Roxanne & Jax

By Zomb1eMummy

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Never a story of more woe, than that of Jax and his Roxanne. Rival MCs? Check. Defiant Daddy's Girl? Check... More



259 7 0
By Zomb1eMummy


I remember every word.

I internally groan as I wiggle myself out of Jaxon's arms - instantly missing his warmth. I'm still wearing my dress from last night and smile as I remember falling asleep with my head in his lap. 

Tiptoeing to the bathroom, I almost cry at how awful when I look in the mirror. All of my makeup is smudged all over my face. One of my eyelashes is missing while the other is just hanging in by a tiny piece of stubborn glue. My foundation is only half remaining - probably because of my terrible habit of sleeping with my arm over my face. 

Sure enough, I have remnants of my makeup all over my arm as well. 

The only thing that still looks flawless is my Stila liquid lipstick. That shit's bulletproof. 

I quickly grab a towel and begin scraping off all my makeup. This is why I don't go full glam. It's way too much work. I probably spend at least ten minutes trying to get my liner off and another ten trying to brush through the rat's nest I call my hair with a tiny thing that I assume Jaxon uses as a comb. I found in one of the drawers. 

Remind me to buy him an actual brush. 

Once I look somewhat presentable, I finish up in the bathroom and then exit the room. Jaxon is now awake, looking down at his phone. 

Wait, that's my phone. 

"Who is Dean?" He asks casually, yet I can see behind his eyes that he is internally raging. 


"Just a guy I work with," I reply. It's not entirely a lie. I do technically work with him. 

"He's been calling off the hook for the past five minutes. He also sent you a message saying 'Where the fuck are you'." He eyes me carefully as he waits for my response. 

"What time is it?" I ask him. I'm late.

"It's twenty after eleven."

"Fuck! Oh my God, he's going to kill me" 

"Who is?" Jaxon asks, confused.

I look around the room for my shoes, finding them in a heap beside the bed. Did I really wear those?

"My brother. I'm late for work again."

"Dean is your brother?" 

"No, he's a guy I work with. My brother is my manager." I say as I pull on the ridiculous heels. "He's a stickler for punctuality - especially when it comes to me. He's always on my ass."


"Because I am always late." I shrug. "But not usually this late."

My phone begins to ring again and I see it's Trevor calling this time. 

"I have to take this. It might get...loud." 

He chuckles and gets out of bed. Planting a kiss on my forehead, he exits the bedroom - leaving me alone to my phone call with Trevor. 

"What the fuck do you want?" I say the second I answer the phone. 

"Really? You are going to be angry with me?" Trevor replies and I know he is rolling his eyes. "Where the fuck are you? Training started an hour and a half ago. This was your fucking idea, eh?"

"I know! I got busy. I-"

"Dean stopped for you at your apartment. You weren't there. So answer the question. Where the fuck are you?"

"I don't have to answer to you, Trevor."

"Yes you do, Roxanne! I don't have time for your bullshit! If you are one of us, be one of us. If not, get the fuck out and stay out. I don't need this." He pauses. "And neither does dad."

"What is your fucking problem with me? I am your sister. I-"

"Exactly. You are my sister. You are one of the faces of the Red Devils, but you are never around to show it."

"Because you kicked me out!"

"And for damn good reason."

"You make absolutely no sense. One minute, you are whining because I wouldn't let you come to the bar with us. The next you are screaming at me and kicking me out of the house. Now you tell me I am the face of the club and should be there, yet if I come around at all, you yell at me for being around! Can you make up your god damn mind! I can't keep up with you!" I scream. "Call me when you know what you want with me, Trevor. Until then, fuck off."


 I hang up the phone, successfully cutting him off. Groaning, I fall onto Jaxon's bed and have a little temper tantrum in an attempt to release my frustrations. 

"You okay?" Jaxon asks. When I open my eyes, I can see the laughter in his eyes. I am sure I look like an absolute moron right now. 


