In The Club~| A Bakushima Sho...

By paytonVaught

5.1K 123 420

(COMPLETED!) Bakugou's friends drag him to a night club to get him outta his house and his depression. From... More


found love in the club

3.7K 94 407
By paytonVaught

A/N- thanks for reading my short story! Again, it's only gon be one chapter, so it's gonna be long lol. I love reading and replying to comments! So don't hesitate! Also, in this story, everyone's 22. Anyways, enjoy tye short story! ❤🦐

Bakugou pov
I woke up around 8am Friday morning feeling like shit as usual. I walk out my bedroom and begin to wall to my bathroom like a zombie, when I hear the front door open. It must be Mina, she's the only one that has a copy of my key to my apartment. "WAKE YOUR ASS UP BAKUBRO! MAMA MINA'S HERE!" I hear her yell. Yup, it's her. I turn around and I see her head pop out around the corner. "Oh good! Your up! I would've thought you were still sleeping, you usually sleep till like 12 when you don't gotta work!" She said as she approached me. "Yeah whatever." I reply. "So guess what, I have great news!" She said. "Can it at least wait until I'm dressed?" I sigh, pointing out that I'm only wearing my boxers and a T-shirt. I don't care if she sees me in my underwear. She likes girls. And I'm gay. "Alright, fine, go get dressed!" She says, shoeing me to the bathroom. I roll my eyes and walk into the bathroom. I take a quick shower, brush my hair and teeth, and get dressed. I stop and look at the mirror into my own sad, soulless eyes. Man, I'm so fuckin depressed. Tends to happen when your life fuckin sucks. In case you didn't know, I'm in a while bunch of drama and bullshit because I came out to my friends that I'm gay, and it backfired. They hate me now, like are we fuckin children? Then on top of that, I lost my boyfriend right after. That sucked. I've been with him for about two months, but I mean I rly can't keep a boyfriend anyways. I snap out of my depressing thoughts and walk out of the bathroom. I walk into the living room to see her laying on the couch on her phone. "Hey kat, how ya doin?" She asks with sympathy as she sits up. I plop down next to her and sigh, long and dramatically. "Fuckin terrible.." I groan. She rubs my back. "Aww... You'll be ok baby.." She sighs. "You not doing it again..." She asks with worry in her voice. I shake my head slowly. "Nah.." I say. She sighs in relief. She means cutting myself. I did not too long ago, she freaked out and made me stop. I've thought about doing it again, but I decided not to. There was a comfortable silence that followed. "So what was this amazing news you wanted to share?" I ask. "Oh! I almost forgot! Me and my gurlfriends are going to this new club on (insert address here) and we wanted you to come with!" She says. I hesitate. I really don't wanna go. I just wanna stay home alone and be depressed. "Mina, I really font wanna.." I sigh. "Aww come on please!? You need to get over Toshiki! Maybe you'll meet some cute guy~" Mina cooed. I roll my eyes and groan. "I don't wanna think about him. And I'm going to alone for fucking ever..." I groan. "You need to get out of this house! You've literally been here for days! You need air, and a man!" She whines. "No." I say. "Please? We need a designated driver so mama can drink!" She laughs. I chuckle. I sigh. "Alright fine, but only because I don't need to get a phone call that says you died in a car accident because you decided to drink drive." I say. She claps. "Yay! I'll text the girls!" She says as she pulls her phone out. I turn the TV on and ly down, not looking forward to the long, boring night ahead.

