown: Whoever I am doesn't matter, it's the matter of these photos! I'm warning you.

Shivaay: What rubbish! And what photos are you talking about!?

Unknown: I'll send you them right now but make sure to pay me my desired amount!

*messages send*

Shivaay: What pho- *shocked*

Unknown: I'm waiting...


Unknown: Are you telling me to post it?

Shivaay: Don't you even dare try! I will murder you if this gets to anyone!

Unknown: Meet me at the hills and give me my money or else...

Shivaay: I WILL BE THERE! *throws phone*

Shivaay's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes, how could someone blackmail another with such a photo. I couldn't let this photo get to the public or humiliation will come for sure and I don't want to see my family sad. I clenched my fist tightly as my eyes fumed red, I punched the wall as blood trickled down my hand. Annika rushed to me in horror.

End of POV

Annika: Shivaay! Why did you do this? *she grabbed his hand and tied her scarf on his hand to stop the bleeding* Shivaay.. what happened?

Shivaay: Annika, just leave. I can manage.

Annika: But shivaay, you're hurt badly and-

Shivaay: I said GO!

Annika: I'm not a dog to listen to commands!

Shivaay: Do as I say now!

Annika: Why? Who are you to tell me what to do. Now stop and let me apply some medicine on to your  hand.


Annika: *shocked* w-what happened? Did I do something?


Annika: But Shivaay I-

Shivaay: Leave, And one thing. Don't go to my room for today, stay in Dadi's room until I say. Understand!?

Annika: O-ok..

*Annika leaves the room*


"Gauri!" Pinky said in delight.
"Haa Mrs Oberoi?"
"Omkara sent this for you, I think this will look really good on you!"
"Omkara Jee? For me?" Gauri was confused.
"Awh, getting shy? Omkara told me everything!"

Gauri: Everything?

Pinky: Yes, like hows you twos dating! Very cute!

Gauri: Dating? When?

Pinky: Yaar, he told me just a while ago.

Gauri: Where is Omkara Jee?

Pinky: Baatah Nahi, Why?

Gauri: I need to talk to him.

Pinky: You want to romance :) I see. Go find him!


"Omkara Jee... why did you lie?" -Gauri

"Gauri, I can explain!" - Omkara

"I'm sorry Annika, I can't let any harm get to you!" - Shivaay

"Why is Shivaay acting strange today.. something is definitely bothering him!" - Annika

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