Ghost hunt - Crazy

By Iloveanimex

9.2K 325 57

What happens when SPR have a new case, with a twist? A ghost that feeds on lust, picking it's victims, posses... More

Untitled Part 2
In love..
Shame on those who lust but don't love...
Dreams of loveless love
Happy ending?

Ghost hunt - Crazy

3K 74 13
By Iloveanimex

I don't own ghost hunt!

The crazy ghost

What happens when SPR have a new case, with a twist? A ghost that feeds on lust, picking it's victims, possessing one and paralyzing the other. Will the ghost pick anyone from SPR to be its victims? Is there any lust between them? And how far will lust take them?

They had just started a new case, and had just pulled up outside the haunted hotel. The hotel was Victorian styled and only three stories high. They had to go around the back to unpack, as to not raise suspicion. Mai was half asleep as she picked up a box of wires. The details of the case had not yet been shared with everyone. It seemed that Naru and Lin had kept them to themselves. That is the first time we have been left so in the dark about a case, but they did say they would tell us when base was set up. Mai trudged up the stairs to the base, or in other words, a room on the third floor. The hotel was pretty empty, with all the incidence going on. So they could have the third floor all to themselves. They had enough rooms to have their own each, but had yet to decide sleeping arrangements. As Mai made it to base, she saw Lin setting up the monitors. She decided she would be more help setting up shelfs, so she got to work.

Once the equipment was set, everyone settled down in base to discuss the case at hand. Mai placed tea on the coffee table and took a seat next to Naru. "Now that everyone is here, we can start" Naru announced, making everyone stop their own conversation. "The client, Mr Hatake, the owner of this hotel hired us because there have been many cases of assault in the building" Naru started, but Ayako cut in.

"So why do you think it's supernatural?" The shrine maiden inquired.

"I was getting to that, reframe from interrupting" Naru informed. Cue glare from Ayako. "The assaults always seem to be of a sexual nature, and there was even a few cases of rape. The owner reports that he too had been a victim of assault. A young waitress that he, admittedly, had a crush on, had corned him. He says he couldn't move, and that the girl was acting strange. In the report it also said that he felt the room get really cold before the incident" Naru finished.

"So do you think that a ghost is doing this? Do you think that the ghost is possessing people and using their body to assault someone else?" Mai asked. Naru nodded, strangely not angry at Mai for interrupting like he was at Ayako meer seconds before.

"I think that is exactly it, so for this case you will need to stay away from other guests if you can, and anyone of a different sex. Mr and Mrs Takagawa (Naru says addressing Ayako and Monk), Lin and Madoka are exceptions because of your current relationships, you can share a room if you wish" Naru suggested. Lin blushed slightly and Madoka smiled. Ayako and Monk both looked a little embarrassed. But they all managed a nod. "Ok then, Miss Hara and Mai will share a room, Yasuhara and father Brown will share a room, and I will have my own, does everyone understand" Everyone nodded. "Good, now then. Ayako and Miss Hara, do a walk through. Yasuhara and Madoka, go to the library and find out what you can. John and Monk, go get food supplies. Me and Lin will go question the client and anyone else who has any info. Mai, stay in base and try not to fall asleep" Naru finished with a smirk.

"I wont" Mai muttered obediently.

After everyone left to do their given jobs, Mai was left in base alone. She looked like she could drift of to sleep at any given moment.

"Mai" a voice whispered. Mai looked around but no one was there. Then a beeping sound assaulted her ears. It must have been the temperature gauge. The room was getting colder. Mai was now wide awake as she searched desperately for what had coursed it. Had Yasu done this? Was this his way to try to scare her? Deep down she knew she wasn't quite so lucky. "Mai" the voice whispered again. The lights flicked off. Mai was now standing, holding her hands out to do the nine cuts. The lights came back on, and off again. Mai felt a breeze. Her eye's wide with bewilderment.

"No! Leave me alone!" Mai yelled, to what or who she didn't know. She felt her whole right side get very cold. Mai was frozen with fear. And then... she felt something... a freezing cold hand on her shoulder. She slowly turned to face it. Her heart beating unbelievably fast, her breathing rapid and her body trembling. As she turned, she saw a girl... who looked to be about 19. She had an evil grin. A terrified scream filled the room, and then everything when black...

Mai's POV (Kinda)

Naru heard a familiar scream and quickened his pace. He had just finished talking to the client and was now on the way to base. He ran quickly through the corridors and slammed open the base door. I had just lifted her head off the desk, but I looked to be ok.

"Mai what happened?" Naru asked/demanded. I smiled and pretended everything was fine.

