Yandere X Reader ... dark |Co...

By n_a123456

50.5K 938 462

You're a young adult just starting your new exciting life at this collage , trying to pass with good grades a... More

Ch.1 The Meeting
Ch.2 a little get together
Ch.3 an extra hand ?
Ch.4 interaction
Ch.6 being alert
Ch.7 Getting things straight !
Ch.8 scars
Ch.9 shedding
Ch.10 becoming one
Ch.11 Out and About
Ch.12 before the storm
Ch.13 Fate
Ch.14 Jun
Ch.15 Sora
Ch.16 the cops

Ch.5 skipping a target

2.9K 75 30
By n_a123456

"He's not here yet !" You whispered to yourself ,looking at your phone that indicated 2 pm as you entered the library
sunlight shines through clear glass windows which were half open allowing the breeze to sway your hair gently

walking across the polished wooden floors you stopped at the messy tables "is someone using these tables ?" You mumbled as you scanned the room to find no one, just tables filled with papers and open books ,showing that these surfaces are occupied.

"Guess we'll take the couch" putting your hair into a high ponytail while sinking into the comfortable mustard yellow leather couch and placing your things on the coffee table

suddenly a cold shiver shocks your whole body as coldness came in contact with your bare nape

"here you go" locking eyes with blue ones shining behind a metal frame that slightly gleamed when he tilted his head ,looking at his hands are two big sized ice beverages

"SHIT !!! ... Sora !! You scared me...What's this ?" giggling from your over reaction as you took one from his cold ice hands

"I passed by the small café and bought some ice tea, i recalled Kaizaki senpai buying you one ,but I didn't really know what you like ...so I got us my usual order" he smiled softly as he placed the straw between his light lips and consumed the cold beverage

"umm~ I didn't have this in a long time, last time I had this was at my second year of high school ,I even posted it on my social media" You said happily as the refreshing flavors danced on your taste buds

"you don't post much don't you ?!" Asked Sora while opening his laptop

"hm ? On my account? Not really since i have almost no one and it's private" you laughed, accidentally neglecting the main gap that would have changed the whole atmosphere of this get together

"let's divide the work between us" Sora took out his notebook to write down needed tasks.

*a while later*

"Uuuuh~ I can't think anymore" you sighed covering your face with your forearms while resting your head backwards on the back of the couch

"it just became 7:25 pm ,we should probably take a break" Sora looked at his clock and closed his laptop

"and in take a break as in tomorrow" You peeked

"t-tomorrow ? Can't we like take a five minuets break ?" He raised a brow

"are you even human !!! I'm so tired" you groaned

"fine, but be here early ! I have things to do in the evening" he sighed

"a date ?!" You smirked resting your chin on your hand

"no ! I'm just meeting up with someone" he gathered his thing

"so it is a date ! You're meeting someone at night, just the two of you ...it's a date" your lips tugged into a half smile

"I'm meeting a bunch of guys...." he sighed

"hey you can swing that way too, who am I to judge!" You shrugged

"...for work" his arms found it's way next to your face ,minimizing your chance of getting up the couch to a zero ,leaning forward you felt his forehead gently touching yours , looking up between the raven strands into the deep blue abyss

your beating heart slowly growing louder and louder by passing seconds "....S-Sora" barely being herd

"don't be late" the weight on both sides of your head faded .

"what !" You looked at the closing dark wooden doors as the sound of your heart grew dimmer from your ears just to be replaced by a ringing noise

"hello Mom" you smiled as you took a deep breath in order to calm yourself.

The phone vibrated indicating an arriving message, but you ignored it as you were busy talking to your mom.

Changing into your F/C cotton shorts and a F/C shirt. You tucked yourself deep into your blankets

"good night" you yawned as Sana answer with a hum and Mei with a soft night , slowly drifting into sleep ... your phone vibrates

"who's sending shit now ?" You mumbled reaching out and opening your older message first

— From : Kaizaki
— Are you done with studying ? Hey... should I pick you up ! Where were you again ? The library? I'll be there in five minuets..

