Hogwarts Mystery Imagines

morganhstark tarafından

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Just a collection of reader insert oneshots and short stories of the Cursed Vaults Crew or anyone in the Hogw... Daha Fazla



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morganhstark tarafından

PAIRING: Merula Snyde/Reader

SUMMARY: After Ben's betrayal the last thing you need is Merula Snyde berating you. Perhaps a secret relationship with someone who is seen as your biggest rival is a bit too much, even for you now.

NOTES: With the whole Ben "betrayal" I have more inspiration for angst. For now, here's some Merula (because I've been slacking on writing for the ladies!)


"Hey, Y/L/N." A familiar voice jeers from behind you. You stiffen, shoulders locking but you don't bother turning. Beside you, Penny lays a gentle hand on your shoulder while Tonks clutches your arm as if holding you back. "I heard Copper attacked you. That's what you get for trusting a filthy mudblood."

A sense of uneasiness swells in your body. You know it's all an act for the two of you to be enemies in public but it still pains you when she taunts you and lands metaphorical punches to your already fragile self-confidence. Beside you, Penny snaps her face to Merula, a deep scowl on her lips as she beckons the Slytherin in clear disdain.

"Watch your mouth, Snyde," Penny seethes, the tip of her ears are tinged in red, publicizing her anger.

Merula raises an eyebrow, the ends of her mouth tug downward but she plays it off with a nasty smirk. "You and Haywood, Y/L/N?" She gives a malicious chuckle, beside her Ismelda's face turns into a displeased grimace. "You sure know how to pick them, don't you? First a mudblood and now a half-blood." The two laugh, you don't even bother giving them a response.

"Ten points from Slytherin!" Penny asserts, causing the two to pause and look over at her. She turns from them and looks over at you and Tonks. "Let's go."

With that, Penny and Tonks grasp your arms considerately and escort you to your common room.

Later that night you find yourself looking up at your bedroom ceiling. With careful fingers, you run your digits down your arms were a few bruises embellish your skin. Shaking your head, you push the covers off your body and leave your room, making your way out of your common room and to Jacob's room.

While in your brother's room, you can't help but let Ben's betrayal get to you. Tears stream down your cheeks, landing on the mahogany floor beneath your shoes. You want to believe Ben, you really do but there's nothing going back from seeing him aim his wand at you, a curse on the tip of his tongue. It's a memory that will forever be engraved in your mind.


Of course, you can't even get privacy in your own brother's room. Swiftly, you turn and come face-to-face with Merula. Her hair is brushed away from her face and into a loose ponytail, a concerned expression on her features. She takes a step closer and you take a step back, making her stop in her tracks.

"Get out." You state, voice deprived of any warmth.

Her eyebrows furrow, a tiny frown on her lips. It makes you furious for some reason; it's like every argument you held back is finally spilling from your mouth like a stream of unsaid problems you have with her. You pull your wand from your back pocket and aim it at her face, causing her to give you an essentially deluded expression.

"I said get out," You repeat with a clenched jaw, your wand still pointed on her.

Finally, Merula frowns and crosses her arms. "No." There's a pause, a tense silence fills Jacob's cramped room. A few seconds pass before she exhales deeply and uncrosses her arms, looking at you with concern. "I just - look, Y/N-"

Shaking your head, you cut Merula off. "No, you listen." She shuts her mouth, jaw clenched but says nothing. "I was just attacked! And not just by anyone! By one of my best friends!"

"I told you not to trust the mudblood but you didn't listen!"

"You said not to trust Tulip!" You shout, voice coming out as more as choked sob than anything else. "Ben is—was—my friend. Don't you get that? I could have died last night."

Finally, Merula frowns and steps closer. She places a hand on your shoulder, her warm palm in contrast to your cool skin. "I wouldn't have let that happen."

"You weren't even there," You whisper, tears filling the rim of your eyelids. "You never are."

"I-I..." She bites her lip,

"What have you done for me, Merula?" You look up at her, eyebrows furrowed and fists clenched. "Absolutely nothing but taunt me every chance you get, disrespect my friends and run off when things get difficult."

Merula pulls her hand away and stuffs her fists into her pockets, her back is rigid and you can see tension building on her shoulders.

"I'll get back at the mudblood. He'll regret ever raising his wand at you."

"That's-" You choke back a hollow laugh, it sounds pained even to yourself. "That's not what I'm asking for. Merlin, Snyde, you're a lost cause."

"What are you trying to say, Y/L/N." Merula snaps, frown apparent on her face. "Spit it out."

You take a deep breath in and lock eyes with her. "I'm done with this tête-à-tête and I'm done with us."

"That's not fair!" Merula bellow, finally expression her emotions. "How can I do that when we're supposed to be enemies in public! It's not like I can just show up at the infirmary and ask for your wellbeing or sit with you in the Great Hall!"

"Exactly, we can't do anything and I'm tired of secrets." Sighing, you give her once glance before flicking your wand at the door, opening it in silence. "Just go."

Merula stares at you, her eyes shine with unshed tears that she blinks away. Without saying anything, she turns on her heel and flees the room, slamming the door behind her. You cast an anti-alohomora charm on the door and look around. It suddenly feels much more hollow than before. Merula's spare key glistens from the table beside you. You pocket the key and make your way to the door. With one final glance around the room, you sigh and quietly close the door behind you.

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@brandolover21 on tiktok not proof read, sorry if there's any mistakes <3