Untitled Part 2

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"Ok, it never happened" Naru confirmed, looking at Mai's swollen lips. Mai nodded, managing a painful smile. Madoka, who was standing behind Mai, pretended to wince. She then proceeded to wiggle her eyebrows and wink. Naru tried to ignore her. Though it was a bit of a struggle.

"I know it's a bit early, but can I go to bed?" Mai asked "I just want to be left alone" Naru nodded. "I going to sleep in one of the spear rooms, I don't really want to see anyone, even Masako" Mai announced, walking away from the scene.

Later that day

Mai had been lying in bed for ages, tossing and turning. She couldn't sleep, and didn't feel like leaving her bed either. She turned onto her back and faced the ceiling. She closed her eyes, hoping for sleep to full upon her. She was close to falling, when a sudden and strong fear hit her hard. Her eyes bolted open and she sat up, breathing heavily. She looked around, but she couldn't see anything. She was about call for the others when the squeaking of the door stopped her in her tracks. The light temporarily blinded her. A shadow loomed over her, and when her eyes cleared, she saw the person at her door...

With Naru

Naru was in base, he was on the night shift. Everyone else had just left for bed and Naru was left alone. He had just sat down to the monitors, scanning each one. His eyes was drawn to the shot of Mai's room. She was just lying there, turning every so often. She looked to be thinking about something.

"Hehe" A child-like, sinister laugh filled the small room. Naru stood to attention. "Oliver" The voice called in a teasing manner.

"Who's there?" Naru asked, checking the surrounding area.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know" The disembodied voice teased. Naru could hear the voice echoing off every wall and floor, not really coming from anywhere.

"Why are you doing this?" Naru questioned, trying to get any information he can.

"Lust is such a dangerous thing, it could control someone. When someone has lust, it makes them do thing..." The voice answered, in a secretive manner.

"Like what?"

"Like hurt people like ME!" And with that, the lights burst, the screens shook, and Naru fell to the ground, unconscious...

With Mai

As Mai's eyes focused, she saw the person at her door... it was Madoka.

"Madokaaaa! You scared me!" Mai scolded tiredly.

"Sorry Mai-Chan, I wanted to see if you were ok" Madoka explained.

"Oh, well thank you, I'm fine" Mai reassured, shaking her hands in font of her.

"Do I look like I was born Yesterday?" Madoka asked, raising a brow.

"What do you mean?" Mai asked, trying to put on an innocent smile. Madoka came in to the room and shut the door behind her. She walked up to Mai and sat on the bed next to her. She pulled Mai into a hug, and before she could even say a word, they heard foot steps echoing down the hall. Both girls turned as one towards the door. They didn't hear any voicess, and it didn't sound like anyone else was walking with them. It was just the loud echo of footfalls. The steps stopped, just outside the door. The door swung open with amazing force...

...and stood the ever stoic Oliver Davis.

"Naru? What are you doing here?!" Mai asked, looking a little shook up. Naru walked in and shut the door, locking it. Mai gasped, and Madoka stood abruptly.

"Noll? Is... is that still you?" Madoka asked timidly. He shook his head. Mai was about to stand too, when Naru held his hand out toward her, and she jerked violently before freezing.

"Oh no" Mai muttered. She was trembling, her eyes wide and jaw slack.

Madoka made to run and get Lin, but Naru stopped her in her tracks, paralyzing her as well. Naru walled towards Madoka, placing his hand on her chin, moving her so she was facing. He leaned so they were looking each over in the eyes.

"If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut and stay out of my way" His voice mixing with the girl possessing him, his eyes were cold, but empty. He dropped her chin and she fell to the floor, unconscious.

"Madoka!" Mai yelled in worry. Naru heard her yell and he turned his attention to her, frozen on her bed. Naru walked to other side of the bed, the side closest to Mai. Mai tried to back away but the paralyze was keeping her in place. Naru leaned over her.

"What do you want from me?" Mai questioned hesitantly.

"To punish you, and those who love so innocently" Naru answered in a low voice. It sent shivers down her spine. She was scared. She didn't know what was going to happen to her.

"Why?" Was all Mai could manage.

"Because love isn't so innocent!" The girl and yelled in Naru's body, the voices mixing but hers stronger. Mai's eyes widened as her lips were trapped against his. Mai couldn't think, couldn't string a sentence in her head, she couldn't even stand strong against him. She felt herself melt to his touch. She felt his lips move over hers, she couldn't hold back. She felt herself losing to her desires, she felt herself start to kiss back. Naru leaned over her, lying on top of her. Mai couldn't stop herself from slinking her arms around his neck, as moans echoed from her throat...

Back at base

Lin was wondering why Madoka hadn't come back to their room, but instead of checking all the rooms, it would be easier to just ask Naru to check the monitors. He walked in to find that he was nowhere to be seen. The first thing he noticed was how cold the room was, it was freezing, but not so cold that the temperature gauge was off. He checked the screen, only to find that it had just recently been off, and the room has heated since then. Lin panicked, now knowing where his young charge had gone. A quick check on the monitors verified this. Then he saw Madoka, on the floor of Mai's room. She was unmoving.

In Mai's room

Naru had moved the covers, and was now straddling Mai, holding her arms over her head. Mai was breathing heavily beneath him. He leaned in again, placing his lips forcefully on Mai's. Mai had long ago stopped trying to resist. She wasn't strong enough. Naru the trailed kisses down Mai's neck and shoulder. Naru saw a tear roll down Mai's cheek. Part of him felt pained at the sight, but no the part possessing him...

Lin raced through the halls, silently praying for Madoka's safety, as well as Naru's and Mai's. He reached the room, and started tugging at the locked door. Without further ado, he kicked the door down. He saw Mai trapped defenceless under her boss, he saw lust in his eyes. He saw Madoka on the floor, unnerving still. He rushed to her first.

"Naru! What are you doing?!" Lin asked, not completely sure if he was possessed. It was harder to posses him because of his strong will, but he knew that his charge had feeling for Mai... maybe not so lustful, but it was possible.

"Lin, he is possessed!" Mai yelled as soon as Naru's lips left hers. Naru held Mai's arms in one hand, using his other to paralyze Lin. Mai tried to fight him, forgetting that she was once paralyzed. She could move, but Naru hadn't let her go. He knew she could move and that the paralyze had worn off.

"STOP FIGHTING ME!" The girl yelled through Naru, there voices mixing again, but hers stronger. Mai just kept fighting, she was scared, and tears were falling from her face. Naru held his hand to her, and slapped her hard across her face. Mai instantly silenced. Her cheek red and eyes watering more.

Naru stood, still looking at Mai, like someone he hated. Mai was more hurt my the look he was giving her, and it didn't help much that it wasn't him.

"WHY SHOULD I BE THE ONLY ONE TO SUFFER!" Naru yelled, then falling to the ground. The spirit possessing him, rising from his unconscious state.

"Why should I suffer for the crime of loving someone...

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