Rihanna X Reader

By EV_234

1K 18 2

A fluffy oneshot about Rihanna and Y/N a.k.a the readers. More

Untitled Part 1

1K 18 2
By EV_234

"Rihanna! We love you!"

"Queen RiRi!"

"Rihanna, its my birthday! Can you kiss me?!"

Rihanna waved as she walked to the SUV, bodyguards guards around her as paparazzi flashing their cameras and the fans cheers getting loud as she enter the car. Door shuts and the cheers dimmed, Rihanna sighed as she took off her jacket but waved goodbye through the dark shaded window, smiling at them even though she know maybe they can only see the shadow figure.

The manager said something to her PA and then the car slowly moved out the residence. Rihanna scroll her phone while the others discuss about the upcoming project. Then her went off; there's new message.

From: BbyBoo

Hey my lovely queen~ r u on your way home? I suddenly craved something sweet rite now. Something like Caramel Macchiato? And maybe some cakes? Or donuts? I really need sweets rn.

Reading the message make Rihanna smiled and smirk as she replied it.

From: Baddest Queenz

Ow~ someone's having a sweet tooth tonight. That's all? Do I need to buy some ice creams, whipped cream etc?

From: BbyBoo

Haha, what I'm gonna do with all those things?

From: Baddest Queenz

Well, last time I'd checked you mentioned that I am very sweet sooo... *wink licked lips*

From: BbyBoo

Hmm, someone is being kinky <3 if you bring me the food, maybe we can figure something out... RiRi~      xoxo

Rihanna never typing and replying something so fast in her life.

                                                          On my way. Luv u xoxo.


Y/N chilled on their couch with Munchkin and Grace, their cats. Munchkin is a shot legs cat with furry tails, his snowy fur with grey stripes are the main reason why Y/N chose him, not to mention his big round eyes that really make people goes 'aww'. Grace is Ragdoll breed, with blue eyes and colourpoint coat which Y/N also chose her for Rihanna as a congratulation gift for winning an awards.

Clock strikes 12 in the morning and Rihanna still haven't come home yet. Y/N snuggle further into the couch as she watch Hannibal Lecter taunt Clarice Starling in the Silence of The Lamb, inhale deeply as she seek comfort from the felines as she miss someone. Then the two cats sit up and ears moves, Munchkin the first to jump out her lap and walk to the hallway meowing. Grace is still with her but his head turn to doorway.

"Hey baby" Grace meowed, jumped and ran toward Rihanna as she enter the living room, Munchkin in her arms with Munchkin's head rest under Rihanna's chin, the other one holds the things that Y/N ordered. Grace keep meowing and walked circle around her feet, Rihanna chuckled as she picked up Grace as well into her arms after she placed the bags on the marble counter.

"Hey my furry babies" She kiss each of them "Do you miss me?" the felines meowed and she let out throaty laugh as the cats purrs against her skin, their tails swinging against her arms. "Ehem ehem..." Rihanna glanced at the other and smirk when she notice the pout. Rihanna asked "Yes?" when Y/N kept on clear her throat.

Y/N glance at her, pout still on. Then she stuck out her lips with her eyes close, signalling something. Feel nothing Y/N open one of her eyes, saw Rihanna look at her with small smile and expression of 'why-is-she-doing" with hint of fondness in it. Rihanna raise her arms full of cats "Look at mama, she's being ridiculous" the cats keep on looking her.

Now, Y/N have a scowl on her face and let out a 'hmph!', her arms crossed. Grace jumped out Rihanna's arms and throttle to Y/N, rubbing her face against Y/N as she scooped Grace to kiss her on the head "Well, there is someone that doesn't want to kiss me and clearly it means she does not love me anymore" Y/N faked a sob and let out overly sound of cries and whines. Y/N squish the cat on her cheek "Looks like it just you and me Grace. We need to run away, make a gate away escape to Paris, London or Berlin!"

Rihanna now openly chuckle at her beautiful but crazy girl as Y/N keep on talking with her dramatic acts. Y/N stand up with her hand cover her mouth, still faking the overdramatic sobs "C'mon Grace, let's run away together! Its just you and me now buddy".

