The Burden Continues

By Full_Of_Shame

727 11 7

My continuation to a story called "The Burden" here on Wattpad by @Sssh-Im-Hiding (alert woes) that was never... More

Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Seven (Turquoise Eyes)

245 4 7
By Full_Of_Shame

Larry couldn't shake the thought of what tonight may be like, the 72 hours was coming to an end, and their lives would be forever changed. Figuring that Ahk would have a hard time coming down in his condition, he went straight up the stairs in the direction of his tomb. As he rounded the corner into the chamber he saw a soft blue glow bouncing off the brown walls, he heard the young man whimper. Concerned the man quickened his pace. He found the Pharaoh in the corner frozen in fear one hand on his stomach the other under his belly near his crotch.


Ahkmenrah woke up better this time, thanks to the pillows and blanket, he feared tonight as he didn't know what was to come. The first thing he felt that evening was his child's movements. He rubbed his middle and smiled at the prospect of raising his own offspring, finally, after 4.000 years he would get his chance. Not under the usual circumstances, but still.

Suddenly Taweret's magic appeared, the King was confused as there was no pain like the other times, it circled around him for a bit and then it disappeared into his lower belly. He whimpered then felt a weird sensation of flesh tearing apart inside of him down to his groin followed by the sensation of moisture. Not knowing what had just happened he reached down to his crotch, something was wrong. After a moment of shock, Ahk came back to his senses as another fake contraction went through him, he felt his baby kick inside of him and soon realized Larry was there, he looked up fear in his eyes.


The young man innocently looked up at Larry with his big eyes, not saying a thing.

"Ahk, what happened? I saw the blue light, are you in pain?" The nightguard asked worriedly.

"No, this was different, something's wrong." The Egyptian shook his head vigorously looking around. "I need the restroom. I need to check something." He said still alarmed.

With that, Larry helped him up and to the nearest toilet, waiting outside.


In the bathroom, Ahkmenrah went into a cubical, pulled his pants down and reached with his hand down to his genitals. He noticed his penis and scrotum were gone and instead, a little lower there seemed to be an opening of some sort. His thoughts were in shambles. "What is going on!" he thought. He pulled his pants back up and washed his hands trying to keep at least a bit of his composure then proceeded to walk out of the room.


The Pharaoh walked out of the restroom deep in thought. As he was about to say something to his friend, he felt something inside him snap like a balloon. The young man looked to the ground, feeling fluid rush down his legs. The older man was about to say something but Ahk stopped him.

"Before you say anything. No, I did not soil myself." Ahkmenrah said unable to look him in the eye.

"Then what's that?" Larry questioned pointing at the man's stained trousers.

"I think it may have to do with the child I am bearing." He still couldn't look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I couldn't have soiled myself just now as I do not have what with." Ahk stated bluntly.

"You see, back in the lavatory I realized my genitals were missing and I've seemed to have acquired an opening of some kind which I believe is how my child will make its way out of my body" He still hadn't looked at Larry.

"Hey, Ahk look at me" The guard grabbed him by the shoulders.

The Egyptian finally looked at him clearly embarrassed.

"It's okay, don't feel embarrassed. It's not your fault." He reassured him.

"So let me get this straight, what your trying to tell me is that you now have a vagina and your water just broke?" Larry quizzed trying to make sense of all this.

"Not a vagina. But in simpler terms... yes, I think my water broke." He confirmed.

Suddenly Ahkmenrah clutched his stomach and bent over in pain.

"Arghhhh" He breathed shocked.

"What is it?" The nightguard asked.

"It was like one of those fake contractions but longer and more painful."

"Oh, I think this one might've been a real one buddy. Come on, we have to find a place for you to deliver and get some help." Larry took him into a side hug and they started walking.

"I want to do this in my chamber." Ahk said abruptly. "There's a blanket and pillows there anyway and I want Sacagawea. I don't want anyone else, just you and her." he finished as they got closer to his tomb.

Larry helped him sit down on the pillows. Ahkmenrah felt another contraction rip through him. He squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth all the while holding his middle.

"If there's any logic in all of this, you might just give birth very quickly as well. I'll go get Sacagawea, you stay here don't do anything." He instructed the man.


"Ok guys change of plans. Turns out the kid isn't gonna come out of him Alien style, more like, natural delivery style." Larry informed the others.

"And how the hell is it gonna do that Gigantor?" Jed asked confused.

"He is a man isn't he?" Octavius Inquired.

"Of course he's a man, Octavius. I don't know how it happened all I know is it's got to do with Taweret's curse, his water broke like ten minutes ago and he's having contractions. Sacagawea, he asked for you, I think you're gonna be able to help. He doesn't want anyone else there so all you guys can do is wait." The guard explained as quickly as possible.

