Argonaut - The Precursor (Pre...

By Fairfax5

4.9K 403 59

Find the truth, save a city, survive hell. That was the mission, and Killian was the one they chose to comple... More

Prologue - The Destroyer
Chapter 1 - Mission Statement
Chapter 2 - The Strays
Chapter 4 - Liabilities

Chapter 3 - Seeds of Legacy

729 68 8
By Fairfax5

Chapter 3 – Seeds of Legacy

14th Oct 11:28 AM

"Piss off," the Archaean laughed through the blood running down his chin, on his knees with one hand outstretched to steady himself against the cold steel wall.

His attire was... unusual. Ill-fitting blue jeans with a belt missing half of the loops, and an offensively yellow shirt, unbuttoned, with equally outstanding blue flowers covering it. He was bare-chested and shoeless underneath. A mess of brown hair hung free, just down to the base of his neck. Even from the doorway, Killian could smell the reek of alcohol on him.

"You go too far, Gallagher," the Archaean standing over him glowered, knuckles white, arms twitching in anticipation of the need to punch again.

Killian recognised him. Solomon. A little overbearing at times, but at heart a good man, and a good warrior. The Archaean stood almost eight feet tall, one of the few Archaeans able to stand over Maven.

Killian and Maven stayed back, watching the scene unfold in silence.

"Now Cap, I really think you're overreacting," Gallagher chuckled, slowly pushing himself to his feet, leaning against the back wall to support himself, "What's a little fun between missions?"

"Nobody else is laughing," Solomon growled. The five other Archaeans all stared at Gallagher, not moving a muscle to help him, or even saying a word. They all shared the same look of frustration, and absolute resignation.

"Only takes one," Gallagher shrugged.

"Do you have a death wish?" Solomon demanded, his voice quietening, though the gravelly resonance still carried.

"Just the opposite," Gallagher replied, standing up straight and glaring right back at the taller warrior. It would have been somewhat impressive, if not for the blue jeans and Hawaiian shirt. "I'm living, prick."

"You were gone for two days," Solomon snapped, "Nobody had any idea where you were!"

"You're overexaggerating. I dropped out to Hamburg to see Iron Maiden, I was gone for a day and a half."

"You left Olympus, alone and without any level of authorisation! You jeopardised the safety of every soul within these walls!"

"I swear, if you keep yelling, I'm going to hurl."

"You arrived on the mountain in human clothes, shouting obscenities. You're lucky you weren't killed on sight."

"Oh, come off it Solomon. No one was hurt."

"That's no excuse. Any number of things could have gone wrong; what if the Niphal had found you, or the humans?"

"They didn't."

"That you know of. Gallagher, this is unacceptable. If someone had followed you back, everyone in Olympus would have been in danger. Do you not understand that, or do you just not care?"

"Captain Solomon," Killian called for the doorway, finally interrupting the proceedings.

Solomon's clenched fist uncurled as he turned, levelling his gaze at the two intruders. "Killian. Wait outside, I'll be with you when I'm done here."

"I'm not here to talk to you, Captain," Killian said, taking a step forward, "I'm here for your underling."

"I will handle this matter myself," Solomon replied, "After that, I will submit him to the Archons."

"That won't be necessary, sir," Killian said, approaching and opening his TAU, "I've been sent by the Archons, and I'll be taking him for appropriate punishment."

There was a long moment of silence as Killian walked up to the larger man, showing the documentation and his permissions directly from the Archons. Solomon looked over them, his frown only deepening as he mumbled to himself.

"Congratulations on your promotion, Captain Killian," he nodded, "Are you sure this is the choice you want to make?"

"I am, Solomon."

During all of this, Gallagher had a bemused grin plastered over his face, "All of this trouble, for little old me?" he asked, smiling through bloodied teeth, "Well, can't say I'll be too sad to go. Solomon, you're not the worst guy I've known, but you're still a massive prick."

Solomon ignored the comment. "Captain, if you have any other options, I would urge you to reconsider."