"I didn't see him pass by" you mumbled open the message after

— From : Kaizaki
— Why won't you answer me ?? Did something happen ?? Please answer!

"Why is he overreacting?" You rise an eyebrow as your S/C slender fingers tapped the screen

— To : Kaizaki
— Sorry senpai , I'm fine, I was just too busy studying, I finished just a few minutes ago and I'm in bed now...we can hang out tomorrow okay ?

"I should really sleep" rubbing your eyes and placing your phone away ,drifting into deep slumber.

"So I assume flirting with Sora is a form of studying" venom curled between those words as they escaped the lips of the young male

"fine, if that's how you wanna play, I'll play that way" slamming his phone on the night stand as the lights flickered off for him to sleep

*next morning*

Walking into the cold classrooms and sitting into place "it's sure getting chilly these days" Sana mentioned rubbing her arms and you nodded in approval

"good morning Y/N" Sora passed by your side with a smile

"morning" you smiled back sitting in your seat and Sana dragging her chair next to your table, a tall figure approach you two

"S-Sana ?!" Called a deep voice, turning your head to the source,you met with those same amber eyes and blue hair

"ah Max, what's up ?" Sana gave a big smile at the standing stranger

"Y/N , this is Max he's with me in basketball team" she pointed her finger at him as you smiled

"nice to meet you" his eyes widened a little bit before changing his gaze to the blond girl

"can I talk to you at lunch break behind building A" Max asked as a blush formed on his face

"I'll leave you two to talk" you get up from your seat and headed towards Sora who had his nose stuck in a book

"Max !! We talked about this ...what was that !" Sana sighed

"well sorry man ! It's a little harder than I thought" he scratched the back of his head ruffling his hair

"you still wanna meet at lunch ?" She asked

"of course! I'll try to be more interactive this time" he grinned and left back to his seat.

Class started and the professor took off from where you stopped last class, mentioning the presentation over and over again and how it affected your grades

"so...lunch ? Behind the building ? A love confession?" You whispered with an obvious smirk on your face

"fuck you ,he's a good guy" she giggled

"you're cheating on Mei ?!" You gasped

"I-I'm not !! Don't jump to conclusions!" She slammed her book on your arm "stop distracting me" she added pointing at the professor

"fine" you looked over at the board, peeking back at Sana ,her face showed that she was deep in her thoughts!

"Hey guys" Jun walked between student who were leaving the class "lunch break started" he added placing his food on your table

"yeah we're coming" smiling at him. behind you ,two hands found their way on your shoulder ,squeezing lightly, looking up you smiled as you met the gaze of Kaizaki

"ready to go ?" He smiled down on you

"sure, but first we have to go watch a love confession" you chuckled looking at Sana

"eh ? Who ?" Jun got all pumped up

"where's Mei ?" You places your hands over Kaizaki's on your shoulder, his heart skipped a beat at the warm contact

"I bumped into her on the way here ,she said she had a group meeting or something...tell me whooo ?" Jun answered and whined like a kid

"so you're lucky" you laughed facing Sana "I-I told you it's not what you think.... probably!" She said doubting her own words

"let's just go and see" you stood up as Kaizaki's grip loosened

"Do you guys have to come ?" Sana sighed walking around the corner

"we'll hide here, so it's fine" you gave a thumbs up

"we're good at staying low" Jun added also giving a thumbs up ,Kaizaki just hanging behind

"Hey Max" Sana waved as she approached the young man

"you came !" He smiled brightly

"so what did you want to talk about ?" She smiled as she shifted uncomfortably

"w-well ... I guess I'll just say it straight....but.." he mumbled

"he's gonna say it" anticipation glowed in your eyes as you whispered to Jun

"huh~ I kind of wanted to ask y-" he started talking but Sana cuts him off

"I already have a girlfriend in case you didn't know !" Sana bluntly declared

"EH ?!!!" He suddenly freezes

"ppfffttt" Jun held his laugh as much as he can

"let's just leave for now ! We'll ask her about it later" you held your giggles as you dragged Jun by his arm.

