I Love You, baby (Gintama, Ok...

By Korin-chan14

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Babies are cute for strangers
Don't blame a person having an ugly name


5K 163 63
By Korin-chan14

Chapter 5: Chapter 5


It's been a week since Kagura had stayed at the Shinsengumi Headquarters. Gin, who doesn't care at first, got alarmed with it and is now panicking as hell!

"SHINPACHI! IT'S BEEN DAYS SINCE KAGURA HAD STAYED AT THOSE TAX ROBBER'S PLACE! AND WE DON'T HAVE ANY NEWS OR WHATSOEVER ABOUT HER!" he shouted at the glasses-wearing man who is currently holding a basket full of laundry.

"That's what I had told you a week ago Gin-san, but you paid no attention to it. It's been 7 days, and Kagura-chan hasn't contacted us. We don't have time visiting her since we've got many job requests to take care off." Megane lectured him while blaming Gin at the same time.

"But now, we have time! Let's go at those filthy tax robbers hide out this instance!" Gin said seriously.

"Gin-san~" Megane was about to get teary on how Gin shows his outmost parental towards Kagura. "I'm so happy to see you finally showing care towards Kagura-chan."

"Huh? What the hell are you talking about pachi-boy?"

"Hah? Aren't you worried for Kagura-chan that's why you decided to go check on her" Shinpachi asked a bit confused.

"Nah! 'm not worried about that brat since I know she could take care of herself. I'm more worried about myself. Who knows what her baldy father would do to me if he knows about this?" he explained while picking his ears.

"You are so-" but before Shinpachi could answer back, Gin pulled him outside ready to raid the Shinsengumis.

Meanwhile, at the Shinsengumi Headquarters…

The brats were happily throwing their kunais and shuriken at Hijikata who kept on running away from them. No matter how pissed he was, he can't find himself fighting back, since they are just your average (sadistic) brats, while Sougo and Kagura are busy brawling with each other.

"Die you f***ing sadist!" Kagura shouted, raining bullets at Sougo using her umbrella.

"China, it's been 7 days since you started cursing me like that. No wait. Ever since we had met, but hey look I'm still well and alive." Sougo deadpanned while gracefully dodging Kagura's bullets at him.

Yamazaki, stood there looking left and right, not knowing which he would start stopping first. That's when Gori went there with an idiotic grin on his gorilla face.

"Yare, yare. It's such a bright, sunny, lovely, and beautiful day, why are you all so noisy eh" Gori said in a loud and happy tone with an annoying bright smile on his face.

Sougo, Kagura and Hijikata noticed that stupid grin on Kondou's face. The three of them stopped with what they are doing and stared at him.

"Kondou-san, is there something wrong?" Mayora asked while he removes the kunais and shurikens sticking on his bloody head.

"What Kondou-san did you have a successful stalking mission with that mountain gorilla lady you fancy today?" Sougo asked in a bored tone.

"Don't call Ane-go a mountain gorilla!" Kagura said angrily while giving Sougo a flying high kick, but he just side stepped it and returned the favor by giving her a rocket punch while saying,

"Why China? Are you jealous? Don't worry, in my eyes you are far worst compared to a mountain gorilla, you monster-glutton." Ending it with an irritating smirk.

"KONOYARO!" Kagura was about to attack him again when Gori went in the middle of them.

"Mah, mah… And here I am, giving you two a gift." He said.

"Gift? Like what? Something like a Permission for me to kill Hijikata-san? Or is it that you are going to fire him and let me take over the vice-commander position. Is that it, Kondou-san"


"Gift? What gift Gori? A lifetime supply of sukonbu? Is that it-aru?"

"Bzzt! Wrong answer! Here look at this!" Gori proudly presented two amusement park tickets at them.

"Edo Amusement park" the two said in confusion.

"You should go there. It would be fun! Of course with the kids!"

"LET'S GO-ARU!" Kagura shouted loudly. Then she rushed towards Akari and Aoi who are currently busy playing in the ground. She excitedly explained to them what they are going to do for today.

"No. I. won't" Sougo refused emphasizing each word, to show how he despises that idea.

Gori patted his shoulder and put on a thumb up. "Just think of this as a day off, Sougo. Neh"

Can't refuse this gorilla he deeply cares for, he just gave a sigh, and nodded with a frown on his face.

And so… after half an hour of preparing, the sadist family went to the amusement park using the Shinsengumi patrol car. Minutes later, just right after Sougo and Kagura had left, Gin and Shinpachi came rushing to the HQ.