"This is the call I'm making, Solomon. I'm not here for permission."

Solomon gave a slow nod, before taking a step back. "As you wish, Killian."

Killian gave the other Archaean a nod in return, before turning to Gallagher. "You're with us now, let's move."

"Now hold on there," Gallagher replied, "I don't appreciate your tone, Killer."

A rough shove from Solomon was all it took to send the bloodied Archaean stumbling towards them, catching himself against Killian's shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll miss you too," Gallagher grunted, walking over towards Maven, holding up his middle finger over his shoulder, back towards his former commander.

"Be careful," Solomon muttered as Killian turned to follow.

"Hey there, Jumbo," Gallagher said as Maven stepped aside, letting him back into the hallway.

She said nothing, but glared at Killian as he followed them out. The door slid shut behind them, Gallagher leading the way back towards the elevators.

"Good to see you again, Killer; haven't bumped into you since Mongolia, am I right? To what do I owe the pleasure?" he asked, fishing around in the pockets of the jeans and pulling out a set of cheap black plastic sunglasses, before putting them on, "Can't say I get many social calls."

"You're on our new team," Killian replied, "We're tracking down something that's hunting Archaeans."

"Hard pass," he shook his head, dipping his hand back into the pocket and digging around again, "Sounds very hazardous to my health, can't say I'm a huge fan."

"Of course, we could always escort you to the Detention Block. With your latest stunt, the Archons will have you executed within the week."

"You speak like a man familiar with my work," Gallagher gave a thin smile, finally pulling out a piece of human candy, wrapped in plastic. "But hey, you make a compelling argument. I'm assuming there's no third option?"

He quickly stripped the plastic wrapper, flicking it onto the floor as the elevator doors opened. He popped it into his mouth, walking into the elevator and leaning against the back wall.

"Ground floor," Killian said as he and Maven stepped in as well.

"-Acknowledged, Captain Killian.-"

"After Mongolia, I read your file," Killian continued, "Not much to say."

Gallagher's eyes narrowed slightly. "Now that's just hurtful."

"You've got a brain that makes a TAU look like a child's toy. All that ability in the world, all the potential, and you spend your time on petty larceny?"

Gallagher slid the plastic sunglasses down to the end of his nose, looking at Killian over the top of them. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Killian gave his TAU a few taps, bringing up a string of reports that he flipped through.

"You have an extensive history of going off-mission, deviating from plans on a whim. Two years ago, you left your teammates to break into a liquor store."

"Oh come on, that was just recon. I'd just have been watching the ship and waiting for them to get back, anyway."

"Six months later, you took an extra two hours to check in after another deployment hunting Niphal."

"Ran out of smokes," he shrugged, "And picked up some really nice souvenirs along the way. Didn't hear anyone complaining when I was inclined to share my hard-won spoils."

The elevator doors slid open, and the three of them walked out through the main lobby, Maven leading them towards the street.

"Killian, I am trying to have faith in you," she said, "But this stretches my belief. There are better choices, and that is not saying much."

"You wound me, Jumbo."

"My name is Maven."

"Well, the pleasure is all mine, call me Bruce Springsteen."

"I have no idea who that is."

His eyebrows raised a little, and he slid the glasses back up over his eyes. "Uncultured."

"Maven, I'll need you to head back over to R&D and make sure everyone's there. Get them ready, I'll be having a brief talk with Gallagher, and then we'll be joining you."

She hesitated, before giving Killian a short nod, peeling off towards the lowset building on the far side of Olympus.

"Just us then for a quiet word then, boss?"

Killian nodded, leading his new recruit away from the main foot traffic, where he was satisfied that they were out of earshot of any curious bystanders.

"What's your plan, Gallagher?" he asked quietly, "What's the endgame, keep being an asshole until you get yourself killed?"

"Sounds like as good a plan as any," Gallagher shrugged, pulling the flowery Hawaiian shirt a little higher over his shoulders, covering his bare chest slightly in the outside air.

