Mistakes and Regrets [Complet...

By Myouispeng

18.4K 572 204

Sana's been cheating on Tzuyu. Tzuyu knew it but still decided to keep loving Sana. But once she was slapped... More

Not Everything Changes
I Still Love You
Unplanned Ending
Fancy You


3.7K 105 33
By Myouispeng

The sound of the doorbell woke Tzuyu up from her sleep. She had fallen asleep on the couch while waiting for her girlfriend to come home.

Tzuyu checked the clock before standing up. "4:35 A.M, at least she came home" Tzuyu sighed as she opened the door.

The moment she opened the door, her heart had fallen to pieces yet again once she saw a girl helping out her obviously drunk girlfriend to stand.

Sana is undeniably drunk and Tzuyu can only guess that Sana went to the bar again once she saw the visible hickeys on her neck as well as the reeking smell of alcohol coming from her girlfriend.

"Oh hey, Sana was too drunk to handle herself so I brought her here because she said that this is where she lives. Are you her sister?" the girl with Sana asked Tzuyu, unaware of their relationship.

What the girl had said made Tzuyu's ear irked up in annoyance and her face slightly turning into a shade of red.

"I'm not her sister. I'm her girlfriend." Tzuyu sternly stated that caused the girl to widen her eyes in shock.

"G-girlfriend? But Sana said that she doesn't have one." The girl said, obviously confused.

"Well now you know that she does. Thank you for bringing her home, you can go now. I can handle my girlfriend myself." Tzuyu said between gritted teeth, coldness lacing in her every word.

"Y-yeah sure! I'll go now then." the girl said before dashing towards the elevator, scared of the aura that Tzuyu was emitting.

"Tch, she told people that she doesn't have a girlfriend." Tzuyu looked at the now sleeping Sana before heaving a sigh. "That hurts..."

She then carried Sana towards their bedroom to change her clothes into a much comfortable one for her to be able to sleep much better.

She took Sana's clothes off and was surprised to see some fresh hickeys all over her body. Tzuyu was only able to clench her jaw before dressing Sana in a hurry. Seeing those hickeys on her girlfriend made her heart ache.

"You could've at least hid your hickeys well so that it'll cost me less pain." Tzuyu whispered to Sana who's soundly asleep, her voice showing pain.

After tucking Sana in bed, Tzuyu took some extra pillows before she headed to the living room. She had decided to sleep on the couch, she doesn't want to sleep with Sana cause it'll only remind her about the different girls that her girlfriend had made out with.

"How come I still love her even though she cost me so much pain every time she comes home?" Tzuyu asked herself the same old question once again, still unable to find the answer.

Tzuyu is tired of the same old routine that she has to go through with everyday. Wake up and pretend that everything's alright, watch Sana close the door because she's going to the bar to make out with someone, wait for Sana to get home, get her heart broken because a random girl sent Sana home. She's tired of it but she still chose to continue living like that.

"Why do I love her so much even though it hurts?" a lone tear escaped from her eye then seconds after, her tears were already unstoppable.

It was always like this, she would always cry after making sure that Sana is home and asleep after making out with a stranger on her favourite bar.

She doesn't even know how come she still has a lot of tears to cry out even though she cries out a bucket everyday.

"I just can't stop myself from loving you and I hate it.." Tzuyu uttered before drifting to sleep which is the only time when she forgets about the pain that she's feeling.


Sana had woken up from the smell of fried egg and bacon lingering from the living room.

"Tzuyu's cooking some breakfast, great! Ugh my head hurts. Stupid hangover." Although quite reluctant, Sana stood up from the bed and went straight towards the kitchen to check her girlfriend.

"Good morning babe." Sana greeted then she kissed Tzuyu's cheek out of habit.

"Good morning." Tzuyu greeted back with a smile that was obviously forced but Sana's to oblivious to notice.

"Why'd you slept at the couch? You should've slept beside me" Sana said as she juts her lower lip out.

Sana placed her hand on Tzuyu's face when she noticed something, "Why are your eyes like that? Did you cry?" she asked as she continued to scan the face of the latter.

'How can she pretend like she doesn't know a thing? Its always like this' Tzuyu mentally asked herself, feeling a pang on her chest.

