Chapter 15

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After I get done puking the contents of my stomach, I hurriedly get up. I hear Lucy, and who I assume to be Marvin, shuffling and whispering. 

I quickly hurry out of the restroom, praying that Lucy didn't see me. I walk over to the table, and my face is pale.

"Everything alright?" Paige asks.

"I'm actually not feeling well. Andy, would you mind dropping Paige off at my house afterward?" I ask, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

"I was actually going to stay with Andy tonight," Paige smiles.

"Oh, alright," I say, putting on a smile.

"You don't mind, right? I hate to ditch you since I just got here," Paige frowns.

"No, no. Go ahead. You two have fun," I grin.

Andy gives me a look of concern, but I brush it off. I grab a few breadsticks out of the basket, and I begin to eat them on my way out the door.

Lucy cheated on Ezra.

I get in my car, and I quickly speed out of the parking lot. My breath is heavy, and I don't remember much on the drive home. 

Once I get home, I throw my purse down, and I lay down on my bed. My phone rings, and I see Andy's name appear.

"Andy?" I answer.

"Jo, I'm in the bathroom. Is everything alright? You left so suddenly," Andy says, his voice low.

"I ran into Lucy in the bathroom," I breathe.

"Lucy? As in Ezra's Lucy?" Andy asks.

"And apparently Marvin's Lucy also," I spill.

"She was cheating?" Andy says, sounding surprisingly happy.

"Why do you sound so cheerful?" I ask.

"Now you and Ezra can be together," Andy says.

"I can't tell him that! He'll think I'm jealous. Especially if I bring up the fact that I'm pregnant. He'll think I want him to be with me, and that I'm lying," I sigh.

"He needs to catch her in the act," Andy says.

"I'm so mad though. I hate this for him," I frown. 

"I'll come over tomorrow while Paige is interviewing," Andy says.

"Thanks, Andy," I grin.  


I only work a half day the next day. I haven't told anyone at work about my pregnancy, but they know I've been sick.

I'm trying to take it easy. I don't want to risk losing another baby. I don't think I could handle it. 

Once I leave work, I head home. I pull out my phone, and I send Andy a text.

Me: Still coming over? I just got home.

Andy: I'll be there in 15 minutes.

15 minutes go by fast, and soon I'm opening the door for Andy.

"How's little peanut?" he grins, looking at my stomach.

"This little peanut seems to be alright," I smile, rubbing my stomach. 

He follows me inside, and he closes the door behind him. We sit down on the couch, and I turn on the TV to serve as a little bit of background noise.

"What exactly happened last night?" Andy asks me.

"I was feeling nauseous, so I went to the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I was already in there once I figured out what was going on. My nosiness got the best of me, and I peeked through the crack in the stall. That's when I saw Lucy."

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