Forgive Me ||Daniel x Reader|...

By scribblesofshadow

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Daniel isn't an evil, rogue android. He feels much remorse for his actions and needs your comfort. He helped... More

Chapter 1: Error: Unemployment Detected
Chapter Three: Grumpy Beginnings
Chapter Four: The Small Bad Wolf
Chapter Five: To Be, Or Not To Be
Chapter Six: Unsure
Chapter Seven: Dance Dance Android Revolution
Chapter Eight: Starfall
Chapter Nine: Suspicions
Chapter Ten: Depression and Suppression
Chapter Eleven: Delete
Chapter Twelve: Solitude Was The Only Logical Ending
Chapter Thirteen: Haven't You People Ever Heard of Opening the G**d*** Door?
Chapter Fourteen: In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong
Chapter Fifteen: Better Off Dead
Chapter Sixteen: Oh My God! They Were Roommates
Chapter Seventeen: Athazagoraphobia

Chapter 2: Hating Her Creations

301 4 0
By scribblesofshadow

     "I'm sorry. You're just not what we're looking for." The interviewer frowned and pushed Quinn's papers across the table.
     "I understand." She gave a sad smile, took her folder, and rushed out of the office, her legs heavy.
     This was the sixth place she's interviewed in the last four days, not to mention the last Cyberlife plant in the area. She returned home and made a quick dish of pasta before heading to pick up Emma from school. All mourning she would work, then pick up Emma, take care of her till eight, her bedtime, and look at jobs till nine. That's when the Phillips got home. They were very busy these days. Quinn learned to accept her check and return home right away. She didn't want to be a disturbance of any kind.
     The following morning, she rolled out of bed and whipped her brown hair into a bun. Grabbing her laptop from her nightstand, she scrolled through her emails and yawned. The reflection of the screen shone on her hazel eyes. Looking through all of the emails, she received nothing but negative responses from the all people she shoved her degree at. Anything dealing with Cyberlife refused her. She even tried to become an android seller in any of the five shops in Detroit. But no. Now they had special androids that would sell the other androids!
     She facepalmed, rubbing her sleepy eyes. It was the last day she would be watching Emma. She would pick her up at three, take her home, and then the new PL600 arrived at five.
     Wallowing in her misfortune, she dragged herself to the parking garage and entered her humble car. She owned a normal vehicle, not a self driving one. She was lucky that when she was little she was taught to be frugal. She knew how to save her money when times got tough and how to find deals on food to scrape by.
     The thought of working with androids again was now diminished in her mind. Everyone refused her. Still, she drove around and submitted her form to local repair shops. It was the best she could do for now. Her pride was too great to work in fast food. She wasn't that desperate yet and hoped to not be soon.
     Quinn was playing with Emma in her room when she heard the elevator ding and two cyberlife workers came down the hall. She walked into the main area holing Emma's hand and saw the workers wheel up a human-sized box. Caroline stood up from the table and called John over. Quinn felt queasy as Phillipses' watched the busy workers unbox the brand new PL600. Her throat tightened as she saw the machine she created steal her own job.
     The workers carefully removed the front of the box and Quinn wrung her hands. They turned on the android and it slowly powered up. She spectated as blond-haired android opened his calm, grey eyes. He looked at his hands and around the room, he LED spinning and turning blue. What appeared to be confusion crossed his brow before she saw the typical, default smile.
     Professionally, the workers asked John, "Are you going to give it a name?"
     Quinn looked over at him and he nodded to the workers, "We've decided one already."
     The worker continued, "PL600, register your name."
     Emma slowly walked up to him and uttered his title, "Daniel."
     Daniel looked down at her and gave her a caring smile, "My name is Daniel."
     John tipped the workers and they left after cleaning up the mess. He greeted Daniel before introducing the rest of them. Daniel's expressions seemed kind of tight and ingenuine, Probably because he was on older model. The Phillips's only chose him because they knew Quinn helped build him and he came at a cheaper price.
     Daniel seemed nice enough, though, at least nice enough for Quinn. He had a sweet voice and soft hair. Plus she knew once he began to retain information on the family, his expressions would become for natural and blend in with the needs of the Phillipses.
     She tried not to hold a grudge against him, it wasn't his fault. She just couldn't help but look at his stupidly beautiful face and want to punish him for taking her job.

Author's Note
I'm sorry this chapter is shorter, I just wanted to make another one since the first didn't include Daniel. Sorry about that. Thank you for reading!

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