Old Me

By warriorpwr

7.5K 115 8

Beatrice has just graduated college and returned home to help at her family business: a tattoo shop. She isn'... More

Author's Note
Main Characters
Language Key
1 - Not My Type
2 - The Meet Cute
3 - Sleepover
4 - The Set Up
5 - Flirting?
6 - The Date Part 1
7 - The Date Part 2
8 - The Date Part 3
9 - Meet The Fam
11 - Party Preparations
12 - Sharing Secrets
13 - Can't Relate
14 - First Dance
15 - Second Date
16 - Coronado
17 - Don't Tell
18 - ReDo
19 - Dinner
20 - Netflix & Chill
21 - Closer
22 - Band Practice
23 - ER
24 - Cool Scar
25 - Results
26 - Past Is Apparent
27 - His Fault
28 - You're cute
29 - Betrayal
30 - Apologize
31 - Cuddle weather
32 - Lights Out
33 - Secrets
34 - Stay
35 - Exclusive
36 - Spill
37 - Official
38 - Goodnight
39 - Out of My Limit
40 - Room for Jesus
41 - Love
42 - Consequences
43 - Fair
44 - Salt and Sun
45 - Road Trippin'
46 - My Lips Are Sealed
47 - Don't Stop
48 - Can I Join?
49 - Fireworks
50 - Desperate
51 - Girls Talk Boys
52 - Empty House
53 - Love Bites
54 - Five Years Free
55 - Cold Feet
56 - Just Say It
57 - Ready
58 - Better Man
59 - Old Me
60 - Dirty Laundry
61 - Everything I Didn't Say
62 - Before I Met You
63 - Can't Help It
64 - I.F.L.Y.
65 - Mine
66 - Back to You
67 - She's Kinda Hot
68 - All the Small Things
69 - The Best Years
70 - Epilogue
Mikey POV Ch 1
Mikey POV Ch 4
Mikey POV Ch 7/16/17
Mikey's POV Ch 21
Mikey's POV Ch 60

10 - The Interrogation

113 2 1
By warriorpwr

Before my dad could open his mouth, my mom wrapped her arm around his waist and introduced Michael.

"Amore, this is Michael, Beatrice's friend."

"Hi Michael," my dad said putting out his hand as he looked Michael up and down intensely, "I'm Giorgio, Beatrice's father."

"Nice to meet you, sir," Michael said shaking my dad's hand firmly.

"Is that a fresh tattoo I see?" He asked twisting Michael's arm to get a closer look.

"Yes sir, I actually got it done at your tattoo shop," Mikey said putting his hand in his pocket after my dad released it.

"Ah, good, good," he said nodding his head. He took a step forward and leaned in really close to Michael's face before asking flatly, "You trying to date my daughter?"

My jaw dropped and I started to sweat with embarrassment. Zio Marco patted my shoulder in comfort.

"Babbo, please. Mamma, help," I pleaded in Italian trying to get her to shut my dad up.

I knew this was a bad idea.

"Um," Mikey cleared his throat, "yes sir, those are my intentions should Bea feel the same way."

"Well, if you want to date my daughter then I need to know what kind of a man you are," he stared hard into Michael's eyes not breaking eye contact.

I tried to interrupt him to stop, but he held up his hand, not breaking his stare at Michael, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Yes, I," Michael snuck a glance at me and I gave him a deeply apologetic look before continuing, "I can be free tomorrow."

"Good. Be here at 11," he huffed, stepping back and crossing his arms over his puffed-out chest.

I think I could die of embarrassment.

"Well, on that note, I think we're just going to go back to watching the tv," Zio Marco said, breaking the tension and steering us away.

My mom gave me a "don't worry, it'll be fine" expression before Marco turned us away. 

"Don't worry, Bea. He's all bark and no bite," Marco said releasing Michael's shoulder to embrace me in a hug.

He took a seat on the sofa and I grabbed Michael's hand, pulling him out onto the deck.

I awkwardly let go once we were outside facing each other.

"Oh my gosh, Michael I am so sorry, you really don't need to come tomorrow. I mean we literally just met, and I know you probably just said all that so my dad wouldn't kill you—"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. I actually did mean what I said. But only if you're interested in going on another date." He waited for me to respond and rubbed on the back of his neck.

"Oh, I um, yeah. I would love to go on another date."

He smiled, making me smile and giggle.

"Good, cuz it'd be pretty awkward if I had to go back inside and explain to your father that I wouldn't be there tomorrow," he joked, chuckling.

"So, I guess our second date is going to be tomorrow. Which means...I need to get you a birthday present right?"

"Um, no," I chuckled, "it's seriously not necessary. You're already being so kind putting up with my crazy family just to go on a second date with me. Besides, it's kind of a dual party for my graduation and my belated birthday. So technically you don't really need to get me a birthday present."

"Well, let's just say I have a hunch that putting up with your family will be worth it. And as for the present, I'm definitely getting you something. I'll just have to do a little research to find out just what to get you," he said with a wink.

His wink made my stomach flip and I hoped I wasn't visibly blushing. Michael turned his attention away from me and looked around the backyard again letting out a whistle.

