
By lovedinsecretswift

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"Your eyes Stole all my words Away." More

1.Nice To Meet You
2. It Was Enchanting To Meet You
3. I'm Not Gay
4. Cookies
5. How You Get The Girl
6. Burning Up
7. Stay With Me
8. You Took My Breath Away
9. Absolutely Smitten
10. Attached
11. Secrets and Opportunities
12. Meeting The Klosses
14. One Last Kiss Then Catch Your Flight
15. Come back... Be Here
16. Surprise Visits
17. In The Buisness Of Misery
18. Broken
19. Hope And Despair
20. Running Off And Never Saying Sorry
21. Words Like Knives
22. Keeping A Secret
23. The Great Escape, The Prison Break
24. Safest Place
25. Meant To Be
26. Our Future
27. Mommy & Momma
28. It Has To Get Better From Here
29. I've always got you
30. Angel Down
31. So, Maybe She's Not Okay
32. Angels Of The Get-Through
33. Hold On, Baby, You're Losing It
34. Embrace For Impact
35. Six Degrees Of Seperation
36. My World Is Only You
37. The Rest Of Our Life
38. Every Little Piece Love
39. Red Flag
40. Safe In These Arms Of Mine
41. Not So Happily Ever After
42. Rumours Fly
43. Marry Me
44. 30 Rock
45. What A Young Girl Should Not Know
46. One More
47. The Age Of Princesses
48. How Can It Be Time Already
49. She Used To Be Mine
50. Why You Gotta Be So Mean?
51. Better Together
52. Firsts And Fevers
53. Good Days On Bad Days
54. Mama
55. Teenage Dream
56. Welcome To New York
57. Happily Ever After
58. Room For One More?
59. Raspberry
60. No Peace
61. Your Mother's Eyes
62. Melody Wren
Beautiful Strangers//Safe Haven

13. Alone Together

4.3K 141 46
By lovedinsecretswift


- Taylor -

"We'll bring her by in a couple of hours, we just need to have a little chat first." I smile at Kristine as I rest my hand on Emilie's back. We figured out from Willow what had Em so upset after school yesterday, and I think it's about time we address it. "Of course, take your time." She releases Karlie from a hug and then hugs me too before we say goodbye to Karlie's family and start walking back to the car.

Emilie climbs into the car and I buckle her in as she swings her legs. I get in too and Karlie pulls out of her parents' driveway. Karlie's been really on edge today as well, and I can tell she's keeping something from me but I don't want to force her to tell me, I want her to feel comfortable enough to tell me in her own time.

We drive back home in silence, the only noise in the car being the radio playing quietly in the background. Today was a long day for us all, but it was so nice to see Emilie interact with Karlie's family and make friends in Willow and Daisy, she's usually so shy that she doesn't really socialise much with other little kids. "Looks like someone's had a bit too much excitement." Karlie laughs gently and pulls me from my thoughts as I realise we're already home and Emilie has fallen asleep in her booster. "She had a lot of fun today." I smile at Karlie as she squeezes my hand, our fingers already resting on the centre console. "Come on, let's get her inside." I nod and jump out of the car, opening Em's door and carefully undoing the buckle before lifting her out. Her legs wrap around my waist and her arms clamp around my neck as her head lols on my shoulder, and Karlie grins as she takes in the sight of her wrapped around me.

The taller woman opens the front door and closes it once we're inside and the cats come rushing towards me. Meredith follows me as I walk to the living-room, and as I lie Emmy down on the couch she jumps up beside her and curls up against the sleeping girl, immediately taking on the role as her protector.

I press a kiss to her forehead and push myself back up, walking back through the house until I find Karlie in the kitchen, staring absentmindedly out the window. "Hey." I sigh, smiling to myself as I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my cheek against her back. "Is Em still out?" She places her arms over mine as they wrap around her midriff and I nod against her shoulder. "Meredith's already curled up protecting her." I laugh and Karlie smiles, I love it when she smiles. "What do you wanna do tonight?" She spins around so she's leaning against the worktop and my body is leaning against her front as my arms wrap around her waist. "Well once we drop Em off with Kris, we have the whole night to ourselves and I know what I wanna do." I smirk as I start pressing soft kisses along her jawline and my hands hold her hips, slowly inching under the fabric of her shirt.

