Glitch (A MCSM Fanfic)

By Athena_Now_Inactive

726 36 31

Glitch- something that is not supposed to happen in a plan; a malfunction, usually in an electronic; Somethin... More

Chapter 1: A Normal Day
Chapter 2: Supplies
Chapter 3: The Nether
Chapter 4: The Nether Fortress
Chapter 5: Steve and Alex
Chapter 6: Exploration
Chapter 7: Escape
Chapter 8: Explanations and Complications

Chapter 10: A Plan

59 5 4
By Athena_Now_Inactive

"Wait, does that mean you two are Players?!" Lukas accused.

" Not exactly, anyways," the carrot-hair woman replied sheepishly.

"You realize how suspicious you're sounding, right?" Petra said.

"Yeah, we know."

"Why can't you just tell us straight out?" Jess asked.

"It's hard to explain," Steve said, while looking through a list on the screen.

"You've said that at least five times by now," Jesse said.

"It's just–" Alex paused. "Wait. Steve, stop scrolling through it for a sec."

"Hmm?" Steve stopped, glancing at the names currently on the screen.

"Here." Alex pointed at a name on the screen. "Isn't that a name that she goes by sometimes?"

"Goldenwings... You're right! That's Athena!" Steve exclaimed. "How could we forget?"

"You think she'll let us call on that favor she owed us?" Alex wondered.

"Maybe?" Steve shrugged. "We're just gonna have to hope. Because we need her help if we're to stop Herobrine."

"Athena? Who's that? And where does she live?" Lukas asked.

"Athena's...a friend of ours that we helped a long time ago, so she owes us a favor. As for where she lives...have you ever heard of the Farlands?" Steve asked.

"THE FARLANDS?!" The Order shouted in surprise.

"So you've heard of them?" Alex said, amused.

"We've been there," Jesse exclaimed.

"Well, good, that way we won't have to explain what they are," Steve said. "What did you go there for, though?"

"Well..." It probably wasn't the best idea to tell them about Ivor creating the Witherstorm. "To defeat the Witherstorm, we had to get this enchantment book, which was in the Farlands," Jess explained.

"So, how are you planning to get there?" Lukas asked. "Are we just gonna go the long trip that will probably take at least five days?"

"...Well, no, we don't have to take that trip..." Alex trailed off. "We can find– or create, if we have to– a small 'glitched' area, and teleport from there. We know the general area she lives in."

"'Glitched' area?" Olivia questioned.

"Basically, an small area that allows commands usually not allowed in– this type of area," Steve motioned around him.

"Ummm...'this type of area'?" Jesse motioned for him to explain further.

Alex sighed. "Basically this place–this world in general–has been made so that 'commands', a chain of specific words that allows...something like special powers and abilities, aren't allowed. But if we can find a 'glitched' area, or make one by shoving so much activity and moving things at the same time, we can kind of short-circuit that rule, and quickly teleport before the world can fix it. The Farlands, I'm sure you know, are so chaotic and strange that commands can work there."

"Okay...I think I get what you're saying," Jess said slowly. "So how do we find a glitched area? Or make one?"

"Well, the easiest and most ideal way would be to let a bunch of TNT explode at once. But we would need an area to do that. I don't want to end up blowing up the entire town," Steve thought.

Jesse suddenly had an idea. "What about a town that is constantly blowing up?" he suggested.

Everyone else caught on. "What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"Boom Town," Jess explained. "It's this place run by a guy named Magnus, and Axel helps out. It's basically a giant griefing town. TNT exploding is as natural as walking for the citizens there. And it's not too far from here. It'll be faster if we went through the Nether, but I think we all agree that the Nether is dangerous?"

Everyone nodded quickly.

"Then we'll take horses," Jesse said. "It should only be half a day's trip, a day at most."

"Day's trip, huh. I suppose that's the best we could hope for," Steve nodded.

They headed to the stable, which had been built near the treasure hall.

"We only have six horses though," Jess pointed out. "So some of us will have to share."

"Then Axel and I will take one horse," Olivia said.

"And Steve and I will take the other," Alex agreed.

"Will the town be okay?" Steve asked.

"It should be alright. We've left it alone before, and it's always seemed to be okay. The townspeople are pretty good at keeping the town peaceful, and we have farms and stuff to provide food," Jesse assured him. "We got everything, right?"

"Swords, extra food, armor, blocks, random miscellaneous stuff, check," Jess nodded, before glancing at Steve and Alex. "Do you guys want to borrow a set of armor?"

"We'll be fine," Alex waved off the concern.

"Then, let's go!" Spurring the horses, they left Beacontown.

After Axel started traveling back from forth from Boom Town so much, they had marked out a path in the Overworld as well, just in case something happened in the Nether and they could no longer use the path.

"So, tell us about this 'Boom Town'," Alex said as they rode along. "Exactly why is it a town of griefers?"

"Magnus, the founder, he was a big time griefer, so when he created Boom Town, he made it specially for griefing. I guess people just joined over the years, and somehow, it became an entire town," Jesse explained.

"Sounds interesting," Steve commented. "I can't wait to see it."

"Well, we'll be there soon," Jess grinned. "Let's hurry."

With that, they continued on towards Boom Town.

Alright, I didn't want to do this, but I think I'll be taking a break from Glitch for a while.  I feel like I've been drifting away from the MCSM fandom recently, and while I still love to read other MCSM fanfictions (I'll still be active), I haven't had the motivation to write my own.  I don't know how long this hiatus will last, hopefully no more than two months or so, but with high school starting today and all my extracurricular activities starting up again, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to write.  And even if I have the time, I don't want to force the story out without the motivation or inspiration, because then I feel as if I'm just writing another school essay or homework.  I want writing fanfiction to be fun, not feel like a chore.  And right now, I think the Tower of God fandom has been drawing me closer and closer, and I've been having for inspiration for that.  Don't worry, I do intend to finish this story, I already have a lot of notes written down for it, and I don't intend to let it go to waste.  With that, this story will be on a break for a while, and I hope you enjoyed these two chapters!

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