PPGxRRB Oneshots

By CherryBlaze23

82.1K 1.3K 797

Yummy tummy oneshots for everyone ๐Ÿ˜€ More

Blossick Oneshot
Beach Parteh: Peeping Toms
Boomubbles Oneshot: Candy Sweet
Blitzunny Oneshot
Boomubbles Oneshot: Into The Woods
Blossick Oneshot
Butchercup Oneshot
Blossick Sad Story
| PPGxRRB Oneshot | It Started With a Deal
Boomubbles Oneshot (Sad)
Butchercup (Sad)
Blossick | Worth it
Butchercup (Inner Insecurities)
Blossick Oneshot: 4x the Charm
Fortune Cookie | Blossick |
Damsel in the District (Butchercup)
Stargazing (Bellaine)
Still Into You (Blossick)
Two Broken Hearts (Blakserk)

Protective (BubblesxVarious)

1.1K 12 1
By CherryBlaze23

For @bubbles10777
Hope you guys enjoy!

I wasn't sure what main ship you wanted exactly, so I sorta just left that to decide for the reader! But the main ship I tried to portray is Bubbles and Buttercup with their cute sisterly love.

She always felt like she had to watch her sisters, they showed that they weren't capable to, and no one else showed the ability to protect them, so she stepped up.

With her older sister, which was only by a few seconds, it was bullying by other girls for being a little nerdy, but she learned to defend herself afterwards.

Although, it was entirely different with her younger triplet.

She never got bullied, or bothered in any way. It was just the boys.


The fucking.


She was practically a real life Barbie doll, so it was to be expected to get this sort of attention. She had her own sassy mouth, but that didn't always work, and her sweetness always outshined everything else. That made her more of a target.

Normally, others would be bothered by constantly watching over someone, but Buttercup didn't mind it. She found it pretty amusing to watch dorks try and talk to Bubbles, to either get dissed, or chicken out. And also, she had found a good reason to beat up some jackasses.

Tonight, she was keeping a sharp eye on her sister, careful not to lose her in the crowd of people. It was a party, everyone invited, and everyone knew crazy things would happen. Luckily, her red-headed sister decided to not go and hangout with her boyfriend, which she wouldn't have been so comfortable with if he wasn't her own boyfriend's brother, and she knew she had good judgment, so she wasn't so worried.

However, her more peppy and social sibling had other ideas.

She had came there with friends, Princess, Robin, Mitch, and others, but they all scattered, turning into animals once they had their drinks and losing touch with reality. Bubbles was a good girl, and that made guys want her even more. To either ruin her, take advantage of her, or to genuinely love her.

So now, she was standing alone at a table, drinking some punch as her blue eyes looked across the room, amusement and curiosity in her blue eyes.

Buttercup saw her first target, heading towards Bubbles with a drink in his hands. He looked like a Ken himself.

She noticed that there were some boys snickering with each other, watching him walk over to her, and she immediately knew what was going on.

He was drunk, and they had convinced him to do something very stupid.

He danced over to her, sending her a huge goofy smile, looking dazed.

She could see her raise her eyebrow at him, already disliking him from his approach. She uncomfortably moved away a bit, making some space between them.

"Heyyyyy. What's you doin' hereee alone? I thought'd.....you'd zbe...danzing wiz some guyy."

"I don't feel like it right now, that's all. And if you're about to ask me to dance, it's a no."

"WhhhHHaAAAttttT?! B-but, you don't evennnn...know my nammme...or anythingggg..."

"Your name has nothing to do with it, and I don't want to know your name. Look, you're cute, but you're drunk. Come back to me when you're sane."

"Ahhhh...comez on....."

He leaned towards her, pressing a hand against the wall beside her. He wasn't doing it to trap her, but to support his own self since he was losing his balance.

"Ah! H-hey..." She began to feel incredibly awkward, trying to push him off she was already having trouble not falling down from his weight.

"HEY POSER!" Buttercup came racing towards him, her fist in perfect place to pack a hard punch.

"Wait, Buttercup-!"


She punched the side of his cheek, knocking him over to the side, landing on the floor. A tooth got knocked out, which had fallen in front of Buttercup's foot, which she grimaced at.

"Buttercup!!" Bubbles screamed, mad. "You didn't have to do that! He was drunk! He didn't even know what he was doing!"

"That's what they all say. I saved you."

Bubbles rolled her eyes. "Thanks, but I could've handled this myself."

