Roxanne & Jax

By Zomb1eMummy

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Never a story of more woe, than that of Jax and his Roxanne. Rival MCs? Check. Defiant Daddy's Girl? Check... More



302 6 0
By Zomb1eMummy


"Why did you do that?" Lacey whisper-yells as she continues to drag me to my car. "If he found out who you were-"

"Oh shush. Clearly, he didn't have a fucking clue. The guys a moron. Gorgeous, but a fuckin moron." I tell her as I rip my arm from her grasp. "You could have waited a little longer though. I mean, things were just starting to get good - if you know what I mean."

She shoots me a very un-Lacey like glare and holds her hand out. "Give me your key."

"What?! No?" I argue. "No fucking way are you driving Lucille." 

She rolls her eyes. "I'm not letting you drive. Obviously, you are too drunk to operate a vehicle if you didn't recognize him, Roxanne." Oh, she's angry. 

"I'm fine! I had one beer. He's hot and I kissed him, sue me." I tell her as I unlock the door to my beautiful '69 Chevy Impala. "It's not like he knew who I was either."

"Are you kidding me right now?" She yells as she slides into the passenger seat. "You are impossible. He could have killed you! He could have killed us! And then I would have to come back to life so I could kill you myself."

"He didn't kill us, Lace." 

"Not yet, but once he finds out who you were, he will." She says and I bring Lucille to life with a turn of the key. "Christ, Roxy. You really need to get your shit together. You are the Prez's daughter. I'm sure the bounty on your head is higher than-"

I groan, interrupting her. "Enough. I get it. I'm sorry I put us in danger, yet again. lah, blah. blah. Are you happy now?" I say sarcastically as I take a corner a little too fast, making her slide into me. 

"No." She says simply, buckling her seat belt. "You never think. You are always doing stupid shit that is going to get you killed one of these days. I don't know how to get through to you."

"Whatever," I mumble angrily. "Let's just keep this between us. No need to involve Hunt or Trevor...or worse, my father."

"No way. I am not keeping this secret. This is too important, Roxy. You could be in danger-"

"I'm not in danger. It was just a kiss. Trust me. You going off and blabbering to my father will just make this whole thing blow out of proportion. It's unneeded. Everything will be fine, Lace. Trust."


"No, Lacey," I cut her off, my voice coming out harsh and clipped. "Listen to me. Don't go saying anything to anyone. I will take care of this if need be. You got nothing to worry about."

I drive my fist into the red punching bag with everything I have, ignoring the pain that shoots through my hand with each hit. I'm pissed.

Memories from last night flood my memory and I groan as the feelings he gives me wash over me yet again. I can't get him out of my mind and it's driving me nuts. It was one fucking kiss, yet I feel like it was so much more. I don't get it. I've never been so engulfed in a man before. 

With yet another groan, I kick the bag with all of my might and it falls to the ground with a loud thud. 

"Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." A familiar voice says from behind me and I turn to see Dean Moran, a Tail-Gunner for the club. 

"Hey Dean," I mumble as I reach down to lift up the heavy punching bag. "What's going on?"

"I think I should be asking you that." He says as he adjusts his baseball cap on his head. 

Pursing my lips, I choose to ignore his question. Instead, I walk across the small home gym and grab a water from the bar fridge against the wall. Dean leans against the wall and watches every move I make in silence, patiently waiting for me to acknowledge his question. 

He's stubborn like that. 

Rolling my eyes, I turn to him. "Rough night," I tell him, shrugging my shoulders. 

He steps towards me and gives me his signature smile that has dropped the panties of more than one girl in his lifetime. 

Including me. 

"Roxy, I know you better than that. This is something more than just a 'rough night'." He says when he is only an arm's length away from me. "Talk to me, darlin'."

I give him a smile and close the distance between us. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I lay my sweaty head on his chest and just allow myself a moment. I feel him wrap his strong arms around me and he gently kisses my hair. 

Dean has always been a calming presence in my life. He has seen me at my best and at my absolute worst. He was even there when my mother chose Heroin over my father and I. He's slightly older, only twenty-nine years, and with his 'age' he brings a wisdom that has gotten me through a ton of shit over the years. He's familiar and always there.

And he's gorgeous. That helps a little. 

"Everything is fine. I just had a little disagreement with Lacey last night." I mumble into his chest. 

He chuckles. "You two fight? That's unheard of. That girl has put up with your shit for twenty  years. Has she finally had enough?"

I playfully slap his chest and pull away. His smile falters for just a second, but he quickly recovers and pushes me gently. 

"It's stupid. I'm sure she will forgive me. She always does." I tell him. "I gotta go hit the showers. Will you be at the club tonight?"

