No More Hiccups - larry styli...

Par NotReadyToPlayNice

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I wanted to finish this story the original story is called HICCUPS written by larryspeaksfrench all original... Plus

PROLOGUE (Summary of Original Story)
Chapter 1 - The Aftermath
Chapter 2 Harry
Chapter 3 Confessions Part 1
Chapter 4 Confessions 2 Zayn and Perrie
Chapter 5 Time to Heal
Chapter 6 Airport Reunion
Chapter 7 Mom I'm Home
Chapter 9 Continue Healing
Chapter 10 Making a Plan
Chapter 11 Calling Harry Styles
Chapter 12 Face to Face with the Past
Chapter 13 Delilah Anne Tomlinson
Chapter 14 Family Reunion
Chapter 15 Rebuilding Trust
CHAPTER 16 Work In Progress
Chapter 17 Christmas in Doncaster
Chapter 18 - Building Trust Take 2
Chapter 19 What If She Says No
Chapter 20 Wellington
Chapter 21 Media Circus
Chapter 22 Getting to Back Semi Normal
Chapter 23 New Traditions
Chapter 24 Babies Weddings and Relationships
CHAPTER 25 Old Habits & Heartbreak
CHAPTER 26 Tours and Trust
Chapter 28 Happier Than Ever
Chapter 29 Family

Chapter 8 - Telling Harry

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Par NotReadyToPlayNice

To say that Anne, Robin and Gemma were nervous was an understatement, they knew that even tho Harry was always relaxed and calm he also had a temper and that is what scared them, not that he would do anything to them but Anne also knew how broken Harry was at this moment and she didn't want him to break anymore, so as 4 o'clock came close

"Mom" Harry yells" Mom where are you"

"I'm in the kitchen about to start Dinner"

"what are you making"

"ohh just your favorite so it will be ready by 6" Anne responds nervously hoping that by making his favorite dish he would not be so mad hoping is the key word she thinks

"H, can you please go get Robin and your sister, there is something I want to talk to you all about"

"what is it mom are you sick, are you and Robin ok, is it Gemma" Harry says

"No, well not exactly but Please can you please go call them while i finish get the pot roast seasoned and ready" Anne nervously says looking at the clock 4:15

When Gemma gets to the kitchen she nervously looks at Anne and they both take a deep breathe then Robin walks in and Anne ask where Harry was at Robin tells her that he went to use the bathroom, Harry walks in the kitchen and notices everyone very nervous and now he know that that something is up and he decides to speak up noticing the change in the mood of the room

"Ok who ever has an announcement speak up now, I can tell you guys are not telling me something" harry says

"Harry" Anne speaks up looking at Harry in his eyes" What I am about to tell you is something big I mean I wanted to tell you from the beginning but I couldn't soo please, Son. please wait until I am finished just sit there and let me finish telling you everything, and please remember that we all love you that will never change"

"Mom, please just telling me I can't take this anymore" Harry says" I promise I will listen to everything you need to say"

"ok" Anne says" When you came home on Friday , um, well Lia, Darren and Darcy were here, when you called Gemma she told us and Robin took them back to Louis"

"WHAT??" Harry yells not believing what he just heard" Mom, Dad, Gem please tell me that your joking"

"H, please let mom finish" gemma says

"Son, you promised" Anne say quietly trying to hold back her tears knowing that her son was getting upset and she doesn't blame him she is brought of her thoughts when she feels Robin reaching his hand and grabbing her hand giving her a gentle squeeze she takes a deep breathe and continues " Son, when you left Louis I reached out to him just to tell him that if there was anything he needed to let us know, you had left him so coldly and when you called me to tell me i was furious with you do you remember, and I reached out to him at first he wouldn't even take my calls so I would just leave him voicemails, then about 3 months later he calls me back, and we talked, we talked for about 4 hours, that was when he told me that he was pregnant with Darcy and that he was going to come visit Jay, and he asked me that if i wanted to see the kids telling us that we can't tell you since that is what you wanted and well I jumped at the opportunity so for the last 5 years Robin, and I have made the drive here but we would only stay for a few hours and drive back home, but when Robin was given the opportunity to run the office here, well we jumped at the chance to do it, For the last 5 years Louis has been sending us pictures of the kids and we talk to them and spend time with them"

