Boomubbles Oneshot (Sad)

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A lonely girl sat on the top of a slide on a playground, deserted and empty, with not a living soul in it but her. 

She kept a sketchbook of her own, that everyone could see just by looking at her, but only if they opened it. She clutched her pencil tightly in her small, feeble fist, like it was the only thing she could do.

The girl had claimed she was an amazing artist, and that her sketches were wonderful, but no one ever bothered to look.

They were too busy bullying her for being alone...

A boy walked up to the blonde, lonely girl.

His hair was brown and spiked, but damp and wet from the rain that poured around the girl like shadow that followed her everywhere. 

The boy trudged up to her, and climbed the ladder that led to the top of the slide, almost slipping from the wet poles.

The girl lifted her head, revealing her baby blue orbs that were filled with pain, but also joy. 

"Stop raining on our town dumb girl! No one likes you, go away!" 

The words pierced the girls heart like knives, though she already knew the feeling too well.

The boy scoffed as the girl began to cry, and she screamed at him to go away.

The boy complied, and agreed to leave the retched girl to pour on the town with her tears.

But as the boy left, the girl began to sketch a new drawing on her sacred sketchbook.

A little while later, another boy came. His hair was a beautiful blonde that swayed each time the wind blew against him, and his dark blue orbs were full of wonder. He had dark blue wrinkly hoodie that was damp from the rain, and beige shorts.

He made his way over to the girl, and climbed the ladder, but did not have any trouble climbing it at all.

"Can I see your drawings?" He asked sweetly, a smile coming to his lips.

The girl had never seen a smile before, and desperately tried to copy his movements. 

She curved her lips, hoping to make the same gesture towards him. Her efforts made him giggle, and her attempted smile widened.

"Of course." She replied with a smile.

The girl lifted up the sleeve of her shirt, and showed him her drawings. 

Marks of knives peeled through the girls skin, and new fresh blood oozed from the newest drawing she made on herself from the boy from earlier.

"Aren't they great?"

"Mhm! Hey, what's your name?"

"Bubbles! What's yours?"

The boy giggled before he replied. "I'm Boomer. Guess what?"


"I draw too."

The two smiled at each other as they found out they had something in common.

"Want to go down the slide? Then all of it will be over." Bubbles asked, looking down the slide as she spoke.

Boomer shook his head. "I think I have a better idea..."

Boomer took hold of Bubbles hand, and led her down the ladder. He took the girl back home, and told his family of the events of what happened.

And before they knew it, the drawings were gone.

And so was the rain.

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