"We can wait, go and help the poor boy" Teddy complied.

"Where is he?" The young woman asked.

"Up in his chamber, he wants to have it there."

"Ok then, let's go." She agreed.


Having made their way into Ahk's tomb, they heard sounds of struggle. Once they got closer, they found the Pharaoh gleaming with sweat.

The woman kneeled down next to him and touched his forehead with the back of her hand, he was burning up and clearly in distress.

"These contractions, they're getting closer it seems and they're definitely longer." The young Egyptian said, restless.

"Shhhh" She cooed.

"Larry, have you got the potion?" Sacagawea asked.

"No, it's downstairs." He replied quickly.

"Go get it and bring me a cold washcloth as well." She requested.

The Guard went off running.

The guide pulled something out of her pocket.

"Here, eat this. They're crushed up rattlesnake rattles, it'll make things go faster. Trust me, I've had these before when I had to deliver my son. We need this to be quick." She reassured him. He did as told.

Suddenly Ahkmenrah braced himself feeling another contraction coming.

"You have to breathe through them, Ahk. Otherwise, you'll lose too much energy."

At her words, the man tried to breathe through the remainder of his contraction. "That's good. You're doing great." She encouraged, rubbing his forearm. Soon after Larry came back with the potion and washcloth.

The woman took it and laid it across the Egyptians forehead to cool him down.

"Drink it, you may not come out of this wounded but you'll be greatly exhausted, you'll need as much strength as possible." She said, helping Ahk drink the potion.

"Okay, what now?" The nightguard didn't know what to do with himself.

"We have to wait, it'll come in its own time. Hopefully before sunrise. All we can do now is try to make Ahk as comfortable as possible and help him through this." She informed the man.

"Thank you." Ahkmenrah struggled to get the words out.

"Shhh, don't say anything. save your strength, unless you really need to say something."


Time passed slowly with each of Ahkmenrah's contractions getting worse, Sacagawea coaching him through each and every one of them. About 40 minutes later, a really bad one hit him.

"Argh," The man cried out, absolutely drained.

The guide wiped his forehead every now and then, trying to soothe him. Knowing what this is like, she felt for him immensely.

"Hey guys what's up" A voice was heard from the floor, it belonged to Jed.

"What are you doing here?! Get out!" Larry commanded him.

"Just wanted to check how everything is going, seems like our pal here is pretty tired." Jed stated pointing to Ahk, as the man moaned in pain.

"That's exactly why he doesn't want you here get, out!"

"Hey, hey relax Gigantor, it's not like I'm making him run a marathon." The miniature tried to calm the guard down.

The older man had enough of this, he grabbed Jed by his jacket and carried him out of Ahk's tomb.

"Um, you guys mind guarding the door so that no one walks in again?" The man asked the two jackal statues. Earning no reaction.

"Come on guys, we really don't have the time for this right now." Still nothing.

Then Ahkmenrah spoke to them in Arabic, the two Gods looked at their weak leader and complied.

"Wow, really? Now you move? Thank you." he said bitterly.

"What did you tell them?"

"I told them to listen to you until I say otherwise." The King answered.

Realizing his bad behavior Larry tried to apologize to the two statues.

Another contraction hit the Pharaoh after it passed he looked troubled.

"What is it Ahk?" Sacagawea questioned.

"There's this strange pressure, I feel... like... I need to push." He answered.

"Things are moving along then, the baby's coming. Now Ahk, this may be a little bit awkward but I'm gonna have to take off your pants." She informed him.

He looked at her with big eyes.

"Nu-uh." He shook his head vigorously.

"I can go behind the wall if you don't want me looking." Larry offered.

Ahkmenrah thought it over.

"No it's ok you don't have to, I'll do it. Not like there's much to see there at the moment anyway." He finally agreed.

The man lifted himself up a little and helped her get his pants off, he covered his lower parts with the blanket for a little bit of decency.

"Ok, spread your legs, when the next contraction comes I want you to push as hard as you can." She said positioning herself between his legs.

He noded, when the next contraction hit him he did as instructed.

"Ahh-ha" He whined despaired. "This hurt so much."

"You're doing good Ahk, a few more pushed and the baby will crown." She encouraged.

Several pushes later and the baby started to crown.

"Ahk, I see the head, it's coming."

"It burns." The Egyptian groaned as the widest part of the baby's head was passing through him.

"Come on one more and the head is out." The women instructed.

The man pushed with all his might. "Ok it's out I got it."

He let his head lull as it hit the wall with a thud.

