Detective Conan x reader

By AnimationLover129

93.6K 3.4K 1.1K

You (Y/N) are a detective who is just as good as Shinichi Kudo and you are a friend of Ran Mouri. You aren't... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 2 part 2
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Christmas special
Telling him about (Y/N)'s past
Episode 8/Special?
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11 Part 1
Episode 11 Part 2
Episode 11 Part 3
Episode 11 Part 4
Episode 11 Part 5
Episode 11 Part 6
Episode 11 Part 7
Episode 11 Part 8
Episode 11 Part 9
Episode 11 Part 10
Episode 11 Part 11
Episode 11 Part 12
Special, kind of. Probs counts as a One Shot

Episode 3

5.7K 189 60
By AnimationLover129

The alarm went off in the morning and light shone inside through the curtains.

You and Conan were sharing a bed in the guest room in your now new home.

At first you had to convince him that it was okay to share a bed, because he wasn't used to being a child yet, and that he didn't want to sleep with a girl.

You had to share a bed because there weren't any other beds in the house, and Ran thought that it would be okay because you were children.

Conan stopped the alarm clock and sat up. He saw that you weren't awake and had to shake you until you woke up.

You got out off the bed and went to the bathroom first.

It's been three days since you and Shinichi had your body shrunk. You're still not that used to it yet.

When you and Conan were done you went downstairs to go and eat breakfast, but you nor Conan could reach the doorhandle. When you and Conan finally opened the door you saw Kogoro drinking beer and watching the small box TV on his desk.

"Wow! Yoko-chan! So cute" Kogoro shouted and hugged the TV.

You and Conan sweatdropped looking at him hugging the TV.

  *** (timeskip) ***

You and Conan were sitting next to eachother in class and was bored to death. The class was multiplying low numbers and that was just to easy for you and Conan.

"3 x 2?" asked the teacher.

"6!" yelled the class.

Conan groaned and almost slammed his head on the desk making you snicker at him in amusement.

  *** (another timeskip) ***

The schoolbell rang and you and Conan were walking together to the gates.

"So, what did you think about going to Elementry school again?" you asked Conan.

"It's so boring. Everything is just to easy. Wish I could go to high school again and at least get some challenges with learning" he groaned.

"I know it's easy, but at least I get to have a normal childhood for now. I think I can call it that." you said looking up at the sky.

He stopped and looked at you making you stop.

"What do you mean with that you could have a normal childhood now?" he asked.

"Ops.. I said to much" you thought. "Um.. Nothing. Just pretend that you didn't hear it, please."

"No. What do you mean by that?" he asked more serious.

"Um.." you looked around trying to think of something.

Then you sighed, you couldn't find anthing to say that he would believe.

Just when you were about to open your mouth to tell him some kids came to you.

"I'm saved for now" you thought relieved.

(*You name will now be changed from (F/N) to (Y/N) as I find it easier and less confusing. If your supposed real name is mentioned then it will be as (R/N)*)

"Shall we walk together, Conan-kun, (Y/N)-chan?" the girl asked.

Conan gave you a look that said that he wasn't done then turned to the girl.

"You two just transfered here, so you must be scared. We will be your friends!" cheered the girl.

"No, I think there's no need..." Conan began then was interupted by one of the boys.

"Hey, you!" the fat boy shouted. "Do you dare not obey Ayumi-chan?"

"Don't be so rough, Genta-kun" the other boy said.

"Shut up! You are talking rubbish, Mitsuhiko!"

"Don't be like that, Genta-kun" Ayumi-chan said to him.

You were just standing next to Conan watching.

"Um. We've got something to do, bye!" Conan said , grabbed your hand and ran off.

  *** (timeskip) ***

You and Conan were now sitting on the couch at Agasa's house.

"Looking at the situation now, there is no way we can find those men in black." said Conan with a sigh.

"Be patient, Shinichi" Agasa said. "If you're hasty and they find out that you're Kudo Shinichi, then what will happend?"

You nodded and looked at Conan.

"I know!" he said and folded his arms. "Not only me, but the people around me would be in danger too!"

