Addicted To You

By xLovingWyatt

17.2K 780 55

|| Confidence along with self-esteem are both key qualities in life that keep us thriving, right? But what ha... More

[Note From The Author]
[2] Anxiety Issues
[3] Disagreements
[4] Childish Behaviour
[5] Perhaps I've Gone Insane
[6] Is It Me You Want?
[7] What's Going on?
[8] Love Is Dangerous
[9] You Still Love Him, Don't You
[10] Who Are You?
[11] Maybe Dreams Do Come True

[1] You're In My Mind

2K 80 4
By xLovingWyatt


"Tea, Mr. Beaumont?"
The blond, bubbly Brooklyn asks, and he patiently waits for Rye's response.

It's adorable how shy Brooklyn becomes after he talks to Rye, but somehow Rye makes us all feel like that.

I subtly watch from my bunk as Rye stops scrolling through Instagram and lifts his drooping head to Brooklyn's direction, exposing his attractive jawline and revealing those glistening hazel eyes.

Despite that dreamy face of his, I can't help but notice his purposely over-sized hoodie with those black skinny jeans suiting him perfectly. The bagginess at the sleeves with the tightness at the jeans really combine well.

Feeling ashamed with how I'm thinking about Rye, I now uncomfortably face the ceiling and instantly pray he didn't catch me analysing him like an utter creep. I release a deep breath that's been building up in my lungs and attempt to distract myself by replying to fans on Twitter.

"Yes, I would die for a tea right now. Also, why are you so cheerful this morning? You're normally quiet and...gloomy."
Brooklyn's joyous smile transfers into a gasp and he playfully shoves Rye's shoulder so he is now lying sideways on the leather sofa.

Rye's chuckle soon has me facing him again and without any intention of doing it, a small grin appears on my face.

"Excuse me, Beaumont! I'm never gloomy."
Brooklyn's smile soon reappears and he ambles out the bedroom in a blissful manner into the kitchen to make Rye's tea.

Silence soon fills the room again. Mikey and Jack left the flat ten minutes ago because we need to stock up on food so it's only the three of us at the moment, it's pretty peaceful.

"Andy, you have to see this!"
Rye laughs, filling my ears with pure joy.

I instantly shift my body from under my duvet and position my feet on the top metal bar of the ladder and, with care, step down while gripping on tightly for support.

With my puffy cheeks now revealed from the enormous smile on my face, I head over to the leather sofa where the oblivious boy with his defined brown curls is slouching.

Rye's hair is unique. It appears to be almost black in a shadow but whenever he moves into the light it transforms into a rich brown like the colour of milk chocolate. Rye pats the free space next to him suggesting to sit and so I do, of course I do.

"Here, watch this."
Rye slings his arm over my shoulder and positions the phone so we can both see.

A nervous lump forms in my throat from realising that our bodies are tightly compacted together and Rye's aftershave has my lungs immediately dancing sending my lips to curl into an unstoppable smile.

Rye plays the video and two teenage girls, I'm guessing who are fans, are doing the 'Take This Home TikTok Challenge'.

The girl on the left has flawless, toffee-coloured, silky curls laying on her shoulders and has a slim but well-structured body like a model and, of course, Rye is paying extra attention to her. As she does a twirl she stumbles into the river behind her and Rye's already wheezing with laughter causing his eyes to squint a little.

Rye is so lost in thought, he doesn't even look for my reaction. I glare at those glimmering eyes of his, the glimmer actually being the pretty girl's reflection.

I happen to notice pure anger starting to build-up throughout my body as I'm slowly clenching my fists into a tight ball and I start to wonder, am I jealous?

Seconds later, an unhappy Brooklyn practically sprints and yelps towards us because the searing heat of Rye's tea is too excruciating for his now-blistering hand to hold.

"You do know there's something called a handle, Brooklyn."
A cocky, discourteous Rye furrows his eyebrows, although we all know he's only teasing.

After briskly placing the mug of tea on the wooden coffee table in front of Rye, Brooklyn remains silent but releases a small chuckle. I can tell he's feeling embarrassment right now with his unmissable rosy cheeks glowing from a mile away which are also radiating heat like a pan on the stove would. Poor Brooklyn.

Luckily for Brooklyn, a rattling noise at the door distracts Rye and I giving him enough time to fan himself down.

"We're back!"
An Irish accent fills the hallway, it's definitely Jack.

Hearing groans from an exhausted Mikey, Brooklyn and I decide it would be nice to assist him handling over four bags containing heavy food which is straining his hands.

He passes me two of the bags and they instantly weigh me down to the ground.

"What the heck did you buy?"
I'm expecting a response from Mikey but Jack happens to interrupt and answer for him.

"Trust me Andy, we need all that food. Especially for Brooklyn, he's always eating!"
As Jack is in the kitchen, I can hear the echoes from Brooklyn playfully tackling Jack from that reply.

"Did you get any... cookie dough ice-cream?"
We rotate to see Rye's slender face peering behind the bedroom door as he's gazing upon Mikey like a statue, patiently waiting for him to reveal his answer.

"Rye-oh-Rye," Mikey teasingly pouts, "how could I forget?"

As Mikey finishes his sentence, he rustles one of the bags and blissfully pulls out the brightly decorated tub. Bad move, Mikey. Cookie dough ice-cream is like a pot of gold to Rye and he'll do absolutely anything to get his hands on it.

Rye, being the goof-ball he is, charges towards the tub with wide eyes and a drooling mouth which soon ends up with him stumbling over his own two feet. Fortunately for him, he hasn't injured himself. Unfortunately for me, I'm dealing with his muscular body on top of my smaller body and let's just say, I can barely breathe. Our faces are extremely close and I can feel his warm breath hit the side of my neck which sends a tingling sensation throughout my body.

"Whoops, sorry Andy..."
Rye sweetly apologies to me and eventually picks himself back up allowing me to breathe again.

Soon after, he kindly helps me up and I couldn't stop the blush forming on my face. I also happen to notice the perfect fit our hands have, almost like matching puzzle pieces.

"Thank you, Rye."
As our hands depart, I quietly chuckle to myself because this isn't the first time he's done this.

But what can I say? The love Rye has for his ice-cream is unbelievably strong.

"You're such a klutz, Rye."
Mikey widely grins, exposing those perfect, white teeth of his.

Rye pouts but soon shamefully nods in agreement, he then playfully snatches the ice-cream tub from Mikey and secures it tightly in his arms as he travels to the kitchen where Jack and Brooklyn are. That'll keep him quiet for a good ten minutes. Just seconds after Rye disappears, I receive a notification on my phone.

Blair: Hey Andy. I have some news. It's been confirmed that tour is on in Birmingham this evening. Tell the boys to be ready by 5pm and I'll meet you outside the flat. See you soon.

Andy: That's great news! Thanks for letting me know, see you at 5pm.

"Guess who's going on tour this evening!"
I shove my phone in the back pocket of my jeans and celebrate by prancing around the hallway like a child would on Christmas Day.

With my loudness echoing, Brooklyn, Jack and Rye soon gather to see what all the ruckus is about.

"Five o'clock this evening boys and we're off to Birmingham!"

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