"Stop laughing for god"s sake" Dragging the laughing red head and turning around the corner

"a-ah, no ,don't misunderstand Sana !!" He said loudly

"huh...guess I'll follow them" Kaizaki sighed as he stepped away

"I w-wanted to a-ask a-about Y/N" him stuttering caused the young Burnett to stop his pace and turn around

"Y/N ?!" Darkness grew in those green sockets as he listened carefully

"yeah, I kinda wanted to ask her out but I wanted to make sure she's single, I wasn't sure since she's always handing out with your group" rubbing the back of his head nervously

"we'll...she is single ,she's also very dense at these topics but maybe I'll set you up with her" she smiled

"really ? Thanks a lot Sana" his eyes glowed with happiness as she laughed

"I'll talk to her later about and get back to you" she waved her hands walking away.
At the end of the day you gathered your things and headed towards the library to meet up with Sora

"over here" waving his hand to catch your attention

"Hey, so the tables are free today" You looked around spotting a few students

"I booked it at lunch" he got his laptop out and started working ,you just nodded

"Y/N.... so you live nearby ?" He suddenly asked

"hmm~ I wouldn't say that ,it takes almost an hour to visit home on the weekends" you sighed

"I thought you'd live much closer though, you're always at home on the weekends" he looked at you between his raven curtains

"I hoped to live closer so I don't have to stay at the dorms ,that's also effecting the houses savings to be completely honest and the rent isn't helping either" you rested your head on your forearm on top the wooden surface

"so what if you lived a little further ? Isn't that like cheaper ?" He asked

"eh ? That would be a lot worse! I'll be stuck here even on the weekends, if taking the bus now takes an hour ,imagine if we moved further, busses are very slow you know !" You pouted

"I guess you're right" fixing his glasses

"can I see ?" You reached out to him

"see what ?" He blinked confused

"your glasses" you smiled as he nodded and handed the metal frames to you

"oh, you're not blind" you chucked wearing them

"why does everyone assume I'm blind, it just becomes a little foggy" he laughed resting his hands on his now closed laptop

"can I have them back ?" He stood up to take them from you who's sitting across him

"why ? You just said you're not blind" you leaned back laughing

"well, I need to see your face" He grabs your light cardigan pulling you in "your beautiful face" he whispered pushing the glasses up your face and leaning in ,you froze in your place, not sure how to react as his lips came closer to your pink ones ,closing your eyes waiting for the tender contact which never came

"s-sorry" The grip on the fabric loosened as he sat back down

"i-i crossed the line" he whispered as he reopened the laptop and stared at the screen

"Y/N you're here ? Why aren't you answering your phone" a angered tone and a rough squeeze on your arm jerked you off your chair

"huh ? What the hell !" You looked up meeting frowning green eyes

"Kaizaki ! I didn't hear my phone ring !would you let go of my arm" you stood up as your hand tightly gripped on his

"Sora !! What the fuck do you think you're doing" the tall male leaned in grabbing the younger's collar

"KAIZAKI !! What the hell got into you ?" Standing in front of him, slightly pushing him away from Sora, the anger in his eyes softened at your touch, looking down on you as you were inches away from his face

"...s-sorry" he lips curled into a soft smile as his eyes softened, feeling an arm wraps around your waist

"can we go now ?" Pulling you away from the younger male

"I c-can't ! I have to work on my presentation" you were taken back at the sudden change on attitude Kaizaki showed ,his brows frowned a little bit

"Sora, finish up the work alone" he looked down at the sitting male

"s-sure" he whispered lowering his head

"see, everything will be fine !" He smiled looking at you who's still in his tight grip

"b-b-but" you stuttered as you were dragged away from the library.

"Kaizaki senpai !!! What the fuck , I can't possibly leave Sora to do all the work" you pushed his arm away

"relax, Sora will do a good job, I trust him" he said

"you're not even his friend, what makes you so sure saying that ?" you crossed your arms

"we work together" he sighed

"work ? What kind of work ?" raising an eyebrow "yeah, you can say it's a cleaning service" he shrugged

"like a car wash" you tilted your head ... the tall figure paused for a minute

"sure, let's go with that...more importantly" he walked closer ,taking your hand in his

"you've been busy lately, leaving me all alone" lifting your hand closer to his face as warm lips brushed over your soft skin

"I've missed you so much" he whispered, chills ran down your spine as your E/C orbs caught his green ones

"s-s-senpai !!" Feeling your whole body heat up "what's wrong ?" He smiled as his eyes gleamed with what you called 'amusement'.