"That's right!" Agasa said and turned from what he was doing to you guys. "Ran-kun came here yesterday and asked about you two."

"Ran did?" you asked looking up.

You then looked down on the floor sad, you didn't want to worry Ran so much. She was your first real friend and you would do anything for her as thanks, but this wasn't it.

"I told her that you guys probably were at another case and had to go for a while" he explained. "I don't know how long that excuse will last."

You and Conan were sad not knowing what to do about her.

"Oh, that's right" Agasa suddenly said and ran somewhere.

"Huh?" you looked up and he came back two bowties.

"I made somthing special which will be very useful in your investigations." he said and gave Conan a red bowtie and you a (F/C) one. "It is a voice changing bowtie!"

"Voice changing?" Conan asked and took his bowtie.

"Just rotate the dial inside to alter the pitch and frequency of your voice!" he explained. "No matter if it's old or young, male or female, you can speak a variety of voices!"

"But, in that deserted detective agency, there is no way we'll get to use it" said Conan after trying it.

"But you never know" you said and tied the bow to your (H/C) hair.

  *** (timeskip) ***

You were sitting on the couch reading a book, but wasn't able to consentrate because Kogoro was shouting and cheering in front of the TV watching Yoko.

"Why do you like Yoko-chan so much?" you asked Kogoro closing the book.

"Why? She is someone perfect! Who could not like someone like her. I wish I could meet her one day!" he said with a dreamy look.

"Maybe you're able to meet her then if you like her so much" you smiled to him.

Then the door bell rang and Kogoro walked to the door with a grumpy look on his face. You laid down the book on the table and turned to see who was at the door.

"Mouri's detective agency is closed today." you heard him say then you saw him freeze mid move.

At first you didn't understand and just watched confused.

"You are.. would you be..." Kogoro asked shocked making you tilt your head confused. "Okino Yoko?!"

"What? Did i jinx it?" you wondered to yourself and sweatdropped.

"Yes" Yoko said with a nod.

"It can't be, why would an idol come to our house?" Ran asked as she and Conan came into the room.

"The truth is, I have a problem" Yoko said.

You walked beside Conan to get a better view of her. Then Kogoro suddenly spun around, gave you a tight hug and ran to the bathroom.

Conan looked at you all lost and confused.

"Let's just say that I jinx it." you said to him then Kogoro came out from the bathroom all dressed.

"Miss, it seems that you are in distress." Kogoro said posing and holding a random rose.

"Yes" said Yoko with us giving him a wierd look.

"Who do you think you are?" Conan asked out loud.

You let out a small giggle and Conan looked at you then at the ground. Again you shrugged it off like last time.

  *** (small timeskip) ***

"What did you say?!" Kogoro shouted. "Someone is stalking you?!"

"Everytime I return home, my furniture arrangment has changed, and I've received many strange photos." she explained. "I've also received many calls everyday with no one speaking."

"How could someone do something like that to Yoko-san?!" he shouted angry.

"If it's possible, could you investigate it secretly?" tha man behind Yoko asked.

"Who are you?" asked Kogoro making you sweatdropp.

"You're supossed to be a detective and you don't even realise that he is here until now?" you thought with a sigh.

"I'm her manager, Yamagashi" he answered and handed him his buisiness card.

"Manager?" he asked. "I understand, I will investigate it secretly."

"So then, write your address and phone number over here." he said and gave some papers to them.

"Yes" she said and took the pencil.

"And after that, please sign here. Don't forget to write it out to me" he said with a weird smile.

You shook your head at him and saw Conan facepalm quietly to himself.

She signed the papers and gave them back to him.

"Since you've hired the great detective Kogoro Mouri for this job, there should be no problem at all." he said and guided her to the door.

"Can we go too? I've always wanted to see what an idol's room is like!" Ran asked.

"Yeah me too!" you said and nodded.

"You must not get in the way of my work, understand?" he said.

"Yes!" Ran said.

  *** (timeskip) ***

"So this is it?" Kogoro shouted when he saw the building. "No wonder Yoko-san lives here!"

