The Golden Rule

By AzureBlu

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The world is balance. For the people of the countries of Pearl and Onyx, there is no threat of war, governmen... More

Author's Note
Ch 1: A Little Unwell
Ch 2: Crazy Pain
Ch 3: Something is Off
Ch 4: Very Wrong
Ch 5: Treatment
Ch 6: Cure
Ch 7: Borderland
Ch 8: Reaction
Ch 9: Adjustment
Ch 11: Complications
Ch 12: In Trouble

Ch 10: Adapting

18 2 0
By AzureBlu

The next day Acci awoke feeling slightly drowsy. She was forced to wear a long white shirt to sleep in after Mrs. Mary led her to a room to wash herself in. After giving her a smelly,waxy block and a bucket of water, she said that if she rubbed its foam on her body and washed it off with water it would clean her. She did not believe her and just used the water. It was the first time that she willing had water poured on her, so she enjoyed its cooling rush on her dry skin though it tasted awful.

She heard more than two voices in the room, so she looked towards the table where Mrs. Mary was sitting with two other people, an older girl and a young boy whose skin color was too light to be Nyx skin and too dark to be Pearlie skin. They all were to be eating more the sweet bread when the boy saw her.

“She's awake! Prec! She's awake, look!” He pointed at her.

“Shut up, boy. You're makin my head hurt!” She yelled back, but it only made her head feel worse.

“ She's still drained from yesterday,Jameson.” Mrs. Mary said. “How are you feeling today, Acci?”

“Leave me alone, oldie. Mind your own.” She was getting tired of everyone trying to pry into her head.

“You were right about her being rough,” the girl said. She turned her seat toward her . With this view, Acci could see that her skin wasn't the only thing unusual about her. Her mostly black hair was longer on the left side than the right, her white shirt dripped with red and yellow stripes and was kept from falling off her shoulder thanks to two pink shoulder straps and her skirt was pretty sky blue with even jagged edges.

Finally a real Nyx from the city like me. The thought of having someone like her in the strange town eased her headache.

“I'm Precious, Mrs. Mary's gran-daughter. It's nice to finally meet you.” Precious said.

“And I'm her brother,Jameson. Welcome to Stone, ” Jameson continued.

“What's a brother and a gran-daughter? Uhh. My stomach.” She felt a rumble went through her stomach. “Do you have any more of dat sweet bread?” Angeline stood up and walked toward the table.

“Well gran-daughter means that I'm the child of her child and brother means that he's related to me because we have the same father, and I'm his sister. Why don't you... Oh right, they don't have families where you come from,” Precious said.

“What does that mean? So they're like orphans? How does that work?” Jameson asked.

“They all live in a big house as children until their old enough to leave,”

“I don't know where you heard dat,” Acci said, taking a big chunk of the sweet bread from Precious. “Never lived in a Child's Place.”

“Oh. It's just that Cryer told me that Nyx lived in there,”Precious said.

Acci stuffed more bread in her mouth. She hated the way they were staring at her. They all had this same pitiful look that everyone seemed to give her. She could handle confusion, embraced arousal, adored fear, but hated pity. She wasn't a weakling like Cryer and wasn't going to stay there while they treat her like it.

“Well I'm not him. They paid my dad to take care of me like that Ben guy paid her to take us in. Now where are my clothes, oldie?” she demanded.

“I know it may be hard for you to believe, but no one's paying me to keep you here. I did it to help you, and that's it. But if you want you're clothes they're on that chair over there,” Mrs. Mary said

So I'm her slave then. I'll break her if she forces me in anythin. When she went over to the chair, she noticed that the clothes were different.

“What are these?” The skirt looked like a shorted version of Precious's skirt, and the shirt was the same length as her old one but this one looked new.

“Those are your clothes. The skirt was falling, so I patched it up, but then I got a little carried away with everything else, sorry. Are you mad?” Precious asked. Now she was giving her the cautious expression Acci understood.

She wasn't. Though it was the same bland color, it looked fantastic, but her amazement quickly turned to confusion then suspicion. Why'd she do this? I didn't do anythin for her. She shook the clothes vigorously, looking for spikes, thorns, hidden messages or items, anything that would explain her seeming to help her for free.