Clearing your throat "what gotten into you ? You're acting very weird" You frowned a little

"...huh~ nothing, sorry... don't worry about it" releasing his grip on you and stepping back "want to get some coffee ?" He smiled talking a step back towards the campus exit as if nothing happened

"sure" you nervously smiled "let's go" turning his back and continued walking

Sneaking out your phone and sending a short text as you reluctantly walked behind him

—To: Mei
—Let's meet at the café

Arriving at the cozy café "I'll go order, wait here" Kaizaki said placing his scarf on the table

"okay" you smiled sitting down...

"Y/N , Hey !" A soft huff as Mei skipped to you "what's wrong ? Sending that text all of a sudden?" She Asked ,her soft voice bringing you comfort

"I-it's nothing really. I just wanted to spend more time with you" you shrugged smiling

"Mei !" Kaizaki came back with the drinks "good afternoon Kaizaki senpai" sending a soft smile in his way

"what are you doing here ? ah I mean, Sorry...I'll go order you something!" He places the cups on the table and turned around

"no it's okay senpai ! I was just in the area and decided to come and chill here ,didn't think i'd run into you two" she smiled taking off her thick jacket indicating that she's not planning to leave anytime soon

from under the table your hand reached for hers with a light squeeze as a thank you gesture

"that's great to hear, we really didn't spend much time together,since you had your group studies and stuff" he flashed her a smile and passed the hot beverage your way

"thank you" you mumbled taking it

"you know what ! I'll tell Jun to come ,and Y/N you can call Sana" he looked over at you with an even bigger smile

"sure, that would be nice" you smiled reaching for your phone.
A few minutes later ,Sana arrived as Jun followed behind a moment later...

everything turned back to normal as the sun drifted off and stars lit the night skies, causing the wind to grow colder and colder , this atmosphere is what you cherished

Kaizaki bring up Jun's embarrassing memories as Sana's laughter filled the café while cuddling her loved one Mei ,taking the last sip of your coffee "well, we should be going !" Mei said grabbing everyone's attention

"eh ? Already ?" Jun looked at his watch

"yeah, it's laundry day ... and some people have a lot of laundry to do" she rested her hands on her hips eyeing you and Sana

"eeeeh eheh yeah, sorry about that" Sana chuckled as she got up

"Y/N , let's go" Mei wrapped her arm around yours pulling you with her

"we'll see you tomorrow" Jun waved smiling ,glancing over at Kaizaki who only sighed as he looked out of the window,avoiding eye contact.

"Bye" you mumbled smiling as the ringing of the door echoed behind.
"You okay ?" Jun mumbled crossing his arms when the café was almost empty

"I fucked up" Kaizaki slammed his fist on the table

"is it that bad ?" He asked as he got up

"I don't know, I kinda scared her off..." he sighed

"well, I'm staying over at your room today" Jun glanced over at gloomy Kaizaki

"you don't need to, I won't do anything stupid" he sighed

"that what you said last week before I called an ambulance on you" Jun reached out holding Kaizaki's arm and lifting his sleeve

"remember this!" Gazing at the bandaged wrist

"I wasn't thinking ,plus I already told you I'll hang out a little longer, plus it's him that's causing trouble" he pulled his arm and got up

"let's go" walking into the dark cold street

"I'll just drown him in work" Kaizaki mumbled pulling his scarf to cover half of his face

"see, you don't need to get rid of him" Jun chuckled

"tsk...if he wasn't important, I would have tore his arms off after what that scum bag tried to pull on my girl" anger and poison filled his voice ,fading into the dark street

Mega update!!!
Hello, and enjoy ❤️

(I need to work on this part 🤦🏻‍♀️, sorry that what you get when the author isn't very social)

Bye 👋🏻

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