Altered Time (jacksepticeye x...

By All_In_Due_Time

1.8K 28 140

I've finally given into my inner fan girl. One fanfic, currently in the process of creation. Jack meets a fan... More

The Death of an Irishman (Prologue Part 1)
Decisions, Decisions (Prologue Part 2)
A Mild Panic
Oh. Right.(a/n)
Two truths
A Surprise
Awesome new cover! (A/N)
Off Key
A Walk in the Park
Brain fart (A/N)
Dreams, Memories and a Little Accident
Bake-cident...On Purpose
A Bigger Secret
Pool Day
OOPS (tag)
Mario Kart
The Seventh Day

A Taste of His Life

56 0 0
By All_In_Due_Time


Night 5

I was winding down for the night, getting into a nice set of night clothes, when Jack knocked on my door. Putting on the shirt, I opened the door to see a slightly nervous Jack standing in front of me. Noticing I had opened the door, he straightened. "Hi. Um. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to ... try what I do. Get a taste of what I do everyday."

Spend a bit of time recording a video? And with my favorite YouTuber? This is literally a fangirl's dream. "Sure. That'd be great." Jack smiled widely, leading me over to his recording room.

Jack's computer was already on and ready for recording a video. Unsurprisingly, foam padding was on all four walls of his recording room, and there was nice carpet on the floor. Sitting down at his chair, he scrolled through his games. "Let's see... Should we do a horror game?" Jack hovers over FNAF Sister Location for a bit. "Or maybe something more humorous?" Manuel Samuel sat right below FNAF.

"How about something pretty but puzzling?" I suggested, thinking back to some of Jack's more recent games. Jack lit up, scrolling down to a game I never got around to watching him play.

"Monumental Valley. A puzzle-based game made with beautiful graphics and impossible structures." Jack opened up the game, then had me sit down. "It's a nice easy game to get through, if you're not a fucking idiot like me." I laughed, remembering some of the idiotic ways he's gotten stuck on simple levels in the past.

"You literally noticed the paths on the ground in Door, and then you completely ignored them and failed multiple times because you kept guessing rather than using the very obvious clues under your feet." I shook my head while Jack started to laugh. "I was literally screaming at you in that video. And the worst part is you didn't even figure it out! You did it on accident! Come on, Jack! You're smarter than that." I lightly smacked his arm, laughing at the memory.

"Ok, ok. Now, you have to look at the camera when you're talking to them." Jack said, turning my head to the camera. "Makes it seem like you're talking directly to them. Gives the video a more personal touch. And yes, I understand that it feels really weird to look into the camera. It takes a while to get used to. But it's worth the effort!" I laughed once again as Jack put extra emphasis into the last sentence. Calming down, I turned to the camera, thinking of something to say.

"Uhh... Hello humans?" I said, not really confident in what I was doing. Jack shook his head.

"Come on, no one's gonna see this. It's just you and me. Don't be so nervous!" Jack paused for a minute. "Then again, my first time was definitely nerve-wracking. Ignore my advice! I don't know anything!" I laughed once again. Jack you're gonna kill me with laughter. Laughing seemed to help my nerves, because when I started up again I was much more confident.

"Hello humans! This idiot-" I gestured to Jack. "-is Jacksepticeye and he's here to teach me how to be a YouTuber! Today we're playing Monumental Valley, and... I have no clue what we're doing here." Jack laughed as my train of thought crashes.

"Ok, that's enough of an intro. Let's start this, shall we?" Jack encouraged. I opened up the game, and the rest of the night went something like this: I marvel at the level's beauty, Jack makes a joke, we both laugh, I solve the level with ease, and Jack marvels at my skill, then repeat. By the time the game was over, both of us had sore throats from how often we were laughing. Sometimes they were small laughs, but other times I was falling off the chair, which was pretty hard to do, considering the chair had arms. Falling in love with this idiot was hard to resist, and even harder when you don't realize it. Jack took over after I finished, saving everything and preparing it for editing. It was really late, so I headed back to my room again.

Jack's POV

"Thank you." I mumbled, too quiet for Y/N to hear. It hasn't even been a week yet. How the hell did you fall in love with her already? I nearly kissed her in the pool earlier. Normally I was more careful with my feelings than this. I couldn't even believe I managed to fall in love with her. What am I supposed to do?

What do you do when you fall in love with someone less than a month after you met them? You don't kiss them, that's for sure. Not even if I felt like something bad was going to happen.

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