Angel on the Street

By kyojinmaidsama

188 18 2

Jungkook would've been out of the park by now, probably walking into his work building, if he hadn't stood fr... More

Fallen Angel


79 9 2
By kyojinmaidsama

"Pardon?" Jin asked not sure he heard Jungkook right. There must be something in his ears; damn he'll never let Jimin clean his ears for him again.

"I said live with me and I'll pay your living expenses," Jungkook said this extra slow so that Jin could not pretend that he misheard.

For a moment Jin was silent as the car came to a stop in the parking lot of a very nice looking building. Jungkook wasn't rich but he was definitely well off.

"I don't want to be a burden to you; you seem to have a good thing going for you." Jin was in need, desperate need, he wouldn't admit to just how bad his current situation actually was, but still, he didn't feel right, flat out using someone no matter how charming.

"You won't be a burden, you're more of a burden to me if you're on the street, because then I'll be worried. Please, I don't know what's come over me but at least just stay for tonight to start, here-"

Jungkook reached into his pocket taking out his wallet and pulling out a wad of cash, "It might be a little over but just keep it."

Jin pocketed the cash because he's not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, prince charming might wake up one day and realize what he's actually doing, wouldn't be the first time someone promised him the world and left him with nothing.

"You're really trying to sweep me off my feet uh, afraid I'll run away?" Jin asked, back to being cocky, maybe it was a defense mechanism.

"I'm definitely afraid." Jungkook confirmed.


They made it up to his apartment; Jungkook was doing his best to keep it together while Jin looked around. If anyone at his company found out he was keeping a prostitute it could very well screw with his plans of becoming CEO but for some reason that wasn't a concern for him at the moment.

Instead he found himself wondering what Jin was up to, so he looked around trying to find where Jin wandered off to.

He headed for his bedroom since that was the only place he hadn't checked yet. He walked in to see Jin lying spread out in the center of his king sized bed. His crop top ridding up and exposing soft skin. So tempting...

Jin smiled upon Jungkook's entrance, posing seductively, "So by the looks of you I'd say you're pretty vanilla, missionary?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he loosened his tie taking it off, "I'm not having sex with you," Jungkook stated very unconvincingly.

It was very hard not to look at Jin as he lay in Jungkook's bed looking like temptation.

"Why not, you like me don't you?" Jin pouted. Why else would he have brought him here?

Jungkook turned to face his closet as he began undoing the buttons of his dress shirt, "I do, which is why I will not treat you like a whore."

"No fun," Jin said as he took out his cellphone to distract himself since Jungkook wouldn't be playing with him tonight. He also wanted to text his friend Jimin; he wouldn't believe what's happening.

After Jungkook dressed for bed he searched for something for Jin to wear, his current outfit didn't look too comfy for bed- for sleeping. He tossed a large white tee and some black gym shorts at Jin, "Your PJ's."

Jin eyed them and then Jungkook, was he for real?

"Oh I see," Jin eyed Jungkook knowingly now, "You want me to give you a little strip tease."

There was no way Jungkook only had pure intentions of rescuing some prostitute off the street. Never in his life had someone wanted to do something for Jin without expecting something in return. Jungkook had to be the same, even if he didn't show his true colors right away.

"No, I'll just leave and give you some time to change."

As Jungkook turned to walk out the door he missed the look of utter disbelief on Jin's face. Right before Jungkook left Jin caught his attention one last time,

"Prince charming, are you for real?"

"It's Jungkook, and I am real."


Jin had to admit that last night was the absolute best night's sleep he's ever had. As much as he did want to roll around with Jungkook it was nice to just sleep for once. And sleep he did, like a baby. Jungkook kept to his half of the bed, and good to his word, they never even touched once.

Jin was awoken, however to the sound of Jungkook's alarm clock going off. It was quickly turned off as Jungkook without hesitation hopped out of bed.

Jin had to wonder how.

He half opened his eyes, watching the man stumble into the bathroom, his body obviously not quite caught up to his head yet. It was too early for Jin to laugh so a smile was the best he could do.

Jin was the type that once he was awake that's it, he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. So he sat up and watched as Jungkook walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later, towel around his waist.

"Oh, you're up... Good morning," Jungkook said shyly.

"Same to you," Jin smiled watching Jungkook walk into his closet, sorting through his wardrobe. "What do you do, like as a job?"

Jin was curious, seeing as Jungkook was quite well off and even wanted to take him in.

Jungkook shrugged, "I'm just a marketing manager right now, nothing special, I'm just really good at saving my money. But I'm working on becoming CEO one day."

Ambition was definitely a great quality in a man; Jin liked him more and more.

"I think that's special," Jin said in almost a whisper but in the quiet of the morning Jungkook had heard.

I think you're special; Jungkook almost said but caught himself. He obviously liked Jin, but he made up his mind that he would date Jin properly, as a respectable person.

"Thanks, listen when I get off work later, what do you say to dinner and a movie?" Jungkook asked doing his best to get the nerves out of his voice as he spoke.