"Want to talk about it?" He steps towards me and lays down on the bed beside me. 


"You know you can, right?"

This time I can't speak, so I just nod my head. 

"From what I heard, your brother sounds like an ass."

"He is," I chuckle. 

Jaxon wraps his fingers in mine. "How about we say fuck adult responsibilities and just go out. Just you and me."

I turn to look at him and see he is looking at me. There is a hopeful glint in his eye and who am I to deny that?

"What do you have in mind?" I ask.

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes, but what are we doing?" 

He smiles, then places a kiss on my forehead. "You'll see," He says before grabbing my hand and leading me outside. "We gotta go get my bike first."

"Yeah, sorry about last night. Fireball is so good but it does me in."

"Especially after your twentieth shot," He says with a wink. 

I groan. "Don't remind me."


"Not in the least, but I am pretty sure I pissed more in the last twelve hours than I have in the past week."

He laughs as he opens the passenger door of his car. I climb inside and he says, "So loud noises won't be bugging you today?"


"Good," He says before slamming the door shut with a loud bang, making me jump. 

"That's car abuse, asshole!" I yell and he laughs. 

I shake my head as I watch him walk around the front of the car, grabbing a bag off of a workbench on his way to the driver door. As soon as he opens the door, he flings the bag to the back seat and climbs inside - again slamming the door as he winks at me. 

"Asshole," I mumble, crossing my arms like a petulant child. 

"Yeah, but you like it," He says before turning the key in the ignition. The car roars to life, the sound echoing off of the concrete walls and back. It's a sound so beautiful, that I can't help the smile that forms on my face and the excitement that fills my being. 

"Your car is so much better than mine," I say, running my hand over the smooth, leather dash. "But don't tell Lucille that."

He chuckles. "Don't worry. I won't tell Lucille that you don't like her anymore."

"So, are you gonna tell me where we're going?"


"Should I be scared?"

He shrugs.


"I promise you will have a good time," He says as he pulls out of his driveway and onto the road. 

"Can I get a hint at least?"


"Fine!" I sigh. "You're no fun."

He chuckles and rests his hand on my knee. "Relax, babe."

"How can I relax? You are practically kidnapping me. You could be bringing me to a pit in the middle of nowhere to kill me."


"Or to the Falls where there is a barrel with my name on it."

"What the fuck?"

I giggle. "I'm kidding."

"You have a twisted mine, love." 

"Yeah, it's one of my specialities. What is Adalyn doing here?" I ask, pointing to the blonde standing at the door. Jaxon parks the car near the bar's entrance. I quickly hop out of it, not waiting for him to answer. 

"Roxy! Girl, you definitely need this!" Adalyn says, throwing a grocery bag at me. 

"What's this?" I ask as I open the bag. There are some clothes inside, making me furrow my brows. 

"Jax asked me to bring some clothes for ya. Something about you doing the walk of shame or something." She says with a wink. "But definitely nothing to be ashamed of with that man."

I roll my eyes and gently push the girl, making her laugh. "Come on," I say, dragging her into the bar with me. "You can help me get ready."

"I'll be out here, talking to Slade!" Jax yells after me and I wave my hand over my head in response. 

The second we are inside the bar, I begin questioning Adalyn. 

"Do you know where he's taking me?" I ask, watching her carefully as we walk towards the bathrooms. 

"Not a clue. Just told me to bring you some casual clothes and that's it." She says as she holds the door open for me. "So I grabbed you some things that I hoped would fit you."

"I'm like five inches taller than you."

"Yeah," She agrees. "The shorts might be super short shorts and the jeans will probably be floods."

I laugh, shaking my head. "Oh well, I appreciate it."

Adalyn grabs the bag from me and rummages inside, pulling out a pair of black, denim jeans after a few seconds. "Wear those. They won't be so bad."

