Bro-Friend to Boy-Friend (Nat...

By MissKrystalDragneel

10.3K 258 104

Y/N and Natsu are best friends like brother and sister but what happens when one of them develops a major cru... More

Figure it out
New relationships
Just the beginning

The truth

1.5K 47 27
By MissKrystalDragneel

I stare at gray in shock and horror.

"Is that how you treat your girlfriend?!" I yell

"Your mine so I have a right to kiss you." He says coldly

"What happened to the respect you had for me last night?"

"I still have respect for you but I also want to take the initiative and make the first move."

"Well you could of made the first move more gently instead of slamming me to the lockers like I'm a rag doll." I snap at him

"Sorry. I couldn't control myself."

"Just don't make a habit of it." I growl and walk into class

Time skip
Lunch time. We head to the cafeteria and get our food and eat quickly. I wanted to get out of there before I saw Natsu. I ate quickly and grabbed Gray and pulled him out of the cafeteria and ended up bumping into Natsu, literally.

"Sorry bro. I'll see you later." I say quickly avoiding eye contact.

I see he had Lucy with him. She still hanging on him like a arm decoration. I grab grays hand and we walk away as they walk in. We walk a bit down the hallway until I feel Gray stop. He gently presses me against the lockers and starts kissing me.

Since he didn't slam me against them this time I let him. He kisses me passionately but also lustfully. I made the mistake of wearing a skirt today with a button up blouse. I feel his hand go down to my thigh and up and grab my ass. I gasp and he slips his tongue in my mouth. I use every ounce of strength to shove him away. I shove him hard and he ends up slamming into the other lockers.

"The hell man?! I said nothing serious!" I yell at him in rage

"It's not serious!" He yells back.

"Grabbing my ass is not serious?! Newsflash! It is serious!" I yell loudly causing kids to gather.

"Sorry if I want to be intimate with my girlfriend!" He yells back

"I NEVER agreed to be intimate with you! If you don't remember I said we could try it out and so far your making me regret going out with you at all!!"
I yell loudly.

I see him walk twords me calmly. I'm expecting him to apologize but he doesn't.

He slaps me. Hard. Making me fall to the floor. I start crying and I hear footsteps. I look up and see Natsu. It takes him only a second to process the situation and he attacks gray with the fierceness of a dragon in total rage mode.

The fight got intense quick as they tore at each other. Their clothes ripped and blood was drawn. It took numerous teachers to help break them up. They were so into the fight they even hit the teachers to get them off so they can fight each other more.

"THATS ENOUGH!!" We hear a loud voice echo throughout the hallways. It was principal Erza. She sees me on the floor still crying with a huge red mark on my cheek and the boys on the floor battered and bloody. "Let me guess. He hit you and Natsu rushes in to defend you like the protective brother he is?" She asks and I nod.

"All 3 Of you to my office. Now!" She yells and we all get up and head to the office. I help Natsu by putting his arm over my shoulder. He could walk fine but I just wanted to have him next to me. I whispered in his ear "thank you." And he smiles at me.

We reach the office and I explain to her what happened. She nods and sighs. "Considering Y/N and Natsu have been here for years and I've never once had a problem with them I'm ruling in favor of them. Especially considering what you did to Y/N in the few short days she was with you. Gray you are suspended for 2 weeks. Fight again and you'll be expelled."

"What about pinky?!" Grey yells

"He was just defending his sister, well best friend but she's like his sister."

"So he doesn't get punished for attacking me?!"

"Lower your voice! No he doesn't he's just protecting someone he loves. You'd do the same if you were him." Erza says calmly though you know she wants to explode

Gray just growls and gets up to leave. "Just so it's clear. We're over." I say flatly as he walks by

"Natsu. Let's get you to the nurse." I say softly. Erza nods and we head to the nurse. On the way we run into Lucy who immediately rushes to Natsu's side. I growl softly and Natsu hears me and smiles at me.

"Lucy. I'm sorry but we can't be together anymore." Natsu says sadly

"Why?!" She yells

"My heart belongs to another." He says with a smile and me and him walk to the nurse leaving Lucy standing there completely dumbfounded.

"Well. So much for lasting a week." I say sarcastically

"Yeah." Natsu chuckles but flinches.

