-•Can you fix me? •- Modern...

By IWantAffectionPlz

77.1K 1.6K 1.2K

A modern steampunk girl finds her self creating a portal to another dimension which so happened to be one of... More

-•Chapter 1-Entering the portal•-
-•Chapter 2-Waking up in ciel's mansion...•-
-• Earning a job at phantomhives mansion....•-
Another A/N
-•Setting things right•- ( EDITED )
Merry Christmas!
-•This gonna be a long night...•-
-• All foods before dudes! •-
-• Did i just get grounded? •-
Last A/N
Attention one, attention all
The (not surprising) Results

Food Wars

1.7K 51 14
By IWantAffectionPlz

"Did...did I just get grounded? ..."

I stared in disbelief at the closed door and snapped out of my dazed state and marched my way to the stairs. 'Oh hell no boy! You don't get to ground me, come at me dude, and square up' I thought as my form exited the room to the main lobby. Ciel stood there as he buttoned up his navy blue coat with Sebastian at the ready with his top hat, and I stormed down to where I stood on the first step as I played out an entire scenario on how this throw down was going to happen.

"Hey!" I called out, making Ciel stop his movements and a small irk mark appeared? What?

He turned around slowly and glared at me. His burning gaze making my head blank out as I could feel his radiating anger. I slowly opened my mouth as I raised my hand...

"Have a safe trip!" I said with dumbass grin on my face. 'WHAT!?'

Ciel turned and grabbed his hat before setting outside with Sebastian, his cane clicking against the cobblestone that was cut off by the huge oak door. 'What type of dumbass answer is that?! I was promised a throw down mc-cuse me honey?!' I thought as I dropped to my hands and knees, rethinking my whole existence as crocodile tears welled up. A cough brought me out of my internal crisis and I turned to see Finny standing there with a pair of shear in his hands.

"Are you alright? You seem pretty upset...do you, perhaps, want to join me in the garden?" He asked with a mellow tone.

I nodded glumly and grabbed his offered hand but me being the dumbass bitch I am forgot one crucial detail about the gardener boy. I let out a yell as he suddenly propelled me forward making me crash into him that made the two of us fall. 'That's right...his strength...' I thought, a throbbing pain on my head as I accidentally crashed into his jaw. I sat up right as I mumbled about it felt like someone sledge hammered my skull, soon he stood up as well before he started to apologize profusely as he helped me up again but being more wary about how he lifts me up. I straightened up and the throbbing pain in my head minimised a little bit but was still there, he kept apologising while bowing to me.

"Hey, hey... it's okay! I'm fine just a bit of pain...so you wanted to show me the garden?" I told him, trying to calm him down and change the topic back onto the garden.

He stopped and nodded quietly before leading me to the back doors. He opened the door before him and let me in, it was beautiful! I'm not really flower person but when I see colour, I see colour! I gasped at the collection of colours that melted together as the different groups of flowers where organized wonderfully. My feet moved on their own as I lead myself towards the orchids, the sweet aroma encapsulating my senses.

"...whoa..." I softly whispered as I kneeled down in front of the flowers.

A rustling noise made me look to the side before something laid over my eyes. I lifted up the object to see that it was in fact a flower crown and in front of me sat Finny. He gave a sheepish smile "Don't worry, it's left over flowers from this morning's trimmings..." He said as he placed a red rose flower crown on his head.

I giggled slightly, missing his pink dusted blush, as I looked up to see a pair of butterflies fluttering around. I stood up and began to walk around again while following the two butterflies and for the whole day I sat and admired the flowers with Finny, sometimes walking around to get a better look of the different variations.


I walked inside with Finny as it was getting darker outside. He told me about different flowers and soon started telling me jokes about flower related things. I let out quite a loud giggle which brought the attention of Ciel who was waiting in the dining room for Bard to finish cooking dinner while we both walked in, Mey-rin waiting by Ciel side turned and looked.

"Where were you two? I hadn't seen you all day!" exclaimed Mey-rin with a soft smile.

I looked at her and apologized before explaining how we both were in the garden observing the flowers and forgot what time it was. She nodded and Ciel spoke up, "Mey-rin, go get (Name) cleaned up for supper. If she was outside by the garden all day, no doubt she'll be ridden with dirt." He ordered.

I looked down at myself before huffing as Mey-rin took me by my hand up to my bed room. She began the bubble bath while I picked out appropriate clothes for dinner. My options were limited as I didn't want to spend my whole time here wearing my own clothes so I decided to pick a dress from the sacred closet. It was a simple black dress with a white top, I didn't want to go overboard with dressing up. I stepped into the bathroom where May-rin bathed me (which was weird) and dressed me.

"I wasn't that dirty..." I mumbled as I made my way to the dining room.

Mey-rin opened the door and I stepped in to take a seat two seats down from Ciel's left, one chair separating us. He glanced at me and my outfit before Bard walked in with no plates and a sheepish grin. He told us that he may or may not have burnt the food. Ciel sighed and was about to order Sebastian to make the food when I stood up.

"I can make something!" I exclaimed with a bright grin. Since I lived by myself, I often got to cook and experiment with my meals and today I will cook Ciel something I took from an anime! Food Wars to be exact!

I took off to the kitchen and looked at the available ingredients and began to cook with the help of Bard.


I walked out with the dish in one hand and laid it before Ciel.

"I present to you, the gotcha pork roast..." I said as I opened the lid. The steam and the smell filled my senses as I made everyone sit down to have a taste of my food.

One by one, I served everyone with a piece of the gotcha pork roast. Everyone hesitated before digging in and just by the pure joy looks on their faces that they enjoyed it. Ciel...I don't know if the blueberry enjoyed it but I think he did...I don't know...

After all of everyone ate for the night I was bombarded with compliments from Bard, Finny and Mey-rin. Ciel on the other hand just thanked me and told everyone that he was retiring for the night, soon enough, everyone else went to their room to sleep as well. I walked up to my door and swung it open softly, walking in I found myself collapsing on the bed looking up. An artwork painted onto the roof resembling what could be heaven as clouds and angels rose high. I stared at the work and slowly my eyes fell heavy, welcoming me into the world of darkness as the night swept by.

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