Twisted Tales (A Mindless Beh...

By rossse_

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Rated PG 13 And Rated R If You love Drama And Love read On More

Twisted Tales Cast / Description
Wanting To know More
Playing Nice
Truth Or Dare
Meeting New People
Our Little Secret
Getting Real
2 Can Play That Game
This Means War
Operation Split Up To Make Up
Tables Turning
Well Played
Try Me
Playing Dirty
The Party
Phone Calls & Text Messages
Love Struck A Whole In The Game
Last Day Of School Reconnectings
A little Twist In The Game
A Little More Better
Making Changes


87 2 0
By rossse_

Londyn's P.O.V.

School's Almost out it's about to be summer time and i'm finally happy me and Rosemary worked some things out. She explained to me what was going on in her life and I told her whats been going on in mines. I'm happy I got my bestfriend back. right now we are at her house chillin up stairs in her room. I have to admit I didn't like Nolen and Dario at first but now I do after she explained to me some things I realized why they did what they did and I respect them for that and I have to admit they did look cute together and no matter what she says I know she misses being with him and her ex boy bestfriend roc.

Me: I know you miss him

Rosemary: No I don't

Me: Yes you do and I know when you saw that girl trying to get with him you wanted to say something

Rosemary: And he's not mines I dont care he can do whatever he wants he's single right? right. so he can do what ever he wants

Me: Yeah ok what ever you say and what about roc?

Rosemary: Who?

Me: Now you wanna act like you don't know his name.

Rosemary: Roc could die right now and I wouldn't care

Me: Funny you would say that

Rosemary: What

Me: Oh Nothing.....forget I ever said that


Me: What about Dorian what is she doing today?

Rosemary: I called her and she and Dario are going to six flags today

Me: Oh good for them they are so cute

Rosemary: Lol don't say that around Ray or he would have a fit 

Me: lol you're right

Rosemary: So when am I going to see your little brother I've been dying to meet him

Me: Oh um I dont know I guess the next time he's around he be busy just like me so when he gets some free time he will hang 

Rosemary: Promise

Me: Promise

Rosemary: Girl you know I be thirsty

Me: Need a cup

Rosemary: lol I missed this

Makayla's P.O.V.

I'm about 5 months pregnant in a week i'll be 6 months and next week I have an appointment with the doctor so I can see the sex of my baby and Next month in June is my baby shower. Wow has time flown by. I remember when I got pregnant and how scared I was and now I'll i'm thinking is about how glad I am about this gift that God is blessing me to bring into this world. Right now i'm just laying up stairs in my room eating cheetohs drinking fruit punch and eating a bag of strawberry frooties watching Finding Nemo. Yeah I was enjoying my movie when somebody knocked on the door.

Me: Come In the door's Open!

When the door opened I sat up thinking it was the pizza man or something even though I didn't remember me ordering it but it was prince so my smile quickly faded away.

Me:'s you

Prince: I brought you some yellow Tulips. I know they're your favorite flower

Me: Thanks. Who let you in

Prince: Your mom and she said she'll be back she's going to the store to go pick up some things.

Me: what did you come over here for?

Prince: You Makayla I came over here for you.

Me: Because

Prince: Because I love you and I want us back I want us to be a family I want My future Son or Daughter To Know About me to love me I want my child to have both of their parents in their lives not one playing both roles.....I want you

Me:........Well what if I dont want you

Prince: I'm Sorry Makayla you know I love you girl and sometimes when I get upset I dont listen I dont think before I speak which is why i'm taking counseling for you. I'm trying Makayla yeah I know i've done some fucked up things to you and Im so sorry for that if I could go back in time and changed what happened I would've I would've gave you a chance to explain.......I just want both of my babies back......

Me: What about Brianna?

Prince: What about her I been broke up with her once you told me I was the father I had to leave her she under stood and we are just friends now I had to be a man and take care of my responsibilities. it took two people to make that baby and now the two of us are going to take care of it

Me: can I be sure that you wont hurt me again

Prince: Baby just trust me and we can get through this............Im so sorry and I do mean this from the bottom of my heart makayla.....i'm sorry.......

I seen the tears forming in his eyes and I knew he wanted to cry but he wouldn't let them fall. I knew he was for real I didn't say anything but just looked into his beautiful teary eyes and just kissed him. He smiled then kissed me again and then he kissed my stomach which was so cute.

Prince: Have you thought about baby names yet?

Me: Yes for the boy not really for the girl.

Prince: Well....what was the name going to be for the boy?

Me: Well whether we made up or not I was going to name him after you since you did make him.

Prince: And for the Girl? 

Me: I don't know really I was thinking Miracle,  Justice, or Miranda what about you?

Prince: Well I agree 100% on the boy name and for the girls I was thinking Ashley, Tyler, or Marrisa

Me: I like those names

Prince: Well we will agree on one name

Me: Oh and next week i'm going to the doctors office to see the sex of the baby and I want you to come with me so I dont be by myself

Prince: Oh ok and i'm driving to why are you still driving Makayla you know you're not suppose to be driving do you not see how big your stomach is and if you get into a car accident you put not only your life on the line but the babys life as well. You're suppose to be in the back seat

Me: bad

Prince: It's ok just be careful and ok I guess i'll just be going I came to make sure that we was good

Me: Stay

Prince: I'm coming back I have a meeting in a few with Nolen and after that I promise you I will be back

Me:Pinky swear

Prince: Pinky swear

When we did are pink swear he kissed me on the for head got up and left that pinky promise ment everything to me. I'm just glad I got my baby back I missed him but he soon came around which was good enough for me.


I'm in the car with Ebonie arguing with her because she's upset that she's not staying the night with me she's going to her fathers house and we just pulled up.

