My Heart Belongs To You - A C...

By CarVie16

4.9K 89 34

From the day they met, Evie and Carlos knew they had something special together. They just never knew what it... More

Once Upon a Time...
Have We Met?
S-Car Wash
Let's Dance

Make Your Mark

959 18 22
By CarVie16

This is the final chapter that takes place on the Isle of the Lost. Enjoy.

It was time. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos are finally leaving the Isle of the Lost. They have been invited as the first villain kids to attend Auradon Prep. The limo taking them there arrived, so it was time to prepare.

Carlos sneaked away from his mom to pack his stuff in secret. She didn't want him to go because she didn't want to lose her "servant," but Carlos sees this as an opportunity to finally get away from her.

"I thought your mom didn't want you to go."

Carlos jumped at the sound of Evie's voice. She just busted him.

"I thought I told you not to do that," said Carlos.

"Well, I didn't listen," Evie smirked.

"I'm coming whether she likes it or not," said Carlos.

"Good, because I wasn't gonna go without you," said Evie.

"R-R-Really? W-W-Wh-Wh-Why?" Carlos asked awkwardly.

"Do I need to have a reason?" Evie replied.

"Well, it's not you care about me. I'm just someone you talk to when you're bored," said Carlos.

Evie wouldn't tell him, but she felt kinda hurt when he said that. Then again, she never showed him that she cares. Every act she has taken towards him is seen as just a "hanging out" thing.

"But... I always thought we were, you know, kinda like, I don't know... friends," said Carlos. "I-I-Is that wrong to say?"

"No, no it's not," said Evie. "We're VKs, but we're still allowed to have friends."

"I'm not ashamed to call you my friend," said Carlos. "You're the only who hasn't treated me like dirt."

"Well, you are my first friend. Gotta hold on to that," said Evie.

"And you're my first, too," said Carlos. Realizing how that sounds, he says, "I mean, first friend. First friend. Sorry. That came out very wrong."

Evie laughed uncontrollably.

"Why do you laugh every time I struggle with words?" asked Carlos.

"'Cause you look cute when you're awkward," said Evie. "Bet an Auradonian girl would immediately fall for you."

Carlos fake-chuckles and says, "Not as immediately as a prince would fall for you. I mean... look at you. Strong, elegant... beautiful. I-Is-Is it okay to call you beautiful?"

"Depends. Do you think I'm the fairest of them all?" Evie asked.

"I don't think anyone can even come close to competing against you for that title," Carlos said with full sincerity.

Unexpectedly, Evie hugged him. His first instinct was to hug her back. She didn't mind at all. Her smile grew when she felt his arms wrap around her. It only made her hug him tighter.

"Hold on," said Evie.

Evie reached into her bag and took out her makeup kit. She takes off Carlos' right glove and uses her makeup to paint on his dorsal palm. She painted a red heart with a golden tiara on top of it. She added blue highlights to make it look like the heart was glowing.

"What's this for?" asked Carlos.

"The symbol of our friendship," said Evie. "That's your heart. The tiara and blue glow represent me. Having me in your life makes your heart feel crowned with companionship. I make your heart glow."

Carlos blushed and nervously laughed. Evie just grinned at him, amused and touched by his response.

"Promise me you'll never take it off," Evie pleaded.

"Well, this needs to be a tattoo to stay on my hand forever," said Carlos.

"Don't worry. When we get to Auradon, I'll find a way to make that mark permanent," Evie promised.


Evie and Carlos jumped and gasped. There she was. Mal. Standing by the door, looking at them with that sinister look in her eyes and that signature smirk of hers.

"Jay and I are ready to go," said Mal. "You coming or what?"

"We'll be right there," said Evie.

Evie leaves immediately. Mal stayed in the room to talk to Carlos, who looked visibly scared.

"Cute mark," Mal commented. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone."

"Really?" asked Carlos.

"As long as you do whatever I say," said Mal.

"Don't I do that all the time?" Carlos questioned.

"True, but I'll do more than just reveal your mark. I know some secrets you don't want anyone to know," said Mal.

Carlos was now even more nervous. What does Mal know?


That was Cruella. Carlos had to run to the limo before his mom stops her from going to Auradon. Mal just shakes her head and smirks.

"I think that went well," she said to herself.

Next time I update, we'll be in Auradon.

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