"Well I think that can be arranged." Karlie's voice is a low seductive hum and my stomach tightens at the sound. Her hands slip into my back pockets as she pulls me in closer and plants a kiss on my lips before dominating my mouth. We pull away for air and she connects her lips to the sweet spot on my neck which elicits a soft moan to pass my lips.

"Mama?" Karlie pulls away from me immediately as we hear the gentle footsteps coming along the hall and I turn around to see Emilie in the doorway. She walks to my side and holds her arms out like she used to when she was really little so I scoop her up and sit her on my hip as she wraps her arms around my neck. "Did we wake you, honey?" I smile as she rubs her tired eyes and she shakes her head. "Why does Karlie have lipstick on her face, mama?" I bit my lip and smirk as Karlie wipes at her jawline to try and get my lipstick off of her face. I ignore Emilie's question and hoist the little girl up a little, "baby, mommy wants to have a little chat with you, is that okay?" I rub the little girls back as she nods and I smile. "Do you want me to go and pack her a bag? Give you guys a little privacy?" Karlie rests her hand on the small of my back and I nod, "if you don't mind, babe. You might also wanna think about washing your face." I laugh and she rolls her eyes as she walks off towards the stairs. "Why don't we go and sit down?" I smile at Emilie who just clings to me so I carry her back to the living room and sit down on the sofa.

I let Em stay in my lap, but she sits with her legs across my lap so that she can still see me. "Baby, why didn't you tell me about what people are saying to you at school?" I brush a fallen lock of hair out of her face and she shrugs and curls further into my side. "Hey, it's okay. You're not in trouble, I promise." I give her a soft smile but she still can't look me in the eyes. "Honey, I know that you miss your daddy and it's not fair that you don't get to see him, but that doesn't mean he loves you any less than I do." It broke my heart when Willow explained to Karlie and I that some of the other kids had been insisting to Emilie that her dad doesn't love her because she doesn't live with him.

"But daddy doesn't love me, mommy. If he loved me he would call you back or visit us." I'm surprised by her words, I didn't know that she knew I had been trying to contact him. "Oh, my love. He does love you, he's just very busy. I promise we'll see him as soon as he can visit, he told me himself." I smile at the little girl who's eyes light up, I don't want to lie to her but I can't see her this heartbroken either. "Really, mommy? He's going to visit?" I force the fakest smile onto my lips and nod, "he promised. And until then, you have all of us to love you; me, karlie, nana, papa and uncle Austin, even Meredith and dibbles." I know now that I'm going to have to track him down one way or another because the way he's currently treating his child is appalling. "Mommy, can I ask you something?" She looks up at me with curious eyes and I nod, "is Karlie going to be my new daddy?" I can't help laughing at her question, she's so innocent that it melts my heart. "No, sweetheart. One day in the far away future, if Mommy and Karlie get married, Karlie would be your mommy too, just like Auntie Cara and Auntie Kenny are both Gracie's mommies." I explain it to her as simply as I can and she watches me with furrowed eyebrows before simply nodding and turning her attention to something else.

"I need you to make a promise with me, princess." I get her attention back, "if anyone says anything mean to you again, you have to promise that you'll tell somebody. Whether that's me or Karlie or someone else, you have to tell a grown up, okay?" I show her I'm serious and she nods before wrapping her small arms around my neck to seal it with a hug.

"Good girl, now, why don't we go and make sure Karlie isn't forgetting to pack Crackle?" Her eyes go wide and she jumps off my lap, making me laugh as she runs for the stairs.