Munchkin jumped as Rihanna make a beeline towards her as Y/N run to their bedroom, their laugh mingle together as Rihanna tackle Y/N to their king-size bed and wrestling and tickling "No, no! St-ooopp! Hahahaha" Rihanna tickles Y/N on her sensitive areas. She cannot take anymore; Y/N pushed Rihanna and straddle her, locker her writs together above the dark haired hair.

Both of them panted, Rihanna close her eyes and have that soft smile grace her lips and Y/N swear she does not fall in love all over... again. She rested her face beside Rihanna's, she let the wrist go and settle down on lay beside the singer so their legs tangles. Y/N stare the blissed face of the singer with the smile still on her face, not say anything afraid the moment to disappear.

Rihanna's first broke the silence with "Hey baby..." Y/N didn't realize she closed her eyes and when she opened it, Rihanna's face are close to hers and can already feel the love and warmth from the singer "Hi..."she trailed.

Rihanna face went lax as her lips touch hers, caressing it with gentleness but Y/N can feel the warmth and pleasure zing through her spine and body. Rihanna slipped her hands inside her shirt, fingertips tracing the bones, cares the smooth skin and Rihanna trace her lips on her neck and nipped certain area till Y/N let out sounds that exclusive to the singer only.

Before they can go further, something thumping on the bed and a white flashed their faces before purring echoed the room. Munchkin jumped on the empty center of their bodies and sat comfy then come Grace, who wiggly into Y/N arm, yawn and snore softly.

They look at the feline, then themselves, and chuckle silently at their babies act. Rihanna place her hand on Y/N cheek and she leaned on that touch made the singer feel the tight on her chest and butterflies around her belly.

Munchkin soft meowed caught their attention. Rihanna hushed him "Hey hey, its okay Mommy and Mama are here. We're not going anywhere" then Munchkin lower his head back and few sec he close his eyes.

"I love you baby" she whisper, feeling the atmosphere are too delicate too said out loud. Y/N stare at her eyes and said "I love you too... so so much... My bad girl Riri..."

My Queen

Its like Rihanna can hear it also, she kissed her on the forehead before settle down on the bed, letting Y/N rest her head on her shoulder with their babies surrounding.

Ahh, its good to be home. Rihanna's consciousness slowly faded accompany with the sound of heartbeat and their little family's warmth.

And when they wake up next few hours, they need to clean up the counter as the drink melted away and the snack went soggy due to the respiration of the drink.


Rihanna stare at their closet room, rummage through ransack of clothes "...Now which should I choose?..." then something broke her deep concentration. She walked out the room and lean on the door frame "... Baby?..." there is no answer "Y/N?" she called louder then heard noises.

Rihanna follow the nose to their large bathroom and saw Y/N leaned on the toilet, the sound of retching echoes the mass space of the bathroom. She come closer and hold up Y/N's long hair, rubbed her back as Y/N stopped and take a breath, then hold the hair again as Y/N continue pour out the anything inside her stomach.

Y/N felt the presence behind but she could not say anything as the nauseas are strong and her body shook as she retched. Suddenly there a wet warm towel on her forehead, slowly Rihanna wiped her face and neck. Y/N spitted on the bowl before slowly get up, with the singer's help of course because she is weak as a baby deer, and wash her mouth and face.

"You okay?" Rihanna asked as she noticed Y/N's pale face. The singer could not stand watch her baby being sick, it make her stomach went sideway in bad way. And Y/N know this. she tries to give her a reassure smile bit with sore throat, faint headache and unsettle stomach it make the smile a little crooked.

"... Yeah I'm fine..." she rasped out. Noticed the frown did not disappear, she lays on Rihanna's chest and let her being hugged. Who know the bad girl can give the best bear hugs like... ever. Holding her close made the thumping of her heart slow down a little before calm down. They sat down on the tiles after flushed the toilet. The singer asked what cause her the sickness.

"Maybe it's the food last night. I told you the Chinese food taste weird' Rihanna sighed and make mental note to make a complain report. She glance at the latter, notice how pale she is and she eyes almost dropped due to exhaustion, the singer support her weight fully.

"Guess you'll be stay home tonight" she said. Y/N quickly opens her eyes and turn to her "Why. I'm okay now" Rihanna give him unimpressed looked like it said 'really nigga? You wanna fight this?'