Kirishima pov
I wake up Friday morning to a million texts from my two best friends, Denki Kaminari and Hanta Sero, who are dating. They went 'KIRI' About a million times. Just as I was about to reply, I hear a banging on my bedroom door. "What the hell you you guys want?" I chuckle. The door swings open, and denki walks in. "Hey man! Guess what?" He say as he sits on my bed. "What?" I say, still barely awake. "Ok, so me and hanta were at home, bored and making out, when I got a text from an old friend that I went to middle school with! Her name is Mina Ashido. Here, this is what she said.." He said, searching his pocket for his phone. "Ok she said 'hey denki boi how ya been? Jk idc lol me and my girlfriend and our gurlfriends are going to this new night club on (insert address here) and we wanted to know if ya wanted to come? Bring ppl, the more the merrier bitch!'" He read the text in a girly tone. I laugh. "So?" I ask. "You heard her, wanna come with me and hanta?" He asked. "Why? I'll be bored.." I sigh. Just then sero comes in the room behind denki, holding a sandwich he must've made. "Because, you just got outta a relationship and you need some dick in your life." He says, then takes a bite of his sandwich. Denki laughs. "Exactly!". I hesitate. I love partying, but idk I feel like it'll be wierd for me. "Tetsutetsu and I broke up months ago, I'm over him! But I'll go, just bc I'm bored and I dont have anything better to do.. And I you were right, I do need dick!" I sigh. they laugh. "Great! Well pick you up around 9, k?" Denki asks as he stands up. I nod. "Sure, later." I say. They say bye then leave. I get up and pick an outfit out for tonight. I wanna wear something hot, I need a man lol.

~Time skip~
Third person/bakugou pov
Bakugou picks a different out once Mina leaves to get ready. He picks a black tank top and ripped jeans, he got shoe game with them j's on his feet😂, with a big jacket to go over it, and a backwards hat bc he likes it. He waits for Mina and her friends outside. He sees her hot pink Cadillac pull up. He walks up to the car. "Why the hell did you bring this crazy ass car?" He asks as he leans down to rest his elbows on the side of the roofless car. "Because I can dammit, now get your gay ass in here!" Mina says. She was in the front seat with hagakure sitting on her lap. She's invisible, so it's not much of a hazard. Jiro and tsu were sitting in the back, with Momo and ochaco sitting over the back of the seats, their feet next to jiro and tsu. Kat rolled his eyes, chuckled and got in the car. "Seatbelts~" She said as she put her sunglasses on, even though it's almost 9 pm. She puts the car in drive and floors the gas petal. The girls in the back cheer with the wind in their face as they drive rapidly down the thankfully empty street. If their were cars, Mina probably would have crashed! "PINKY SLOW THE FUCK DOWN NOW DAMMIT!" Kat yells. Mina only laughs. "You'll be fine! I do this all the time!" She says, looking over for a second. "AT LEAST KEEP YOUR RACCOON ASS EYES ON THE ROAD!" he yells again. She laughs.
After about five minutes of driving (it was supposed to take ten minutes to get there), they parked on the street. "Alright, we're here! I asked a friend of mine to come, so well wait for him inside! He's probably gonna bring some friends." Mina tells the girls and Kat. Everyone nods. Its 8:45 when the walk inside a large building filled with people dancing and sitting at the bar off to the side. This is gonna be a long fuckin night.. Balugou thought as he followed Mina into the club with the rest if the girls behind him. (A/n- I'm only 13, so I don't exactly know what a night club looks like, so I'm going off of white chicks and my imagination 😂💯🦐) The place was huge and dark, with different colored lights barely lighting the place. There were tables in one side of the giant room, and a bar counter with drinks behind it on the other side. There were tons of people dancing and having a good time. There was an area in the back with couches, to chill and/or get lap dances from the strippers😂. The song that was playing was chill bill by rob $tone. Bakubro likes that song a lot actually, but he still doesn't wanna be there. "Well, we're gonna go dance and be hoes, you go do whatever you want, k?" Mina says to bakugou. He nods. "I'ma be either at the bar or in the back." He says. They nod and go their separate ways. He approaches a stool, sighs, and sits. A bartender lady walks up to him and asks what he wants. "Anything with vodka.." He says. She shrugs and begins to make a drink.

Third person/ Kirishima POV
Denki and Hanta pick up Kiri from his apartment and they arrive at the club around 8:50. Kirishima was wearing black skinny jeans and a white shortsleeve button up with his favorite high top converse. "You look awesome, it's like a formal casual look!" Denki complimented Kiri as they walk up to the door to the club. "Thx, I didn't wanna look bad or go overboard.." He takes the compliment.