"I slept at the couch because I stayed up all night watching some awfully sad movies so that explains my puffy eye." Tzuyu reasoned out which Sana only answered with a simple nod, believing the younger since her head hurts too much to pry the latter even more.

"I bet you have a hangover again, I've prepared the medicine so drink it first. I'll be done cooking in a minute" Tzuyu informed, looking at Sana with a look that shows that she cares.

"Thank you." Sana said before drinking the medicine. She then took her seat and waited for Tzuyu to be done.

After some minutes, Tzuyu finally finished cooking so she served the foods and sat in front of Sana.
"Eat well" Tzuyu told her with that charming dimpled smile of hers.

"You cooked it so of course I'll eat well." Sana giggled while Tzuyu just smiled at her.

Sana started eating, the hickey on her neck can be seen every time she takes a bite. This made Tzuyu lose her appetite so she just watched the older eat.

"Why aren't you eating?" Sana asked when she noticed that the younger was just staring at her food.

"I'm going to meet up with Mina unnie later. She invited me to go to her house so I'll just eat there." Tzuyu answered, scratching the back of her neck in the process.

"Ah..okay" Sana answered with an unreadable look on her face.

Tzuyu was about to ask Sana about her hangover but her phone suddenly rang.

"Hello? Oh Mina unnie. Yes I'll be there in ten, please wait for me. Bye" Tzuyu said through the phone before ending the call.

"Mina unnie called, I need to see her now. I better go. Eat well okay?" Tzuyu informed before going to her room, getting ready to go out.

After eating, Sana sat at the couch and turned the tv on. Tzuyu got out of her room, fully dressed.

The Japanese removed her look on the television to look at the latter, "You're going now?" she asked.

"Yeah, take care okay?" Tzuyu kissed the crook of Sana's head lovingly before heading out.

"Why am I feeling nervous all of the sudden?" Sana asked herself before clutching her chest which is beating oddly fast. She decided to brush it off and just continued to watch some random show.


Tzuyu had arrived at Mina's house and was surprised when she saw all her friends together, she thought that it was only Mina whom she'll meet today.

"I wasn't informed that all of you would come today." Tzuyu said a little surprised that all of her friends were there.

"We thought that Mina's words won't be enough to wake you up from this nightmare so we decided to tag along" Nayeon answered with sarcasm causing the youngest to quirk her brow.

"Nightmare? What are you talking about?" Tzuyu asked, obviously confused, as she plumped down on the couch, looking tired.

"Tzuyu. How long are you planning to be with Sana?" Dahyun asked, being as straightforward as she can, knowing that her friend needs to stop her stupidity.

"So this is what it's all about. Guys, I love Sana. I can't just break up with her, you know that." Tzuyu answered with a sigh, tired of talking about this topic which her friends keep pushing whenever they talk.

"Come on Tzuyu. It's been some months since you found out that Sana's cheating on you! She even go home to you with a new hickey on her neck everyday! How long do you plan to hurt yourself?" Jeongyeon butted in, having enough with the pain that their beloved maknae is having.

"I love her! Even though I want to let go, I just can't. Even if it hurts then I'll let myself shatter in pieces just to have her come home to me everyday. Giving up on her.. I can't do it." Tzuyu She retorts, different emotions visible on her face yet one stood out the most, pain.

"Chou, you deserve someone better. Why do you still go home to Sana when all she does was break your heart? Until when will you play pretend with her? Don't you pity yourself? Loving someone who can only make you cry. Aren't you tired?" Jihyo asked with both seriousness and worry painted on her face.

"I'm tired. So tired. But I would rather cry eveyday seeing those hickeys of hers than not seeing her at all. I badly want to let her go but whenever I see her, I just wanna keep holding on. This feelings are so stupid that I don't know what to do anymore" Tzuyu admitted, tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Feelings aren't stupid, but it is if it's for the wrong person. Let your heart rest, it's time to use your brain this time." Chaeyoung adviced with a sad smile that shows pity and worry.

"It's time to wake up from this nightmare which you mistook as a lovely dream since you were blinded by love. It's time to accept the painful fact that she doesn't love you as much as you love her. You are loving alone." Mina stated as she placed her hands on top of her shoulder as if telling her that she's not alone.