"Not a great plan," Killian replied, "If the Niphal and Humans don't kill you, Archaeans will."

"Archons'll get me killed anyway. Nobody lasts all that long hunting Niphal."

"This is about the survival of our species, Gallagher."

"Spare me the preaching," Gallagher levelled his eyes at Killian, "I got enough of it from Solomon. 'It's your duty to your brethren that have given their lives', 'we must all lay down our lives for our children to endure.', all that jazz."

"And what do you think about that?"

"I don't have kids." Gallagher said flatly.

Killian paused for a moment. "I do. I'll need you on this one, Gallagher, and I'll need you committed. What's that going to take?"

Gallagher gave an equally long pause, rolling the candy from one side of his mouth to the other with his tongue. "I want you to get me out."

"Excuse me?"

He pushed the sunglasses up into his hair, looking Killian in the eye. "I want you to get me the fuck out of Olympus. I'm not an idiot, I know if I just up and go I'll have the Archons on my ass. If I play along with you, and follow all of your asinine little instructions, you help me get off their radar."

"You do realise what happens if we get caught, right?"

"Same thing that happens if we spend too much time hunting Niphal, just quicker." Gallagher replied. "How many Archaeans do you know that get to be old, hell even any that get to two hundred?"

"Hephaestus did it."

"Exactly, and how long has it been since he's gone out on a Niphal hunt? That crusty old mechanic's been behind safe walls for two centuries, at least, same as the Archons. For us, fifty's optimistic."

Killian levelled his gaze at the other Archaean, who looked about as serious as it was possible to be, while wearing an open flowery shirt and sunglasses.

"Done," Killian nodded, "When this is all over, I'll make sure you get out. But this stays between us, understand? Not a word, or the deal's off."

"Yes sir," Gallagher nodded, and for just a moment, Killian saw something in his eyes change. For a fraction of a second, the wry smile and snark dropped. His features were a little softer, and he looked ten years younger.

"You know, I've always wanted to know more about what happened in Mongolia," Killian said, slowly making his way back towards the main street with Gallagher in tow. "I've caught bits and pieces from reports, but naturally things are a bit... unclear."

Gallagher's grin returned in full force. "That wasn't one of my best plans," he said, "But all's well that ended well, y'know?"

"What were you even thinking?"

"I wasn't."

Killian remembered the battle well. A detachment had been sent in to aid a team that had been cornered by a major Niphal strike force. They were pinned down in a cave with the enemy at the gates, it was only a matter of time before it all ended bloody. Several Archaeans had been dropped on to the bombarding Niphal warships to take them over and turn their firepower onto the enemy, but there had been an unexpected hitch in the plan. Without the specific firing codes for each warship, the Niphal weapons they took over ceased to function. One small oversight would have cost them dozens of lives and the entire skirmish, had not one Archaean acted.

The largest of the warships had changed course, using its sheer mass to barrel through the sky and slam into nearby warships, taking out four other cruisers and hundreds of Niphal when it slammed into the ground. To this day, Killian wasn't sure what exactly it was he saw, but that pivotal moment had given them the opportunity to turn the tide and win the day and save all those lives. When all was done and the dust had settled, Killian had placed a discreet inquiry to find who had dedicated themselves to a near-suicidal plan, almost certainly giving their own life in the crash to save their comrades. One name had come up. Gallagher.

Further inquiries had uncovered that during the mission, he had been 'obscenely inebriated'. No further information had been given. The Archaean walking beside him certainly fit the profile, but something was... off.

"I want to know more," Killian pressed as they walked.

"Not much more to tell," Gallagher shrugged, "I dropped a few tabs when I was boarding and cleared out the control centre. I thought I was chasing a fuckin big moth with the ship; didn't even know what was going on."

"So saving everyone, that was just a lucky accident?"

"Would certainly seem that way, Killer," Gallagher replied, stretching one of his arms across the other.