Jin was again taken off guard, asking a whore out on a date, didn't Jungkook realize he could just skip all the foreplay. Never in his life had Jin encountered a character like Jungkook, and he probably wouldn't ever again, which contributed to his answer.

"Sure, one condition though..."

Jungkook raised his brows at this, motioning for Jin to continue.

"Let me invite a friend over while you're at work so I'm not bored to death."

Jungkook had to be clinically insane to let two strangers over his house while he's not home, nevertheless when he looked at Jin's pleading eyes, he couldn't say no. He saw Jin as an angel after all, and angels did no wrong.

"What kind of friend?"

"Don't worry he's not a prostitute..." Jin said as Jungkook let out a relived sigh. "He's a stripper."


"Holy shit hyung!" Jimin exclaimed looking around the apartment in awe. "I thought you were a lying piece of shit but wow."

Jin rolled his eyes making himself comfy on the couch as his friend took everything in. Jimin should know better than to think Jin would lie about something like this.

"So..." Jimin made his way over to Jin, suspicion clear in his voice. "This Jungkook? Has money, youth, and beauty... And wants to live with you? Is he mentally stable?"

Jin whacked Jimin with a pillow for that, "Yes! He thinks I'm an angel."

Jimin rolled around the couch laughing, "For real? I got the answer to my mentally stable question!"

Jimin continued to laugh and Jin just sat there waiting for his fit to pass. Honestly what's so hard to believe about that?

Jimin was one of the very few people Jin had that he could call a friend. He stayed here and there, but Jimin's very uncomfortable couch was where he usually crashed.

"Are you done?" Jin asked once Jimin quieted down.


Underneath all the jokes and laughter Jimin was actually really happy for Jin. He'd seen Jin at his lowest so seeing him here, being looked after by someone who apparently didn't even want sex from him was a very comforting sight.

"He asked me for a date later, paint my nails?"

"One condition... Let me meet him..."


Jungkook was internally freaking out because he's been so absolutely reckless in the past 24 hours. It wasn't as if he could help it, if he could he wouldn't have, but Jin...

Jungkook banged his head on his desk, wincing and squeezing his eyes shut. He couldn't focus on his work all he's been thinking about since he sat down was Jin, wondering if he ate, if he's okay, that please god let him still be there when Jungkook returns home.

"Huhh..." Jungkook sighed, what's come over him... He'll get behind in his work if he can't focus. If only he cared.

Jungkook lifted up his head and stood to get some water from the break room, hydrating should help.

As he walked into the break room as if on cue, Taehyung looked up at him smirking.

"Off your game today as well, Kookie who is running through your mind?"

Jungkook walked over and grabbed bottled water from the fridge, wondering if he should talk to Taehyung about it. He was his closest friend, as talkative as he is, he wouldn't go telling everyone at their company if Jungkook asked him not to.

Jungkook looked around making sure they were the only ones in the break room and that no one was within hearing range. He stepped closer to Taehyung and spoke in a hushed voice, "I have a date tonight."

"I knew it! That's amazing Kookie. Tell me about them, where did you meet?"

Jungkook put a finger up to his lips, signally for Taehyung to keep his voice down. "His name is Jin and we met... at the park... yesterday. But I can't think straight and you're my friend so help."

Taehyung's boxy smile took over his face, that's why Jungkook was less early yesterday. He was so easy to read.

"Take a deep breath I'm sure your date will go amazing, because look at you," Taehyung gestured to Jungkook's body. "You're a stud, this Jin guy is really lucky."

You don't know the half of it; Jungkook had to stop himself from saying that out loud. He wasn't ready to tell Taehyung everything just yet. Though his friend was making him feel a lot better.

"How do I get my work done today?"

"Don't worry about it," Taehyung shrugged, "I finished all mine so I'll help you out."

In that moment Jungkook truly felt blessed.


Jin turned his head as he heard the sound of the front door opening, Jungkook stepped inside looking tired, but his face lite up when his eyes landed on Jin seated in the couch. He had some reality TV show playing.

Jungkook took deep breaths, tension releasing from his body as he saw Jin, laid out on the couch as if he owned it. Jin looked like he was ready for their date, in his ripped black jeans and a cute white sweater. He looked more familiar this way.

"What? No, 'honey I'm home?" Jin asked, disappointingly.

Jungkook smiled, "Angel, I'm home."

Although Jin chucked a pillow at Jungkook's head for that comment, it was totally worth it to see the flush that matched his hair, color his cheeks.

Jungkook walked around his apartment for a moment looking around, "So your friend was over?"

Jin nodded admiring his ruby red nails, "Yep, he also brought me some of my clothes."

That explained the new outfit, Jungkook wanted to find out more, like, where Jin was living, and where he kept his things, and how he ended up like this, but that would come with time he decided. They had a date to go on so Jungkook headed for his bedroom to change.
A/N: Let me know what you think!!

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