Dance in the Dark

נכתב על ידי SalemZombie

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Michael is the new guy in town. Salem is just a goth girl trying to find a way to fit in with the trendy type... עוד

Dance in the Dark
Chapter One: Slow Dance With a Stranger
The Blackened Note
A Mystifying Meeting
No Escaping Death
A Worthy Promise
Deadly Walk
A Dangerous Triangle

Unforgivable Curse

300 13 4
נכתב על ידי SalemZombie

Salem tried to run away, but no matter how much effort she exerted, Michael would either catch up to her or jump in front of her general direction.

"Salem, my dear, you are the only woman fit to join me in my grave,"

Michael looked different. Something was not right with him. His eyes turned a bright shade of green, and two fangs poutruded from his gums. His half grin became less sexy, and more evil. 

"I'm not ready to die, Michael! I am only human!" Salem shouted at him with all of her might.

"Fuck....Salem, it's happening. Run from me, run as quickly as you...join me, please. I can't be alone in death my beauty...."

Salem followed Michael's instructions, and ran as quickly as she could out of the cemetery.


Salem awoke the next morning surrounded by the safety of her bedroom. She recounted the events of the previous evening in fear. She was confused as to whether or not she ever wanted to see Michael again. He had the gothic look, sexual appeal and charm that she had always desired. On the other hand, he was acting like a complete psychopath.

At that moment, Salem realized what it was that had awoken her. An unexpected knock at the door.

She ran from her bed in just her black tank top and panties. It felt awkward to her that she was answering the door in that manor, but she was in a bit of a rush to discover who her unexpected visitor could be.

 She opened the door to reveal Michael. Fear took over her.

"Well god damn." he said, his brown eyes looking her up and down.

"Oh hush!" she replied in frustration.

"I never did get a kiss from you, now seems like a perfect opportunity." he said with a grin.

He was so sexy, but also crazy. 

"Do you want to explain what the fuck that was all about last night?" Salem asked with slight anger.

"That's actually why I am here. I owe you quite the explaination."

"No shit." she replied, waving a hand and welcoming him inside the apartment.

 "I want to build a strong relationship with you, Salem. I truly do. And for that to happen, I need to tell you about my past. Even if it scares you."

Salem walked into her living area and Michael followed, until they were both sitting down together at her long, black couch. 

"I'm listening." she responded with a hint of attitude.

"It started when I was eighteen...."


"What do you mean that you do not wish to follow in the path of your bretheren?" Michael's father screamed at him.

"I did as I was told for eighteen years, father, and this is not the path I want my entire life! I don't wish to do harm to anyone!" Michael yelled back.

"I cannot believe this, my own son, my own blood!"

"Father, the blood kindred does not follow laws and practices that are humane!"

"That's because we are not humane! We are vampires, Michael!"

"Well I am ashamed of my kind!"

With that, Michael ran out of the door, and out into the woods. He needed to think, to try to get away from this. That's when it hit him.

He could sell his soul. This would cleanse him of his vampirism. Or so he had heard throughout legend.

Michael was a special short of vampiric. His class of  vampirism also practiced withcraft. So once Michael thought intently, he was able to conjure the spirit of Daemon.

"To reject this curse, from the fires of Hell

To you Daemon, my soul I wish to sell" 

 As simply as those two lines, Daemon appeared. Daemon was once a vampire rejected for becoming a demon and turning against his clan.

"Michael, do you wish to reject your blessing as a vampire?"

"It is not a blessing, Daemon, but a curse to me. I want to be a mortal. I don't wish to feed upon the blood of the living, or to torture the alive with my actions."

"This will not be easy, but you must sell your soul to me. The process is painful, and would mean you must spend your eternity damned to Hell on the day you do become deceased."

"I accept this, Daemon, I need to do this." 

"You must follow me, Michael."

Daemon conjured a portal to transfer the two to the other side. The dark side. Though it was hard to believe, humans lived in the light, as did the vampires among them. Though the world was dark and cold, Daemon's side was pitch black and freezing.

As they transported, screams could be heard from all around. Before Michael knew it, he was up against a wall with his wrists and ankles bound to it. All around him he saw the faces of screaming souls that were already sold away to Daemon, pleading for help and an escape. Michael soon began to regret his choice.

Daemon began chanting words of  Frostbaten, the language of the Clan. Michael screamed "Daemon, I can't go through with this! I must stay true to my clan!" But it was too late. Daemon was deep into the process. Michael used his strength to break through the binding and came crashing to the burning floor in a scream.

"Michael, for rejecting the spell, for not completing the process, you are forever cursed to become a Zaemorphian. Not only will you remain a vampire, but a half breed of good and evil. When you least expect it, you will be ready to kill anything around you, no matter if you love it or not. You will become insane in intervals, and become mentally unsound."

With those final words, Michael found himself teleported back to Earth with one hand movement from Daemon.

He was forever cursed.


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