I Know Who You Are (Supernatu...

By Queen_of_Castiel

565 62 7

Amberly Renee Clarke did not have an ordinary childhood. She was a hunter, and her parents were the best in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 21

13 2 0
By Queen_of_Castiel

I smiled at the moose, marveling at how tall he had gotten in the past six years that I'd been gone. "I-uh, Amberly. Wow. It's nice to ah, see you a-again." He stuttered. I struggled not to laugh at him. 

Dean came up behind me and wrapped a hand around my waist, introducing me as his newly wed wife to the officers Sam was speaking with. I struggled not to roll my eyes and instead plastered a fake smile on my face, trying to look happy-ish. 

"Amberly, meet Officer Olson." He said. "He's the main officer in this case, and I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of him as the it goes on." He winked at the officer, who blushed apparently, so obviously he's gay.

I read him quick as a book, figuring out that he comes from the richer part of town, but the way that he slouched signified that he had some weight on his shoulders, probably from hiding his sexuality from his parents or something. 

"Hey guys?" I asked quietly, interrupting the chat they were having. "Do you mind if we get to the body now? We're kind of at a crime scene." Dean nodded and un-snaked his arm from around my waist slowly, planting a kiss on my cheek.

I wasn't sure why, but it nearly brought a blush to my face. I tried hard to fight it, and nearly succeeded, but Sam caught me, and sent a knowing smirk my way before brushing the hair out of his eyes and walking away towards the body.

I followed shortly thereafter, walking back over to the body and crouching down low to get a good look at it. It, sorry, she, was covered in cuts and slashes that ran over her entire body, leaving nothing to the imagination. I could see her torn heart from where I was, and that was something I did not need to see just then.

¨So, ah... Looks like the cause of death is gonna be that head wound there,¨ said the coroner, pointing to her smashed skull. ¨And then the rest of this was actually post-mortem, like the killer was trying to tell us something. I'm not sure what, exactly, but I suppose we'll find out soon, huh?¨ He finished. 

Looking over at him, he was a greasy old man, but he clearly knew what he was doing. Our eyes met and he winked, pushing up his glasses. I shuddered, and Dean spoke calmly. 

¨So, are you saying that there's gonna be another murder like this one?¨ He asked. The greasy coroner nodded and stood up, removing and throwing away his gloves, despite the fact that he didn't touch anything. 

¨Well then, I guess we better get back to the motel and do some research, then, huh Sammy?¨ He said, grinning widely. 


They dragged me into their hotel room, which was, ironically, right across the hall from mine, as though the woman at the front desk knew that we would be meeting up. Sam got straight to work, trying to figure out who was doing this, but Dean just sat down, beer in his hand, and stared at me.

Now, I looked a bit different from six years prior. For one thing, my hair was a hell of a lot longer, and my vision had steadily decreased enough for me to need glasses, a fact that baffled Dean. I pushed them up the bridge of my nose, no longer wanting to wear my uncomfortable contacts.

It was an awkward situation, but I tried my best to ignore Dean and concentrate on the hunt, and whatever Sam was saying. ¨So get this. Apparently, this is the work of Krylovar, an ancient Celtic god who loved to take a person fitting the categories of each of the seven deadly sins and chop them up. Judith was lust, cause, you know, stripper. ¨ He said, out of breath.

¨And there was another one too, one that they tried to cover up. Bethany Pierson, a drifter. She was just passing through, and got all pissy at one of the bartenders over at the Drunken Clam. She stumbled out, never seen again, blah blah blah, until they found her body, exactly the same way as Judith here. Same wounds, same everything. She was wrath.¨Sam finished. 

I looked up from my computer. ¨Wow.¨ All of that, for what? I mean, why does he want to kill people? Oh what am I saying, he's probably just evil.¨ I said, rubbing my eyes from under my glasses.

¨Actually, you bring up a pretty good point. It says here that Krylovar killed people in order to raise his wife, Mantrokuptai, so that they can try to take over the world together. He is seven sins, she is elements, and together they make mass destruction.¨ Sam said, waving his hands in the air as he spoke. 

Dean rubbed his face with one hand and took a swig of his beer. Sighing, he said, ¨Great, so we've got a lovestruck god killing people. Wonderful. It's Eve all over again.¨ I raised my eyebrow at Sam as a way of questioning, but he only shook his head, not wanting to be reminded of the story either. 