Third person POV
Bakugou is sitting at the bar, lonely and sipping his drink. Then kirishima walks in. Just then the song Ignition by R. Kelly comes on. "Oh I love this song!" Kiri says when he hears what song is playing. Bakugou glances towards the door, then looks again when someone catches his eyes. "It's the remix to ignition~" The song says as Kat looks at the stranger's long red hair and beautiful face. "Hot and fresh out the kitchen~" it says as his eyes travel down to his chest and stomach, and took notice of the stranger's muscly arms. "Mama rollin' that body got every man in here wishin" The song continues, as Kat's eyes wandered down to Kiri moving his hips a little, dancing to the song. Kat took a swig of his drink, his eyes never leaving the stranger. Fuck.. He's hot.. Kat thought as he saw his thighs and ass. Kiri walked in a little more. Denki and Hanta disappeared into the crowd of dancing people, as Kiri decided to grab a drink first. He started walking in bakugou's direction. Kat noticed and whipped his head back to in front of him and stared at his drink, trying to act casual. Kiri sat a seat away, and kept glancing at the ash blonde. Wow.. That guy is so handsome.. He thought. Bakugou took another glance at the red head. He was looking around, trying not to stare. But Kat had begun to stare, then Kiri looked over to him. They made eye contact and locked eyes for a moment, then they both turned away quickly. Man, I need to get his number! Kat thought as his eyes drifted back to the beautiful stranger. He decided to make the first move. He scooted over a seat so he was next to the red head. Kiri noticed and blushed, looking away. Just then a different song played, it was how many drinks By Miguel. "Hey~" Kat said out of no where, not even meaning to as flirtatiously as he did. Kiri turned his head and they both got a good look at each other's facial features. Fuck he's hotter up close.. They both thought. Kiri smiled and looked down a little, sorta like a girl would and said "hey~" And his eyes looked up. Kat smirked, thinking he was the cutest thing on this earth. It was quiet after that as they listened to the sexy song. "How many drinks will it take for you to be with me?~" The song said, giving Kat an idea. "Hey uh can I buy you a drink?~" Kat asked confidently. Kiri looked up at him. "You don't have to.." Kiri said smiling a little. "Nah, I insist.." Kat said as he scooted his hand over next to kiri's. Kiri blushed. "Alright.." He said with a smile. "What's your name anyways, stranger?~" Kiri asked. Bakugou's finger tip lightly touched kiri's fingers, making Kiri shiver slightly. "Bakugou, Katsuki Bakugou, now tell me yours~" Kat said flirtatiously with a smirk. "Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima~" He smiled. "Kirishima, huh?" Kat whispered, lust surrounding them both. "Yep, ya gonna buy me that drink now or what?~" Kiri whispered back with a smirk. Kat slowly moved his fingers and intertwined their fingers, both their palms facing down, kats being on top. Kiri blushed even harder, despite how confident he was acting. Kat nodded. "Sure thing, kirishima~" He replied, then ordered a drink for his new crush. "Ya know, I saw you walk in, and I couldn't stop looking at you.." Kat said. "Oh yeah?" Kiri asked before he took a sip of his drink with the hand that wasn't holding bakugou's. "Yeah, your good lookin, especially with those skinny jeans~" Kat flirted, then licked his lips and looked down to kiri's thiccc thighs. Kiri blushed.