"Damn, this view is unbelievable."

I turned to look at the familiar view of the mountain and off in the distance downtown SD and the ocean. I guess seeing this view every day makes it easy to forget how special it is.

"Just wait until sunset, we can sit out here and watch it if you want?" I asked tucking a strand of hair behind my ear that the wind was blowing around.

"That'd be awesome," he said smiling at me.

I heard something open and turned around to find the living room window open.

"Game's starting!" Lucia yelled out the window from where she was sitting on the sofa.

"I guess we better get inside then," I sighed strolling back inside the house behind Mikey.

"Want a drink?" I asked Michael as I walked over to the fridge.

"Just water, thanks."

I grabbed us both a bottle and let him follow me into the family room where I took a seat on the floor. Both sofas were full now that my uncles and dad were sitting down.

I heard a door shut in the distance and turned around to find my Zia Aurora and Zio Sam walking into the kitchen with bags. Marco tapped my shoulder so he could get up from where he was sitting since I was leaned up against his legs. He walked into the kitchen to greet his husband with a kiss on the cheek. Zio Lorenzo stood up from where he was at the table and helped my zia unload the bags of groceries.

I turned my attention back to the tv when my dad shouted out a swear word in Italian. I watched as they replayed Real scoring and I shouted at the tv too.

Michael burst into laughter next to me and I looked at him confused.

"Sorry, it's just that you said you weren't really into soccer, and it kinda seems like you are," he said chuckling.

"I'm not...I just..."

"You just what? Are passionate and don't want to admit it?"

"Whatever," I huffed, turning my attention back to the tv.

I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was still looking at me and I felt myself blushing.

I tried my best not to get too riled up, but it was pretty useless when we tied with seconds on the clock.

"Okay, food! Come and get it while it's hot!" My mom shouted from the kitchen as soon as the first half had finished.

I was so comfortable leaning against the sofa that I didn't want to move. Michael stood up and held his hand out to help me stand up. I lazily grabbed it and let him pull all of my weight off the ground.

We waited in line as everyone filled their plates with food and returned to their seats in front of the tv.

"Do you mind if we sit at the table?" I asked Mikey, as I handed him a fork.

"Sounds good."

I took a seat next to Cat and Mikey sat to my right. My mom and zia sat with us and just as we started to eat the game was back on.

"Thank you for the food," Mikey said to my mom who smiled and waved her hand in dismissal.

When we finished eating, we returned to our spots on the floor. Michael had his legs sprawled out in front of him and I brought mine up to my chest. We were just inches apart, and I was afraid he could tell how loudly my heart was beating. I wanted to hold his hand just to touch him, but I didn't know if it would be weird.

As the game progressed, I felt extremely tired. I rested my chin on my knees and yawned.

"Tired?" Michael asked lowly.

"Sorry," I smiled sitting up straighter.

I put my hand down to push myself up against the couch and accidentally placed my hand over his. I pulled it away immediately, my face burning.

"Sorry!" I whisper-shouted.

"If you wanted to hold my hand you could've just asked," he smirked.

"No, I, it was just an accident," I stuttered.

All of a sudden I was pushed into my cousin's leg as everyone stood up and shouted.

"Woohoo!" I shouted, smiling.

I crawled forward and out of the way of the guys so I could stand up. Once back on my feet, I held out my hand to Michael who accepted and he pulled himself up.

I noticed his gaze and took in the familiar view of my family kissing each other on the cheeks in the celebration that we had won. I laughed thinking about what it must look like to Michael, a stranger.

"I told you they were more than a little enthusiastic about it," I said nudging his arm.

"Yeah. Maybe a little," he smiled.

The sun was setting and I grabbed Michael's hand to lead him outside.

We took a seat on the swing outside to watch the sun go down. It was cold out now, making me wrap my arms around my body.


"Yeah," I said smiling awkwardly.

"Come closer," he said raising his arm for me to lean against his chest.

I closed the gap between us and he wrapped his arm around me, rubbing his hand up and down my arm. I relaxed into his body and felt the warmth from his chest radiating against me. He smelled like coffee and musky cologne.

We watched the sunset in silence and swayed in the swing until Mikey cleared his throat.

"So, um, about tomorrow, is this a formal party? Like do I need to dress formally?"

"Um," I paused to think about it, "well I think he's going to have you help set up in the morning, so you should probably dress in clothes you're not afraid to get dirty. And as for the party, yeah it's a little more formal, but you don't need to come in a full-on tux or anything. Just look nice."

"Okay," he said nodding his head, "sounds good."

"We should go inside," he said removing his arm from around my body. His absence left me shivering even more.

"Come on," he held his hand out and I let him help me stand up.

I gripped his hand tightly as my vision started to shake.

"Woah. You okay?"

Stop Bea, you're fine. Just breath. It'll pass. I ignored his question and closed my eyes for a moment.

"Yeah," I finally said when I reopened my eyes to a still world, "just got up too quickly."

He looked skeptical but I squeezed his hand in the reassurance that I was fine and pulled him to the sliding glass door.

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