"Thanks," I say, pulling my dress over my head. I take the shorts from her and slide them on. They are short - I mean really short - but they fit me perfectly in the waist and they do make my ass look amazing, so I shrug and wait for Adalyn to pass me a shirt. 

"It's pretty sunny today. Did you want something long sleeved or short? I have this really cute, dusty rose shirt with these - like - lacey, flared sleeve things..." She pauses, thinking a moment, before pulling out a black top. "Or one of these black tanks that Jax says you usually wear. Or I have this shirt that you kinda have to tie up in the front and-"

"I'll take the first one," I say, cutting her off. "It's really cute."

"The colour will look amazing with your hair."

"And it will prevent me from burning to a crisp."

"Yeah," She says, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I definitely don't have that problem."

I laugh, grabbing the shirt from her and pulling it over my head. "I wish I was tanned like you. If I spend ten minutes in the sun without a bucket of sunscreen on, I will look like a fucking lobster."

She smiles at me and looks me up and down. "You look great. I got boots for you in my truck. Hopefully, they will fit. I think your hair will be fine, but I have some dry shampoo if you want?"

I nod. "Dry shampoo is life."

"Right?" She hands me the can. "I also have some other things in here - deodorant, perfume, some makeup - feel free to use whatever you want."

"Thanks, Adalyn. You're fucking awesome."

"Anytime," She says, smiling a small smile. "This is probably gonna sound totally weird and I hope I don't scare you away"

"What? You can tell me, Adalyn?" I say, smiling at her as I begin spraying the shampoo at my roots. 

From the corner of my eye, I can see her fiddling as she looks down at the floor. "I know I act like this really confident person or whatever, but I really don't have any friends that are girls at all. I think all the women here see me as this gross whore because I sleep with 'all these guys' and I dress 'like this'. I have always just accepted that I will always just be this outcast amongst the women in this place and left it at that. 

"But, you don't make me feel like that at all and I really appreciate it. I never knew how good I'd feel having a friend like you."

I turn towards the blonde and she's looking up at me - vulnerability and nervousness written on her beautiful face. Without hesitation, I grab her shoulder and pull her into a hug. Although I only just met the girl, I know that she and I will be great friends. I can feel it in my heart. 

"I'm glad I met you, Addie."

"Addie?" She says and I can feel her smile. "I like it." She pulls away from me and turns towards the door. "I'll go grab your boots, meet me outside?"

"Of course. I'll just be a minute."

"I don't understand your fucking deal, Ad. You never say no."

"Well, I'm saying no now," Adalyn states firmly, her voice wavering a bit. I look over at the girl to see her glaring up at Axel - who is looking down at her with a smug smile on his handsome face. 

"Come on," Axel drawls out. "You know you want to."

I begin walking towards them both. 

"I said no, Axel!" She yells at him - stomping her foot. "I don't want to do this anymore. We talked about this."

"I thought you were joking."

"Well, I wasn't."

"What's going on here?" I ask, making both of them look over at me. I turn to Adalyn. "You okay?"

She nods her head. "I'm fine." She mumbles before handing me the boots. Once they are in my hand, she turns on her heel and grabs the door handle to what I assume is her truck, and pulls. "Hope you have a good time. Call me later and tell me about it."

"Will do," I say, eyeing her carefully.


"Bye," She clips before hopping into her truck and slamming the door shut.

"Fuckin' bitch," Axel mumbles under his breath as Adalyn speeds off down the road.

"Axel-" I begin, but he storms off towards the back of the bar, disappearing from my sight. 

"Okay then."

"You ready, love?" Jaxon's voice reaches my ear and I turn to see him with two helmets. "You look fucking amazing."

"Just got to put these on and then we can go. Did you see that?"

He chuckles. "You will get used to those two. They are either on or off. There is no in-between with those two." 

"I see."

"Come on," He says, nodding towards his bike. "I'm fucking starving."

"McDonald's breakfast?" I ask, hopefully. 

"Of course. Only the best for you, love."

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