"Sorry, I opened the window and must have set off the temperature gauge, I screamed because it scared me. I shut the window but the beeping wont stop" I replied sheepishly, hiding a smirk at how easy it was to trick him. He seemed to believe me, and sat at the monitors to stop that irritating beeping sound. Under the cover of all the sound, I stroked over to the door, shutting it and twisting the lock. The beeping stopped just as the room filled with the click of the lock. Naru froze in place. He turned in his chair to face me. I held a hand out towards him. He jerked slightly, his eyes wide as he realized what had happened. He couldn't move, he was completely paralyzed, and defenceless against me. I smirked as I walked towards him. He was desperately fighting against the paralysis, but he had no chance. I was standing directly in front of him as I cupped his cheek.


"Mai?" He questioned. He sounded terrified, confused and at the same time exited. He knew what was to happen next, he was disgusted in himself, but his body and manly needs practically yearned for Mai's touch. She placed her knee in-between his legs and leaned in close, foreheads touching as they stared deep into each others eyes "Mai what are you doing?" Naru asked, his voice trembling.

"Naive, it's your lust I'm feeding off" Mai confessed in a low, seductive voice. Naru would have been shocked, but it was guilt that washed over him. Mai was being possessed because his has lustful emotion's towards her, not that he would ever admit it.

A smirk spread across Mai's face at seeing understanding in Naru's eyes. She then leaned in more and landed her lips forcefully on Naru's. She kissed him eagerly, moving her lips needingly over his. Naru felt a cold at the pit of his stomach. Mai was coaxing him to kiss her back, and he was losing control. Mai felt Naru start to kiss her back, she felt him start to match her speed, her eagerness and her passion. Mai moved her knee to the out side of his leg, and then pulling up her other knee so she was straddling him. Naru tilted his head to the side and skillfully deepened the kiss.

Naru heard a moan escape his lips, but the need for air was rising. Mai pulled away, breathing deeply and biting her lip. Naru's eyes were wide with shock. He had gained some control, but not enough. She then raised her hands to his chest, as she started to unbutton his shirt. As soon as the first was undone, she moved her head to kiss his neck, still using her hands to skillfully unbutton his shirt and pulling it off. Mai traced light fingers down his chest, still kissing his neck. She moved from his neck to his chest, tracing slow kisses down to his abs. Naru felt something, he had never felt before... he was turned on, but it was no longer internal, it had become external. Mai looked down and smirked, wrapping her legs around him and pulling herself closer to him.

"You love this girl, don't you?" Mai asked, signaling to herself/the body she had possessed. Naru looked down about to deny it when they heard someone try to open the door, only to find it locked.

"Mai! Naru! Are you in there? Why is the door locked?" It was Lin. And they could hear the panic clearly in his voice.

"Sorry Lin, me are Naru are busy right now!" Mai yelled in a twisted, low voice.

"Naru! Is Mai possessed?" Lin asked. Naru felt like rolling his eye, did Lin think that this was a realistic situation that he and Mai would be in.

"Yes! Now help me!" Naru yelled, trying to stay calm and gain control. Lin started kicking the door, and Mai was growing annoyed at the sound, so she unlocked the door with a wave of her hand. Lin crashed in, rather ungracefully, but managing to stay on his feet. Mai then waved her hand again and the door shut and locked, she then held a hand towards Lin, and he jerked slightly before staying very still.

"I don't think so" Mai smirked "Your not going anywhere untill you answer my question!" Mai demands, facing Naru "Do you love this girl?!"

"No!" Naru exclaimed. Mai smirked, walking toward Lin.

"Fine, then you don't mind if I do this" Mai then pushed Lin to the ground so he was lying on his back. She then dropped to her hands and knees and crawled up Lin's length, pushing his back to the ground and straddling him.

"NARU JUST SAY IT!" Lin yelled, petrified. Mai was leaning down, and getting closer. Naru couldn't let this happen, he had to do something. Mai's lips brushed against Lin's.

"Fine! I love her!" Naru yelled, louder then he had hoped. Mai stood quickly, faced him and smirking. She clicked her fingers and both Naru and Lin were freed.

"Well I would love to stay and chat, but there are more people to mess with!" Mai grinned, clicked her fingers and then started to faint. Naru got up fast and court her before she fell.

And that's when Madoka and Yasu decided to come back in...

"So, tell me again why when we walked in you were topless, Lin was lying on the floor and you were holding an uncontion Mai?" Madoka asked, imagining a lot of amusing situations.

"Mai was possessed, the ghost pulled off my top, and then Lin walked in and the ghost pushed him to the ground" Naru explained, somewhat calmly.