"Why is it so hard for you to admit that just one time, you did a good and selfless thing?"

"Killian, drop it," Gallagher's tone turned icy in an instant. "You want me on-board for the mission, that's fine, so long as you keep your end of the bargain."


"That bargain doesn't include us getting all buddy-buddy and sharing our deepest darkest feelings. That just ain't my groove, Killer. You bring it up again and I walk. Do we have an understanding?"

Killian took a moment to look over the other Archaean, whose eyes were still hidden behind the sunglasses. "We do."

"Excellent," Gallagher nodded, walking ahead of Killian without so much as a sideways glance. "Now come on, let's go get ourselves killed."


Five Archaeans stood and sat in a rough circle in the junkyard behind Hephaestus's workshop, talking quietly amongst themselves as Killian and Gallagher arrived. Icarus was next to Delilah, talking fast and barely taking a moment for a breath between each muttered sentence. Delilah gave a small polite smile in response, but every single other aspect of her body language told of discomfort. Icarus didn't seem to notice.

Cinder and Memnon stood opposite each other, leaning on large chunks of discarded machinery. They appeared to be taking stock of one another, saying nothing. The blonde Archaean was slightly taller, and the armour gave her a little added bulk that Memnon's lacked.

While this was all happening Maven was busy talking to Hephaestus, who stood in the middle of the group. As Killian and Gallagher drew near the conversations slowly died off, everyone turning their attention on their Captain and the newcomer. Hephaestus gave Maven a short nod before walking over to have a quick word with Killian before the main conversation started.

"I've got you your ride, all ready and waiting in the Archons' personal hangar. There's new armour for everyone inside, Maven sent me a list of everyone on your team and it's all tailored to them specifically."

"Thanks, Hephaestus," Killian nodded, but the old mechanic had already turned his attention to Gallagher.

"I've got a little something for you too," he said, "Most everyone else's got something that they can fight with, but it looks to me like all you can do is think real hard."

Gallagher almost looked offended for half a second, before breaking into a wide smile. "Don't need much more than that, old man."

The mechanic grabbed a carrying case he had left on the ground nearby and tossing it to Gallagher, who caught it in a single hand.

"Have fun putting that brain to work," Hephaestus grunted, "try not to get killed."

Gallagher gave a short laugh before opening the case. When he saw what was inside, his grin only widened. "You're not so bad, old man!" he called out, but Hephaestus was already walking back towards his workshop.

Gallagher closed the case and meandered on over to the side of the group, sitting directly next to Memnon, who looked none too pleased. "Hey, how's it going, I'm Gallagher."

There was no reply.

Killian took his position in the centre of the group, giving a slight pause to let them all settle their attentions onto him.

"Thank you all for coming," he began, "You've all been filled in on our assignment, and hopefully you'll have met your new teammates."

Gallagher's hand raised immediately, and he didn't even wait to be acknowledged before he started speaking. "Actually, I've met nobody yet."

"This is Gallagher," Killian continued, gesturing to the Archaean, "If you're going to hurt him, please make it look like an accident. I'd prefer not to deal with any more paperwork than necessary."

There were a few chuckles among the group, though Delilah's eyes widened a little before she clicked on that he was only joking. Maybe.

"Before we get too far into everything, let's make sure everyone knows what the rest of the group can do. Maven, do you want to start us off?"

The large woman gave a short nod, grabbing the large piece of machinery that Memnon and Gallagher were leaning against and lifting it without breaking a sweat. It was easily twice her size, and the two men jumped slightly when she dropped it suddenly, before resuming her position.

"Strength and endurance," he said, "Get her in close, and there's not a whole lot that can stop her. At range, she needs help. Cover her and make sure she has the openings she needs, and we'll be just fine. Icarus, you're up."

The smaller Archaean gave a bright smile before stepping forward, doing a half-turn and waving at the group. "I'll be on recon for this assignment," Icarus said, "I've got a few bits of tech to help me get around, and vision that makes a hawk blush."