Meanwhile on the other side of the club, Mina and her girls were dancing and drinking and partying, when Denki and Hanta approached them. Mina noticed. "Oh my gawd! Denki!! How are ya my dude?" Mina cheered as she ran up and gave him a hug. "Hey Mina! I'm fine, oh and this is Hanta Sero, my boyfriend!" Denki introduced Hanta. "Omg! I saw your couple pics on Facebook and I was like oh my gawd they're so cute! And how did denki get a cute bf?? Haha Anyways I'm Mina!" Mina laughed as she shook his hand. "Nice to meet ya!" Hanta said. "Well, who did ya bring? Or is it just you two?" Mina asked. "Nah, we brought our best bro, kirishima! He was lonely and bored so it was perfect!" Denki explained. "Awesome! Can't wait to meet him! I brought meh girls here and my best friend bakugou, he was like super depressed because his boyfriend broke up with him, so I dragged him out of his house!" Mina laughed again. Denki gasped. "Oh my gawd! Kirishima just broke up with his boyfriend! We should totally set them up!" He exclaimed. "Yeah! It's perfect! Bakubro is at the bar right now!" Mina replied. Denki's jaw dropped. "Kiri just went to the bar! OMG DO YOU THINK THEY MET?!" denki said, getting really excited. "OH MY GLOB THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!" Mina said. Then the song changed once again, it was  low (apple bottom jeans) by Flo Rida. "Wait, we'll check in a few minutes, I LOVE THIS SONG!" Mina cheered as she started dancing. "Omg me too!" Denki said and started dancing with Hanta and the gurls.