"But I wanna follow. I always follow you to recording studio. Always" Now Y/N have gone completely whining mode. Sure she throw up but now she is okay, even with squeasy stomach she still want to go. Its their routine, their things. "But baby, you're not well..." Y/N pushed herself and faced Rihanna "Yeah that's like 10 minutes ago but now I'm fine. Okay how about I bring my ginger ale with me? And if I feel sick again I tell you and will go straight home? Okay?"

She gave her the puppy eyes which means saying 'no' kinda tricky. Minutes then after they hold the eyes contact and internal conversation Rihanna rolled her eyes "Fine. But promise me if you start feel sick, tell me ASAP. Understood?" she can see the giddiness radiant on Y/N. Rihanna pulled her up and wrapped around Y/N;s waist "Now help me pick something to wear and then we will make ginger ale for you missy". They walked side by side to the closet.


"No no no, again Riri"

"Maybe you need to pour out more into the last verse"

"Okay that's good but can you repeat on Loui 13?"

This is the usual routine at the recording studio. But somehow Rihanna can't get into the feeling tonight. They said its already good and all but somehow she doesn't satisfied on it, like she need to do more. After she finish the song, she yanked the headphone and out the record room and towards the producer "So how 'bout it?".

Y/N sat on the room's couch, drinking ginger ale and strawberry milk shake that finally agreed with her stomach. Right now they are working on new songs for the upcoming album. New song called Bitch Better Have My Money.

Y/N can see from their looks that this not end well so she approach them and said "How about we take a break? Order some food, some fresh air. You guys have been on this for hours so a little break won't harm anybody". From the look on everybody, more like they need some sleep.

All of them agreed and soon the room are empty leaving Y/N and Rihanna only. As the door clicked, she turned to Rihanna. Saw the singer still going through the lyrics and listen back the record. Y/N can feel the tension coming from the singer; Rihanna is a perfectionist so when the job are half-finish where she know she can still kill it she'll be frustrated and you don't want to deal a frustrated bad girl.

Heard the curse come from Rihanna, Y/N moves closer and sat down on her lap. Automatically her hand play Y/N hair but her eyes still on the monitor watching and listen intensely. "Rihanna..." she called her but didn't have respond. "Riri..." nope still nothing.

"My queen..." she glanced on me, now something. Y/N hold their eyes as long as she can as she moved closer till the gap between them are no more. Rihanna gripped her hair a little tight but that only served her pleasure moan. Y/N swung her legs, wrapped on Rihanna's waist and the singer placed her hand under Y/N's ass, instinctively groped it hard. She let out a throaty moan as had to let go to take a breath.

But the Queen won't have that; once she tasted it, she can't get enough. She pull Y/N close so their lips sealed again and this time her tongue enter and caress it as making love. Rihanna's hand on her ass won't stopped groped and kneaded and sometime will smacked it lightly before massage it.

Y/N also can't let her being swapped, she gently caress the singer's neck and knead her breast. Its not too small but not too big, just the perfect fit for her to cup it. Y/N groaned as she start rubbing herself on Rihanna and by the way she tilt her head back with her eyes close means Y/N are doing a good job on de-stress the singer. "Baby..." She opened her eyes and Y/N can feel the pleasure surge in her, she want to lost herself into those eyes and never surge into the surface.

"Fuck, what did I do?" Y/N said as she pants, her hand still on the side of Rihanna's face "What happen if you gone from my life... I can't survive it" Y/N leaned and pressed another kiss on the lips "I love you so much... I can't let you go" the emotion burst and she does not realize that her eyes start to mist "I can't live without you Rihanna" the sobs accidently passes her lips "Don't ever leave me... I love you so much its hurt..." and the tears continue to pour out.

Rihanna, surprised on the shift of mood, quickly calm her down "Shh shhh baby don't cry" Y/N pressed her face on the crook of her neck. Rihanna rocking her gently and humming "I love you too sweetheart, I won't go anywhere. I'll always be there as long as you want and as you let me" Rihanna wiped out the tears line and kiss her on the cheeks, nose, fore head, lips down Y/N neck.

"Baby, you're the best thing happen in my life and as long as I live, you will have all of me" she whisper against Y/N forehead, the smile hasn't gone from her face "You met and stay with me on my highest point on my life and carries but you also there for me when I am at my lowest. When I'd break from the pressure of celebrity and life you put me back selfishlessly. You didn't do it for fame or money but for me. I can feel the love my beloved" Rihanna bring Y/N's hand up and pressed kisses on the palm and the centre of wrist where the pulse are. The tears are back but with happy shaky smile on Y/N face.