"So my kids were here, when do they leave I need to see them, I need to talk to Louis, Mom, Does Jay still live at the same house"

"yes, baby, but Louis is gone he is back in Holmes Chapel his flight left at 3"

"but why now why are you telling me this now, and do you think next time I can see them or even call me when they are here if I can't be here?, I just want want to at least hear their voices or even a laugh" Harry asked not knowing if he wanted to hear the answer

"Haz" Gemma spoke up" We are telling you now because of what happened Friday when they were here, When I left on Friday night I was at Jays house and that's when Louis told me that he would let us tell you but it had to be today and after his flight left because he knows that you would go looking for him, he said that we should tell you because well before there was no reason to since Mom and Robin lived an hour away but now that we are all in the same city if you decide to surprise Mom and Dad again and the kids are here there is a bigger risk, and Please understand, we want a relationship with them and we are lucky that Louis is not holding a grudge against us because of what you did, Louis was ok with you knowing but the same rules apply the kids can't be here if you are here, so please no more surprise visits, I mean only when they are here which is usually around this time of year, and Christmas thru New Years"

"H, I want i mean we want a relationship with them can I trust you that you will please follow Louis' rules, Please son" Anne says as she cries

"Son, your mom and Sister have been feeling really guilty about this for the last 5 years they wanted to tell you but could't they want to have a relationship with them"

"Guys, guys this is a lot to take in I mean I know i should be furious for everybody lying to me but I get it, you guys shouldn't have to pay for my mistakes and I understand why and I'm sorry i messed all this up and I am relieved that you guys did what you did, I think I would of done the same thing and Fuck, I am just jealous that you know my kids better than I do, I promise to abide by Louis rules and will call ahead when ever I come visit or as soon as I know and I won't bother Louis"

"Thank you Son" Robin replies" Do you have any questions for us"

"A million" harry answers" can you tell me about them Please"

Robin steps away for a bit as Anne starts to tell Harry about the kids she starts with Lia, then Darren and then Darcy, when Robin comes back he is holding a box full of picture frames as Anne continues to talk about her grand kids as harry is looking thru all the pictures from when they were all born up to their last school pictures as harry is looking towards the bottom he sees a family picture with Louis and the Kids that one breaks him he as he start crying loosing control of his emotions as he rubs his thumb up and down on the picture now holding it close to his chest

"H, we can stop if you want" Anne asks

"No, its just its just that I can't believe that they were here and now they are gone, and its all because of me" Harry cries out " can you tell me what you guys did when they were here"

Gemma, Robin and Anne take turns telling him about what they did and how each of the kids handle each adventure as Anne starts talking her phone starts ringing

"You guys keep going its Jay, i'm gonna answer it"

Anne steps away from Harry, Robin and Gemma

"Hi jay, how are you"

"'I am good, Anne, I am calling because Louis just text me he wanted to let you guys know that they have landed safely and Zayn already picked them up and are on their way home"

"Thank you for letting know, I really appreciate it, Can you let Louis know that I have some clothes that I bought the kids that I didn't have time to pack them"

" yeah i will let him know, Anne, i just wanted to know if you told Harry everything, Louis doesn't know I am asking"

"Um. well we are talking to him right now he actually understood and isn't mad he was at first but when we explained to him why we did it he was actually relieved"

"Um Anne do you think I can come over and talk to him, Do you think he would want to talk to me, i mean i am not going to go off on him, I just want to tell him some things I mean you can be there if he feels more comfortable"

"Um jay let me ask him hold on" Anne says as she walks towards the kitchen " Um, H, Jay wants to know if she can come over and talk to you, she said that if you feel more comfortable that I can be with you"

"Um, yeah I guess" harry nervously answers

"He said yes"

"ok thank you I will over about 7:30 I just need to feed the kids and wait for Dan to get home"

"Sounds good" Anne replies as she hangs up the phone

"jay will be here at 7:30" Anne says" Harry do you want to go lay down until dinner is ready"

'Yeah that would be great but I have one last question" harry says "why are all the pictures in this box?"