"OI TEME! KUSO ZEIKIN DOROBO! LET MY DAUGHTER OUT!" Gin rampaged, banging the gate. Yamazaki heard it and immediately opened the gate welcoming them with a confused look because of Gin who is currently making a ruckus.

"Yorozuya no Danna. Is there something wrong" he asked.

"HELL YEAH! SHOW ME MY DAUGHTER! WHERE'S KAGURA?!" Gin asked, grabbing Yamazaki's collar.

"Ch-chotto…. Anpan!" Yamazaki shouted in his last breath, after Gin shook his so hard, he suffocated.

"Oi! Who's there disturbing the peace in Edo. Wanna commit seppuku huh?!" Hijikata came out carrying his bazooka, ready to fire it to the person he thinks is the culprit. "What the-? What the hell are you doing here and what's with that noise huh?"

Gin let go off Yamazaki and went face-to-face with Hijikata with a smug on his face. The demon fukucho, returned the favor plus, a vein pop appearing on both men's temple.

"So, where's our Kagura you stupid Mayo-freak?!" Gin asked.

"Huh? You mean China musume? Why the hell do you even care, eh?"

"Obviously, because I am her guardian here on Earth. I'm freaking dead if something bad happens to her, stupid!"

"Too late. If you really are worried about her, you wouldn't let her stay here for a week, in a place full of men. Not to mention, right now, she is out together with a sadist." Hijikata said to him with a smirk.


"You talk like you aren't one." Hijikata mumbled as h put a new stick of cigarette in his mouth.

"Huh? You have a problem with that Mayo-freak?"

"What did you just called me you stupid perm?!"

"Don't make fun of my curls!"

"Same with my mayo!"

While the two idiots are having their rant duel, Yamazaki who already regained his consciousness leaded Shinpachi inside and is now explaining the situation to him with a cup of green tea and delicious mochi…

Okay, enough with useless characters… *the author suddenly got beaten up and fed with Hijikata's special. A.K.A. dog crap* *coughs* let's go back to the main characters in this crappy fanfic.

Now, at the entrance, Ao and Akari, excitedly went out the car while Kagura holds each of their hands. Kagura faced Sougo and said, "hey, park that already so that you can help me with these brats."

Sougo instantly felt a strike of whatever something directed in his cold and sadistic heart. Well, who wouldn't? kagura was looking different than usual that day. Gori prepared a white one piece dress and a hat for her (yep, that angel look + this world is yours hat ;P). she was also have a basket hanging on her arm full of delicious food Yamazaki prepared for them (NO! NOT ANPAN OKAY? DON'T KNOW IF HE CAN COOK… BUT OH WELL ;P)

Sougo was mesmerized by her beauty. He imagined that she really is his wife and the twins are theirs because of the sudden motherly instincts she has been emitting. Kagura was wondering why Sougo wasn't responding so called,

"Oi, sadist? You okay? Why aren't you answering if you still want to back out, it's far too late-aru. We're already here."

"Huh?" Sougo was surprised, but still manages to hide it using his usual deadpanned face.

"Fine, fine. I'll catch up. Just go ahead."

"We will-aru. And don't even think of escaping or you're f***ing dead."

"Yare, yare, I didn'y know that you really want me to stay with you that much, China. Fallen in love me?" he teased.

"Don't get me wrong bastard idiot! We just need you as a mean of transportation, no more, no less uh-huh."

Sougo acted like he doesn't give a damn and just proceeded on parking the car while Kagura and the kids went inside.

"Mami… Mami's hand is sweaty~" Akari said.

"Ah… Huh? Is it?" Kagura asked looking at them.

"And Mami's face is red!" Aoi noticed.

"LIKE APO!" the twin announced in unison.

"Eh? Nani? Really?" Kagura touched her cheeks hearing what they had said. She felt that her face is a bit hot. That's when Sougo's look popped in her mind. Sougo in his casual clothes. Yup, it's plain, not to mention she already saw it many times, but she can't help think he looks cool with it. She slapped herself realizing what the freaking hell she was thinking.

"Mami?" the twins asked worriedly after she had slapped herself.

"Huh? No. nothing's wrong. Let's just go already."

"Papi?" Ao asked.

"Sadist… err, your Papi will come after a few minutes. He just needs to do something."

The three of them waited at the bench, when Ao saw Sougo at the crowd searching for them.

"PAPI!" he jumped and ran towards him when he accidentally bumps into a man, losing his balance, he almost tripped himself. Luckly, Sougo caught him and hugged him tight, then he immediately pointed his katana on the man. That man fell in the ground in terror to see that he almost lose his precious life. Sougo didn't had the chance to slay him when Kagura hit in the head.