"I'm the one that cannot live without you. You are my world, my life and my soul. If I lost you its like..." Rihanna cast her eyes down like she cannot bear at that thought "I died' she hissed with their forehead leans "You mean everything for me. I the one that does not deserve you but even so I will try my damned hardest to win you and your love as I bared my soul in my hand to you and only. My beloved Y/N" that is the purest and truthful about her feeling to her.

Y/N cupped Rihanna's face and whisper 'I Love You' and they exchange the same sentences over and over but they doesn't feel tired repeating it, with the smiles on their faces. Having 'loving moments' together for an hour, the guys are back and now Rihanna are ready to continue doing her work and conquer the world with her voice. The guys also can sense that the singer's new motivation and shift of mood.

She enters back the room and faced the large window; saw Y/N, with big smile on her face, blow out kisses to the singer and mouthed 'Love Yous'. 'Time to work that magic'. She singing some sentences and she can hear the guys said something 'Oh God you killing this shit'.

"I think I gotta get 'bought a shot'..."

And when they replaying the song back, it was so outta of the chart that Rihanna and Y/Na are rocking together in that room with the guys laughter and also feeling the beat.

Bitch Better Have My Money - Studio Ver.


The crowd are roaring their cheers are getting louder as Rihanna hit the highest note and finish it with a boom! Fireworks and confetti popped from the above. She cannot stop smiling; doing tour are the reason she's like that, well one of it (being with Y/N, that are the top of his list though, it makes her went out of this world). The feels when you get to sing all your heart, connecting with fans get to show them how blessed she is with their supports all this time through thick and thin time.

Rihanna laugh, can't stop smiling, clapping and jumping around on the stage, she cannot contain the giddiness. She is loves every minute of it. Soon she was out of breath and the crowd still cheers her out.

She rearranges her earpiece and said through the microphone "Thank you so much for coming to this tour. I can't express on words how much I appreciate the support and feeling blessed for this" She standing on another mini stage that located at the centre of fans. "This is my last tour for this season and I hope you guys enjoying it as I did. For being with me all this years, thanks to you guys so much" she bowed and everybody shouts, clapping excitedly.

As she walked back to the crew, the dancers start pouring out from the back to the centre, along with her manager, PA, her friends and approach her. She thought she saw her mom but that is not possible, she should be back home.

Monica hold the mic closer as she speak to the fans "Hey whats'up everyone" the fans cheer at Mama Riri. "Thank you for all the support you give to Rihanna. Heaven blessed on all of you and everyone hat doing good deeds." She smiled "Now, all of you must be wonder what the hell just happen, why am I here instead back at Texas. Well, today we have something special that we want to share with all of you guys and for Rihanna" from the look on the said singer, she also dint know what is going on.

Then the area went dark and there are big screen shown at the side. Projector started and begin to show pictures; Rihanna when she still a baby, her growing up phases, the moment she enter the audition, the first debut, the first awards, picture she with her family and the crew that stay with her, the first time she met Y/N, hangout with her, going to tours together, doing interview and all of the precious memories to Rihanna. then the screen black and when she thought its already over, the screen are one again.

Saw Y/N sitting at the front of the camera, judging by the looks and attires she were it is not from the past but present. "Hey my queen..." Rihanna chuckles at the petname special only for her "Congrats babe on finishing the tour" she clapped with that huge smile of hers.

"Its been years right. From that cute, good girl Robyn Rihanna Fenty to this awesome, beautiful, cool and iconic Rihanna. I know it was a long road, you have been through everything... the good ones, bad ones, worst ones also... But you never stop baby. You keep on going because you know what you want in your life and I really, really adore you because of that. That what make you so strong"

Rihanna can feel the tears start to pool on her eyes, still keeping smile on her face "I really grateful meeting you because you teach me life and love which is I've been searching all this time. I know we have our up and downs..." all of them laughs when Y/N making weird and funny face "... But we stick through and get our shit together because we can't take it if we apart too long. Just know this Rihanna, whatever happen I will always behind you and cheer you up when you down, being you mini supporter when discourage time and I know you will do it for me too if I in the same position."