"Now, I believe that happened, but I also think you missed a bit out. You know how unpro-" Madoka started.

"I told you, that's all that happened" Naru argued, getting irritated.

"Now now, there is a good way to settle this, lets just watch the video fee-" Yasu started.

"No!" Lin and Naru yelled as one.

"Ow..." A newly awake Mai moaned, holding her head.

"Mai-Chan! Your finally awake!" Madoka yelled, grinning like a fool.

"Yes... what happened?" Mai asked, looking to the ever stoic Naru and Lin, who didn't look so stoic now.

"You were possessed" Yasu answered, a gleam shinning from his glasses.

"What?! A ghost that assaults people possessed me?! What did I do?" Mai was almost scared to hear the answer.

"Apparently not a lot, but we were going to watch the tape to make sure" Yasu tried again.

"There is no need, I will fill Mai in" Naru insisted.

"Are- are the tapes that bad?" Mai almost whispered, trembling.

"No-" Naru pushed.

"Then I need to see what happened" Mai insisted weakly.

"I will stay here for moral support" Madoka cheered, pushing everyone out despite their never ending complaints. She locked the door and sat next to the computer, waving Mai over. Mai did as she was told, and sat on the small chair next to Madoka. Madoka then typed in the time that they all left base, and watched from there.

'Mai' They heard a disembodied voice call, saw the lights flicker, and the voice call Mai again. Mai shivered and moved closer to Madoka. They saw Naru walk in, and him walk to the monitors. They watch as Mai locked the doors and walk towards Naru.

"What am I doing?" Mai asked, trembling. She watched herself place her leg in-between Naru's. Madoka was grinning even wider. She was going to get a copy of this tape. Mai heard herself tell Naru, that it was his lust she was feeding off, and was filled with disbelief. She knew it couldn't be true, there was no way... she had even wondered if it was her lust she was feeding off...

Mai then saw herself kissing him, straddling him and then start taking off his shirt. Mai's hand when to her lips in terror. She saw herself pull off his top and start kissing his chest. Mai was going to faint. She then saw herself looking down and smirking.

"Madoka? Wh-what a-am I smi-smirking like that for?" Mai tried to ask, but is was a little high pitched and barely a whisper. Madoka didn't answer, even though she had heard Mai's question. She knew Mai knew the answer, and didn't want her theory to be confirmed. When in a strange twist of events, she saw herself ask Naru if he loved her. Then Lin started calling through the door. They saw Mai let him in and paralyse him, asking Naru again, he answered 'No', and Mai found that painful to hear. She knew he didn't like her like that, but him confirming it didn't help. Mai saw herself smirk and pull Lin to the ground and crawl his length. Mai froze, eyes wide as she looked at Madoka. Madoka's eye's flashed with something.

"I'm so sorry Madoka!" Mai apologised, but Madoka just smiled and waved her off.

"You were possessed, it's not your fault" Madoka informed. Mai heard fear in Lin's voice when he yelled at Naru. Naru bit his lip, and thats when Mai stopped the video. Madoka looked at her confused.

"I don't want to see the rest, I am about to do something terrible, or Naru is going to say something he doesn't mean. I don't really want to see ether one" And with that, Mai walked out. She saw Naru and Lin looking at her, more concerned then anything. Mai felt an ashamed blush grace her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for any of that to happen!" Mai sobbed, bowing her head in apology. Naru and Lin didn't really know how to reply.

"Mai, it was a possession, we don't blame you for what the ghost did" Lin told her, Naru just looked away a nodded.

"Did you watch the whole video?" Naru asked, looking out the window. Mai shook her head.

"No, I stopped it after I pushed Lin, I didn't want to see the rest" Mai blushed, ashamed of herself. Naru let a small sigh of relief. Mai hadn't seen him confess...

"Nothing happened between you and Lin by the way, but you don't need to see the rest" Madoka informed walking out, smirking slightly. Mai let out her own sigh of relief, a small smile on her face. Naru gave her a hard look. Madoka saw him confess!

"Well that's good at least, I'm still sorry I pushed you" Mai looked up at Lin with apologetic eyes. Lin nodded, a small smile on his lips.

"I'm fine, so please don't worry" Lin informed, trying to lighten the mood ever so slightly. Mai knew Naru was looking at her, but she couldn't bring herself to look at him.

"Please say that we can pretend that none of that happened?" Mai asked, setting pleading eyes on Naru. She couldn't manage to look in his eyes, so it was more like she was looking past him, not at him. Naru nodded, feeling his stomach twist painfully. There was no way he could forget what had happened, but he had wished that Mai wasn't possessed.

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