- Karlie -

"Thanks for this, Kris." I smile at my sister as we watch Taylor kneeling by the ground by the three little girls who are explaining something absolutely pointless in extreme detail, but she's acting as if she's hanging off every word that leaves their mouths. "Emilie's an angel and I can understand why; that girlfriend of your's has the patience of a Saint." I laugh along with her as I admire Taylor, she really is a Saint.

"Are you going to tell her tonight?" She lowers her voice and faces me as I sigh, "I don't know, maybe." I shake my head at myself, "I might wait until I get back on Sunday. I don't want to drop a bombshell and leave, plus I have some things to deal with before I can really tell her anything." I look back over to Taylor who's kissing Emilie's cheek, she deserves to know the truth.

"The longer it takes the harder she'll take it, just keep that in mind." She gives me a soft smile and I nod as Taylor walks over. "She's so excited. She's never really been to a sleepover before that wasn't with Grace." The woman laughs as I snake an arm around her waist. "She'll be just fine here, I promise. The girls love her." Kristine gives her a warm smile and I kiss Taylor's cheek. "Are you ready to go?" She nods and then reaches forward to hug Kristine, "just call if you need anything." My sister nods and we say our goodbyes. "Emmy, honey. Mommy and Karlie are leaving do you wanna come and say goodbye?" Kristine calls to the little girl once I release her from a hug and within seconds I feel small arms wrap around my legs.

"Hey munchkin." I laugh as I pick up the giggling child. "Be good, okay?" I give her a warning look and she laughs as she rolls her eyes, "I'm always good, Karlie." She gives me a sassy retort and I shake my head as I look at her. "I know you are, lovey." Emilie then reaches out to her mom and Taylor quickly takes her to hug her. "If you need anything, just ask Kris to call us okay? We'll see you in the morning." She peppers the little girls face with kisses and she squirms to get out of her mom's embrace.

When Taylor puts her back down on solid ground, she runs straight back to my nieces and waves, "bye mommy, bye Karlie. I love you." We laugh as she runs off and Kristine shows us out. "She'll be fine, don't worry." She reassures us again and as we make our way to the car, she closes the door. "She will be fine, you know." I squeeze Taylor's hip and she laughs, "I know, but it's my duty as a mom to worry about her." I nod, "I know." I open the car door for her and she slides in as I close it and then get in the drivers seat.


"What're you doing?" I chuckle as I walk into the kitchen, finding Karlie looking through the cupboards. "I wanna bake, but I can't find anything I need." I laugh and take her by the hand, "it's all in the pantry, what're you planning on making?" I open the door and she looks around in amazement as I laugh. "You're magical, Swift." I shake my head as I lean against the doorframe, watching her move around and gather all of the stuff she needs. "I was thinking of making brownies." She hums as she grabs the cocoa powder and moves past me.

"Do you want a hand?" I offer as I sit on the counter, crossing my legs as Kar laughs. "How about you be my chief taste tester?" I roll my eyes as I laugh, "you pull that trick on Em every time you make dinner." Karlie smirks and stands in front of me, kissing my lips, "I know and it works every time." She laughs as she moves away and I shake my head as I watch her move around.

"Can I ask you something?" I watch her mix up the different ingredients into a bowl and finally build the courage to ask something that's been on my mind all day. "Of course you can, babe." She gives me a soft smile but I can see the uncomfortable look on her face. "You've been acting strange for the last couple of days, and then when Kimby brought up New York, you tensed and I could see that you just wanted the conversation to end as quickly as possible. Is something going on?" Karlie sighs and wipes her hands as she turns around. She takes my hands as she looks into my eyes, "Taylor, I-" she starts to speak and I shake my head as I cup her cheek with the palm of my hand. "Can you promise me that you're not in trouble? You don't have to tell me what's going on because I can tell that you're not ready, but I need you to promise me that you're not going to get hurt and you're not in any danger."