"You know you didn't have to go all out like that." I tell Natsu as we enter the nurses office.

"Yes I did. He hurt you so I wanted him to hurt more."

"Natsu your to much you know that?" I giggle.

"Goodness gracious Natsu! What happened??!" The nurse screams

"A guy hit Y/N so I beat him up." He says in a serious tone

"Sheesh So that's what happened to that other guy. He came in without a word and doctored himself and left."

"Well what can I say? I fight for what I love and I love Y/N." Natsu says with a smile

"But isn't she your sister??"

"Not by blood. We just grew up together and are close like brother and sister"

"But now you love her?"

"More than anything."

"Do you love him?" The nurse asks me as she treats Natsu's wounds

"Yes I do. More than you know."

"Well then I'd say this is a match made in heaven." She says with a smile "Here let me get you guys a pass to go home so you can rest." She leaves and quickly comes back with two passes. "Here. Don't worry I'll tell principal Erza what happened and that you guys needed to go home."

We smile and say thank you and leave the school. Leaving our stuff behind.

"Well that was a interesting day." I say as we walk home hand in hand

"No kidding. I didn't expect to beat anyone up today." Natsu says with a chuckle and winces again

"I'd say you got pretty hurt yourself. I'm bringing you home and fully examining you."

"Sounds like fun." Natsu says with a smirk

"Oh you pervert! Get those thoughts out of your head!" I yell and playfully smack his head "go on! Get out thoughts! Shoo!" I tease and he just laughs and holds his ribs in pain.

"Sorry! I shouldn't of made you laugh." I say with worry in my voice

"It's ok. I needed a laugh after seeing you on the floor crying with that red mark on your face." Natsu says sadly.

We reach my house and I use my key to open the door.

"Mom! I'm home early!" I call but no answer. "Mom!" I call again and nothing. "I'm going to check for her. Wait here." I tell Natsu and I go check the house for her and don't find her anywhere. "Huh let me see if her car is here." I check the garage and indeed she is gone. "She must be out running errands."

"So we are home alone." Natsu says seductively

"Get those hormonal thoughts out of your head right now!" I scold him but we end up laughing.

"Come on. I think we got some icy hot or something I can rub on those hurt ribs. Also we have pain medicine you can take." I tell Natsu and lead him to my room.

"Sit down and remove your shirt." I order him and he grins at me.

"Yes master!" He teases and removes his shirt

"Oh shut up!" I laugh and grab the icy hot and pain pills.

I walk over to him and examine him. I see some bruises and that's about it. I check his chest and back and poke him a few times to see how much it hurts.

"You should be fine but you definitely need some muscle relaxer on those ribs. So lay back." I tell him and he lays on the bed.

I sit next to him and put the icy hot in my hands and rub them together and start applying it to him. I rub it in and as I'm rubbing him I notice his face is calm and relaxed. He doesn't look in pain or even turned on by me touching him. He just looks, happy. I remove my hands and watch his face change to annoyance.

"Why'd you stop?" He whines

"I need more cream." I reply smugly and he sighs

I get more cream and rub him more. You can tell he's enjoying this. Honestly I am to. Once the cream is rubbed in I stop and move away. He looks at me annoyed again.

"Not a word. I applied more than enough icy hot to you to make you burn." I laugh at him as I see him pout. "You big baby." I giggle and he growls.

"I'm not a baby."

"Your acting like one."

"Wahh wahh." He imitates and baby cry and I fall on the floor laughing.

"You are to much!" I laugh and he just watches me in amusement.

"Come on big baby. Let's sit back and watch a movie. I'll still massage you. Ok?" I ask and her perks right up.

He picks a movie and sits up on the bed with me. He sits between my legs and rests his back on my chest. As the movie plays I gently rub his chest and abs where the bruises are. I hear him sigh contently and wiggle to get comfortable. He eventually moves down and uses my boobs as pillows.

"Much better." He chuckles

"Pervert." I grumble.

"Speaking of perverts did gray do anything to you I should know about?" He asks seriously and I sigh

"I'll tell you if you promise not to pick a fight with him."

"I can't make that promise." He says sourly

"Then I can't tell you."