"Oi, what the hell is your problem? It was just an accident-aru."

"Accident? What would you do if something bad happened to him?" Sougo asked a bit irritated.

"Didn't know you cared for him that much-aru. Maybe, he really is your son, yes?"

Sougo was very surprised himself. Why the hell did he reacted that way? Ao is not even a relative or what? So there's nothing wrong if he gets hurt.

"Moron. Since the brat is in our care, it's ours, the Shinsengumi's responsibility to take care of him, until the time we find their parents." Sougo said as an excuse.

Kagura hearing that, felt like something stabbing her heart. 'Yes they aren't ours' Kagura said in her thought. She felt like tearing up. It's just that, in those 7 days, who would have thought she would fell in love with these brats?

"Oi China," Sougo was about to catch her attention when Akari called.

"PAPI! MAMI!" she ran towards them, and just like what happened to Ao, she got bumped to a person, but this time she tripped. Kagura rushed over her to check if she got wounded or what? Seeing it was just a slight graze, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Yosh, yosh. Pain, pain go away~ My baby is a good girl, she wouldn't cry just because of a slight wound neh?~" she tried soothing her down with that motherly tone and blew on her wound. Akari stopped crying but was still sniffing, though she gave a slight smile, showing that she is already fine.

"That's my girl. Now~" Kagura stood up pointing her umbrella to the man. "How dare ya make my Akari cry ya bastard?"

"W-wait… i-it's just an…" the man stuttered in fear.

But before she could blast this man's head, it was Sougo's turn to hit her head.

"ITAI! THAT HURTS YA BASTARD!" Kagura cried in pain while rubbing her head. "What the hell is your problem?"

"A payback for what you did to me earlier, China." Sougo deadpanned.

"Are ya asking for a fight ya sadist? Huh?"

"China, have you forgotten the fact that I am a police officer? You are breaking the law by disturbing the peace here in Edo, because of that annoying stupid voice of yours. Now to silence you up…" he brought out his bazooka, and aimed it at her. The costumers got scared and backed off. Some of them cheered for Kagura, some for Sougo. Others, were shouting, calling for the guards, but the sadist couple? They didn't give a damn. Staring at each other, they aimed their weapon to each one's head. Just when Sougo and Kagura were about to fire their attack, Akari and Aoi went in the middle and cried loudly.


"WE ARE HERE TO HAVE FUN! UWAAH!" followed by Aoi.

Kagura and Sougo had snapped out of it and immediately put their weapons down. Kagura hugged Akari tightly and rubbed her back,

"Yosh, yosh… Gomene Akari-chan. Stop crying now neh. We won't fight anymore. Yosh, yosh."

Sougo carried Aoi and looked at him.

"Stop crying Aoi. Men don't cry." He said.

"But… *sniff* But you and Mami *sniff*"

Sougo, seeing how sad Aoi is, can't help but kissed him on the forehead and said in a some-what fatherly tone,

"Don't worry, we won't fight anymore. So, stop crying. We are here to have fun, right?"

Aoi geve a nod. Sougo put him down, and Aoi went near to Akari and held her hand.

"Good. Now, don't let go of each other, neh?" Kagura said, as she held the other hand of Akari, while Sougo held Aoi's.

"What a sweet family… hee, hee, hee…" A man mumbled in the corner.

Back at the tax robber's place…

"Anyway, Kondou-san, where did you got that ticket you gave Sougo and China musume?" Hijikata asked.

"Huh? Oh that? I just saw it at the mailbox. It was sent for us, shinsengumi… so I decided to give them to Sougo." Kondou explained.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Gin shouted (Yup! They are still there, since they listened to Yamazaki's explanation of the current situation Kagura and Sougo are having)

"What's with the angry tone Yorozuya?" Kondou asked.

"Kondou-san, what would we do if that is a trap they must knew about the kids and now used that ticket to lure them out to get the kids. They might be in trouble." Hijikata explained.

"I… I didn't think of that… Okay! Let's go follow them!" Kondou commanded, when his wrist watch suddenly beeped "Arreh? It's now time…"

"Time for what" asked the two.

"Time for me to stalk… err I mean to visit Otae-san. Well then, I'll just go ahead. I'll leave Sougo, China-musume and the twins care on the two of you. Ja ne~"

"Oi wait-" but the gorilla was now out of sight.

"What kind of irresponsible gorilla is that perverted commander you have."