She stares into my eyes, trying to read my emotions. "Please, Kar. I won't bring it up again, not until you're ready to tell me, but I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you, so please, just promise me that when you get on that plane on Monday morning that you're going to be safe and I won't have to worry." She nods and leans her forehead against mine. "I promise, I'll be completely safe." I can hear the pain in her voice but something in my gut tells me that she's telling the truth. "Okay." I kiss her lips, holding her close to me as I do. She's clearly struggling with something and I know she's scared to tell me, but whenever she's ready I'll be here.

"Now, show me how an expert makes brownies and I'll stay out of your way up here." I laugh as I wipe the tears that have formed in her eyes. "Of course." She smiles and turns away, taking a minute to compose herself before grabbing the bowl again. "Hey dibbles." I smile as the cat walks along the counter top and I grab her and snuggle her up in my arms. "Who's a pretty kitty?" I coo as I scratch her ear and she mewls softly as she nuzzles her face into my hand.

"You talk to those cats like they're humans." Karlie laughs as she plugs in the mixer and I pout, "they're basically little humans anyway, they have personalities and everything." She shakes her head as she turns on the mixer and the whizzing beaters mix the ingredients together. I talk to the cat and she lies in my lap as I scratch her belly, smiling at Olivia as she purrs. At least she loves me, Meredith only loves Emilie and sometimes Karlie.

"Hey!" The woman bats my hand away as I dip my finger into the bowl of mixed ingredients and I laugh as I lick the chocolate mixture off of my finger. "If you get salmonella then it's your own fault." She shakes her head as she laughs and starts pouring the contents into the tray. "I won't, it's only a little batter." I roll my eyes as she overdramatises it and she puts the tray of mix into the oven.

This isn't exactly what we had planned for our night without the child running around, but it's calm and we're able to get everything out in the open which I think is a relief for Karlie and myself.


I giggle as Karlie appears with a plate of brownies in her hand. "Now you at least won't get poisoned eating them." She laughs and I roll my eyes, she's so overdramatic. In the last twenty-five minutes it took to bake the brownies, Karlie and I managed to figure out a schedule which should work for both of us as well as appeasing Emilie's constant want to be around the woman.

On Mondays, I'll take Emilie to school and Cara will pick Grace and Emilie up and drop them off with Karlie before ballet. Karlie will finish her shift and then take the girls to their lesson which she'll soon be teaching anyway. I'll pick Emilie up after class so Karlie can teach the older girls and then Karlie will come over after her last class and spend the night with us. On Tuesdays, Karlie will take her to school and then we'll spend the day together until she goes to work in the afternoon. She works the late shift on Tuesdays, so she'll go home and I'll have Emilie alone for the rest of the day. On Wednesday I'll see Karlie before work and then drop her off there and then she'll see Emilie at ballet and I'll pick the little girl up and bring her home after that and Kar will stay at home. On Thursdays I won't see Karlie but she'll pick Emilie up from school and keep her at her house (per Karlie's request) since she has the day off and on Fridays Karlie will drop her off at school and then come over here after work and on Friday night's she'll stay here after her classes at the studio. Weekends we left open because neither of us ever have set plans on the weekend.

"So you're sure that this is all okay with you?" Karlie and I wrote it all down in case either of us forget and I nod. "If it's okay with you? I mean it's a big step to be so regularly involved in our lives." I take a bite of my brownie as Karlie plays with my fingers and gives me a warm smile. "I know, my love, but I'm ready to take this step if you are." I nod again, "I'm scarily sure that this is the right step for us." I rest my head on Karlie's shoulder as we both eat our brownies. I'm not worried about her leaving us, I trust her more than anything.

I yawn and Karlie rubs my arm in a soothing motion. "Do you wanna head up to bed?" She looks down at me and I sit up to stop myself falling asleep on her. "I think I'm going to have a bath first, you're welcome to join me." I press a kiss to her lips and she smirks. Karlie and I have been dating for nearly a month now, but we've never seen each other naked before. Mainly because she wanted to respect my wishes by not having sex when Emilie's in the house, especially not the first time. "I think I might just have to take you up on that." She follows me as I get up, leading her by the hand up the stairs.