“Why'd you do dis? I'm not doin anythin foe you. I'm keepin it,” Acci said, believing she squashed any deals Precious was trying to drag her into.

“That's fine. I don't want anything from you,” Precious said.

“Dat makes no sense. Stop lyin.” She said, putting her hand on the sides of the shirt and lifting it over her head. Throwing the shirt to the side and put on her boots and new clothes that fit her nicely.

“Can you at least warn us before you change?” Precious removed her hand from a confused Jameson's eyes. “And I wasn't lying. Why are you so-”

Mrs. Mary put her hand on her hand, and Precious took a deep breath.

“What are you gonna say? Forget it. I'm goin out. By the way, where's the Pearlie girl.”

“Angeline? She's in the other room. Precious wanted her to try on some clothes, but she has been in there for a long time. Angeline! Are you alright?”Mrs. Mary asked.

Angeline came out from the room, holding clothes in her arm. “I am sorry. I did not want to interrupt your conversation.”

“That's fine. Did the clothes fit you?” Mrs. Mary asked.

“They did. Thank you for making them for me, Precious.” Angeline put the clothes on the mat and approached the table. She did not look as impressed about Precious's work as Acci was and Acci wondered if Precious was being truthful about giving the clothes for free, quickly dismissed it. Everyone had a price, and she needed to figure out what it was.

“I'm glad you like it. That was just sitting in my closet-”

Then they heard a knock from the door. “Mrs. Mary. It's Cryer.” said Cryer's voice. Mrs. Mary got up and opened the door. “Cryer. Twice in one week. You must have a lot of free time on your hands.”

“Yeah. I'm wanted to if the girls didn't mind meeting some of my friends. They said that they hadn't gotten to meet them since they arrived. Oh... hi Prec.” He waved weakly to Precious and Jameson.

“Hi Cry! Where's that stone you said get me last week?” Jameson said

“Hey Cryer. Oh yeah. You do owe him that stone,” she laughed. Cryer started looking down at his fingers.

“I'll bring it next time I'm around your house. Angeline, do you want to come? Acci, you can come too if you want to.” His voice trailed off.

“Sure. I would not mind going with you,” Angeline said.

“Don't have anythin betta to do. This betta not be boring.” Acci shoved him away the door and walked out the door. Angeline and Cryer followed behind. They said goodbye to them, but she kept walking along. She hoped that whoever Cryer was talking about would be a better match for her than Precious or Cryer. From her observation, Angeline was eager to please and would do anything to keep anyone from being mad at, so Acci could control her until someone better came along.

Cryer waved to a group of Pearlie girls standing in the street. When they turned around, Acci saw Sebastian was in the group. The longer haired one turned around and approached them with Sebastian following behind her, scanning them cautiously

“Hey Cry! So these are the new girls in town,” she said. She turned to Angeline first, like Acci expected. “It's nice to meet you. I'm Catherine. Over there is Ashley and Caroline.”

“Hello.” Ashley and Caroline said to her

“It is nice to meet you all too. I am Angeline.” Angeline said and then she turned to Sebastian. “It is nice to see you again, Sebastian.” His face loosened into a weak smile.

“Nice to see you too,” he said. Catherine briefly gritted her teeth as she looked at him in the corner of her eyes, but she stopped and turned to Acci.

“Then you must be Acci. It's nice to me you.” She held out her hand towards her, but Acci didn't take it since she had no idea what she wanted from her. Sebastian grabbed her other hand and slightly tugged her away, leading her to glare at him.

“What's your problem?” she whispered harshly to him.

He mumbled an angry reply, but Acci could guess it had to do with him thinking she was some kind of wild dog that would pounce on her if she got too close. She pulled her arm back and turned back to her. Her twirling skirt caught Acci attention because she saw a sliver of pink on her pale thigh.

“Sorry about that. Are you enjoying the town? Catherine asked.

“It's kinda borin here. Anyway what's dat on your leg?” Acci said, pointing to her thigh.

“What? Is there something on your skirt.” She pulled out her skirt far enough for Acci to see part of the red mark again.

“No. On your leg. Look.” Acci grabbed her skirt and lifted it high enough to see her shorts. She could see that the pink mark turned reddish as it travelled up her thigh.