The fans cheer when Y/N said 'I Love You' words and Rihanna said too using the mic. "I have a surprise to you" the on screen said. Rihanna raised her brows when screen-Y/N fetch the bag on the floor, turn to her ma which only reply with smile. Y/N sat the bag beside and the look at the camera nervously. Okayy. What's going on?

"Remember we talk about wanna take step further few months ago?" Yeah she remembers; about Rihanna want to marry her (which Y/N reply with a loud YES!!), have family together, company Rihanna whenever she goes.

Y/N pulls out small cream box that have blue cover with white polka-dots. She slowly open the box, making Rihanna and all the rest wait in anticipation. She take out what it seem a small pocket size pictures and eventhough in darkness she can see whats on it. "No, no... it can bee..." thse words fly around the space but the smile on her face slowly getting bigger by the seconds.

Y/N turned the small paper towards the camera "We're gonna have baby..." Y/N laugh wetly as she grin so wide it looked like it hurts but that does not matter. As soon she heard the word 'baby'. Rihanna screamed while her hands cover her mouth, muffling the sound. She crouch down while her eyes went wide, with wearing the unbelievable expressions. Her reaction are the same with the fans and by the sound of it, they share the same excitement with the singer.

Monica pulls her up to her feet "..I-Is it... true? Mom?" from the glaze eyes of Monica' that all she need to know. Rihanna turned back to the screen it freeze when Y/N show the picture and holding a cute, white with blue stripes onesie.

Suddenly the song 'Umbrella' plays and one figure slowly walk out the shadow after the light turned one. As soon Rihanna saw the figure, she ran so fast she almost slipped and quickly hug her, lifting Y/N off her feet and swing her around. Her laughter is being drown with the fans cheers and whistling and howling.

Rihanna mouther 'It is true?' and Y/N answer it the most obvious way; she placed her hand on her tummy and kissed Rihanna hard. The singer enveloped in hug and pours all of it into the kiss. They stay in that hug for long time. She can hear Y/N words "You okay right? Gave the news like this. I just thought you want to share with your fans..." Loss of words Rihanna only can nodded her head.

Pull Y/N close to her Rihanna said into the mic "This... is the... happiest day on my life!" everyone roars. She want to talk more but realized that she is speechless with shock still running in her vein "I am so thankful. I have my family, my friends, my crews and now the loved of my love..." Y/N kissed her on the cheek.

"Soon we will be blessed with baby. Ad I will take this as a motivation to do more and bring you guys the best of me" the fans clapped "I thanked all of you and please pray that everything will be fine as I you" some of the fans flashed the light from their phone on air, waving it around "Thank you so so much" Rihanna and Y/N bowed down towards the people.

"Guys" she said to the band crew "May I ask you guys a favour a bit. Can you guys play 'You da One'? I want to dedicate this to someone special. The band show sign 'Good' and then the melodies plays.

Rihanna sing the lyrics while holding Y/N's hand, marches her infront and around the stage, dancing and twirl Y/N around. Monica watch them from the side; Y/N's happy laughter and Rihanna's expression is like she's the luckiest person on earth.

I am happy for baby.

You the one that I dream about all day

You the one that I think about always

You Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave!

My love is your love, your love is my love

Baby, I love you, I need you here

With me all the time

Baby we meant to be

You got me, smiling all the time

Cause you know how to give me that

You know how to pull me back

When I go runnin, runnin

Tryin' to get away from loving ya

You know how to love me hard

I won't lie, I'm falling hard

Yep, I'm falling for ya but there's nothin wrong with that

Baby come, take me now, hold me now

Make me come alive

You got the sweetest touch

I'm so happy, you came in my life

Cause you know how to give me that

You know how to pull me back

When I go runnin, runnin

Tryin' to get away from loving ya

You know how to love me hard

I won't lie, I'm falling hard

Yep, I'm falling for ya but there's nothin wrong with that

And Yes I'm kinda crazy,

That's what happens baby,

When you put it down

You should'nt give it to me

Good like that,

Should'nt hit it like that,

Had me yellin' like that

Didn't know you would've had me coming back

You the one that I'm feeling

You the one that I'm loving

Ain't no other, that's like you

No there's just one, one, one

No baby just one, one

I bet you wanna know

You the one that I dream about all day

You the one that I think about always

You Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave!

My love is your love, your love is my love

You the one that I dream about all day

You the one that I think about always

You Are The One So I Make Sure I Behave!

My love is your love, your love is mine.

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