Back to Baku and Kiri
They were talking when said song started playing. "I love this song!" Kiri laughed. "Wanna dance?" Kat asked, raising an eyebrow. "Sure!" Kiri giggled. The got up and headed to the dance floor.
After they danced to the whole song and some more songs, like lemon by N.E.R.D and Rihanna and passionfruit by Drake. After that, they sat back down at their spots at the bar, out of breath. "Hey... Your a pretty... Good... Dancer, red.." Kat panted. "Thx.. You too..... Blondie!" Kiri replied and took a swig of his drink. The next song that played was one of bakugou's favorites. It was B.E.D by Jacquees. Kat smirked and got an idea. He ordered them both another drink and Kiri thanked him. "Hey, follow me, red." Kat grabbed his drink, stood and said. Kiri grabbed his drink and followed. Kat held on to one of Kiri's fingers with one of his own so they wouldn't loose each other in the huge crowd. Kat lead Kiri through the crowd until they arrived to the back of the club. There was a long couch that ran along the walls and it was darkened. They could still hear the said song as Kat Sat down. Kiri sat next to him and crossed his legs with his drink still in his hands. Kat got another idea. "Ya look uncomfortable over there, red.~"kat said. "Nah, I'm good actually," Kiri replied and looked over to a smirking bakugou. Kat gestured him to come over by him, then tapped his lap. Does he want me to sit on his lap? Or.. A lap dance? Oof there's no way I'm missing that! Kiri thought and smirked. He stood up, put his drink down, then stood in front if bakugou. He took his jacket off and threw it to the side. He sat on bakugou's lap, slowly and seductively, then wrapped his arms around his neck and looked into his eyes. Kat looked down kiri's body on his own, and Kiri started moving his hips. "I know you wanna see, I know you wanna be, in my b-e-d, grinding slowly~" The song sang as Kiri and Kat started grinding. Kat put his hands on kiri's thighs as he moved. He rubbed his thighs, then moved to his ass. Kat grabbed his ass and rubbed on him, making Kiri let out a low moan. "You like that?~" Kat leaned up and whispered into kiri's ear, giving it a swift lick. Kiri rubbed himself onto Kat, hard, making Kat grunt in pleasure. "You like that, daddy?~" Kiri whispered back seductively, then nibbled his ear with his sharp teeth. He moved down from Kat's ear, then started biting down his neck and shoulder, making Kat moan. Kiri was grinding on Kat while he sucked on his neck, just to sum it up. Kat grabbed kiri's hips, which never stopped rolling against him, and slightly trusted his own hips onto kiri's, not being able to contain himself anymore. Kiri stopped sucking Kat's neck and looked at his sweating face. Kat grabbed the back of kiri's head by his long straight down hair and smashed their faces together. It was the most passionate and sloppy kiss they've ever had, and they loved every second of it. After a whole minute, they pulled away slightly for air and panted, their faces still centimeters apart. "Fuck you feel so good.." Kat grunted as Kiri kept rubbing himself onto Kat. "You too.." He replied, then closed the small gap in between their lips again. Kiri moaned through the kiss. "God I want you so bad.." Kiri separated them and panted into Kat's ear again. Kat rubbed up kiri's thighs, then slid his hands into kiri's pants. Kiri looked down and bit his lip. Kat found his length, which was pretty hard, and grabbed it. Just then, the song switched to Sex with me by Rihanna. Perfect timing. "We probably shouldn't do it out in the open in front everyone.." Kiri said. "I don't care, no one will notice us~" Kat replied as he began to move his hand up and down kiri's length slowly, then going faster. Kiri started moaning, but tried not to be too loud, so he bit down on his fist.
After  few minutes, Kiri felt himself reaching his limit. Kat noticed and cupped his head in his hand, so it wouldn't get all over his pants. Kiri came into his hands. Kat looked around to see of anyone was watching, and no one was. Kat brought his hand up to his mouth and licked up kiri's fluid. Kiri watched with wide eyes, surprised he did it. Once Kat was done, looked up at Kiri and smirked. "So how was that?~" He asked, licking leftovers off his lips. Kiri blushed hard and stuttered. "Ya..ya know you didn't have t-to do t-that..!" He said. "I wanted to~" Kat smirked. He leaned in and kissed Kiri. "Can I be your boyfriend?" Kiri separated and asked. "Fuck yeah" Kat panted with a smile. They made out for  little while, until the song ended. "I should probably go find my friends." Kiri said when they pulled away. The next song that played was wtf (where they from) by Missy Elliot. "Fine, I better go check on mine, too.." Kat groaned. Kiri swung  leg off Kat and stood up. "Hey ya wanna meet my friends?!" Kiri asked excitedly. Kat shrugged and nodded. "I'll introduce you to Mina later then." Kat said. The held pinkies while they walked back into the crowd. "Pop that, pop that, cock and reload. This another hit, I got an ace in the hole. Boys on my back, playa did you peep that? You got a small stack, playa, you can keep that. Ima big Mac, make you wanna eat that, like mhmhmhm yak it to the yak. Junk in the trunk make you pumps in the bumps, girls wanna have fun, make you stickin' out your tongue~" Kiri sang along with the song as he looked around for his friends, making Kat chuckle a little. "Ohh! There they are! Guys!" Kiri said, letting go of Kat and running up to them. "Hey Kiri! You seem to be in a better mood then when we came!" Denki laughed, so did Hanta. "Oh this is Mina, I almost forgot to introduce you!" Denki said. "Hi I'm kirishima, nice to meet you, Mina!" Kiri said as he shook her hand. "Nice to meet ya too! Hey I'm like super drunk, so is your hair actually red, or is that just my eyeballs?" She said, staring at kiri's head in confusion, clearly drunk. He laughed. "Yes, my hair is red." He said. "Omg guess what happened though! I met someone!" Kiri said excitedly. "Omg really?!" Denki exclaimed. "Yes! Here I brought him to meet you guys! Where did he go?" Kiri said, turning around. He spotted bakugou and gestured for him to come over. "Denki, Hanta, this is Bakugou, my boyfriend!" Kiri said excitedly. Denki dropped his jaw and his glass. "Ah denki! What the hell!" Kiri jumped back. "HeeEeeEEeeEY guysssss!~" Mina tumbled over, even more drunk than she was 30 seconds ago. "Oh hey bakubro! Why are you blue?" Mina asked, then fell over and passed out. "Mina! What the hell?!" Kat said as he bent down to pick her up. "So your bakugou! Wow and now your dating kirishima! Omggg!" Denki squealed. "What?" Kiri asked. "Ok so Mina, the girl that just passed out asked us to come and bring a friend, so ya know we brought Kiri, then we got here and you two wandered off and she was all 'omg what if bakugou and your friend hook up since they both just broke up with their exes?' And I was all 'omg that would be amazing!' And little did we know you guys we're already together!" Denki explained. "Oohhhhh see that makes sense I get it now!" Kiri and Kat said. "So did you guys kiss yet?~" Denki teased. The two looked at each other, the events that occurred earlier coming back to them. "OH yeahhhh.." Kiri said, blushing and smiling. "Wait what does that mean?! *gasp* did you two do it?! You little dirty freaks!~" Denki laughed. "Well not exactly.." Kiri blushed. "None of your business anyways, ya damn Pikachu!" Kat hissed. Sero wheezed "Pikachu..". " Be nice, katsu." Kiri said. "Ah i know I look like a Pikachu." Denki said and rolled his eyes. Kiri had spaced off into the song again, he really likes it. "I'm so fat in the back, make all boys collapse. Yeah when I rap they be all on my jack, boys wanna jump on this pussycat~" Kiri sang and danced a little to the song, winking at Kat at the last part, making Kat blush. Then Kiri got everyone to dance to the rest of the song.
