Destined Together

By Shivikaloverss

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Annika Trivedi works for Shivaay Singh Oberoi but what happens when they are put into a situation where one i... More

Chapter 1: Trivedi Dream
Chapter 2: Hungover
Chapter 3: Maybe I Do Care..
Chapter 5: Annika's Decision
Chapter 6: The Wedding
Chapter 7: The Shocking Revelation
Chapter 8: Annika's Secret
Chapter 9: Blackmailed
Chapter 10: Hidden Secrets!
Chapter 11: Annika's Enemy?
Chapter 12: A Bunch Of Lies
Chapter 13: Is this the end?

Chapter 4: Tia Kapoor

2.6K 179 10
By Shivikaloverss

Shivaay: Khanna!

Khanna: Yes Sir!

Shivaay: Track Annika phone.

Khanna: Okay Sir!

*Khanna leaves to go track Annikas phone location while Shivaay and Omkara decide to wait until then*

*Khanna arrives after tracking location*

Khanna: Sir, here is the location.

Shivaay: Ok. You can leave now.

Omkara: What are we waiting for, I'll go get the car out!

Shivaay: *thinks* Trapti road.. only a 3 minute drive.

Omkara: Shivaay, come!

*They both arrive to her house but Omkara leaves after a phone call*

Shivaay: Shit, do I really have to knock.. maybe I'll stand next to the window and wait for Om to finish.

*Shivaay waits for Omkara to finish his call as he doesn't want to face the stubborn Annika himself. In the Trivedi house, Annikas parents are not home due to work and Sahil is at school*

Annika is washing her clothes and next to the window is the dirty bucket of water from the clothes. She decides to throw out the water from the window while talking to Gauri. The water splashes on Shivaays face and Annika turns around and soon realises what she created.

Shivaay: ANNIKA!

Annika: How was I meant to know you were standing there? I was talking to Gauri!

Shivaay: Get me a bloody towel! NOW!

Annika: Get it yourself, oh wait never mind. I don't want you to wet my house. Gauri, get me a towel!

Shivaay: Urgh! This was my new designer suit and you ruined it!

Annika: Calm down, send it to the dry cleaners. Maybe they can also dry your ego if that's an option.

*Omkara finishes his phone call to see shivaay soaked head to toe*

Omkara: Shivaay.. what the!


Annika: Why? What do you want either way?


Annika: No, my house means my rules.


Omkara: Annika didi, please open the door. I want to talk to you.

Annika: In that case, come in! I couldn't reject my little brothers kindness!

*Shivaay rolls his eyes, Annika opens the door and they both come in*

Omkara: Annika di-

*Omkara stopped as soon as he saw Gauri enter the room. His face lit up as soon as he saw her beautiful face, she giggled to see him smiling*

Gauri: What?

Omkara: Uh-

*Annika and Shivaay look at eachother and laugh as they can both realise where this was going*

Annika: Shivaay, come with me. Let me show you to the restroom so you can freshen up.

Shivaay: Certainly, Om, I'll be back once youre done *wink*

Omkara: Whaaa, huh.

*Without any hesitation, Annika and shivaay walk to another room to see what goes on between Gauri and Omkara*

Gauri: Your name? *smiles*

Omkara: O-Omkara, yours?

Gauri: Gauri Kumari Trivedi!

*They both laugh*

Annika and shivaay spy on them until Annikas hair get stucks on his blazer button. She looks up in pain to see her hair tugging on his button. Shivaay tried to untangle it and they share a romantic moment.

Annika: Hurry Up shivaay! My hair *she cries in pain*

Shivaay: Hey, DONT cry. See, all done.

*They go back to spying on Omkara and Gauri and see them staring and laughing*

Annika: Now this is what you call love at first sight!

Shivaay: Ha.

Gauri: Omkara Jee.. How.

Omkara: How?

Gauri: How is your hair so shiny!?

*Shivika laugh to see the rejection of Om and come in the room*

Shivaay: Done talking?