I shrugged my shoulders and stood, going over to the fridge and pulling out a beer. ¨Really? This is all you have?¨ I asked, looking back at Dean. He looked shocked, and didn't say anything. Sam nodded his head slowly, and I sighed, popping it open on the edge of the counter and taking a deep swig.

¨Okay, so how do we kill it?¨ I asked. Dean was still shocked, but seemed to be coming out of his frozen state.

¨Well, it says here that we need to cut out his heart with a blade forged with dragon's blood. Which we don't have. We can trap him with salt, just like ghosts and demons, but he has to stoop down and count each grain, kinda like a leprechaun.¨ Sam said. 

¨Great, so where do we get one of those blades from?¨ Dean asked. Sam shrugged defeatedly in response. Then I remembered something that I had in my bag, and I ran over quickly, pulling it out.

¨This here is Mjolnir, my favorite knife, named after the hammer of Thor, something I've been told you have some experience with. She's made of one hundred percent titanium, forged with dragon's blood over two hundred years ago. Not to mention the fact that she belonged to the one and only Adolf Hitler. Not that I particularly agree with anything he did, but he did have great choice in knives.¨ I said, passing the sheathed knife over to Sam, who pulled it out and admired the beautiful blade. 

¨She's been passed down from owner to owner, never staying in one place for longer than a year. I've had her for three.¨ I said smugly. Sam passed Mjolnir to Dean, who whistled lowly when he got her. 

¨Wait, Amberly. Why do you call it a her?¨ Dean asked, smirking.

¨Why do you call your Impala Baby?¨ I retorted. His face paled, and then grew angry, before he finally blew out a breath and handed Mjolnir back to me. 

¨Fair point.¨ He said, standing up and pulling out a burger form the fridge. He sat down at the table and opened it up, but I snatched it from his hands and bit into it, moaning at the delicious taste.

¨Thank you for the burger Dean.¨ I said, my mouth full of food. It sounded more like ¨Dan fer da bugu Dea,¨ but I didn't care. Sam couldn't stifle his laughter and nearly fell out of his chair before sitting back up and brushing the hair from his eyes. 

Dean made a hurt face before standing up and grabbing his keys and wallet off the table. ¨I'm going on a beer run, want anything?¨ He asked. Sam shook his head; I nodded.

¨Another burger please. Ooh, and some pie please. Thanks Dean-o.¨ I said, giving him a smile that was full of food. He shook his head in disgust and walked out, Sam laughing once more. He returned about a half hour later, beer, burgers and pie nearly slipping from his hands.

Sam rushed up to help him, but I stayed on the bed, fixated on the episode of the Office that I was currently re-watching. Sam dropped a burger and a pie on the bed next to me, which I attacked shortly thereafter. 

They chuckled at my hunger, but hey, you never know when you're going to eat again, so eat as much as you can, while you can. ¨I don't know how she eats so much.¨ I heard Dean say. ¨It's kinda like watching one of the pigs at a carnival.¨

I whipped my head around and stood, still holding my mostly-gone burger in my hand. ¨You got something you want to say to me, Winchester?¨ I asked, raising an eyebrow. He shrugged at me, looking smug with that stupid smirk of his.

¨Just wondering how you maintain your figure and manage to eat all of that food at the same time is all.¨ He said. My anger boiled, but I gave him the bird and sat back down, watching his reaction as I bit into the burger once more. 

I didn't want to get into any fights, nor did I want to trust them completely after what happened last time in a shitty motel room similar to this one, so I just sat and stared, not saying a word.

Eventually things cooled down, and I curled onto the bed and watched the Office some more while they spoke. ¨It's just, Dean, how are we going to pull this off? He needs someone else, and we need bait.¨ Sam said in a hushed tone.

¨I'l do it.¨ I said, looking up at them. ¨I can be pride. Shouldn't be too hard, I just gotta refuse a guy at a bar or something cause he looks too poor or some shit. I don't care about the risk Dean,¨ I eyed the face he was making, a mixture between 'oh hell no' and 'oh my god,this girl'

¨I need to get some more action out in the field, and that's that, so I'm doing it.¨ Sam nodded his head in approval, and Dean sighed loudly, drinking heavily from his beer with a small 'whatever.'

Somehow I feel asleep on that bed, probably from a mixture of exhaustion and the fact that I was stuffed as a pig, despite the fact that I was still completely on edge with the two brothers. That night, as I dreamt, I couldn't help but notice someone take off my shoes before picking me up and placing me underneath the covers. 

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