"It's got a full head of black hair." Sacagawea tried to brighten up the mood. Ahk smiled a little dazed from all the pain.

"Ok Ahk, stay with me. you've got to get the shoulders out, then I'll be able to help."

A few more minutes passed, Ahkmenrah pushed with every contraction as hard as he could.

"Ahk, don't push so hard, you're gonna tire yourself out." The nightguard tried to help verbally.

"Larry's right, slow down. We're almost there, just a couple more pushes and the shoulders will be out." The woman confirmed.

"I can't anymore, this hurts too much. I'm too weak." The Pharaoh lamented out of breath.

"No you're not, you're strong and you will make it through this." She encouraged him, rubbing his knee.

As the next contraction came, The King pushed with all the strength he possessed, he felt his child move lower through him.

"Ok, the shoulders are out, you don't have to push so hard anymore, I'll help you. When there's a contraction push and I'll slowly pull it out." Sacagawea explained.

Ahkmenrah pushed with force through the next contraction not caring for how tired he was anymore, he was completely numb everywhere. As the baby moved down the woman pulled at its tinny shoulders to help get it out, with that final push the child, at last, was out with a rush of fluid behind it.

The Egyptian felt relief, he closed his eyes and relaxed every muscle in him as his body went limp. Suddenly a loud healthy wail filled the room, smiles appeared on everyone's faces and cheers were heard from outside the tomb. The Pharaoh sat up and opened his eyes to see a beautiful little being in Sacagawea's arms, she pulled out her knife and cut the umbilical cord. She looked overjoyed, disbelief on her face like she couldn't fathom that this was real. Honestly, none of them could. "It's a boy." She said happiness in her voice, the woman walked over to him and handed him his child, Ahk was scared he would drop it but as soon as he held the tiny bundle he couldn't let go of him. He smiled looking at the small scrunched up face, the child had a hard time opening its eyes, once he did so, two big beautiful turquoise orbs looked right at him. (Picture at the top for reference.)

"What are you gonna name him?" Larry asked, curious.

"Amun." Ahk said looking at his son, he had jet black, curly hair, big, bright blue eyes, a button nose, delicate, full lips and had a slightly darker skin tone than him.

"What does it mean?"

"Self-existent or god of mystery, it's also the name of one of the most popular Egyptian gods." He smiled still gazing at his child.

At that moment the magic appeared again wrapping itself around Ahkmenrah. Everyone looked on with worry in their eyes not knowing what the sorcery might do this time. It moved around the King and disappeared into his lower abdomen, Ahk held his child closer fearing what the magic may do and then felt his flesh merge back together, he quickly closed his legs as he realized what had happened and felt his genitals materialize back in place.

"I'm gonna put the pants back on." Ahk said sheepishly and handed his child over to Larry, he hastily put the pants on. Holding Ahkmenrah's baby Larry thought back to the day when he held Nick for the first time, he looked at the child with kind eyes and smiled. Upon standing up the Pharaoh realized that his stomach was flat again as if nothing had happened, the only evidence left being dozens of fading stretch marks that would be hidden under his garb. With each passing minute, he felt stronger thanks to the potion. The nightguard gave the child back to its father.

"You can let them come in." Larry spoke to the Anubis'.

With that, the two Jackals moved from the entrance and the rest of the clan walked in.

"I'll be damned." Teddy said in disbelief taking off his hat.

"Heavens to Betsy." exclaimed Jedediah stunned.

"Deus Meus." Octavius was speechless.

All men stood before the Pharaoh, awed. For the next half hour, the child was passed around from hands to hands, everyone thrilled with the new addition to their 'family'. The baby made its way around everyone and back into Ahkmenrah's arms. In a moment of euphoria, Jed jumped right on the child's belly, before he could do anything though, little baby Amun unintentionally grabbed him and did what every other newborn does, he brought his tiny hand to his mouth and proceeded to chew on little old Jedediah.

Quickly Ahk grabbed the baby's hand and saved the miniature cowboy.

"Ha! That'll teach ya not to stick your nose everywhere." Octavius exclaimed amused.

"Guys... sorry to burst your bubble but it's dawn soon, time to get back to your exhibitions." Larry informed the group, apology in his tone.

With these words, they said a few last words to the Pharaoh and his baby for until they saw then the next night and left the chamber.

The Egyptian stood there the baby fussing in his arms.

"What now?" He pondered as if it were a philosophical question.

"Now you stay here and a have to take the little guy with me, I can't leave a baby here all day all alone." The guard informed the mummy.

Ahkmenrah looked on with sorrow at his child, sad that he wouldn't be there for him in the daytime.