“What is dat? Some kinda paint,” Acci asked before a horrified Catherine pulled her skirt away, and she buried her face in Sebastian's shirt. Acci saw that everyone's expressions ranged from shocked to horrified except Sebastian, whose nostrils flaired with anger. Acci started reaching down into her boot for a metal sliver when Cryer came between them.

“She didn't mean anything by that. She's still not used to the people here.” Cryer gave them the widest fake smile Acci's ever seen, but somehow it calmed everyone down except for Sebastian. Catherine moved away from him and gave them a forced smile.

“That's all right. Accidents happen,” she said.

“They sure do,” Sebastian said, looking at Acci.

Acci's muscles tightened. Her stomach bubbling with hot rage. So he think he can make fun of me. No one ever makes that joke about her without being punished. She was about to pull out her sliver when the delicious scent of cooked meat tickled her nose. The smell captured the attention of the others too as they looked to the right. Acci saw a man with a wooden cart was giving away some kind of stick to people passing by.

“Hey. The Rabbit Sticks are back. Why don't I get everyone a stick,” Cryer said, breaking the tension.

“I'm fine. We had some yesterday, and I'm still kinda full from lunch today,” Catherine said.

“Same here,” said Ashley.

“Yeah. I'm kinda full too,” said Caroline, obviously avoiding Acci's eyes.

“I guess I could eat,” Sebastian said.

“Then, I'll see you all later. Bye Seba.” She kissed Sebastian on the mouth and went to the other girls. While Acci tried to hold herself together, Cryer led the way to the cart.

“Cryer! Sebastian! It's nice to see you again. Who are these girls?” the short, Onyx man asked.

“These are the new girls in town, Angeline and Acci.” Cryer pointed to them.

“It is nice to meet you sir.” Angeline said. Acci wasn't paying attention. The meat smell was over powering. She wiped away a stray drop of drool from her chin.

“For the new girls, the first stick is free,”He opened the cart and pulled out two small chunks of brown meat, skewered each of them on wooden stick and gave them to Angeline and Acci. Acci sank her teeth into the tender, warm flesh and felt her anger subside as its juice slide down her throat. It was the best meat she ever had and savored every bite. However, Angeline, who decided to sit beside, was ruining the moment.

“Mmmmh! This is delicious! I like it even more than the sweet bread!” Acci squealed.

“I'm glad you like it,” Cryer said, watching the cart man leave. “How is it for you, Sebastian”

“It's pretty good,” said Sebastian, standing close to Cryer.

“The food here is so wonderful! I wish I had known regular vegetables tasted so good,” Angeline said. Acci almost spit out her food. Vegetable? Vegetables. She held her sides together as she burst out in loud, uncontrollable laughter.

“Ha ha ha! You really are stupid. Vegetables. Ha ha ha!”

“Oh. I'm sorry,” Angeline said witb flushed cheeks. “Is it fruit?”

“Fruit? Hahaha!” Acci wiped tear from her eye.

“It's fine. You haven't been hear long enough to know,” Cryer said.

“Shut up! You're laugh is so annoying,”said Sebastian.

“Who says you have to listen, Nxy boy,” Acci responded. “Any way Angie, its an animal not a fruit.”

It did not seem that she understood as she gave her blank expression.

“I don't understand... Does the animal make it?” she asked.

“No. Its their body.”

“I'm sorry. I still don't understand. How could I be eating their body?”

“Because its dead, idiot! You're eating the dead body of an animal.”

Angeline's eyes grew wide in horror as she looked at the leftover meat lump on her skewer.

“Ahhhh!” she screamed. “No no no!” She started yelling and coughing loudly while punching her stomach.

“Calm down! It's just a little meat! Just stop!” Sebastian shook her Angeline's shoulders. When she quieted down, he looked at Acci. “Look what you've done, you crazy bitch!”

“Not my fault she stupid.” She walked up to Angeline and pulled the skewer out of her hand. “You're not gonna need dis right?”

Angeline shook her head, and Sebastian moved her to Cryer.

“Don't know what your problem is. It's just meat,” Acci said with a mouth full of Angeline's rabbit.

“I'm going. The sooner I get away from this bitch the better. Cryer, don't bring me along if your inviting her,” Sebastian said to Cryer.

“What's wrong Seba? You afraid me?” Acci flicked her skewers at his chest.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and started walking away, resurrecting Acci's earlier rage. “Afraid of you? Don't make me laugh. The only thing dangerous about you is that mouth of yours.”

