4.The Serpent's Caster (ManxB...

By Lonesome_Fire

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{OLD VERSION} [~ BOOK 4:Caster's Council series ~] After witnessing loved ones die at the hands of vampires t... More



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By Lonesome_Fire


I was made to sit down forcefully, it was cold seeing as I was in a loincloth surprising, which always happened after a shift. It was black and seeing as how shifting tore my cloths to shreds, I was glad this piece of fabric covered me.

"Alexander," I looked up to see a man with black and white hair and beautiful blue eyes. The man paid me no attention, instead fixed his gaze on the man who had captured me and brought me to the Supreme Council. This, Alexander, looked torn between as he stared at the blue eyes man who was obviously very happy to see him.

"Elijah," Alexander said stiffly, looking down at his hands.

"You caught him." Elijah commented saving me a glance, to which I only scowled. I wanted nothing more than to shift and swallow these people whole and be on my way, but I couldn't. Alexander had placed a spell to stop me when he bound me with random tree branches. Casters, they could be a real pain.

"Yeah, I figured I ought to, seeing as how you didn't want to." Alexander seemed to settle on a scowl which oddly enough Elijah only smiled in response. Either they were lovers or there was a one sided thing going on or perhaps, I was honestly way to bored with my life if I was drawing up those kinds of conclusions. I rolled my eyes then.

"We've been looking for you," Elijah told him softly and took a step closer to Alexander who, moved to face away. " everyone has been worried... I've been worried. "

"Elijah..." Alexander sighed. "I just...need some time, alright?" He said this with some strain in his voice before he began to walk away, shaking his head.

"You would think," Elijah took a deep breath and turned to me, "that 200 years was enough time." He looked pained but only for a moment. He smirked at me then. "Well, Mr. Cabrera, its nice to finally meet you."

"I can assure you, the feeling is not mutual." He actually gave a laugh then, it was light and calming and beautiful. The man was a menace. I got this all from his laugh.

"Well, let's get this over with, shall we?"

Before I knew it, I stood before a panel of judges, the Supreme Council members were glaring and scowling, some looked genuinely afraid.

"Will those binds hold him? They don't look assuring. Perhaps something bigger?" The man had beady eyes and a twitch. He looked like he would piss on himself which made me smirk. That's right, fear me you bloody bastards! I thought hatefully. I mean, honestly, I hated the council, they were unreliable and completely self serving.

For years my father dictated my family and the town we lived in, for years he committed countless murders and nobody, nobody, not even this council did anything about it! Suddenly, I commit murder and I'm placed on trial!? How did that make sense to these small minded individuals?

I met the eye of Elijah who smirked knowingly and I hissed at him.

"Seriously, I don't feel safe." The beady eyed man said.

"Calm down! Elijah will not let anything happen, right?" A beautiful black woman said looking at Elijah who nodded.

"Of course not." Elijah sat down in the centre and banged the wooded hammer before leaning his head on his hand.

This may take a while,  I heard a voice inside my head and furrowed my brows. Elijah winked and I scowled. Then the doors opened behind me and I turned in time to see a few members of the Cabrera family, some were scared and confused, others were scowling and angry. Behind them another group or people, they were scared and flinched when they saw me. I even saw a few children in the mix.

"Now, we have gather here today to discuss a fee pressing matters about the Cabrera family." Elijah began and stifled a yawn. "It has been brought to the Supreme Council's attention the grief that has plagued many of you, and today, we aim to discuss the issues in detail and hopefully reach a verdict." Elijah sighed, "I urge you to be a swift and straight to the point as you possibly can." Elijah gave a pointed glare at the group to my left.

It felt like hours of complaints, one after the other. The group to my left, I realise were people from the villages that I had made my way through. They expressed their fear of my existence, their loss due to my rampages through the villages. I rolled my eyes at them, it wasn't like they didn't deserve it. These people acted like I did an injustice when I was only serving the purpose of disposing of every last soul who allowed my father freedom.

Yes, that's right, my kills were not crazy and random. I had lived twenty five years looking for every last person who ever did business with my father. All the spineless old men and women who allowed him free reign had to go. They were too blame. I felt cheated because my father did as he pleased, killed whomever when ever and most of the people here had turned a blind eye to his madness, they hadn't done this to him, put him before the Supreme Council and became of that, he ended up ruining my life, take my lover away from me and riding me of any shred of hope I had for all kind.

I felt the anger bubbling inside of me at this point, as each testimony was made I wanted to tear through those people and show them what real madness was because they had no idea.

I hissed then in their direction, my eyes flashing their dark orange. I bared my fangs full of venom strong enough to kill them all within seconds. I hissed then and sprayed my venom at the first row. The men fell down to their knees, the toxin seeping into their skin and causing it to boil. They screamed and wailed in pain.

"Mr. Cabrera!" The beautiful black woman stood in outrage. I hissed then and settled down. "Elijah, you said-"

"What? I was talking about us, not those bigots." He shrugged and continued being uncaring.

"Elijah!" A man scolded.