- Karlie -

"Taylor? Are you coming?" I finish running the bath in her ensuite as she takes her make up off in the bedroom. Popping my head around the door to look for her, I find her sitting on the bed on her cell. "Is everything okay?" She startles as she hears my voice closer to her and as she looks up she nods. "Yep, are you ready?" I nod and hold a hand out to her. We walk into the bathroom together, closing the door as we walk inside. She takes her earrings out and sits them down on the counter as I tie my hair up and Taylor unclasps my necklace in the back as I take it off. "M+L" What does that stand for?" She admires the beauty of the silver locket but I brush it off, "nothing, it's nothing." I take the locket from her and stow it away in the pocket of my jeans before she decides to do any further investigation of it.

Thankfully she decides to let the subject go and as I pull my shirt over my head, she unbuttons her shorts and pulls them down her long legs. "Are you checking me out, Kloss?" She smirks as she laughs and I have to force myself to break my eyes off of her ass. "Who could blame me, you're gorgeous." I sneak up behind her and grab the hem of her shirt as I kiss her neck. I pull it over her head and Taylor spins in my arms as she stands in only her underwear now. "Baby, you're so beautiful." I hum as I connect my lips with the bare skin of her shoulder but Taylor pushes me away. "Fair is fair." She smirks as she fiddles with the button and then the zipper of my jeans and I laugh as I step out of them. "Happy now?"

I kiss her again, but this time I reach around her body to undo her bra clasps. The piece of clothing falls away and I'm quick to remove my own as I admire my girlfriend's body. After that I take off my underwear too and step into the tub, sinking into the warm water as I watch Taylor move around the room; tying her long hair up out of her face and stepping out of her panties too. She steps into the bath tub as I open my arms to her, her back resting against my front as I wrap my arms around her.

"You're warm." She hums as she rests her head on my chest and I laugh, "well you're my human blanket so I'd hope so." I trace gentle circles on her hip as I hold her close to my body. "I love it when Em is here but I think we needed this time alone." Taylor looks at me and I nod, "we haven't really spent much time alone unless she's at school." I add on and she smiles, "thank you for loving her so much. She adores you," she looks up into my eyes, "I adore you." I press a kiss to her lips, "I adore both of you. I don't understand how anyone couldn't fall in love with that little girl the second they meet her." Taylor responds with a content hum and plays with the bubbles surrounding us. "I don't know how I'm going to survive a whole week without you." She pouts as she looks back up to me and I laugh, "you'll be fine. I'll phone you guys at bedtime and we can talk for a bit. I promise it won't be as long as it sounds." I press a kiss to the crown of her head and Taylor nods into my chest, "I know, but I'm going to have a very cranky Em and a very empty bed." I smile at how adorable she is. If there's anyone who can't deal with an empty bed, it's definitely Taylor- she's a cuddler. "You've for the cats and if Emmy's being really cranky then just bring her into bed beside you." I laugh as I make the suggestion and Taylor playfully rolls her eyes. "If I let her do that then she's never going to want to sleep in her own bed, especially not when you're here, and no offence to my wonderful daughter, but I like having you to myself at night." Again, I laugh and press a kiss to Taylor's forehead as I smile at her.

We stay in the same place for a little bit, simply enjoying the way we fit into the curve of each other's bodies. I can tell Taylor's getting tired so I tell her to move forward a little and I help her wash her body before getting out and grabbing a towel to wrap my body in. I hold a hand out to Taylor to help her out and encase her in her robe as she steps onto the dry ground. "Go and get ready for bed, I'll be there in a minute." I smile as I press a kiss to her lips and she nods as she walks out into the bedroom.

I chuckle to myself as she walks away, clearly exhausted as she saunters out into the bedroom. I work my way through my night time routine; taking off the remaining make up from my face and brushing my teeth since Tay did all of this before we got in. I walk out into the bedroom a couple of minutes later and smile as I find her sitting on the bed in pyjamas. "You're so cute." I laugh as I press a kiss to her cheek as she sits there in her cat pyjamas.