"He's handy in a spot," Killian added, "But heavy combat isn't his strong suit. Keep the skies clear so that he can work."

There were a few more murmurs as Icarus drifted back to his seat on a wrecked plane wing with a short blast of his pack.

Without any need for prompting, Cinder pushed herself up and traced her fingers through the air, letting small trails of rich orange flames follow.

"I make things burn," she said simply, "You want something to be ash, point it out to me and I'll get it done."

"Cinder's the firepower on this one," Killian continued, "She can melt steel, but doesn't have a lot in the way of defensive options. Give her some cover in the field and plenty of targets."

"Best defence is a white-hot offence, Captain," she gave a short nod, before taking her seat again.

As Memnon stood up fully, Killian drew everyone's attention to him with the wave of a hand. "Memnon is our infiltration expert," he explained as the Archaean's colour shifted, blending into the background in a wave of colour and shifting skin. The thin suit shifted with him as seamlessly as if it was his own body. "Single target death, that's what he does. Don't let him get surrounded."

Memnon wordlessly took his seat again, slowly taking on the pallor of the machinery behind him.

"Delilah is our fresh recruit," Killian said, beckoning her to her feet, "Exceptional close quarters combatant, adaptable and useful in a bind. She also speaks Niphali, so she's on interpretation."

The young Archaean took a deep breath, before clenching both hands. It was almost as if the air was rippling in strange shapes around each arm, but with another moment they took a more solid form. The energy formed a solid disk around her left forearm, translucent but flickering in shape. In her right hand was a long spike of the same flickering energy, which she sliced through the air in front of her.

Energy projections of this kind were rare among his people. To date, she was the nearest their kind had come to a true Ergokinetic in close to two centuries.

"Cute trick," Gallagher nodded, watching the shimmering weapons, "But the youngblood hasn't exactly been out in the field yet, has she?"

"Gallagher's right," Killian replied, "Her inexperience is her weakness. Keep her covered, give her time to find her rhythm in the team."

Delilah gave an awkward nod before going over to sit back with Maven and Icarus.

"Believe it or not, Gallagher's smarter than he looks," Killian moved on, gesturing to the Archaean, "He's our brain, and he'll be running probabilities while we're out in the field."

"The old man gave me an extra couple of toys," Gallagher grinned, tapping the carrying case that Hephaestus had given him, which now lay by his side, "Should give me some extra kick when shit hits the fan. What about you, boss? What sort of powers are you bringing to the table?"

Killian stared back at the Archaean, who laid a hand over the top of the case. There was a long silence as everyone waited; everyone except for Maven. She had worked with Killian previously, it was no mystery to her.

"I'm a hypnopath," he said flatly.

"I'm sorry, a what?" Cinder asked, an eyebrow raised.

Killian wasn't surprised, his type of ability wasn't common.

"I'm more persuasive than most," he said simply, "I specialise in interrogation."

"Care to give us a demonstration?" Gallagher asked, getting to his feet with a broad smile, "Oh, I know, you can make the big lady dance."

Killian shot a curt glance at Gallagher, looking him directly in the eye.

"Sit down, Gallagher," he said casually, maintaining the eye contact.

"Oh, come on Killer. I'm just having—"

Gallagher dropped off suddenly as he froze in place, an odd look crossing his face. His eyes went blank for a moment before his brow furrowed, hand clenching by his side. Killian could see him resisting, fighting the influence, but after a few more moments of silence he took a step back and settled into his seat. Killian kept his gaze locked for a moment longer, before breaking the connection and walking back to the centre of the group.

Immediately, Gallagher's eyes cleared and he glared at Killian.

"You stay the fuck out of my head," he murmured, one hand reaching into the case, "You do that shit again, and we're going to have words, Killer."

"You wanted a demonstration," Killian replied, "I don't use it on my teammates, and I won't use it on any of you."

"Damn straight you won't," Gallagher glowered, pulling out a belt of well-pressed leather, a pair of holsters fastened to it.