"Don't be sad Ahk, I'll bring him with me every night I won't take him away from you." He said putting one hand and the young man's shoulder.

"That's not my problem, I understand he cannot stay here. It's just I feel like I'm going to miss so much of his life this way." He explained caressing his child's cheek.

Larry felt for him, he wouldn't want to miss a day in his kids' life either.

With sunrise imminent, the Pharaoh took his place on display.

"Take care of him." He stated, handing him the child.

"I will," Larry said holding up the bundle

As Ahk froze and the tablet stopped glowing the child fell into a deep sleep.


Larry thought nothing of it and just thought 'good, at least he won't be crying for a few hours' but as the day went on and the older man slept for a few hours later went to get groceries, nothing changed it was like the kid fell into a coma. The day neared its end and it was time for Larry, the Guardian of Brooklyn to go back to work, he didn't understand how come the baby has been sleeping this whole day, with the sky getting dark Larry walked into the museum and then the baby started to fuss 'Interesting' he thought as he took it into account, soon after everyone in the building came to life. Ahkmenrah who was back in his normal garments practically ran into the staff room where Larry's locker was located to reunite with his son, the baby began to cry.

"How was he? Did he behave?" Ahk wanted to know everything.

"Well, he pretty much slept all day like he was comatose or something, he just woke up a few minutes ago." The guard explained.

"In fact, I think he may be hungry considering he didn't eat, I got some formula since I don't suppose you're going to nurse him." He continued.

Ahk just blushed and looked to the ground.

"Do you remember perhaps when I said I researched pregnancy on the computer device? Well, it said that nipples would get darker and larger... and sensitive too, and now there's this weird substance coming from them." Ahkmerah said each word, thick with embarrassment.

"O-kay... since there wasn't much information on what happens after Taweret's curse runs its course you're the guinea pig, whatever happens, happens." Larry shrugged absolutely done with the past days' events.

"I guess I'll leave you with him for a while then, you'll get to bond with him and feed him..." The man trailed off.

With that, Larry walked out of the room into the lobby.


"Hey, little buddy" Ahk cooed "You're my little miracle." He continued caressing the child's cheek. The baby looked at him with its ocean blue eyes, fascinated by this new world.

"I'm your daddy." The Pharaoh thought the sentence over.

"Yeah... I'm your baba." He smiled, the newborn grunted, happy.

"It also seems I'm your mother as I gave birth to you and now I can feed you with my own body." He kept talking, overthinking the subject. The child started to fuss again.

"I suppose let's try this." Ahkmenrah shrugged, took off his crown and collar then put them aside. Ahk fumbled with the child unsure how to hold it close to his chest, once close enough though Amun on instinct latched onto his dads' nipple 'Ohh' he thought

"Ouch, you're really hungry huh? little man."

At that moment nothing mattered, Ahk was with his long-awaited son and planned on enjoying every moment with him.


A week later something still wasn't right for Larry. It went by uneventful, during the night Amun was with his dad and everything was good, during the day the guard would take care of him, though here's the kicker. The kid slept all day every day only being awake at night, he thought about it 'he acts like the exhibits, but he didn't turn to dust when he left the museum and he's still alive and breathing during the day but still, he sleeps all damned day that's not right' Larry finally had to tell Ahk about this.

So he waited for the night to arrive and then brought up the topic.

"Hey, Ahk there's something about Amun." He trailed off


"Well it's weird but, during the day I've noticed he doesn't wake, like not even once. He's kinda like you all in a way he's awake at night but completely unresponsive all day." Not even he could really understand

"From what I gather Larry, it appears that because he spawned from me and lived inside me for 3 days he seems to depend on the tablet like all of us, but because he's a living being and not an object he still lives beyond these walls." The Pharaoh concluded.

"So I'm just gonna keep taking care of a sleeping baby for years to come?" The guard questioned.

"I believe so." Ahk said, the baby squirming in his arms.

"Oh well I guess that's not so bad and hey, let's look at it this way at least you're not missing a second of his life." Larry tried to cheer himself up with Ahk's happiness.

"You're right and that's what I'm the most thankful for." Ahkmenrah couldn't agree more. With that, the nights at the museum were made even cuter.


A/N: This is the last chapter it's 3 690 words long. Sorry for the terrible ending I had no idea how to end this. I looked for 3 days to find a baby name that would fit but in the end, I chose Amun because it has a lot of meanings and no other name's meaning quite fit like it does. And baba is just dad in Arabic. Thanks to anyone who read my terrible attempt at writing a fic for the first time. Let me know what you thought in the comments. :) And for the last time this wasn't my idea I just finished it, I couldn't let it be unfinished like that.

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