Me: Thats Enough!

Ebonie: i'm not staying here!

Me: Yes you are

Ebonie: No i'm not going to speak to a murderur

Me: Ebonie chill you never know it was not like he treid to do it what if he did it out of love making sure that you was protected

Ebonie: Still that don't  mean nothing he didn't have to die

Me: You're acting so Ungrateful you dont know how good you have it until it's gone! You haven't talk to the man that raised you after you left your mom's house in over 1 month so go in that house and talk to Him!

Ebonie: I'm not and why are you picking his side over mines!

Me: Because you're doing too much!

Ebonie: No he did too Much!

Me: Shut Up!

Ebonie: Make Me!


Me: I killied him I wasn't Trying to but I did

Ebonie:.......I........I can't believe killed him

Me: Yes......I'm not proud of it but......

Ebonie: But nothing......Bye EJ

She got out the car closed the door and went into the house


Nolen's P.O.V.

I was in the Hallway when I saw Rosemary and Damn did I miss her she was crawling back to me and now she's not answering my calls and I thought I told him to stay away from her. I stopped at her locker

Me: Hey

Rosemary: Wassup

Me: What's been up with you. You haven't been answering my text my calls u ignore my face time calls you refused to be my partner in class and you barely even speak.

Rosemary: Oh....didn't think I have to

Me: Well you do

Rosemary: Well I don't we're not together anymore

I dont know where this smart mouth of hers came from but it was turning me on

Me: Well why haven't you been answering my calls

Rosemary: I don't know if you loved somebody and they just dumped you over something that you didn't start you wouldn't talk to me either now would you

Me:.....You love me...

Rosemary: .... I did once upon a time....

She closed her locker and walked off with Dorian....Damn.....I after all I did to her and she loved me...…....Damn I got to talk to Dario

???'s P.O.V.


Dario: hello what do you want

???: I have more photos

Dario: Of

???: I got a pictures of Roc and Rosemary going , while they're on the inside and when they are leaving out of the Janitors closet

Dario: Oh really

???: yup

Dario: Well Nolens not going to like that

???: I bet he won't

Dario: Alright meet me by the janitors closet before lunch

???: Alright bye

Dario: Bye

I hope Rosemary gets whats coming for her Even though I pretended to be her friend Fuck Friendship Because Friends wouldn't do that to each other How could she just forget all about me we were best of friends when we were little and now she can't even speak like I can't wait to speak to Dario and tell him all about it. If she think I wasn't a threat to her that Bitch Just better wait on it......

Dorian's P.O.V.

Me and Ray was just having too much fun laughing about old memories in class that we had with each other ....Yeah I missed that but I have a boyfriend who loves me and wouldn't do anything to hurt me

Ray: I know you probably heard this many times before but why are you with Dario

Me: I'm not answering a self explanatory question

Ray: Only if you knew......

Me: know what

Ray: Oh nothing never mind

I wonder what he was talking about what didn't I know about Dario what was he keeping from me that I didn't know about....hmm...guess I have a little researching to do with him. Ray left which gave me plenty of time to talk to Rosemary to see if she knows anything on him that I dont know. I went over to her desk

Rosemary: Hey 

Me: Hey um can I talk to you about something

Rosemary: Of course anything

Me: You're my bestfriend right

Rosemary: Right why would you ask a stupid question

Me:Calm down I was just saying and we don't keep any secrets with each other right

Rosemary: Alright get to the point already what is this bestfriend one o one

Me: No but do you know anything about Dario that Nolen told you that I shouldn't know


Me: Well what is it.

Rosemary: I can't tell you that I'm not even supposed to be speaking to you about this

Me: Well what do you know

Rosemary: Sorry Dario's going to have to tell you that because thats not my place to tell but I did try to tell you that day but you were so stuck on them damn Doc Martins it went in one ear and out the other

Me: How come I don't remember this

Rosemary: Well maybe if you weren't so far up Dario's ass that day you would remember oh well I gotta go handle some business I'll see you later

Me: Ok 

I got up and left what was he keeping from me that I didn't know about I was mad I hate when I dont know stuff and he bet not think it's sugar sweet between us because it's not


Princeton's P.O.V.

Ok today is Thursday and me and Makayla are anxious to know what the gender of our baby is. I'm happy that we are on good terms I missed her and it is so cute the way she waddles all over the place I started laughing at her

Makayla: What's so funny

Me: You

Makayla: What I do

Me: Waddle lol

Makayla: Lol you know I have no control over that jackass

Me: Lol I know now hurry up you know I'm thirsty

Makayla: I'm going as fast as I can

Me: Lol I know which makes it funny

We got in the car five minutes later and took a 30 minute drive to the doctors office. When we got there we checked in and the nurse sent us to the room where the process as what I like to call it will be. Makayla laid back in the doctors chair and waited for the doctor to come

Makayla: I'm so excited

Me: Me too baby I can't wait to know if i'm having a son or a daughter

Makayla: Me too 

Doctor: Hello you must be Miss Davidson

Makayla: Yeah that's me 

Doctor: Hi I am Dr. Catherine and i'll be your doctor now and when it'stime for you to deliver are you ready

Makayla: Yes 

Doctor: OK now lay back so I can put the gel on you caution because it's going to be cold

Makayla: Ok

Dr. Catherine put the gel on Makaylas stomach and began looking for my baby and Makayla and I was head over heels

Doctor: Um.....that's strange...

Me: What....What's strange

Doctor:.....Because I can't seem to hear the babies heart rate

Me: Well what does that mean if you can't hear my babys heart rate

Doctor: Sir It means that the baby is dead

I looked at Makayla and she looked at me ready to cry the entire Mississippi River

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