“We'll see about that,” She said as she quickly wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck, pulling him backwards

He dug his nails into her skin as he tried to pry her arms away but she held on even as he twisted back and forth.

“Acci, let him go!” She heard Cryer yell, but she was not listening.

The grumbling coughs leaking from Sebastian's mouth sent warm waves of energy running through her body. C'mon! Go to da ground. Suddenly, he lifted his back up, loosing her grip just enough for him to pull them off. She stepped back and directed her fist to his chest. He caught it just in time and grabbed he other fist as it came near his stomach. As her knee lifted up, he twisted her around, holding her arms back.

“Awww!” Acci yelled as he pulled her arms together.

“Are you gonna stop acting like a baby and calm down?” Sebastian demanded.

“Why don't you? Aww!” She starting kicking back, but she missed and receive a painful kick in the back of her knees. Damnit! Break out of dis! She pulled her arms as hard as she could but they didn't budge. She cursed herself for not thinking to bring out her sliver when she had the chance. He was a better fighter than he looked.

“I think she's had enough,” Cryer said.

“She has to learn that she can't pull this kinda shit every time!” he yelled. She felt his push slacken a bit, giving her enough time to twist her neck and chest towards his face. She suck in her breath and before he had time to painful twist her neck around far enough, she let out a wet, gooey glob of spit that hit him in the eyes.

“Eww! What the hell!” His loosened her grip allowed her to break out of it.

She turned around and gave him a strong kick to his groin, sending him to the ground like a collapsing building. She prepared to kick his face in when two arms locked around hers.

“Let me go! Let me go!” she floundered and kicked around like a fish out of water.

Cryer's voice came from behind her. “I'm really sorry about this.” She heard him whisper some words as she tried to break free. He suddenly let her go, but she did not move. She could not move. Her arms and legs felt like concrete slabs as she fell to her knees.

“Owww!” Sebastian said as Cryer helped him up. “That's the last time I'm any where near her.” He walked away from them with a slight limp.

Acci managed to stand up again though her limbs still felt like jelly, and Angeline looked like she was on the verge of passing out. It's happened again.They're doin somethin to me. I know it. They're doin somethin to me!

Cryer took a deep breath and said, “It's been... a hard day for all of us. Let's go back to Ms. Mary's-”

“What you do to me!” Acci screeched.

“What do you me?” Cryer said nervously

“You know what!” Acci tried to walk towards him, but she buckled with every step. “Three times! You say some weird words den I freeze or sleep or somethin! What are you doin!”

Cryer stepped away from her and went next to Angeline. “I don't know what you mean.” he said, looking down at his fingers. “I'll talk you to later. I think I should take Angeline home. Right, Angeline?”

She shook her head languidly to his relief. “Great! I think you should go back with us if you want.”

“I'm not goin anywhere wit you!” Acci said. She turned the other way and walked off. Her energy rose with every step and so did her anger.

Can't take it anymore! Dis place ain't shit! I'm gonna smash they're pretty little faces in. Ben, Sebastian, Cryer, Missus Mary, Precious and dat kid and even dat idiot Angie too. Den I'm gonna take dat motorbike!

“I saw what you did back there.”

She looked to the right and saw a young Nyx man leaning on the wall.

“I got no more time for any you fools,” she replied as she walked on.

“I see. You're tired of dealing with all the shit Ben and his two little slaves have been saying about our town,” he said. “I knew a would Pearlie took it all in, but I knew you can see past all their fake smiles.”

He now had her attention. He's not like the others here. She took some time to look him over. And kinda cute. He was tall and his tight shirt revealed his tight chest muscles.

“I'll show you the real side of Stone. Unless you want to follow them and become their well behaved puppet,”

He pulled a long cloth bag out of the satchel he was carrying and gave it to her. She could smell the sweet scent of Juice on the fabric.

“Ok. Let's see if you're not just talk, ponytail,” she said.

“Ponytail, Huh?” He ran his finger through the tips of his long, white streaked. “That's a good one. They call me Valor, but I go by Val.”

 She looked him over a second time. Maybe he's da one I' been needin “Ok, Val. I guess... What do dey say when people meet... It's nice to meet you.”

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