"Don't talk so loudly!" panicked Yamagashi and hushed him. "Her place here is a secret!"

"Is it on the 25th floor?" Kogoro asked when they went inside.

What none of you knew was that the children from the school was in the trunk of the car and snuck after you.

"This is great!" beamed Ran.

"Yeah, what a beautiful view" you said looking out the window while Yoko unlocked the door.

"Come, please come in" she said opening the door.

You turned around when you heard Yoko scream.

"What's wrong" you asked and ran to her.

The kids came and looked inside the door and scream.

"You guys!" shouted Conan at the kids.

Everyone else gasped when they saw the dead body of a man inside the room.

  *** (small timeskip) ***

"Is everyone alright?" Ran asked the kids who now sat on the ground.

"Really?" said Conan and gave them a bored look.

"Shinichi!" you whisper-yelled at him with a nudge.

"What?" he asked.

You just shook your head and walked over to Kogoro. It didn't seem like he minded you so much, but it came to Conan he could get really mad.

"Is that so?" the police inspector asked Yoko. "So, when you returned here, this man was already dead, right?"

"Yes" she answered.

"At that time, who was with you?" the inspector asked.

"It's me, Kogoro Mouri, Inspector Megure!" he said excitied.

"Really, why does it have to be him?" Inspector Megure asked himself quietly so no one would hear him.

"Oh! I still remeber the good old days when we investigated cases together, Inspector!" Kogoro said. "Those days were memorable."

"So he worked at the police before. Why doesn't he now?" you asked yourself.

"Yes! Back then, thanks to you, the cases got more difficult as we investigated futher."

"Makes sense" you sweatdropped.

"By the way, it is quite hot in here." Inspector Megure pointed out. "Is the heater always on that high?"

"No, when I went out, I'm sure I switched it off." said Yoko.

"That is strange" he said.

You saw Conan investigateing the body and walked over.

"That isn't the only strange thing, Inspector." Conan said out loud. "Although it's not obvious, there are dried watermarks around the corpse."

"Also that chair in the middel of the messy room, only that chair is still standing." you continued for him.

"The heater is set to very high. Was that a trick done to mask the true time of death?" Conan asked mostly himeself.

You coughted into you hand to get his attention.

That made him look up to see that inspector Megure and Kogoro stood behind him.

Conan gave a nervous laugh to them.

"You shouldn't say silly words. Children can sometimes ruin things!" he said and pointed at you.

"That includes you" Kogoro said and hit him on the head and you shook your head.

"Be more careful" you said to him when the others walked away.

"Sorry I'm just not used to this yet" he whinned and held his head.

"Is the cause of death known yet?" Inspector Megure asked the forensics who examined the body.

"Yes, the fatal wound was caused by the knife at his back" one of them said.

"Is that knife yours?" Inspector Megure asked Yoko.

"Yes" she nodded.

"Are you suspecting Yoko?" Yamagashi asked.

"Have you ever seen the victim before?" Inspector Megure asked ignoring his question.

"We need to be closer, to get a better look" Yamagashi said.

They closer, then Yamagashi slipped and fell, but you and Conan saw that he grabbed something. Then he fell back and looked scared.

"Have you seen him before?" he asked again.

"Sorry we don't recognize this person" he answered. "Right, Yoko?"

"Yeah" she said, but hesitated a little.

You saw something fall from Yamagshi's hand and you nodded to Conan. He nodded back and ran to the thing and set his foot over it. He made some noise so everyone turned to him.

"It's nothing." he said and when everyone turned again he dragged his foot with the thing underneath.

"What is it?" you asked him.

"A single hair?" he asked and picked the hair straw up. "Why would the manager want to hide this hair?"

"Could the murderer of this case really be..?" you asked him.

"We don't know yet, without evidence." he said to you.

You nodded and walked back to the others.

"Usually, when a person is killed inside a sealed room, the criminal tends to be the owner of the room." Inspector Megure said.

"How can that be? How can I kill someone?" asked Yoko.

"Yeah, Inspector Megure, you can't make any conclusions this early!" Kogoro said defending her.

"Do you have any spare keys for your home?" you asked.

"Yeah, yeah" Ayumi-chan said.

"My home also have one" Mitsuhiko said.

"Stop it. You guys are to loud!" Ran said to you guys.

"That... I did make a spare set for my manager." Yoko said.

"I know who did it now!" Kogoro said. "Yamagishi, you are the criminal!"

"Yamagashi, you must have been dumped by Yoko-san, and so you wanted revenge." Kogoro began.

"Hey, hey. What evidence do you have to say that Yoko is innocent?" Inspector Megure asked.

"Yoko-san is so cute and is kind to eveyone, how can she be the murderer?!" he said.

"Ah.. really?" he asked.

"Really?" you sweatdropped.

"Baka (Idiot)" said Conan.

"I did have the spare key, but I lost it 2-3 days ago." said Yamagishi.

"Don't lie!" Kogoro said not believing him.

"I'm not lying! In the break room of the TV company..."

"I also know this. What he's saying is true!" said Yoko defending him.

You saw Conan walking around the room and when he got to the couch it looked like he found something.

"Hey, hey. Inspector, there's something under the sofa.." Conan said.

"Kid, get lost" Kogoro said mad and you walked over.

"What did you find?" you asked him.

"There is an earing under the sofa, but everyone think I'm troublesome so no one will listen to me"

"Try using the voice changer bowtie Agasa-hakase gave us" you said.

"I see. Good idea." he said and walked behind the sofa and dialed a man's voice.

"Inspector! There is something under the sofa!" Conan said with a random man's voice.

He kneeled down by the sofa. "This is.." he picked it and stood up "an earing!"

"That's Yuuko-san's" Yoko said when she saw the earning.


"She became a star at around the same time as me. Her name is Ikezawa Yuuko."

"Right! Because Yoko got to be the main actress in the long drama, Yuuko hated her" Yamagashi stated.

"I know it this time!" yelled Kogoro. "The criminal is Ikezawa Yuuko! Go and arrest her! Isn't that right Inspector?"

"Ah... Treat her as one of the suspects, and take her to the police station" inspector Megure said to the police officers. "No, bring her here instead."

"The evidence has been gathered. The next step is to put it all together." Conan said quietly to you. You nodded and began thinking.

  *** (timeskip) ***

"Stop joking!" shouted Yuuko. "The murder happend in Yoko's room, so you should suspect Yoko, right?"

"Yuuko-san?" said Yoko slowly.

"This is the first time I've been here, so it's got nothing to do with me!"

"If it's like that, why is this thing here?" Kogoro asked and held out the earrning inside a plastic bag.

"I thought I lost it somewhere! So it is here!" Yuuko-san said.

"It's not only the earrning, the security guard said that he saw a person that looked like you came in here before!"

"That person just looked like me, but it was not me." Yuuko said. "Sorry, let me use the toilet."

"Wait! I haven't finished talking yet!" Kogoro yelled after her.

"You're annoying! Base on that earring, you are treating me like a criminal!" Yuuko yelled back. "I am very busy!"

"Oh! Of course I'm not as busy as the famous Yoko-san!" she said and walked to Yoko. "But if the press knew this, then your popularity will go down. And maybe then you'll have a lot of free time"

"You witch, how dare you say that to Yoko-san?!" Kogoro yelled at her.

"She and Yoko-chan look exactly the same from behind. And how did she..." you thought to yourself.

"Hey uncles!" Conan said.

"You annoying kid!" Kogoro yelled at him then Ayumi came forward and kicked him for yelling at Conan.

"Hey, you!" Kogoro yelled and chased after Ayumi-chan.

"You shouldn't disturb them, Conan-kun" Ran said and kneeled down. "If Shinichi and (R/N) were here, they would solve this easily. Where are they?"

"They'll definitely return soon." Conan said and turned toward Ran. "So don't worry!"

"We're guessing" you said to Ran with a smile and walked over.

You gave Conan a small stare for not being careful.

"Ok! How many times do I need to say it before you'll undetstand?" yelled Yuuko. "I've told you that I haven't been here before!"

She grabbed a mini statue of the statue of liberty that happened to be a lighter and used it on her cigarette.

"Wow! That's a peculiar lighter!" Conan shouted. "Onee-chan, if you haven't been here before, how did you know this was a ligther?"

Everyone was shocked by his question and looked at a stunned Yuuko.

"That's right, how did you know?" asked Inspector Megure.

"My friend has a familiar one" slowly said Yuuko.

"Where's your friend then?"

"That is..."

"Where is the toilet? This is my first time here, so I don't know." you asked Yoko.

"Eh. It's down the hall." answered Yoko making everyone realise.

"Right, you even knew where the toilet was!" Kogoro said nearing Yuuko. "This means that, Ikezawa Yuuko, you are the murderer!"

"You wanted to frame Yoko-san, so you killed that man in this room!" Kogoro said.

"No! No! I didn't kill him!" yelled Yuuko. "That man suddenly attacked me, I just fought back."

"I did come here a few times. I used the key I stole from the break room." she explained "I was looking for some evidence to start a scandal. But, when I came here this afternoon, that man followed me in. At that time, I used up all my strenght against him and eventually escaped."

"And because of that you killed him!" Kogoro said not really believeing her.

"I said I didn't kill him!"

"Inspector!" a police officer yelled. "The dead man has been identified. Fujie Akijoshi, 22 years old, gradutated from Kounan high school, and he worked in Kakubeni Industry."

"Kounan high school?" Kogoro asked. "Yoko-san also went to that high school."

"That's just a coincidence! Right? Yoko!" Yamagashi said.

"I.. I.. know him!" Yoko said out loud.

"Huh?!" everyone yelled shocked.

"I don't only know that person, he was my boyfriend when I was in high school!" Yoko explained.

"What did you say?!"

"Yoko!" Yamagashi yelled.

"Sorry, Yamagashi-san, but I can't hide it anymore!"

"Would it be that you wanted to end your past relationship with him?" Inspector Megure asked.

"No! He was the one that wanted to split up, not me!"

"Who? Who is the murderer?" you asked yourself and looked between the suspects.

You walked over to Conan to talk about the case, but found him staring at the floor.

"What is it?" you asked him.

"There is a dent on the floor." he said.

"Wait! The room is very messy, and the chair is still standing upright..." you said.

"Also the temprature in this room is way too high." Conan continued. "Around the corpse on the floorboard, there were watermarks..."

"That's it!" you and Conan said quietly toghether.

"The culprit is.. You, Yamagashi!" Kogoro began. "If this thing is exposed to the public, Yoko-san's reputation would be ruined. So you thought of him as an enemy."

He lit his cigarette and continued telling his theory.

"At that time, you bumped into him while he was tresspasing, and you killed him!"

"No, Yamagashi is not the murderer!" you thought. "We have to do something!"

You looked at Conan and he was already on to something. He kicked an ashtray, aiming to hit Kogoro, but hit Genta instead.

"Oh no!"

The ashtray hit the wall and bounced back and knocked Kogoro unconscious, he fell backwards and onto a chair. Conan was behind the chair and dialed Kogoro's voice into his bowtie.

"The truth isn't like that." Kogoro-Conan said.

"Yamagishi, if you were the murderer and wanted us to find the corpse, you would have asked me to investigate, and then prepared some evidence proving your innocent" Kogoro-Conan explained. "Yoko-san, the same goes for you. This is because the first person to be suspected is the owner."

"Then the murderer is... Ikezawa Yuuko!?" yelled Inspector Megure.

"What?" yelled Yuuko.

"No, it isn't her either! If the criminal killed someone by mistake, she wouldn't have said she met that man before"

"But, what you said..." Inspector Megure began.

"This is only a psychological guess. There is no direct evidence proving that any of these people are the criminal." Kogoro-Conan explained. "But, there are many other pieces of evidence that can prove otherwise! Yamgishi, you pretended to fall and took the chance to take the hair from the corpse's hand."