Then a little bit if a slower song came on, Love galore by SZA. Kiri and Kat danced to that song, very happy that their friends dragged them there and met each other. After a few minutes, that song ended and they two went back to the bar. They ordered another drink. "Hey Eijiro, I never got your number." Kat said. "Oh right! Here, let's trade phones." Kiri replied, pulling his phone out. Kat pulled his phone out and put their numbers in each other's phones. Kirishima saved him self as 'Eijiro❤' and Kat saved himself as 'daddy💦👅🍑🍆'. They handed their phones back and they both said what the fuck. "Kat, why did you save yourself as daddy?" Kiri asked. "Because that's who I am! And why did you save yourself as just Eijiro?" Kat asked. "Because that's who I am!" He laughed. "Well I'm changing it to bby mama or somethin!" Kat laughed. "Alrighty then!" Kiri said. They both took a sip of their drink. It was quiet after that, until, "wanna take shots?" Kat asked. "Sure!" Kiri said. Then they ordered some shots. "I can't have too much, I need to drive home still.." Kat said as he picked one up. "Ah, a few won't hurt." Kiri said. They both shrugged. They clincked their tiny glasses and drank it. "Ya know, I'm glad pinky dragged me here. If it were originally my way, I would've been at my apartment, depressed and alone." Kat said, then put the glass down. "Yeah same.." Kiri said. "So I heard denki mention that you just broke up with someone?" He asked. "Yeah, I was with him for like two months. After I came out to my friends, they all ditched me. Then Toshiki broke up with me because he didn't want to deal with me anymore, or something, like that's all he said. Fuckin jerk.." Kat said as his finger circled the rim of the small glass. "Aww, he sounds like an idiot if he broke up with you. Your literally the best person I've ever met!" Kiri said. "Ah, your only sayin that cuz I jerked you off and I'm your boyfriend now.." Kat sighed. "Nah, I'm serious! But I feel ya man, I got cheated on by my, well ex now, and I hate him." Kiri said. "Ok now that's a dick move. Like who the fuck cheats on someone like you?!" Kat said. "Tetsutetsu, I guess. I came home from work early one day and I walked in on his banging another guy! Like wtf! After that, I threw his shit out the window and made him leave. He never even apologized! Asshole.." Kiri ranted. "Damn, both of us are fucked up. At least that's over now." Kat laughed. "Yeah, I'm glad." Kiri said. They took another shot. Then another. "To... Our shitty exes.." Kiri said, holding another up. "And us.. Finding each other..." Kat said, holding his up. They both drank it. At this point, they were both feeling pretty tipsy. They both forgot about their troubles and responsibilities as they kept drinking. "Hey red?~" Kat asked, feeling sorta dizzy. "Yeah?" He replied. "Hey I see a lot of things right now." He said, staring at the counter. Kiri stared at where he was staring at. "Oh wow.." He said. He didn't see anything, but he still stared at the spot because he was just drunk. "Hey I heard...that someone has weed in the back. I want weeeeeeeeeddd!" Kiri said. "Babe, babe. I will make get weeded." Kat said,trying to be serious with his hands on kiri's shoulders. They both walked weirdly to the back,where random people were getting high. You already know where this is going. After about 20 minutes of them both getting high AF, the walked back to the bar area. "Oh my god,don't look now, but we are in a space ship..right now at this moment. Oh my god where did we get a giraffe?" Kiri said. Kat gasped and looked at the floor. "It's a reverse giraffe, he isn't tall he's in the floor right now and he's purple. We should name him Tyrone." Kat said. Kiri stared at the floor with him for a whole five minutes. "Hey ya know, I forgot, I still gotta drive home.." Kat said. "You can't... Drive... Like that!" Kiri said. "Oh my god your right. I can't drive! What... Should I do?" Kat hiccuped. "I don't know, maybe you should fly home?" Kiri suggested. "That's a great idea!" Kat said as he tried to stand, but fell over as soon as he stood up. "*gasp*kat! Are you ok?!" Kiri said, kneeling down next to him. "Oh no he's dead! Kat wake up! I need you!" Kiri cried. Denki and Hanta walked up. "What happened?" They asked, not nearly as drunk as they were. "Kat died! He was just about to fly home, but he fell and now he's died! This is terrible!" Kiri said he poked Kat's arm. Denki and Hanta bursted out laughing. "Oh my god they're so drunk!" Hanta cackled. "Oh my god Kiri are you crying?!"denki laughed. "My boyfriend just died! I'm going to die too! I can't live without him! I won't let you die baby!" Kiri cried as he hugged bakugous arm, which only made the two laugh even harder. "Oh my god Kiri, he's fine! He just passed out, how much did you guys drink?" Hanta asked. "We had.....some of those....teeny......tiny drinks.." Kiri said Dizzily as he pointed up to the counter at the clutter of shot glasses. "How many?!" Denki asked worried now. "Blevindy seven..?" He replied as he looked around. "Well that can't be good!" Hanta said. "What else?" Denki asked."we went to the moon and inhaled a lot of moon green moon air. It smelled great! I fell asleep for a few seconds in the fairy dust then Kat rode a unicorn naked. It was great." Kiri replied. Hanta and denki face palmed."so they're high too?" Denki asked. "Yeah.. They can't drive. Mina said bakugou was supposed to be their designated driver!" Denki said panicked now. "I don't think two of the girls got drunk, I haven't seen the frog one and the brown haired one drink all night, let's go see if they're stable." Hanta suggested. Denki nodded. "Well let's get these two to the couch first." He said. They both then nodded. Hanta picked kirishima up. "Let me go! He's kidnapping me! Heeeeeeeelp! Why do I have the sudden urge to put a turkey leg inside my pussy?" Kiri yelled as hanta laughed and draped him over his shoulder. Denki grabbed Kat by his underarms and lifted. "Jesus fuckin Christ your so heavy dammit!" Denki groaned as he lifted Kat up. He had him up for a second, then he dropped the boy on himself. "Oof! Dammit!" He whispered as he dragged him to the couch in the back. "Oh my god! I'm gonna die! Ohhhhh my gawd! I see Jesus! I see our Lord and Savior potato Momo Jesus!" Kiri yelled. Hanta covered his mouth and laughed. "Oh my god you are so high rn!" Hanta started recording him, he was just too funny. Kiri said dumb stuff as hanta waited for denki to get here with bakugou. After a few minutes, denki came dragging a black out drunk bakugou. "Fuck he's so heavy! Ughhh!" Denki groaned as he plopped bakugou down next to Kiri. "He's been saying weird shit while you were gone, I recorded him!" Hanta laughed. "Show it to me later! But right now, we gotta make sure bakugou and the girls can even get home!" Denki said. Hanta nodded and they both walked away to find the girls.
Denki and Hanta found the group of girls. Mina was still on the floor, and the other five were sitting at a table next to it, talking. Denki and hanta ran up to their table. "Hey um who's drunk here right now?" Denki panted in panic. "Why?" Tsu asked. "Because, Mina said bakugou was gonna be your designated driver, right?" Hanta asked. The girls nodded. "Ok well he got drunk and high with Kiri and now he's passed out. Are any of you guys ok to drive?" Denki asked. "I don't drink so yeah I'm good, ribbit." Tsu replied. "Me either!" Ochako said. "Oh thank god." Denki sighed. "Or thank potato jesus!" Sero laughed. "What?" Denki asked. "I don't know, Kiri said it!" Hanta laughed. "Kiri's high." He replied. "Whatever. Bakugou's on the back couch." Denki told the girls. They nodded and the boys walked away. At this point it was around 11pm.

