A Mystifying Meeting

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At eleven that night, Salem arrived at Enstrange in her clubwear best. She was adorned in the best gothic fashion; a solid black corset, a long and black silk shirt, small platform boots, and a bat necklace gracing her chest. 

Of course, the question that had been on her mind all day was "Who sent the letter?" Common sense would say that the whole meeting would be a poor decision. However, there's nothing wrong with a little mystery. Who would she even be looking for? 

"There is my dark angel..." a deep, male voice spoke behind her. She was a bit worried about turning around to meet the human behind her, but she also needed to know if he was the letter-sender.

Upon turning, her eyes met with the same dark brown ones she had seen a week ago at the coffee shop.

"Did you send me that letter?" she asked in confusion.

"But of course, my dear." he replied as he took her pale hand into his and delicatley kissed it.

Salem was both mystified and frightened. Here was the man that she had been searching for, right before her very eyes. On the other hand, he had found her without even knowing her name.

"H-how did you find me?" she questioned the exquisit man in front of her.

"It's not difficult to find the only gothic woman in Amelieve. Would you like to go for a stroll through Amelieve Cemetery?" he responded.

Fear shook inside of Salem. Her heart was rattling against her ribcage; beating quickly from fright and lust. She wanted to say yes, but it seemed dangerous. Somehow, she found the courage inside to reply "Yes, of course."

Dance in the Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें