Different. // HarryStyles

Bởi CraZy_Boo20

205K 3.8K 1K

"Tori .." His voice sounded very smooth compared to my loud sobs. "Harry please leave me alone!" I shouted be... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 15

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Bởi CraZy_Boo20

"Yes ..?" I asked him, my curiosity is getting my best. "I need you to .." He looked at the ground rubbing the back of his neck. His lips were cut and there was a small red mark on his neck. "C'mon, speak up!" I begged him to spill it out but he was still lost in his thoughts. "Tori, it's complicated and I just .." He trialed off again and I started to get impatient.

"I need you to convince Harry to be friends with me again." Once the words came out of his mouth, I was confused and then I gave him an 'Are you serious' look. Who on earth wants Harry to be his friend? Except girls ..  "I know how pathetic it sounds but Please just-"

"Why would you want to be friends with him again?" I cut him off, questioning my first thought. What the hell? Last time when I saw them fighting, Niall was too calm and he looked like he didn't care.

"Because, he have .. things against me and .." He trialed off for the third time, "He threatened me yesterday if I didn't stop dating Katie he .. he would tell these things but if we are friends again he won't tell." He continued and I was more lost.

"What are 'these things'?" I asked and he rolled his eyes. This is the first time that I see him so annoyed and nervous. "Okay, you don't have to tell me but at least, tell me why did you choose me, especially, to convince Harry. You know that we are not in good terms plus that he hates me."

"Because you care about Katie." He stated, looking directly into my eyes.

"Who told-"

"Tori please, we both know that you still care about her." He repeated his words from last time but this time more seriously and I sigh, "Okay, I care about her but how I'm gonna convince Harry?" I admitted and he smiled, a small smile. Honestly, I know if Niall left Katie, she would be very upset and broken and even if we are not friends I won't let that happen.

"I'm sure you could." He replied, "Really helping Niall." I rolled my eyes.

"Believe me, he would." He reassured me and he looked so sure, I don't know why. I just sigh, giving up. "Okay." I said, even though that I'm not convinced because I feel like I'm missing something. Besides, that I don't know how I will convince him. Harry is so stubborn.

"Thank you." Niall breathed in relieve and I nodded. "But it'll take me alot of time .." I said, warning him. I'm not even sure if I could ..

"Okay, but don't let him say anything about what he is holding against me."

"Niall, and how should I know what he is holding against you if you don't want to fucking tell me about it?" I started to get annoyed and more confused by the whole thing.

"I will know if he is going to tell and then I will warn you, easy?" He said so simply and I just .. I don't want to do it. "Dose Katie know?" I asked and he nodded. "She knows about the things that-"

"Yes." He cut me off. "Okay, fine." I gave up. I know that I'm stuck now. I didn't want to get into problems with Harry, more than we already have but I will do it for Katie. Even if that, it still sounds weird and especially because I don't know anything. I don't know what is Harry's problem if Niall dated Katie and I don't know what he is holding against Niall and I don't know why.

I said goodbye to Niall and rushed to the library, I needed to tell Liam about everything but I have only ten minutes left. Damn it, Niall.

"Where were you?" Liam asked, as he was sitting on the wooden table with a book in front of him. "Long story that I have to tell you about but unfortunately we don't have time because Niall was talking to me and I couldn't come to you early." I said, a little bit quickly.

"Wahoo, slow it down." Liam chuckled. "What happened?" He asked, pointing to me to set next to him.

"I can't tell you now." I whined.

"We could eat dinner together somewhere today and you then could tell me." He offered and I nodded immediately, excited with the thought. "Yes! I must tell you alot of things!" I exclaimed and then remembered that I'm at the library. "Opps, sorry." I giggled and Liam joined me.


The last three classes went slower than ever and that's because I can't wait to have dinner with Liam and tell him everything. I honestly, needs his advise because I don't know what should I do. Even after thinking about it over and over. It's so hard because I'm missing alot and Niall doesn't want to tell me at the same time, he wants me to help him.

The question here is, why doesn't he want to tell me? Is it that bad? And the other question is, Why me? Okay, I care about Katie but why me, to convince Harry? Couldn't he ask Louis to do this instead of me? And what makes him so sure that Harry would be convinced?

I can't understand Niall .. and Harry and .. Katie and, everyone! I can't understand anyone in this damn school. Everyone I met in here is so weird.

School of weirdo's

I chuckled to myself and made my way to the locker. I put the things that I don't need and fill my bag with the notebooks that we supposed to have homework in. I felt my phone vibrates and knew that this must be Liam. He told me that he'll drive me to wherever we'll have dinner.

I closed my locker and got out my phone, but for my surprise the one who sent the text wasn't Liam, it was .. Chad. I opened the massage and it reads, 'Can you have dinner with me tonight?'

I, again, felt uncomfortable and I didn't want go out with him even if I wasn't having dinner with Liam already. He is one of the weirdos in here .. I always got the feeling that he is stalking me ..

I typed, 'Sorry, I can't. I'm already having dinner with Liam.' and sent it. I also, feel guilty for him because I rejected his offer. But what should I do ..?

Instead of waiting for his reply, I dialed Liam's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hey Tori," He greeted me once he answered. "Hi Liam, where are you?" I asked him, leaning to my locker.

"I was at the science lap, I'm coming to you right now." He replied, pausing. "Where are you?" He asked.

"In front of my locker." I answered, eyeing Luke who was standing in front of me with some other boys. I hope that he won't see me, because he is Chad's friend and I feel little awkward cause Haley told me that he told Luke that he have .. a crush on me. And this is another reason that I avoid him.

"Okay, I'm coming." By this we hang up and I waited for him. Keeping my eyes on Luke who was still talking to his friends.

I received another text from Chad and I opened it, 'It's okay.'

I hope that's really okay, I still feel guilty because he didn't do anything wrong but I still feel uncomfortable in some way ..

Oh no no!

Luke saw me and he is coming towards me now! "Hey Tori." He flashed me a smile and I returned it.

"Hi Luke, how ya doin'." I tried to sound normal and it works.

"Great." He replied, "Are you coming?" He then added asking, Does he know about Chad's offer ..?

"Coming where?" I asked with a deep frown and he copied my frown, "He didn't tell you?" He asked, and I shrugged my shoulders, acting as if I don't get what he's talking about. "Haley and I, along with Chad were going out and he told me that he'll ask you to come along." He continued, explaining. Now everything is more clear.

"Oh yea," I paused, "He asked me but I'm already having dinner with .." I trialed off with a smile. "Liam." I said pointing to Liam who was coming towards us.

"Hey." Liam said to both of us. "Hi, I'm Luke." Luke introduced himself to Liam and they shook hands. "I'm Liam."

"So, tell Haley I'm sorry but I hope I could make it another time." I smiled at Luke and he nodded. "I hope so,"

By this he walked away after saying goodbye. Liam gave me a frown look, pointing to Luke who's back was facing us. "I will tell you everything." I assured him and we made our way to his car.

"Where do you want to go?" Liam asked me, buckling his seat belt as I did the same.

"Ummm .." I took seconds to think. "Nando's?" I suggested and he nodded, starting the car.


The car drive was mostly silent. Liam told me about his science project but honestly, I didn't understand a word. Anyway, we arrived after that at Nando's and we were seated on a table for two.

"Thank you." Liam thanked the waiter after taking our orders. "Now, tell me everything." He turned to me with a curious expression.

"Okay," I began. "First of all, I need your advise so, listen carefully." I said and he nodded for me to continue. "Harry came to my house yesterday," I started and his eyes went wide. "Why?" He asked.

"He told me that he fought with Niall and he wanted something for his black eye .." I said, looking at Liam who is listening to me with concern drown on his face. "I brought to him ice and when I asked him why did you fight with Niall he told me that I don't have to know." I said, "The thing is, that I feel like they are hiding from me something," I paused, "Harry, Niall and Katie." I finished and waited for his answer.

"It's obvious." Liam stated and I nodded.

"My curiosity started to get my best and afterwards, I pressed on Harry asking him again about the reason of the fight but this time he said, because Niall disobeyed him .." I trialled off, remembering the kiss. "And I was like, and where's the problem, Niall is free to do whatever he wants and his reply was, no one disobeys me." I mocked his voice and Liam chuckled. "And here .. When I told him, I can disobey you and he challenged me by .. kissing me .." My voice came out as a whisper at the end and Liam frowned.

"You kissed him?" Liam gasped, jokingly. "Yes, unfortantly." I sigh and continued, "Then, I went to the kitchen to make some hot chocolate and when I came back, Harry was holding my phone and messing with it." I whined and Liam laughed as I pouted. "He then got into my twitter and my gallery and I don't like anyone to see my photos and twitter." I paused, "I tried to get my phone back but he stood up and I fell on him, in his arms." I pursed my lips and Liam moved his hands through his hair, twice.

"Are sure that he had a black eye?" Liam asked, chuckling. "Positive." I joined him Laughing.

"Anyway, He gave it back to me and then we drank our hot chocolate and here we go with the childish Harry," I paused for a second. "He squealed like a seven years old boy when he saw sponge pop on T.V!" I exclaimed and Liam burst into laughter.

"Now, I can ask you, Are you sure that he was Harry?" He said, still laughing and I nodded. "Yes!" I exclaimed again. "Okay, I still watch sponge pop but Harry ..? Just tell me how?" I admitted, as the waiter came and placed our meals.

"How strange .." Liam shrugged his shoulders in amazement. I got a hold of my fork and knife and started eating as Liam did the same.

"This is half of what happened to me today." I said and Liam nodded to me to continue. "I wake up with Harry sleeping beside me on the couch and I, was leaning on his shoulders. I wake him up and then I started getting ready, Harry knocked on my room and asked if I have a beanie!" Liam spited what he was eating and told me, "Are you serious?"

"Yes! Can you imagine me and Harry sharing a beanie .. and I didn't took it back from him even." I remembered that I left school without seeing him again after I overheard his conversation. Liam shook his head in disbelieve, chuckling. "The question here, did he really change or I'm just imagining?" I asked Liam.

"Maybe you didn't give him the chance at first." Liam replied. "But how ..? I just .. I can't understand him." I let out a sigh and he nodded. "No one did and no one will."

"And not that only, At break time I was going to the backyard because I found a note from Niall asking me to meet him there. I found Harry standing with a girl and telling her that I mean nothing to him!" I exclaimed again and Liam frowned, "Do you lo-"

"Of course not, I'm just confused by his actions not because he said that, I know that he hates me but why did he do all this?" I cut Liam off when he was about to ask if I love Harry. But no hell no! I don't.

"Tori, I don't really know Harry but all what I know and I'm sure that you also know, that he is a player." Liam pursed his lips and I nodded, agreeing with him. "I know but-"

"Harry doesn't love any of those girls so be sure that whatever he says to them, it's not true. He probbly wanted something from this girl." He shrugged.

"I know, you are right but why do girls obey him that easily, it's just so frustration!" I shook my head in disbelieve because girls are so stupid to believe him. "Harry has his own way, he can get whatever he wants." Liam stated and he is absolutely right but also, HOW??

"This school is so weird!" I exclaimed as my eyes widen, I really give up on understanding anyone in this school.

"Believe me, this school is full of secrets. It took me two years to understand Harry and his gang." He said, and I can't help but grow more curious. "What do you know?" I asked, curiosity clear in my voice.

"Not alot, just that Harry can get whatever he wants in some way that I don't know and that Niall is under Harry's spell for some reason that I don't know and Louis is just so social to lose his friendship with Harry. Laterally, Louis knows every single one in this school and he is so friendly to lose one of them." He explained and now I can understand Louis more, he is really friendly and just good ..

"And what about their relations with girls?"  I asked more curious. "Harry is a player, Louis is more responsible and as I know he had a girlfriend before Eleanor and Niall haven't been in relationship before." He answered and I wonder about Niall .. Is Katie his first ..?

"Niall didn't have a girlfriend before Katie?" I frowned and Liam nodded. "I don't really know why but that is it .. But that doesn't mean that he didn't mess with girls before." He shrugged, there was seconds of silence as I continued eating same as Liam. I was also thinking about Niall .. there is something about Niall and dating because once he started dating Katie, Harry started fighting with him.

"So, tell me, what did Niall want from you?" Liam cut the silence and I snapped back from my thoughts. "Oh yea, he wanted me to convince Harry to be friends with him again." I said.

"What?" Liam frowned not believing what I have just said. "Why would he want something like that?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno .." I said.

"And more important, why would he ask you to do something like this and he knows that you two are just .. not going along very well?" He asked again. "I really dunno .." I looked at my food, thinking but I failed for finding an answer.

"And you agreed?" Liam asked and I nodded, "I agreed because he told me that if they didn't become friends again, he'll force Niall to stop dating Katie." I explained, huffing loudly. The most thing that I hate when I'm forced to do something that I don't want to do. "Everything is messed up, I know." I said, placing my head on my palms.

"No, Tori it's okay .." Liam reached for my hands and removed them. "I don't know what should I do," I sigh, biting my lower lip. "I want to stay away from them but I can't .."

"I understand," Liam nodded in understanding way. "If just Katie stops dating Niall but without being hurt, everything would be alright." I wished but I know it won't come true. Never.

"You can try and convince Harry but be aware of him." Liam said with warning tone. "I think I'll do this, because I have no choices." I sigh.

"Anyway, who was that guy. Luke?" He changed the subject, finishing his food. "He's my friend's boyfriend, her name is Haley." I said, and he nodded.

"Do you know anyone called Chad?" I asked and he frowned. "No, who is it?" He asked back.

"I've known him since Harry's party and he kinda .. likes me I think. Haley told me that he said to Luke that he has a crush on me and I just feel guilty because I don't have the same feelings towards him."

"Don't feel like this, it's not your fault." Liam rolled his eyes. And he looked adorable ..

We are back to this?

"I know but he didn't do anything bad to me and yet I feel uncomfortable around him." I explained and Liam nodded, "Just do what feels right."


After we finished our food, Liam wanted to eat ice cream somewhere else and I just couldn't say no because I need ice cream.

"Which flavour do you want?" Liam asked me as we were choosing the flavors. "Chocolate and strawberry, please." I replied. "Okay,"

The ice cream man handed me my ice cream cup and then gave Liam his cup. "Do you love chocolate?" I asked him, because his ice cream was chocolate only. "Yes, I would eat it for the rest of my life." He flashed me a smile and we took a seat at the small high tables.

"So tell me, your girlfriend is coming tomorrow?" I asked with my mouth full of ice cream. "Yes, I really can't wait." He replied with excitement in his voice. "I really want to meet her soon." I really do, I want to know her hopefully, she would be kind as Liam. "Yea, maybe next week." He suggested and I nodded. "Of course."


Liam drove me back to my apartment, I really enjoy his company and I feel very comfortable around him and he made me change, I have never been so open with anyone especially not boys but Liam is just so kind and understanding. I'm really lucky to have him. "Bye Liam." I said getting out of his car, he waved back and I entered the lobby. Once the elevator doors were open, Katie and Niall were standing in front of me.




I'm soooo happy because the fan fic is now 300 and more reads, I know they are not alot but I'm just happy, lol. Anyway, this is an early update so, hope you'll enjoy it. Vote moree moree because it means alotttt to meeeee :D LOVE YA'LL<33


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