"Grrrrrrr fine! I won't start anything with him."


"Yes." He growls.

"Ok. I'm holding you to that." I tell him and sigh "it started this morning. When I was heading to class he grabbed me and slammed me into the lockers and started kissing me roughly. I shoved him off and he apologized so I figured he was ok. Then after we ate lunch he cornered me again at the lockers. This time he was gentle and kisses me more passionately so I let him. Then he started rubbing my thigh and he started to run his hand up my leg. Before I knew it he had a firm hold on my ass making me gasp. He started to tongue kiss me and that's when i shoved him off again sending him slamming into the other lockers. I started yelling at him and that's when he hit me."

"That son of a..."

"Keep calm." I cut him off. "It didn't go any farther than that so just relax." I tell him calmly

"But he..."

"I know. And I know I'll be safe with you. So don't worry." I say reassuringly and wrap my arms around him.

"Y/N?!" I hear my mom calling

"In my room!"

"Is Natsu with you?" She asks as she opens the door. She sees him all bandaged up and I see tears in her eyes. "My boy are you ok?!" She yells and rushes to us.

"Yes mom I'm fine." He says with a grin and a small chuckle but again winces in pain.

"Nonsense my boy. Your staying here so we can treat you. The school called and told me what happened."

"Then you should also know we decided to end the trial there and officially get together." I tell my mom and she squeals in excitement

"Finally! I'm so happy for you two!" She says and hugs us tightly

"Ow ow ow!" Natsu whines and my mom lets go quickly.

"Sorry! And thank you for protecting Y/N."

"No need to thank me. I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Natsu smiles

My mom looks down and sees his torn shirt on the floor and gasps. "Is that from the fight?!" She asks panicked and picks up the shirt. We nod and she starts crying. "He really did go all out for you.." She sobs. "I'll call your dad Natsu and have him pack a bag for you. Your staying here for a few days so we can care for you."

"Mom. It's not that serious" I start but Natsu elbows me and shakes his head. He wants to stay. I chuckle and shake my head. "You big baby." I whisper and he looks at me and smiles.

My mom calls Natsu's dad and his dad agrees to pack a bag for him. She leaves to pick it up and I look at Natsu who is smirking like a idiot.

"You my dear are thee biggest baby I have ever seen. You just want to stay and be babied by me for a few days."

"Awww you called me your dear." He teases and grins at me making me blush

"Shut up." I say sheepishly

"Yes I do want to stay for a few days. My dad can't help me with bandages and I definitely don't want him rubbing muscle relaxer on me." Natsu shivers and I laugh.

"Ok. Ok. I get it. But admit that those aren't the only reasons."

"They aren't. Your another reason. I want to stay with you as much as possible." He admits.

"I knew it!"

"Ok Natsu here you go." My mom says as she enters my room. She tosses a bag on the floor by my bed. "Looks like he packed enough clothes for a week."

"I get to stay a week?!" Natsu yells excitedly

"Stay forever if you want. It's fine by me." My mom says with a smile and I slap my forehead.

"You shouldn't of said that." I sigh

"Why not?" My mom asks

"Look at him." I reply. She looks at Natsu and starts laughing. He turns to me and just as I expected he had the biggest damned smile on his face.

He grabs me and squeezes me tightly. "Your mine forever!" He yells and I laugh.

"Get off." I laugh

"You didn't want to let me go this morning so why should I let you go now?" He asks and I blush

"Can I at least get comfortable?" I ask and he lets me go.

I lay back on the bed and he lays next to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Awww you two are precious!" My mom squeals.

"Moooooom...." I whine

"Ok ok. You two relax. I'll make dinner but put it to the side for you two to eat when you get up. I know you'll end up falling asleep before it's Done considering the day you guys had."

"Thanks mom." I say sleepily and cuddle up to Natsu and sigh. He cuddles up to me and nuzzles me close.

I watch as my mom leaves the room with a smile on her face. Her wishes came true today of me and Natsu being together.

"Natsu..." I breathe sleepily

"Hmm." He Hums sounding just as sleepy.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He says in a sleepy voice and squeezes me tightly and kisses my cheek tenderly.

It doesn't take long for us to fall asleep. Peaceful and content despite all that happened today.

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