"You're hot." She laughs and I can feel her eyes on me as I let the towel drop and pull on a pair of panties. "Eyes up here, Swift." I laugh as I glance back to her and pull a shirt over my head but when I turn back she's gone. "Tay-" I don't get time to ask where she is because within seconds I feel hands on my hips and her breath of my neck. "I thought you were tired?" I laugh as her hands roam under the fabric of my shirt. "I was until I saw you, and besides, when do we really get time to do this without little ears to overhear?" She presses soft kisses along my neck as my breath hitches in my throat. "Are you sure?" I ask as my words pass in more of a breathy moan than a question.

"Definitely." I can hear the smirk in her voice and within seconds I spin and pull her into a deep kiss, passionate and desperate. She pulls away from the kiss to take a breath, I look into her blue eyes dark with lust, grab her thighs and pick her up as she giggles and I carry her to the bed. I lift her shirt over her head and she gasps as I kiss my way down from her neck to the valley between her breasts. "Off." She demands as she grabs at my shirt and I smirk as I lift it over my head, her eyes watching me intently as my bare chest is exposed to her.

I pull her onto me so that she's straddling my hips, "you're so beautiful." I hum as I press tender kisses to her shoulder. Taylor's hands run up and down my back as I push her hair off of her neck and connect my lips to her sweet spot, smirking as a desperate moan passes her lips. My hands move from massaging her breasts to running down her toned stomach and into the waistband of her shorts, slowly running my fingers over the length of her core still covered by her panties. "Karlie." Taylor moans as she rests her forehead against mine, "yes, baby?" I smirk and she tangles her hand in my hair, "please." She rocks her hips against my hand as the words pass her lips in a desperate moan.

"Hey, hey. Patience." I remove my hand from her shorts and she whines at the loss of contact, but I quickly turn her over and lay her down, pulling her shorts and panties down her legs as I kiss her stomach and she tangles her hands in my hair. I take one of her hardened nipples in my mouth and she arches her back into my touch. "My turn." She moans as she manages to get me on my back, kissing me with immense passion and moving down my body, exploring the new skin before copying my previous act and taking my nipple in her mouth, her teeth grazing it as I moan and gasp, "Tay... baby."

"Is that what you like?" She smirks as my hand trails down her stomach and past her folds. I rub tight circles on her clit as she bucks into my hand. She doesn't get to be in control for long since I flip us back over, "shit!" Taylor screams loudly as I push two fingers into her and she throws her head back, moaning as I thrust my fingers in and out of her, curling them to hit the perfect spot, turning her into putty in my hands. "You're so wet, baby." I smirk as I kiss her neck, feeling her nails on my back as she closes her eyes in ecstasy.

She grinds down onto my hand harder than before and I simultaneously rub circles on her clit with my thumb, "Kar-Karlie.." She can barely speak but I feel her tighten around my fingers, and I know she's close. "Cum for me, baby." I whisper in her ear, nibbling on her lobe as she squeezes her eyes closed, her legs start to shake and she throws her head back as her nails scratch down my back. "Oh god, yes, Karlie, yes!" She screams as she hits her high and I stop my movements, letting her ride it out as I rub her core softly.

Taylor pulls me into a kiss, my tongue gliding over her lips to ask for entrance and she opens her mouth, letting me dominate the kiss. I keep rubbing her core as we kiss and after a few more minutes she moans into the kiss and I can tell she's close to another orgasm. I pull away from the kiss, "babe." I nod as a breathless moan passes her lips, applying more pressure to my movements and within seconds she's coming undone again.

She pants as I lie down beside her, smiling at the goofy grin playing on her lips. She kisses me gently as I push a strand of hair out of her face, "you're one of a kind, Taylor Swift." I plant a kiss to her temple as she fights to keep her eyes open. She tries to lift herself onto me and I shake my head as I pull her into my arms instead. "It's your turn." She mumbles into my neck and I laugh gently, "we have all the time in the world, baby. I'm not going anywhere, so get some sleep." I brush my fingers through her hair as she snuggles up to me. "You're amazing." She breathes heavily as she starts falling asleep and I roll over to hold her in my arms. "You're pretty great yourself." I smile as I press a kiss to her temple.