"What?! So you are the criminal?!" Inspector Megure yelled.

"It's not him" Kogoro-Conan said. "The person who was stabbed at the back was holding on to the murederer's hair. Don't you think that's suspicous?"

"Now that you mention it..." Inspector Megure said.

"The criminal's plan was to make people believe she did it!" Kogoro-Conan continued. "It was to make Yoko-san seem guilty of the crime!"

"A scheme to make people believe she did it! Would that mean?"

"That's right. The criminal is... Fujie-san himself!"

"A suicide!"

"Impossible! How can you stab yourself?!" asked Inspector Megure.

"This was an easy trick! After setting the heather too a high temprature and taking some hair from Yoko-san's comb, he stands on the chair." Kogoro-Conan explains. "He then aims his back at the knife that's embedded on an ice block! Near the body, on the floor, is a dent made by the knife. The ice would soon melt afterwards"

When he explained you showed him to the dent on the floor.

"But, isn't Fujie's plan a little bit too extreme?" you asked as a plan for the deduction.

"Are you talking about the tuft of hair? Yamagishi, who found the hair, thought Yoko-san killed him. So he secretly hid it."

"But, why did Fujie-kun do such a thing?" asked Yoko.

"I guess, because he was still very much in love with you." Kogoro-Conan said. "Didn't you notice? Since you and Yuuko-san look so familiar from behind, he mistook Yuuko-san for Yoko-san and approached. No, he only wanted to talk. But, Fujie-san, who thought Yuuko-san was Yoko-san, was very shocked when Yuuko-san fought back so vigorously."

Kogoro-Conan continued "He was hoping he could win back her love. In the end he felt hopeless."

"But, he left me! Why?" pleaded Yoko.

"You're wrong Yoko."sighed Yamagishi. "The truth is... I asked him to break up with you."

"How.. How could.." asked Yoko shocked.


"What is it?"

"In the deceased's house, we found a diary!" the police officer said.


Inside the dairy, he says that he's unhappy. After they split up, he couldn't forget about Yoko. Even if he was to ruin Yoko's caree, he wanted to have her back. Lastly he said... 'I need to at least clear up the misunderstanding... or I won't be able to live'. This is the last line in the diary.

"So, all because of a lie, misunderstanding and a coincidence, that this became a sad ending..." Inspector Megure said when he closed the diary.

Then Kogoro woke up because of the ash from the cigarette fell on his lap.

"Mouri-kun! It's just like your deduction!" he said. "My opinion of you is starting to change, great detective!"

"Good job!" you said to Conan behind the chair.

"Thanks, but now I'm tired" he sighed and leaned onto the chair.

Ran stood at the side, and looked at you, but didn't seem hear what you said.

  *** (timeskip) ***

"She is really strong" Ran said looking on the big screen on the building outside while holding your and Conan's hand. "After what happend to her, she could still brace herself up"

"It was a really sad case." you said then looked up at Ran and saw her crying.

"If it was me, I couldn't. I can't be as strong as Yoko-san." Ran said. "Shinichi and (R/N) hasn't been here for a few days, and I couldn't sleep. I'm really useless"

"Don't say that. I can see that you're strong, just hold on!" you said to her.

"Yeah, yeah!" nodded Conan.

"Thanks (Y/N)-chan, Conan-kun" she smiled to you. "Let's get home now"

  *** (timeskip) ***

You and Conan stood outside in a telefon box and called Ran.

"Ran, it's me! And (R/N)'s here too! Hello?" Conan said using his bowtie to talk in Shinichi's voice.

"Shinichi!?" you could hear Ran yell.

"Ran, we were wondering if you were be worried about us. So we were worried that you would cry."

"Where are you guys now?" asked Ran.

"Someone asked us to handel a difficult case" you said in the phone when you took it from Conan and used you original voice.


"When we're done with the case we'll come back as fast as possible, so don't worry about us."

You three continued talking together until you guys had to leave. You and Conan felt sad about worrying Ran so much, but this was as much you two could do.


Word Count; 4468

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