Back to Kiri and Kat.
Kat sat up really fast, scaring Kiri. "*gasp* your alive!" Kiri said, still extremely drunk. "Yeah I guess." Kat groaned. The song that started playing was Pick it up by Famous Dex. "Ohh I like this song!" Kiri said. "Wanna make out again?~" Kat asked. "Hell yeah!~" Kiri replied, then jumped on him and started kissing Kat. He laid down on Kiri, and they laid there and made out. "What do I wanna fuck you so badly right now?" Kat sat up on kiri's stomach and asked. "I don't know but I want you to do that too though actually though." Kiri panted. "Well then we should let me....stick my your asshole... Like right now actually..." Kat panted, rubbing himself onto kiri. "But we can't because there's people in this place too and they can see what we're doing too." Kiri said. "Well how about this. We both go to sleep and ill find u in my brain and then I'll fuck you in there ok?" Kat asked, pointing to their heads. "That's a good.....idea!" Kiri hiccuped. "But how do we fall asleep aga-" Then Kat collapsed on Kiri. "Ok goodnight." Kiri said, then passed out.
They didn't fuck in their dreams, unfortunately.


It's one in the morning. Denki and hanta go to get Kiri.
"Kiri, bakugou, wake up~" Hanta tapped their shoulders. They didn't wake up. "Dammit, Mina just texted me, she's awake right now and they're driving home! They forgot bakugou!" Denki groaned. "Dang.. Hey maybe we should just take them both to kiri's place then?" Hanta asked. Denki shrugged. "Alright, let's go. I'm driving, you had way more than I did!" Denki said. Hanta shrugged and denki picked bakugou up off kirishima's chest. "Ugh dammit I forgot how fuckin heavy he is!" Denki groaned. "Here," Hanta said. He draped Kiri over one shoulder, and took bakugou from denki and draped him over the other. "Thanks, babe!" Denki sighed. "No problem, baby." Hanta said. They both walked out of the club.