"What!? I can understand his anger!" Elijah's threw his hands up. "He stands before us under trail for nothing, we already know you've all decided and it isn't fair considering how his father ran rampant freely without any interference for years and we turned a blind eye because this council is so useless, it only focuses on international supernatural affairs, because his father never threatened the extinction of a species, we didn't step in." He fumed, "and because his father only killed a few at a time, it wasn't much of a pressing issue to you and because not enough complaints from multiple villages came in, it didn't matter to this council." He huffed. "It's a bother being a part of something so useless. I can't even make my own moves without you all threatening to punish me, it's ridiculous. This could have all been avoided, if you all could take a moment and vote for the approval of his father's removal."

There was silence in the court after his rambling to which the entire council looked peeved and very embarrassed. I smirked then, perhaps he wasn't such a bad guy.

There seemed a hum of unease as people weren't sure how to move on from then on. My family took the stand and each of them sure had a bone to pick with council about my father. It ranged from the fact that for generations he had been around and bossing people around and killing his own family to get what he wants or make a point. My aunts, uncles nephews old enough to have a say, sure didn't hold back after that. They even had the nerve to call me a hero. They were too much, honestly.

Finally the decision was made and like Elijah said, they really had made up their minds about what would happen to me seeing as he had rolled his eyes as he banged the gavel.

My family screamed in outrage as I was lead out. I smiled and nodded at them in thanks for their efforts.

"Uncle Fraden!" A small voice said, the little girl had tears in her eyes. I smiled.

"It's okay, baby girl, uncle Fraden won't be gone for too long." I chuckled and she nodded, her big eyes full of tears.

Elijah and I seemed to walk for the longest time and he was silent too. He seemed lost in his own world of pain, he kept holding his neck which I noticed had a pendant around it.

"So, are we getting any closer?" I asked him, more to get him talking that anything. The man made me oddly curious.

"Almost." He said in a calm reassuring voice and I nodded.

"So, was this your idea?" I asked him and hr glanced at me, "I'm pretty sure everyone was rooting for my death." He chuckled.

"Death was the first option, however, seeing as you cannot be killed, I told the council we could only hold you for as long as possible."

"How did you k-"

"I am a caster, Fraden, I can know whatever I want to know." He sighed then. "You life...is both a blessing and a curse."

"Curse huh? How do you figure that?" He turned around and began walking backwards. The pendant on his neck was actual a bright red emerald tied with a chain around his neck.

"Immortality is a curse, Fraden, I'm sure by now you could have guessed that." He smiled. "Your cursed to live forever, watching those you love grow older, while you age much slower, you get to see five generations of your family before you finally take your own life. Not to mention," his eyes were squinting as the sun them,"you only love one person."

I found it weird how he knew so much about this, it was unnerving. He knew how to kill me.

"Why?" I paused in thought and he tilted his head. "Why did you suggest the imprisonment when you know how to kill me?"

"I'm not a god, Fraden nor am I an executioners. I don't get to decide who lives or dies in this world anymore than you do." He told me. "I believe that there is a lot of good in you, and its overlooked because of your anger towards fate." He had his hand on my shoulder which was warm and calming. It felt like in a different time, we would have been great friends. "Besides, there is a bit of a condition to your death." He grinned. "I don't want you haunting me."

"What?" He only laughed.

"You can die in two ways, A, the seconds serpent shift in the family can take your life, as you did your father and B, you take your own life. When you take your own life, you have to mean it, it can't be a spur of the moment kind of thing, you have to truly hate living and your own existence before you can say good bye to the world."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I'm very old, Fraden." He stopped then. "Much, much older than you could ever imagine."

"Is that why you feel immortality is a curse?" I asked him then and he sighed and pointed to his side.

"Nothing about living forever is great, especially when you have to do it alone." He shrugged. "We are here."

I sighed and looked at the cave which was simple and big enough for me to stay in it in serpent form. The sound of snapping and relieve on my wrists made me look down.

"Get in." I looked at him and he smirked. "You can try to fun, but that won't help either of us." Somehow, I trusted him enough to listen and not try anything. Besides, I wouldn't die in here anyway.

"How will this work anyway?"

"Just a simple concealment spell, it'll keep you from coming out and humans from getting in, or even finding it." I looked at him once I was inside.

"So animals can loiter around?"

"And come in, you have to eat something." He pointed his hand at the back corner and water began bubbling out from the ground which began to sink. A reasonably small water hole was formed. "You may not be able to swim in it, but, you should be able to freshen up every now and then."

"Thanks." I said and sighed.

"Should I get you some magazines, or something?" He asked looking guilty and sad and I chuckled. "This feel like such a sad goodbye."

"Well, it can always be a see you later," he chuckled and nodded.

"I hope he can bring you joy again." Elijah mumbled and sighed.


"In a 575 years, Fraden, we shall meet again." I stepped forward.

"What? What do you mean?" He raised his hands and his eyes glowed silver. A boulder closed in on me, it had been cut in half and now joining together to conceal me, a silver light shone between the connection of the half boulders and I was hit with a blast of energy which made me fall down. Did he really just leave after saying some so devastating?

Great, that ga-

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