Deviate {DBH Connor x Reader}...

By _IAmNotAlive_

78.8K 2.6K 2.8K

"I have a question for both of you...what will make you deviate?" ~~~~~ Connor, a CyberLife android made to... More

A/N: Before We Start
1: Back Home
2: My Name is...
3: Deductions
4: Instability
5: Human?
6: Machine?
7: Emotions
8: Hold Me Tight
9: Options
10: Divided
11: Choose A Side
12: Everything Looks Different
13: Decision
14: Broken
15: Start The End
16: Replacement
17: Again
19: Gone
20: Changes

18: Missing

1.9K 76 69
By _IAmNotAlive_

*Y/N's P. O. V. *

"8 organ-empty bodies have been found dumped all throughout the city within the span of one week. No leads, no traces of who could have done this, but all seem to be connected. All those found bodies and missing ones are around 15 to 25 years old. There's a network of organ harvesters in Detroit right now and they are active as they can be, but up until now, we have little to zero idea of who and where this network is...We need to move, people. The numbers are increasing as day pass by. Almost all teams are now working on this case, yet still, nothing," Captain Fowler stated.

Almost all detectives and high ranking officers are in the conference room right now having a very heavy meeting. The situation here in Detroit about this certain case is only getting worse.

"Only one thing is certain. All those people who went missing disappeared within this radius. They are mainly operating here in terms of getting their victims, but as to where their hideout is and who they are...nothing," he continued.

My team is the one who primarily handled this case. We thought it was a kidnapping case again, but it turns out so much worse than that. As the number of people missing piled up, we began to uncover that this is something way more serious and hard, even Conan couldn't do much now.

"We have to do it now. We need to create a bust operation within that area. If we can't get to them, let them go to us," I said. I honestly don't want to do this kind of operation, but we have no choice now. This needs to stop before it gets way worse.

"The risk is too high. We don't have many agents that fit their age range ----

"Well, I belong to that age range. I'll be the bait. If we get one of them, that'll be a big help," I volunteered and almost all of them stared at me.

"Y/N, I know I have been sending you out to do more of these cases, but this is something we can't control.  What if they knew that we're onto them, what if we failed and they get you? This is why I'm still reluctant with this bust operation," Captain Fowler answered.

"We can never tell unless we try. Besides, we have Conan. He'll keep an eye on me. I'm sure he can guarantee my safety," I replied. These past few days have been better days with him too, I do think that he really tried to follow what I told him. He was less perfectionist now and I see him considering other stuff than the mission. It was obvious that he's trying so hard, but at least, he is doing it, "And all officers can follow my every move. Get them to follow me just to make sure that we have the situation under control," I added.

"It might be our only chance to get to them, Captain. The risk is high, but the consequences are higher if we don't make a move as soon as we can," Conan stated and I'm glad he's on my side. Him, Gavin and I actually talked about this earlier and I was expecting them to go against my plan, but I was wrong because they agreed with me. Or maybe they just want me dead? I don't know.

"See? Even Conan agrees with me. Besides, I've faced almost everything by now, I can do this," I said with determination. I know Fowler is still reluctant, but finally, he agreed. We proceeded to create the plan as careful as we can.

Conan and Gavin were very vocal now and they are both considering make sake in every course of action in the plan. Well, I guess they don't want me dead after all. I do appreciate their gesture too and yes, even with Gavin. He's still a big douche, but I think something has changed since that incident a year and a half ago. As I can remember, he was the first one who saw me in that storage section at the CyberLife Tower and at that moment, I was wrecked. Maybe he pities me until now. As for Conan, he somehow learned how to look after his teammates or maybe it's just his mission, again, I don't know.

After hours of planning and calling for reinforcements to join us, the plan is fully furnished. Conan says that if we precisely follow all those steps, without any outside intervention, we have a 95% successful rate here which is really good to hear. We'll be executing the plan in the next few hours and all I'm doing now is preparing.

"Have you done something to him?" Gavin suddenly asked me the moment he sat down on his desk. Since we're on the same team, our areas are near each other.

"Done something to who?" I asked.

"Conan...somehow became less of an ass," Gavin replied.

"Oh, that. Well, I just talked to him, told him not everything is about the mission and not everyone is as perfect as him," I answered him. 

"And he listened to you?" he asked in disbelief. He was so baffled by the fact that the RK900 android had listened to me.

"Can't believe it either. You're so shocked, Reed. Can't process the fact that the android is a better listener than you are?" I teased while smirking at him, "At least he became less of an ass, not like someone I know," I continued.

"Shut the hell up, Y/L/N," he retaliated and I chuckled at him.

"See, like someone I know," I continued to tease him.

Back then, my temper goes very low whenever Gavin and I clash but now it's just like a sibling bickering. It's not like I'm feeling something for the guy, I would never, not to that extent at least. I just feel like he became a family after what happened to me. He's been my partner for more than 15 months and I got used to him I guess. Sometimes he acts like an older brother to me too.

After that short break, I focused on memorizing the plan again and preparing. I couldn't risk doing something wrong here because I might turn up organ-empty the next time a human sees me again. This really is a dangerous mission, but with the team I have, I am confident.