"Well since you weren't suppose to know about the kids coming, and our relationship with them every time we knew you might come home we put them away in this box in our room" Robin replies" there were times that we would forget to put one away and when you weren't looking we would shove it under the couch or the closes draw, or chuck it somewhere, but Louis says that now that you know all of our secret that he is ok with us having the pictures out so we can get rid of this box"

"I understand" harry says with a small smile" Well do you think louis would mind if I made a copy of one of the picture the only one have was from 5 years ago"

"Son, you would have to ask Jay about that" Anne says" you know, we have to play by Louis rules we don't want to jeopardize everything we have worked for"

"Ok, i will ask Jay when she gets here, I'm gonna go lay down for a bit call me when dinner is ready, Please"

"Sure probably another Hour or so" Anne says

As Harry leaves Robin, Anne and Gemma stay in the kitchen talking about what happened relieved that harry took the news better than anyone of them expected. as soon as they were done talking, Anne continued to cook dinner, Robin went and started putting the pictures up where they were suppose to be and Gemma went to her room and watched t.v.

When Dinner was ready Anne, went to tell everyone, they all sit at the table and start talking catching up and each others lives, When they are done, Harry helps his mom clean up the kitchen

"Mom" harry asks" I messed up really bad didn't I, I mean I have to ask permission to get a picture of my own kids, and kinda ask permission to come home and my own kids don't know me"

"FUCK" harry lets out a loud scream

"Honey, I wont lie to you but yes" Anne replies as she makes her way to hug Harry " but Harry remember that if you are going to fight for your family you need to do things on Louis' terms, don't pester him"

"have you talked to him, I mean about us"

"Yes, Sweetheart, But I don't think its my place to say what we talked about" Anne says" but I did tell him about our conversations, I thought he needed to know, I'm sorry"

"Mom, Its ok I am fine with it, since he won't talk to me, I guess its the closes I will get for him to know how sorry I am, Do you think he will ever talk to me?"

"i know i shouldn't tell you but ,Son, the answer is yes" Anne says " But please don't tell him or Jay that I told you but just give him his space and like I said it all has to be on his terms"

Before Harry can respond they hear the doorbell

"Jay, nice to see you" Robin says

" Hi, Robin i'm doing good, missing my son and grand kids" Jay replies

"Harry and Anne are in the Kitchen" Robin says as he point to the kitchen

Jay walks to the kitchen before going in she takes a deep breathe and walks in

"Anne, how are" jay says as she walks to her to give her a hug

"Good just having a quick chat with Mr. Styles here" Anne replies laughingly trying to liven the mood a bit

"Harry my its been ages since we seen each other" jay says as she goes to give him a hug" its ok I promise I won't bite, i am not here to yell or scream i am here to talk to you"

Harry smiles and goes and hugs his ex mother in law after 5 years relieved that she doesn't want to kill him

"yes it has Jay how is everyone"

"Everyone is good" Jay responds" But I really wanted to come talk to you about Louis, now he doesn't know I am here but I will tell him soon but I wanted to talk to you first"

"Maybe I should leave you two alone" Anne says

"No, Mom, Please stay" Harry quietly tells his mom, Anne sits next to Harry and holds his hand "Jay please continue"

"Now Harry I am sure your parents and Gemma talked to you about the kids and the visits, I want you to promise to abide by those rules, and I will work on Louis"