"If you're the only who's still loving then let go, don't let yourself be a fool for someone who doesn't deserve you." Momo said, showing that protective side of her to her friend whom she cares about.

The words that came out from her friends mouth, slapped her real hard. It made her realise how dumb she was all this time.

As the reality was sinking in to her, tears had started to flow out of her eyes where pain and tiredness are visible. She cried nonstop and this was a signal for her friends to comfort her.

"It's okay Tzuyu, we're here for you" Nayeon said to comfort her, hands rubbing small circles on her back in hopes to make her feel better although she knows that she won't.

"The Sana the you knew is now gone but hey, we'll always be here for you." Jihyo grabbed Tzuyu's hand and slightly squeezed it.

"Just cry it all out to us. It seriously pains me founding out that you cry everyday without someone comforting you." Mina said while patting Tzuyu's back comfortingly

"You can always come to us when you need a friend, we're here for you chingu." Chaeyoung said with sincerity.

Tzuyu didn't say anything else and just cried her heart out and this was a painful scene for the others.

They were used to see the tough Tzuyu who won't show fear nor pain. Not this Tzuyu who's vulnerable and has a heart that is shattered into pieces.

After a while, Tzuyu had finally stopped crying but she wasn't uttering anything since the moment she calmed down. She was just staring at the empty space in front of her.

"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked Tzuyu with worry but Tzuyu just answered her with a simple nod.

"So what are you planning to do?" Nayeon questioned but Tzuyu just looked at her with a blank face.

"Stop asking her questions." Jihyo scolded the two before standing beside her beloved maknae, side hugging her.

"Take your time kiddo. Just remember that we are here for you" Jeongyeon patted Tzuyu's shoulder before pulling the others with her towards the living room and leave Tzuyu alone at the backyard.

Once the others had left, Tzuyu took her phone and dialed Sana's number. She decided to talk to Sana.

She's finally going to let her go.

It took long before Sana answered the phone and once she did, loud party music can be heard along with cheers.

She's at the bar again.



"We need to talk"

"Is it important?"

"It is."

"Can you just say it later when I come home?"

"There won't be any 'later'. This is the only time for me to say it."

"Okay fine but can you please hurry? I'm kind of busy."

"Don't worry, because after this I won't bother you anymore and you'll be free to do whatever you want."

"Huh? That was weird. Anyway just say what you want to say."

"Can we talk about it on person?"

"Tzuyu, I'm really busy right now."

"Just this once. Please."


"Sana, I beg you."

"Tzuyu, listen. I'm really busy an-"

"I won't ask for more. Sana please. Just this once, please."


"Let's meet at the park. I'll wait for you there. I hope you come.." Tzuyu then ended the call, an exasperated sigh escaping her lips.

"The unnies are right. It's about time." Tzuyu told herself, finally accepting the truth.

"Oh? Where are you going?" Mina asked curiously when she saw the latter walking towards them to get her car keys.

"I'm going to meet up with Sana" Tzuyu nonchalantly replied, emotions where nowhere to be seen.

"Sana? For what?" Nayeon asked expectantly, curious on what's going on the younger's mind

"I'm going to let her go.." Tzuyu answered, her head slowly going south as she felt pain inside her chest, once again.

"That's great to hear, Tzu. You're finally going to be free." Dahyun said with a small smile, knowing that this decision would hurt her friend or maybe Sana as well.

Tzuyu combed her hair with her fingers in a frustrated manner, "Yeah.. I-I need to go now." she informs, nervousness was obvious with her tone.

"Right, goodluck. You can do this. For yourself." Jeongyeon placed her hand on Tzuyu's shoulder, encouraging her.

Tzuyu only nodded as a reply before getting in her car to head towards the park.

After a few minutes, Tzuyu had arrived at the park and patiently waited for Sana at the nearest bench.

It has been an hour already but Sana has yet to arrive but Tzuyu's still sitting at the bench with a hope that maybe, her girlfriend would come.

Two hours had passed but Sana's still nowhere to be seen, Tzuyu on the other hand is still waiting patiently. She pitied herself but she knew that she has to do this for the both of them.

Finally, after three hours of waiting, a girl can be seen running towards the bench where Tzuyu is currently seated.

Sana had finally arrived.

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