"We apologize on how our leader had acted, but still, don't you dare insult Kondou-san… you useless-poor-of-an-excuse-lazy-man."

"What did ya say?" Gin pulled out his bokuto and Hijikata did the same with his katana… but before blood could be spilled, Yamazaki interfered by saying,

"Hijikata-san, you have a mail. It says that a Mayora museum which is newly built is having their opening ceremony today… and as an avid fan of his, you are personally chosen as one of the lucky people who are given VIP tickets for the museum and a chance to meet and greet the mascot, Mayora Mayorin."

"WHAT DID YA SAY YAMAZAKIIIIII?!" Hijikata rushed towards Yamazaki grabbing his collar. He took the ticket from him and immediately dashed outside. Gin and Yamazaki was left there dumbfolded.

"Tsk. What a bunch of useless tax robbers… and you call yourselves protector of Edo? Give me a break. How the hell could a gorilla stalker and a Mayo-freak do a job properly? Not to mention there is also a sick and twisted sadist included among them." Gin ranted while picking his ears.

"Oh yeah, Yorozuya no Danna. I heard from some people that there's a new café in town. As an opening treat, there would be an all-you-can-eat parfait contest. The winner in the said contest will be free of charge for a whole week. Other information is stated here at the pamphlet. I know you love sweets, so I was wondering-" but Gin didn't let Yamazaki utter another word, he rushed over him, grabbing the pamphlet and went outside while shouting "ARIGATOU ANPAN MAN!"

Shinpachi, who was there the whole time, and didn't even had the chance to say a single line, just gave a sigh shaking his head.

At the Edo Amusement Park, the sadist family had fun enjoying the rides there…. Specially at the roller coaster ride where they had fun witnessing other people screaming and crying in fear. Yes! Akari and Aoi are also there… even with their age, due to their so-called 'parents' influence (meaning- Kagura and Sougo threatened the staffs using their weapons) the kids had their permission to ride the roller coaster.

Lunch time…

They went to a bench where Kagura opened the basket Yamazaki prepared for them. It contains (NOTE: Not Anpan Okay?) a bunch of delicious sandwiches. (Dunno if Yamazaki could cook, but oh well ;P) The kids immediately took pieces of it, one for each hand. They were eating happily while Kagura and Sougo watched them in silence.

"Arreh? China. Aren't you a glutton? Why aren't you taking a bite? Are you on a diet?" Sougo asked in a deadpanned tone.

"Shut up! It's none of yer business-aru! Why do you even care anyways? Are you concerned at my health? You like me? Hah!" Kagura asked with a disgusted and smug expression plastered in her face.

"In your dreams China. As if I'll fall for you. Sleep if you are sleep talking, China. Your fetishes towards me are accidentally being blurted out by that stinky, careless mouth of yours."

"Are you trying to piss me off again-aru? Huh?"

"Mami, Papi, no fighting~" Akari interrupted.

"Let's eat!" Aoi seconded, handing a sandwich for each of them.

Kagura and Sougo took and ate it. Some passersby saw them and mumbled "What a cute family."

"Twins? How cute, they look alike their parents."

"What a cute family."

But thenagain, these mumbles were a little loud, letting Kagura and Sougo heard it all. Kagura faced the other side blushing, while Sougo faced the opposite direction… not blushing and just continued with his tricky poker face, but his heart were a little moved by it. The both of them looked at the twins and patted their head. The kids gave a bright smile as a response.

After lunch, they continued exploring the Amusement park. They tried, merry-go-round, tea-cup rides, bumps cars, and many more. It was night time when they decided to try the Ferris wheel… Romantic date? Nah~ there's brats involved, more like a family outing. Uh-huh.

They were in line waiting for their turn when there's an explosion occurred. It was at the Ferris wheel. Some huge debris came falling to their place. Sougo having quick reflexes pushed Kagura and the kids away, leading him the one getting hurt.

"SADIST!" Kagura shouted while hugging the two kids tightly, trying to protect them.

"PAPI!" the twins added.

"I-I'm f-finr… for now, take those kids to a safe place." Sougo said calmly even though the weight and pain is almost killing him.

"But sadist-"Kagura want to argue, but she was cut off by Sougo.


"And you?"

"Kagura, please. Just make sure they are safe. I'm fine."

Stunned with Sougo calling her name, she still manage to get serious, for their outmost priority is the kids.

"I got it-aru! While I'm out, make sure you keep yourself safe sadist!"

"Yeah, yeah just go already."

"I'll be back, just stay safe Sougo." After that she carried the kids who are currently crying and worried about their father.

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