Killian recognised aspects of the weapons resting within, strangely similar to elements of his own Omnicannon. They looked like a pair of break-action revolvers, thick barrels lined with magnetic accelerators that ribbed it to the tip. Railguns, a staple of Archaean weaponry. Neither Humans or Niphal regularly used armour that the Archaean weapons couldn't punch through. Humans had been beginning to develop their own versions based on scavenged Archaean gear, but they were centuries behind his race's level of development.

Gallagher's glare didn't leave as he buckled the belt around his waist, small dull bolts of Archaean Iron kept in even intervals along the belt itself. In the now open case, Killian could see at least three more smaller cases filled with more bolts.

"We've got transport sorted," Killian addressed the group again, "and new armour for everyone with it. Let's get to work, people."

Everyone turned to follow as Killian led them, making his way out of the scrapyard and onto the streets. The motley crew in mismatched armours attracted more than a few odd glances, but few of them paid any mind. Those whose gaze lingered for too long quickly found themselves assaulted by a tirade of abuse by Gallagher, a dozen obscene curses that Killian had never even heard of rang through the air. The curious didn't stick around for long after that, chased off by Gallagher's gestures.

"I'm sorry sir," Delilah said quietly from beside Killian as they walked, "But isn't the hangar in the other direction? We're going the wrong way."

"We've been given access to something a little more specialised," Killian replied, keeping his eyes forward, "It's waiting for us in the Archons' hangar."

"Sounds good to me" Cinder replied with a wicked smile on her face, "It's not every day you get to take one of the Archons' toys out for a joyride."

"We are not here to joyride," Maven said sternly, giving Cinder a disapproving glance, "We have a job to do."

"We can do the job and still have fun," Cinder shrugged.

"I like her," Gallagher called, pointing towards the pyrokinetic.

"Fuck off, Galloway."

"It's Gallagher, actually. Try to remember it, Cindy."

"Yeah, piss off the pyrokinetic. Really great plan, smart guy."

"Okay, I really like her," Gallagher laughed again, "You free tomorrow night, sparks?"

"I'd sooner have dinner with a Renin."

Maven walked a little faster to interpose herself between the two of them. Gallagher turned to Memnon, sliding the plastic sunglasses back down over his eyes. "She loves me."

Icarus rubber-banded around the group, speeding up and slowing down, barely able to hold himself to the group's pace. Killian allowed himself a faint smile, watching the group as they walked. This could work. With a little effort, this could really work.

The chatter continued as they walked. Killian was mostly silent, occasionally answering questions from Icarus and Delilah as they drew closer to the hangar. They were the two members with the least combat experience, they would find their own place in the team before too long. Moments like these were important, helping everyone develop a dynamic that would dictate how they worked together in the field.

Maven watched them all with equal measure, save for the special attention she payed to Gallagher, shooting him a disapproving glance for every vulgar curse that passed his lips. For the most part Gallagher payed her no mind, half-jogging to the front of the group when they reached the twenty-foot tall blast doors to the Archons private hangar. He stood directly in front of the sealed doors, arms out to either side in a grandiose gesture.

"Open, says me," the Archaean proclaimed loudly, finishing with a flourish and two raised middle fingers.

The doors remained unmoved.

Whether it was out of sheer indignation or indifference was hard to say. Just to be sure, Gallagher made the flourish one last time. Still, nothing. The rest of the group caught up, and Killian tapped once on his TAU. After a long pause, and with a noise like thunder, the blast doors began to grind open. Intricate defence systems were all well and good, but sometimes a foot of Archaean steel was most effective.

The hangar inside was surprisingly compact, various machines that Killian didn't recognise filled the space ranging from some barely taller than his shoulder to vast war machines stretching nearly to the roof, thirty feet above. The largest of them all, he had seen before.

