The Choice

By fictionwriterjordan

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Book #3 in the Unplanned Series. It's been 5 years since Ezra left. Jo has a successful career, and she loves... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 3

572 17 1
By fictionwriterjordan


I step out of the taxi, grabbing my suitcase. I pay the drive, thanking him before shutting the door. I'm surprising Ezra with a visit. I have a week off of school, but I didn't tell him, so he would be surprised.

I make my way up his apartment stairs, and I knock on the door. Ezra answers the door, and his face lights up when he sees me.

"Jo? I was expecting the pizza guy. What are you doing here?" he asks, pulling me in for a hug. 

"I wanted to surprise you," I smile. 

He gives me a tender kiss, and I groan a little, not realizing how much I've missed his lips. He deepens the kiss, and I wrap my legs around him. He shuts the door behind us, and he carries me to the bedroom. He lays me gently on the bed, removing his shirt. I look at his abs with lust in my eyes. Pretty soon we're both only in our underwear. 

"I want you," I say, running my hands through his hair. 

"I want you too," he grins, kissing me more. 

"Do we really have to hear this?" Luke groans, bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry, I got a little sidetracked," I blush. 

"This doesn't sound like a bad story," Chase says. 

"Well, if someone would let me finish," I scowl at Luke. 

"Did you guys fight while you were there?" Paige asks. 

"The opposite actually. We had a lot of fun, in bed and out of bed," I say, giggling a little. 

"So, what happened?" Luke says, getting annoyed with me. 


"I can't believe it's already been two months since I've seen you. I miss you," I frown, talking to Ezra on the phone. 

"I miss you too. I'm trying to plan out a weekend to come visit soon. I miss Chloe and Leon, too."

"I need to get going. I hope you have a great day at school," I say. 

"Have a great day at school, baby. Tell Chloe and Leon I miss them," Ezra says.

"I will. I love you," I smile.

"I love you too."

I hang up the phone, and I get Leon and Chloe loaded in the car. I drop them off at daycare before heading to school. 

By the end of the day, I'm feeling horrible. I'm think I'm running a small fever, my body aches, my head hurts, and I've felt nauseous all day. I've taken Advil and Tums, but nothing seems to help. 

I pull out my phone and dial Ricky's number.

"Hey Jo."

"Hey Ricky. Can you pick up the kids from daycare?" I ask.

"Yeah, are you alright?"  Ricky asks, concern in his voice. 

"I'm not feeling well. Is there any way you could keep the kids tonight? I'm going to rest, and if I don't feel better by the morning, I'll go to the doctor," I frown, getting into my car. 

"Just keep me updated. Get plenty of rest.  I hope you start to feel better," Ricky says.


I didn't feel any better. In fact, the next day I was worse. I called Jesse, and he rushed right over to take me to the doctor. 

"How long has this been going on? You look practically pale," Jesse says, helping me in his truck.

"It started yesterday," I say, holding my stomach. 

I've thrown up twice this morning, and I'm sure I'm dehydrated by now. 

"Looks like the flu," Jesse says, feeling my forehead, which has only gotten hotter.

Jesse rushes me to the doctor, and they take me back almost immediately. They take some blood, and they hook me to an IV with fluids, to rehydrate me.

"Thanks for coming," I say to Jesse.

"Of course," he says, squeezing my hand.

While waiting for the doctor, I take a short nap, but I'm soon awoken by the doctor stepping into the room. 

"Is it the flu?" I ask. 

"Not exactly. Congratulations, Jo. You're pregnant," he says, smiling. 

Pregnant? I'm pregnant? With Ezra's baby.


"What the hell?" Luke says, breaking the silence and confusion. 

I wipe some of my tears, and Paige puts her arm around me. 

"What happened to the baby?" Chase says, not even wanting to ask. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys. I wanted to wait until I was past my first trimester to make the big announcement. I was 11 weeks when I went to my last appointment. They told me I had miscarried," I say, and the tears start again. 


"I'm so glad you could come with me," I say to Ezra, grabbing his hand as we're riding down the road in his truck.

"I'm so excited to see our baby," he smiles, making my heart melt.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" I ask. 

"Boy for sure," he chuckles. 

We arrive at the doctor's office and take a seat in the waiting room. I look around at all the other pregnant ladies. Some are alone, and some are accompanied by friends, boyfriends, parents, etc. I rub my belly and beam at the fact that I have Ezra's baby inside of me. 

When we get called back, I take a seat on the bed. The nurse puts the goo on my stomach, trying to find my babies heartbeat. When we don't hear anything, I immediately get concerned. 

"What's going on?" I say, my eyes wide. 

"Let me grab the doctor," the nurse says, trying to hide how uncomfortable she is. 

The next few minutes feel like years as I wait for the doctor to come in the room.

"Oh my God Jo," Luke says. 

They all pull me in for a group hug, and I cry. I haven't been able to talk to anybody about this. Ricky, Ezra, and Jesse are the only ones that knew. 

"Ezra didn't dump you because you miscarried did he?" Chase asks, looking a little angry.

"God no. Ezra did everything right. He was by my side until he had to go back to school. I shut him out, because I just couldn't handle it. He finally broke up with me, but honestly, I had broken up with him a long time ago. I just didn't have the heart to admit it," I say. 

"I am so sorry," Chase says. 

"I feel so much better now that I've told you guys. I hated keeping the secret. I've just been too upset to talk about it," I frown. 

"I wish there was some way to make you feel better. This truly sucks," Paige says, rubbing my back. 

I wipe my eyes, putting a small smile on my face. 

"Look, I just want us all to have a great time. The twins have been dying to see you all, and Ricky said Clay would be at his house. Would you all mind if we went over there?" I ask. 

"Sounds fun," Luke smiles. 

We make our way into my car, and the drive over is a little quiet. I can tell they all don't know what to say, but I didn't expect them to.

When we pull into the driveway, I see Clay's truck outside. I immediately look at Paige, and I again see the resemblance between the two. I really need to talk to Clay tonight.

We all make our way to Ricky's door, Luke being the one to knock. Leon opens the door, gasping in surprise.

"Our aunt and uncles are here!" Leon calls to Chloe. 

Leon hugs Luke first, and Chloe runs to greet Paige. We step inside, and the twins take turns hugging each of my friends. 

"Thanks for keeping your promise mommy," Chloe says, hugging me. 

"Anything for you," I kiss her cheek.  

I walk into the kitchen while the kids visit, and I see Clay making a drink. 

"Hi Clay," I smile.

"Jo, how are you?" Clay asks, wrapping me in a hug. 

"I'm great, but I think we should talk."

We step out on Ricky's back porch, and I adjust my jacket a little. 

"What's going on?" Clay asks.

"Paige is here. You need to tell her," I frown.

"I know. I just don't want her to hate me," Clay sighs. 

"She will probably be mad at first, but she always talks about wanting to find you," I say.

"Just give me a little more time, and I will tell her," he says.

I squeeze his arm. We make our way back inside, and I stop in my tracks. I see Ezra, and I see the redhead, standing in the living room. 

Twice in one night? Oh, brother. 

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