"What do you mean, you will work on Louis" harry asks

"Well, when he was here, I am not sure if your mom told you but we all talked to Louis, Harry, when you left him the way you did it broke him, he was so bad there were days that Zayn had to be there and take care of the kids for days, now I am not one to sugar coat anything so I am going to tell you how things are, and now Louis is in a place where he feels better he has been seeing a therapist to help sort out his feelings, Harry, he still loves you but right now he says he can't talk to you he needs to sort everything out himself that before he can talk to you he needs to be stronger emotionally, I am sure your mom told you to do thing on Louis terms and that is the reason"

Harry looks at Anne " is that why you said you couldn't tell me that it was not your place to say, when I asked you if you have talked to Louis about us"

"yes, that is why it was not my place to say"

"Harry I wanted to tell this only because Louis said that you will not stop until you get them back, but right now I need you to give Louis his space, i talked to him before he left and he said that he will reach out to you when he is ready, so I am asking you to please give him his space, i know that Louis calls your mom, I think if you want to know anything just have your mom give him the message just so he can have the idea that your not going anywhere, If it ok with both of you i am going to call Louis tomorrow I can tell him that I ran into you Harry and that you told me that you are going to back off and when he is ready he can reach out to him"

"That would be amazing , Thank you Jay" Harry says a bit confused" but can I ask you why you are willing to help me, I thought you hated me"

" I just want both of you happy and when Anne was telling Louis about you, it broke my heart and knew that you both still love each other very much so here I am, I really shouldn't tell you this but Lia knows you are her father she such a smart girl she figured it out, and she still remembers the day you left"

"OH My God, No i didn't think she was near by i had put her to bed, I mean how" Harry asks with tears in his eye realizing that his daughter probably hated him" Does she hate me"

" No" jay answers as she tells harry about the conversation Lia has had with Louis about Harry and telling him that she still sleeps with one of harry's shirts and that Darren and Darcy know nothing about him that thought alone breaks harry's heart and starts crying in his hands

"Jay, thank you" Harry says

"Harry" jay says" I am trusting you that you are seriously sorry and remorseful for what you did but if you break my sons heart or the kids hearts, I swear to you in front of your mother I will kill you myself and that is a promise"

Harry swallow deeply afraid of Jay" Please believe me when I say that I won't, it's Louis and my kids that I want, I was so stupid I thought that fame and money would make me happy but I have been anything but and when I ran into Louis and looked into his eye I felt happy again and when he was talking to me coldly I realized that i did that to him that he hates me so much that he doesn't want to talk to me, I tried several time and each time he refused"

" Look" Jay starts" just don't pester him you have to do this on his terms regardless if it takes him a month, 6 months or a year'

"I promise" harry says" Jay, i can ask you for a favor please"

"yes Harry"

"Can I make a copy of one of the pictures my parents have, the only picture I have is from 5 years ago"

"well Harry" Jay says as she reaches in her purse and pulls out an envelope and hands it to Harry" Louis sometimes would send me doubles so here I got these for you and don't worry I am going to tell Louis about this"

"Thank You, jay" Harry says with tears in his eyes "I really don't know what to say, I don't deserve to be forgiven by any of you, Please tell Louis that I am truely sorry for everything I did to him, and That I promise to back off until he is ready I swear, and that I agree to his terms about the kids and my parents, I promise I will call and let my parents know as soon as I know when i will visit and if he has plans to visit I will stay away until he leaves, Its more important for him to visit than me, can you please let him know" Harry says as he stares at the picture of Louis and the kids "When was this picture taken Jay"

"Don't worry I will tell him everything I promise and that one was taken right before they came maybe about a month ago"

"Jay is Louis married" harry finally having the courage to ask

"No, he just hasn't taken off his wedding ring" jay says " if you look closely you can see the H❤L engraved on it"

"You know he told us that he took it off once but felt weird like he felt naked he couldn't explain it to us but he said that is why he still wears it, may be knew deep down that one day you would come back" Anne says

"Harry can I ask you a question that I am sure that Louis wants to know and I promise I won't tell him I will let you tell him if he asks you" jay asked nervously finally asking the one question that has haunted her for the last 5 years not sure if she wanted to know the answer

"Yeah" harry nervously answered

"What was the real reason you left Louis, what was the really reason you decided to abandoned your family?"