It was less of a plane, and more of a flying fortress. A hulking behemoth with more firepower than a dozen Archaean jets combined. He had seen it deployed only once, though all Archaeans knew its name. Providence, the flagship of the Archons. Its hull was a pristine white, completely unmarred save for a few blackened patches next to the exhaust ports of the three downward facing engines. But this didn't make sense. The Providence should be in Valhalla, with the Archons. If it was here...


The word carried a gravity that Killian had never witnessed, the gravelly baritone immediately snapping his attention to the side, where it had originated.

Two forms; tall, thin, and clad in ornamental armour, made their way towards the disparate group that was his team. He froze, as did each member of his team, even Gallagher. He had been in holo-conferences with them plenty of times in the past, but this was the first time he had seen an Archon in the flesh, let alone two. Metatron and Uriel walked across the hangar towards the group, twin glares of steel driving the Archaeans eyes to the ground.

"You have your assignment?" Uriel asked, her voice much softer than Metatron's. There was an almost kind quality to her tone, but not quite. Still, the imperious edge remained.

"We do," Killian replied, "Hephaestus sent us here, he arranged transport for our—"

A raised hand from Metatron cut him off.

"We are aware, Captain."

"We'll be leaving immediately," Killian replied with a nod.

"Very good," Uriel replied, "Report on any developments; the city is depending on your efficiency."

"Of course, Archons."

There was a brief pause, but neither side made a move to leave.

"You have more to say, Captain?" Uriel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I do, Archon, but—"

"Walk with me."

Metatron beckoned the rest of his team away, to find their new transport. Uriel and Killian walked slightly behind, keeping their voices lower.

"Archon, I know it is not my place, but... For Archons to leave Valhalla, are things here truly that bad?"

Uriel gave a small smile. "You misunderstand, Captain. Our arrival has nothing to do with your assignment."

"It doesn't?"

"No. We have come to Olympus to witness a miracle. You will be informed in time, as will the rest of the world."

"A miracle? Archon, I don't understand."

"You do not need to. Put it from your mind, Killian, and focus on the task at hand. Your success is key to the survival of Olympus. You cannot fail."

"I will not, Archon."

"We have the utmost faith in your abilities, it was why you were assigned this mission. Where will you start?"

"The Niphal will reveal themselves before too long," Killian said calmly, arms crossed behind his back as they walked, "The humans are the easier target, we'll deal with them first."

"Wise. Your target?"

"Several organisations across the globe fit out parameters, but we'll be starting our search in Germany. The Venerators disappeared after raiding a facility there, on the flight back to Olympus. If there's anything to be found, any clues as to where they may be, my team will find it."

Across the hangar, in front of a large row of aircraft, Killian could see Gallagher bickering with Cinder behind Metatron's back. Uriel noticed it too, giving the Archaean a curious look.

"You have an odd choice of recruits, Captain."

"They'll get the job done," Killian replied, "I have no doubts."

"See to it that they do. Your request for the transfer of your partner and child have been noted, we will arrange what we can in the coming days, pending the completion of your assignment."

With a wave of her hand, the Archon sent Killian back to his team. Metatron passed him on the way, giving a small nod and nothing more. The team remained silent as he approached, watching until the Archons disappeared, and even then waiting another half minute before anyone was comfortable enough to speak.

"Well, that was fun," Gallagher said eventually, the smallest shake in his voice betraying his nerves.

"Shut up, Gallagher," Cinder muttered, turning around to look at the ship they had been led to, anything to take her mind off the encounter. Everyone followed suit.

The ship was sleek, a long thin fuselage, coal-black all over. The wings were swept forward, like all Archaean crew ships, but this one was different. The wings, strangely, were segmented. At even intervals along the length the wings split, attached with heavy duty interlocking hinges. Each wing had three segments, and the back of each wing was absolutely loaded with extra thrusters. Some pointed straight back, some pointed up, some down. Curious; what had Hephaestus built?

Killian walked up to the loading ramp, seeing the name engraved onto the warplane's side as he walked and reading it aloud.


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