Gauri: Ha, all done. But really, what product do you use?

Annika: *laughs* Gauri, don't worry about that and go hug him!

*Gauri and Om hug EACHOTHER for the first tome and once the hug is over their arms feel empty*

Omkara: Anyways, Annika didi. The real reason we came here was because everyone misses you. We want you back and shivaay wants to say something.

Annika: Sachi! Boloh shivaay!

Shivaay: Uh, Dadi wants you back so please come back because I always fulfill her wishes.

Annika: What if I don't want to come back?

Shivaay: Dadi and everyone else's sake.. please.

Omkara: WAIT! SSO JUST SAID "Please"! Shivaay tell her the truth that you felt bad for her and you missed her!

Shivaay: WHAT! That is not the truth, that's a big fat lie! *he becomes nervous*

Annika: Fine, I'll come back in one condition!

Shivaay And Omkara: ???

Annika: If I can call Mr Shivaay Oberoi, SHIVAAY!

Shivaay: Whatever, just come!

Annika: Patience, I'm too tiered to walk.

Omkara: We came by car so we go by car.

Annika: Still, I'm tiered.

Shivaay: If this is the only way I can make you come then this will do!

*Shivaay walks to Annika and grabs her, he carries her in his arms and walks to the car and opens the door and sits her down*

Omkara and Gauri look at EACHOTHER in amazement. Then realised this may be the last time they will see eachother so they look sad.

Gauri: Bye.. Omkara jee.

Omkara: Bye Gauri... actually. I- I want your phone number. Just when I'm bored you know..

Gauri: *giggles* ok, here.

*They both leave as shivika and rikara are both feeling love*

In the Oberoi mansion, Tia Kapoor and Pinky Auntie are sitting down talking about arrangements. Shivaay walks in with Annika in his arms and Omkara walks beside them. Tia looks up and feels disheartened thinking Shivaay cheated on her. Shivaay let's Annika down and Tia is in shock.

Tia: Shivaay baby! You're cheating on me with such a middle class Hindi medium type women!

Shivaay: Tia, DONT assume. Me and Annika have nothing between us and two, don't call her that. It's offensive!

Tia: And now you're taking her side, wow! Just one week changed everything.

Shivaay: Tia! I am not in love with Annika. I carried her here cause her legs were in pain.

Dadi: Tia, believe Billu. I told him to bring Annika here cause she works here. She's not here to fall in love.

Tia: I don't know.. can I trust you?

Shivaay: I'm only getting married to you because Dadi wants me to, I don't believe in love so it doesn't matter.

Tia: Urgh, fine! I believe you. Only because I have hope in us.

Pinky: Annika, come with me to my room. I have some work for you to do.

Annika: Ha jee, Pinky auntie.

*Annika was assigned her work but her heart felt torn. She just met shivaay yet she felt her heart belonged to him. She never believed or knew what love was and she kept questioning herself what was wrong with herself*

Shivaay entered the room to apologise on the offensive terms Tia had said to Annika.

Shivaay: Can I come in?

Annika: This is your house, your decisions.

Shivaay: Taking that as a yes, anyways.

Annika: Why are you here?

Shivaay: I wanted to apologise on the behalf on my fiancée. She's really emotional when it comes to these things so she got really mad.

Annika: It's alright, I forgave her. Her words don't matter to me anyways.

Shivaay: So.. I need you to do some work for me.

Annika: Can't you see I'm doing work for pinky auntie?

Shivaay: youre my assistant, you do my work.

Annika: Whatever, what do I do?

Shivaay: I can't say this now right here, you need to come in my room and I'll give you the work. It's very confidential.


Annika is shocked to hear what work shivaay had for her, she didn't know what to say. Yes or no..

Annika: I- I can't...

Shivaay: The matter is in your hands Annika, if you don't agree. My family will hate you forever and your reputation will be ruined meaning your company wouldn't grow.


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