Harry froze not knowing if he should just be honest this was a a secret that he never told anyone not even his parents but since Jay was being honest with him he felt he needed to be honest with her, so he took a deep breathe

"Well before I left Louis I was in the doing my gigs in the clubs, I met someone, that person made me feel soo free like if i had no care in the world, he knew I was married and he kept coming onto me then one night I had one to many drinks and one thing led to another and I slept with him, and then after that time it just happened more and more I was stupid I know, but its all my fault this person kept telling me that I should leave louis for him that together we can be free and that Louis was just holding me back and the kids were a distraction from reaching my goals, and at the time Louis kept crying and I guess I was turning cold towards him to make my self feel that it was his fault we were falling apart, the week before I left him, I got the record deal I never told the record label about louis and the kids, they still don't know, I wanted to be free with no responsibilities, in the blink of an eye I had freedom, fame and money, as for the person about 3 years ago he left me for someone else he was just using me for my money, I guess I deserved it after what I did to lou, it was about 2 years ago that I was in Holmes Chapel visiting Nick Grimshaw we were at Tescos and I saw him that day he was by himself I followed him he was talking to some girl and I just listened not exactly to their conversation but to his voice, his laughter just him and I knew that I messed up that Louis was always it, I felt the same butterflies in my stomach and my heart broke realizing that I needed him to be mine again and that's why I had my label do that contest i found out where he was working at well actually he was telling that girl he was talking to and knew i can get my way and so that's how I ended up at his school, but then everything happened and here we are now"

Jay and Anne just looked at him not knowing what to say how to respond both with tears in their eye

"Is that why you called this tour DELILAH" Anne questioned" and why you sang 2 ghost at the performance at the school"

"Yes" harry barely said " I couldn't help it" harry still looking at Jay who hasn't spoke a word

"Harry, first I want to say thank you for being honest with me and Second even tho you did what you did i don't hate you none of us do, Louis likes the idea of hating you but he doesn't, and I promise I won't tell him anything but when the time comes and he ask please be honest with him and tell him everything if you want to rebuild your trust with him you need to be honest with any questions he might have, please promise me that"

"I promise Jay I will do what ever I need to do to get them back"

"I know Love I believe you, but please don't mess this up or all help that i am offering is off the table and I will make sure you never see any of them again, Do you understand"

"Yes I promise"

"Ok I better be going before i find the house on fire" jay says jokingly trying to change the mood in the room as she walks to harry and gives him a tight hug and this time he hugs her back tightly not really wanting to let go whispering a quiet thank you

"and please tell him that I am sorry and still love them" harry says

Anne hugs Jay next telling her thank you for everything as she tightly hugs her

Anne and harry walk Jay to her car once they see that she turns the corner Anne raises her hand and smacks harry in the back of the head

"what was that for" harry yells out massaging the back of his head

"that is for being so stupid, Harry Edward Styles, I can't believe you can be so stupid, did you not think of anyone else but yourself you selfish asshole" Anne scream at him" I am so angry at you right now"

"Mom, I'm sorry i really am" harry says" I can't believe you hit me"

"Harry I am your mother and you are lucky your a grown ass man and i can't ground you, oh what the hell your grounded until you leave" anne says" now go to your room"

"are you serious, mom"

"Does it look like i am joking" she says crossing her arms giving him a stern look" and stop talking under your breathe or I will make sure to ground you longer and don't tempt me I will go on tour with you until your punishment is over"

Harry just looks at his mom shocked that he was in his 20's still getting grounded like a 12 year old, but he knows better and just walks upstairs to his room and lays on his bed thinking about everything that they talked about with Jay, feeling hopeful for once in his life but he knows that as much as he wants to do things his way he needs to do as Jay say and let Louis do this on his terms


let me know what you think??

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