When I wake up next, I'm startled by the sound of my phone ringing beside me and I gently move Taylor off of me and grab it, pulling a shirt over my head as I go into the bathroom, trying not to wake up Taylor. I check the caller ID and answer immediately when I see Kristine's name on the screen. "Hey, is everything okay?" I answer immediately, worried about Emilie.

"Hey, Kar. Everything's okay, but Em had a bad dream." I sigh a breath of relief, I was terrified she was seriously hurt or something worse. "Can I talk to her?" I ask, hoping that I can calm her without having to wake Taylor. "Of course, gimme a minute." I hear her walking and then the phone being passed over and within seconds, the voice of the little girl comes through the phone. "Hey, Karlie." Her voice is quiet and tired, but I smile. "Hi angel. You had a bad dream, huh?"

I hear her sniffle and I can tell she's been crying. "Can I come home and cuddle with you and mommy?" I smile sadly, "if that's what you want, honey, mommy and I can come and get you. Weren't you having fun with Willow and Daisy?" She sniffles again and answers, "yea, we were going to play princesses tomorrow." She sounds upset about the thought of missing that so I ask, "are you sure you wanna come home, princess? I can tell you a story until you fall back asleep if you're still scared?" She hums as she thinks about it, "I wanna stay, don't wake mommy." I smile and nod, "okay, angel. Can you give Kris the phone back for a minute?"

She mumbles a response and then hands the phone back to my sister. "Have a good evening?" I can hear the smirk in her voice and laugh as I roll my eyes. "Very good, but no, she doesn't know. Now, I think I can talk Em back to sleep, can you lay her back down with your phone for a couple of minutes?" She sighs, "of course. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow. I love you, Kar." I shake my head, "love you, Kris."

She passes the phone back to Emilie and I smile as I hear her sleepy mumbles through the phone. "Hi, baby girl. Are you all snuggled up with Crackle?" I keep my voice light and cheery to keep her calm. "Yes, Karlie." She yawns and I smile as my heart leaps, she's so adorable. "Okay, sweetie. I'm going to tell you a story now, okay?" She hums a yes in response.

"Once upon a time there was a little princess who lived in a magical fairy kingdom with her mother, the queen..."

By the time I finish my story, the little girl is quietly snoring through the phone. "Sleep tight, angel." I smile as I hang up the phone and push myself up off of the floor. I hit the light and walk back into the bedroom. "Hey there." Taylor smiles as she looks up at me, "I thought you were asleep?" I crawl into bed beside her and she shakes her head. "I've been awake since the queen rescued the princess from the scary trolls and whisked her away to the fairy kingdom. Did she have a nightmare?"

I nod, "I'm sorry I didn't wake you, you were exhausted earlier." I laugh and she presses a kiss to my cheek. "Don't apologise, I think it's sweet how much she trusts you and you're so good with her." Taylor smiles into my neck and I nod, "she wanted to come home but then realised she'd be missing out on playing princesses with the girls, she decided to stay. I told her I'd tell her a story if she was scared and it didn't take long to get her back to sleep." The woman nods as I wrap my arms around her, "you're just as magical as that story, Karlie Kloss." She nuzzles her face into my chest and I rub her bare back as I smile.

"Karlie?" She looks up at me through the darkness, "yes, babe?" I trace circles on her skin as she smiles, "thank you for loving her so much. I haven't seen her this happy in a while." I kiss her temple, "I haven't been this happy in a long time, either. You two make my world brighter." I keep her in my arms as she starts to fall asleep. I'm really lucky to have such amazing people in my life. Taylor and Emilie are my world.

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{The bravest thing she ever did was run}
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Collection of short stories. I hope this doesn't suck too much :( I apologize in advance if this has any typos :)