I just wish that nothing unpredictable will happen.

~~~Time Skip~~~

"We're all in position, Y/N. Just follow the plan, we'll be right behind," I heard Gavin said over the small earpiece that I am wearing.

It's thirty minutes past midnight and I am walking alone along this dim-lighted street that is located within our pinned radius. This is where those missing people were last seen and we hope we'll come across those takers tonight.

There were still a decent number of people walking around and I honestly couldn't tell who's just a passerby or who could be the potential takers are. The situation fires up my anxiety, but I keep telling myself to calm down since I have a great a team is behind me.

I tried my best to focus on the faces of the people around me, trying to memorize or even remember them if possible. I kept walking for minutes yet nothing is still happening and I still haven't noticed anything suspicious. The shops around the area are all closed too and as I continue to walk further down the street, the volume of people began to decrease. I took a turn at the end of this main street and I arrived at a darker alleyway. My heart rate decreased, but I pushed forward.

Suddenly, I felt a chill on my spine. I know I'm being watched by my back-up, but this is a different kind of 'feeling watched by someone'. I took a deep breath and cleared my throat to signal them that I already feel something wrong.

I cautiously looked around and saw two men in the corner of my eyes at the end of the street. I focused all my attention on them as I continued walking.

"Stop her! Detective, don't continue! Run back out now!" I suddenly heard Conan shout and for the first time ever, I heard a hint of worry on his voice.

I honestly have no idea what was going on, but if he said it and he sounded that worried, I will fucking follow him. I quickly turned but after three steps it happened.

Something in front of me exploded causing me to get thrown away hard. I felt my head and back crash against a wall and there's only ringing in my ears now. The explosion wasn't that strong but it's enough to destroy the walls around and it produced a thick smoke covering me and the whole area.

"Y/N! Get up and run! Now! " I heard a very choppy command over the earpiece. The sirens of the police cars were immediately heard after the explosion too.

I coughed out the smoke and pushed myself to stand even with a throbbing pain in my head. I pushed all the bricks off of me and ran as fast as I can.

"Gavin, I can't see a thing, am I going the right way?" I asked, feeling so disoriented after that explosion.

"Well, you are going the right way for us, dear." The two men appeared out of nowhere and I was running straight to them. I didn't give them any attention and quickly turned to run the other, but I know they were already onto me.

The darkness and thick smoke didn't really help me a lot and soon enough, I felt one of them grab my arm. He pulled me towards them but I wasn't giving up that easily and put up a hand fight with them. But obviously, I was outnumbered.

"Just give in already," one of them stated before burying a strong punch straight to my stomach.

The force was enough to make me cough hard and curl up involuntarily. I could even taste blood inside my mouth now. Seconds after that, I felt a wet cloth against my nose and the smell of chloroform on it was very strong.

I still tried my best to fight them off, but I know I was done for the moment everything around me turned black.

*2nd Person View*

"How did you not see that way earlier?! How did that went over your radar?!" Gavin was shouting at Conan.

Everyone in the station is on the edge of their seats now. It's been two hours since you've been gone and everyone is in distraught that they failed the bust operation and they also lost you.

"It was hidden very well and Y/N only triggered it the moment she walked in front of it. They were ready for us...they knew that we were coming for them and they prepared," Conan explained. He was so disappointed that he had failed his mission, but something else was bothering him now.

His mission is to get information from the takers and because of what happened he failed that...but now he wasn't thinking about the mission, he was thinking about your condition and he finds it unusual.

"No, shit, Sherlock! If you only saw that way earlier, Y/N wouldn't have been taken!" Gavin shouted in frustration. He was very worried about you too.

Gavin doesn't recall when it all started but he now sees you as his younger sibling. He hates your attitude and wit most of the time, but he learned to also care about you. It was weird for him at first considering the fact that he sees you as his rival in detective work, but all he knows is that something changed the moment he saw you at the CyberLife tower. Somehow, he doesn't want to see you that broken and devastated again.

"Reed, enough! Pointing fingers will not do anything now! Just get to work and join the search and rescue team, we can't lose much time. We need to find her so instead of pouring all your frustration towards the android, just try to deduce where she could be," Fowler said.

The panic and tension keeps rising inside the station. Almost all officer are doing their best to locate you and prevent the worse case scenario to happen. Gavin immediately left the place to join the search team while Conan was left in front of his desk, sitting there silently, doing nothing because something inside him is bothering him.

He feels it's his fault. He feels that he could have done something better. He was blaming himself.

He's guilty.

Software Instability^^^. It was the first time that he saw an error like that, but still, it wasn't enough to distract him from having those thoughts.

"Find her," suddenly, he heard a very faint voice which made him look around him. It sounded so much alike to his own voice.

Conan looked around again to make sure no one was messing with him, but he confirmed it, no one is around him. That voice may have come from his programs, maybe he accidentally downloaded a file.

Frustrated. Conan closed his eyes and cleared out his systems and went into stasis mode to run a self-check on his systems. He knows that he needs to focus now if he wants to find you safe and sound.

And he'll make sure that he won't fail this mission now.

A/N: I promise you, exciting shizz will continue to happen!
Thank for reading, lovelies!❤️❤️❤️

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