v ~❤Epilogue❤~ v

Denki and hanta had taken Kiri and Kat home that early morning. They took their shoes off and layed them both in kiri's queen sized bed.
At around 11 am that morning, snuggled up next to each other. Bakugou was first to wake, since he'd been sleeping for some time at the club while Kiri was awake. "Fuck, my head!" He groaned quietly, his head pounding. He looked around, seeing an unfamiliar room and red head next to him. Then last night's events came back to him. He smiled and stroked kiri's soft red hair. Kiri woke up to fingers through his hair. He jumped a little when he saw a cute ash blonde playing with his hair. Then he too had to go over what happened last night. "Kat?" He said tiredly. They both sat up and Kiri realized they were in his room. "How did we get here?! Last thing I remember is.. Oh, getting drunk, then high, then I blacked out after that, I don't know." Kiri thought out loud. "Damn, tht means that your friends brought us here.. I barely remember falling asleep after we got wasted." Kat said. They both thought. "So this is your place?" Kat asked, standing up. "Yeah, I didn't know I'd have you over, it's a bit messy.." Kiri chuckled. There were some garbage and dirty clothes on the floor. "Hm." Kat hummed as he opened his bedroom door, light spilling into the dark room. "Hey where ya goin?" Kiri said as he jumped up and followed the curious man. Kat looked around as he walked down the hallway, then turned into the living room and kitchen. "Where are you going?" Kiri repeated, right behind him now. "I'm just lookin around, red. You hot a nice place, here." He replied. "Thanks." Kiri said. It was sorta weird to Kiri, he only met this guy last night and now he's his boyfriend and in his house. He liked it though. They both sat on the couch and cuddled as they talked and got to know each other more.


A/N-i hope you liked this short story! Lemme know your thoughts! I will put all the music I've used so if you have never heard them, you can!
Plz vote if you liked it! And I always follow my followers back!
Word count: 6263!

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