She walked over to him, holding his face with both hands, and turned his head towards her.

"Are you alright?"

He smiled, his teeth showing, which revealed the missing tooth over to the top at the right.

"That was radical...!" He replied, sounding even more slurred, and a bit funny because of his missing tooth. "I can't wait to tell everybody I got into a fight with a Puff."

A distance away, she heard the snickering and laughing of a group. She glanced over to see a few familiar faces, Mitch and Butch, but the others she didn't recognize. She glared, and looked back down.

"A fight you lost?" Buttercup scoffed.

"What do you mean? I got her so fast that I went faster than time and blew myself away down here..."

He didn't even comprehend that he was talking to Buttercup herself. How much booze did he drink?

"Hey, don't always listen to what your friends tell to you to do."

"But why? They always look out for me..!"

Bubbles frowned, pitying him.

Buttercup knew those guys, they never had good intentions, and they always used this boy's innocence and not so bright mind to their advantage.

"And it's always so I get something good at the end!"

"What did they say you'd get?"

"A kiss! I didn't want to, but then they said I couldn't do it...that I was too chicken. They're always making fun of me...I wanted to prove 'em wrong..."

Bubbles sympathetically looked at him, looking back up at the group of boys and back down at the boy.

"What's your name?"

"Bbrmm...merv. Boom boom...Booooooooooommmerrrrrr."

Buttercup's eyes widened as she came up with what Bubbles was going to do.

"Well Boomer, I think you'll get that kiss tonight."

She wouldn't, would she?

She leaned in, and pecked his cheek.


His face lit up, glowing red and smiling like a madman.

A glass fell, breaking as it hit the floor, and Bubbles and Buttercup both turned to see Butch choking on air in disbelief, and Mitch still in the same pose when he had the drink in his hand, mouth gaped open. One of the boys with them spit out their punch.

"UGH! GROSS RANDY!!" A girl shrieked that was nearby, the punch spit almost splashing onto her.


Bubbles closed her locker door, boredly spinning the lock around in her hand before closing it on the locker. She didn't really have a want to go back to class. She felt so stupid in there for not understanding anything. It felt like everyone did. Maybe if she would just pay attention more. It's not like she did it on purpose, she just found so many other things interesting that it drew her attention away.

Like the world outside the window. She sat right by it, and gazed outside peacefully. There was always something new. She could see the trees, notice the plants growth, watch people and scenarios run (that was her favorite part). It was funny to see other people's lives going on out there. It was like a TV show. And then that's when she started doodling in class, making up her own worlds and characters. She would get so lost in it she forgot about her world, and that she was in class. And when she tried paying attention she would get distracted by cute boys in the class, or by some kid trying to bother her. She'd even get distracted by the classroom decorations.

Worst of all, she was a natural daydreamer, and a heavy one, so just looking at you didn't always mean she was paying attention. She didn't even realize she was doing it usually until someone snapped her out of it.

Today was just the worst though. She couldn't pay attention in any class. It wasn't because of any particular reason, she just found it way harder today.

She sighed, turning around to head back, only to get slammed back against the lockers.


"Don't scream, it's just ya pal, Butch." His smirk made her skin crawl.

"Hey ya, pigtails."

"Butch, let go."

He had pinned her shoulders against the lockers, and the pressure began to hurt.

"Why would I do that? You're just gonna run away from me." He said, faking a pout at the end, like he was going to cry.


"You're hurting me, come on. And we're in the same class, the teachers going to wonder why I'm taking such a long time."

"Well, its obvious why. We're gonna be doing some birds and bees."



Butch's pained face burned into her mind, because of how hilarious it looked, and because of how much it shocked her.

He fell down to the floor, unconscious. Bubbles looked up to see Buttercup, cracking her knuckles.

"Buttercup- how did- when- th-thank you- but-"

"Someone's gotta look over you."

Bubbles hands curled up to fists, glaring at her.

"I said I can take care of it myself!"

She stormed away, leaving Buttercup and Butch. She stared at her, shocked.

Shouldn't she be grateful?!


Buttercup jumped, flinching when she saw the assistant principal across the hallway.

She also realized what she situation looked at.

"I- uh- wait- come on, teach! Listen for a sec. It's not what it-"


Butch, awake but pretending to be knocked out still, held in his laugh.

He started to not regret doing that to Bubbles, but the guilt came again, remembering how scared and uncomfortable she looked.

I mean, she looked cute, but I kinda feel bad...how stupid was I for thinking a joke like that was actually gonna get her to like me back?


Bubbles furiously looked through the clothing racks, not really knowing what she was looking for. She guessed she just wanted to throw around something, and she definitely wasn't going to that in her room, so she did it at the mall.

Poor staff members.

"Looking for something?"

She almost leaped out of her skin when she heard the voice, scaring her tremendously.

She turned to the person, seeing it was a male with navy blue eyes and blonde hair, a little overgrown hair at the top in a swirl while the rest was trimmed. He had a blank serious look on him, and he was unfazed by her unsettlement.

"You scared me!" She squeaked, still recovering from it.


She wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic, if he didn't actually mean it, or if that was just how he spoke, but she took the apology anyway.

"Do you work here?"

She didn't mean to sound rude, but she was just still astounded. Where had he even come from?! How did she not here him? Why was he talking to her?

"Yes. My name is Bash."

"Bash, okay. Can you make yourself heard next time please?"


Now he sounded robotic. Did they have humanoid robots working in stores already?

"Do you need help?"


She'd look stupid if she told him she didn't even want anything and was just taking out her anger on clothes in a store.

"Yeah...but it's not here. I checked everywhere already it's fine, don't worry about it." She said with a smile.

"Wait, can you help me clean up?"

"Um, what?"

He wasn't trying to tremendously fail at hanging out with her was he?

"You knocked down everything in the store."


She whirled around, seeing racks of clothes on the floor, some thrown to the side and misplaced clothing items.

Had she seriously done that?!

She knew she had done some damage, and that she had been there for a while but she thought it was only minor!

"O-oh, wow, I'm really sorry! I didn't realize how much I did... Of course I'll help you!"


They started to clean up, picking up shirts and dresses, putting them back on and pulling back up the racks.

She felt soooooo bad.

And he acted so calm about it!

"Bash, I'm really sorry. I really didn't do it on purpose. I went on a rampage while I was in here. Now you can't even let more customers in. Is there anything else I can do?"

They were almost done now, but she really didn't feel like this was justified still.

"There's nothing else to do." He said, not even sparing a glance.

"But...I don't know, I want to do more. And I can't really tell, but I think you're still mad."

He chuckled, which surprised her. At least she made him laugh. But what was funny?

"I'm not mad. There's nothing else I can think of anyways. Except one thing."


"Go on a date with me?"

She blushed, feeling embarrassed and caught off guard.

"Um, you don't really know me though..."

"That's what dates are for."

The guy was cute, and he seemed nice and polite, but she didn't think she could deal with a guy so dry and...calm. He certainly wasn't boring to her, but the only relationship she could see having with him was a friendship.

"Er, sorry, I already have a boyfriend..." She lied, feeling like she just committed a crime.

"Hm." He said, hanging up the last of the clothes. "Of course, why wouldn't you when you're so beautiful and nice."

Okay, now she felt even worse.

"Thanks for helping though. See you around."

"Yeah, see ya. Sorry..."

She left in a rush, hyperventilating once she got out the store.

"Ughhh...I can't go in there again...he was so sweet...maybe I should-no..."

"Great job."

She flinched, looking over to see Buttercup walking towards her.

"BC? What are you doing here?"

"Picking up some stuff Blossom ordered before they put it away. She got a short notice call to some important meeting."


"I saw that scene in there. You got him too back off... why were you helping him clean up though?"

"Hehe, I did that."

"What? Really?!"

She seemed for excited and surprised than concerned.

"Yeah, I threw a tantrum and didn't realize how much damage I did. He got me to help."

"What got into you?"


Buttercup frowned, her eyebrow raised in confusion.

"What did I do?"

"You treat me like a doll. Like I can't defend myself. I know how to tell someone off you know."

"Not all the time."

"Butch doesn't count! He's...scary..."

Buttercup was quiet, looking sympathetic, and a bit sad.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I don't think you know what guys can do. There's a lot jerks and pervs around here, and you're a perfect example of their type. Most of theirs anyway. There's tons of guys like Butch, and there's a lot worse."

"But I can handle the smaller ones. That's what you forget."

Both were silent.

"Can you at least watch first before you come in? Or only come in when they get physical?"


"Thanks." Bubbles chirped, walking over to her on the side where she wasn't holding bags. She locked arms with her, and sent a warm smile.

"Let's go."

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