"Always," He says with a wink. "I'll see you tonight. Don't forget about church tonight. Your dad will kill you if you miss it again."

I roll my eyes. "I'm Daddy's Little Girl, Dean. When will you learn that he could never be mad at me?" 

I hear him laugh as I walk out of the room and head to my bedroom. Although I do have my own apartment, I spend a lot of time at home still. It's just where I like to be. It's where I feel safe. 

Don't judge me. 

"Roxy! Wait up!" I hear Larson, one-half of the Stevens' twins yell after me. I pause in my tracks and impatiently wait for him to catch up. "Hunt's looking for ya. He's pretty pissed, man. What did you do now?" 

"Nothing. It's not my fault he's a stupid bitch."

Larson snickers, shaking his head. "Well, you did something. He is on a fucking rampage, Roxy. You may want to have some backup. I'm sure Garrett and I could manage, for a little fee." He winks and I have to suppress the need to gag. 

Don't get me wrong. The Stevens twins are beautiful men, but they are pigs. And I want nothing to do with them. 

"Nah, I got this," I tell him as I turn to continue to my room. "Thanks for the heads up."

"Always, gorgeous." He calls after me, making my skin crawl. 

Once in my room, I lock the door behind me and begin stripping my workout clothes off of my body. They are soaked with sweat, making me grimace when I remember that I hugged Dean like that. 

Remind me to apologize for that later. 

I waste no time getting into the shower, relishing in the warm waters as it washes away everything down the drain - including anything that remains of Jaxon and his wandering hands - as I force myself to forget him. 

I'm interrupted by loud banging coming from my bedroom and I quickly turn the water off and step out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around me, I head into my room and open the door. 

Hunter is looking at me - our heights equal, yet he holds an easy hundred more pounds on him - and he's furious. 

"What the fuck did you two do last night?"

I shrug and turn around, walking towards my dresser to find some clothes. "Nothing. We went to the bar. We danced and then we left."

"Bullshit." He growls as he grabs my arm and roughly turns me around. 

"Watch it, Hunter. You are treading on danger-"

"Lacey came home bawling her eyes last night and refused to tell me why." He interjects as he glares at me. "What the fuck happened?"


"Jesus Christ, Roxanne!" He yells before driving his fist into my wall, leaving a large hole. 

"You're fixing that."

"Tell me what happened, woman! I know you did something! She only ever cries when you do something!"

I furrow my brows - my own fury building inside me. "What makes you think I did something, eh? Maybe she did something instead and is feeling guilty about it. Ever think of that?"

"It's highly unlikely," He says through gritted teeth. "I know Lacey. She's a saint."

"Yeah, well maybe she isn't. Now do you mind? I would like to get dressed now." I tell him impatiently, gesturing down to my towel. 

He huffs, looking at me with so much hate that I almost look away, but I am a Myers. I don't back down. 

"I'm only going to say this once, Roxanne. Stay away from her. You are nothing but trouble and she doesn't need your shit anymore. You hear?"

"Are you fucking kidding me, Hunter?" I yell in his face, pushing roughly against his chest. "She's my best friend! I'm not going anywhere!"

"Yeah, you are. You stay away from her. I don't care if you are the Prez's daughter, I will put a fucking bullet in your head if you ever make her cry again." He says before turning quickly and stomping out of my room. 

I scream out of frustration and slam the door shut behind him before flopping onto the bed. 

What gives him the right to demand such a crazy thing? She's my best friend. We have been friends since kindergarten. I would never hurt her. He's crazy to think I would. 

And if he thinks I'm going to listen to him, he's got another thing coming.

I dress in a hurry - throwing on a pair of short, black shorts, a white tank and my favourite black boots - and rush out of the room. Rounding the corner, I walk right into a solid wall of Trevor. He groans with impact and grabs my shoulders to prevent me from falling on my ass. 

"Move," I growl as I move to step around him. 

However, he uses his strength against me and holds me still. 

"No," He says, looking down at me with dark eyes. 

Is he angry at me too?

"What's your fucking problem?" I question.

"No, what's your fucking problem, Rox?" 

"Nothing. I have no go."

"No, you don't," He says pushing me against the wall. "I am so tired of you fucking things up and I having to clean up the mess."

"What do you mean?"

"Hunter!" He yells in my face. "You are always getting Lacey into trouble and enough is enough!"

"I didn't do anything!" I scream back at him, hitting him in the chest.

"Yeah, right." He rolls his eyes. "We all know how you are, Rox."

"Fuck you."

"Just fucking leave. Get the fuck out of the house for a few days and leave everyone alone. You're not needed around here." He says harshly and I don't bother arguing. 

Pushing him away, I run down the stairs and jump on my bike. Not even bothering to let it warm up a bit, I take off, leaving my home behind as tears begin to sting my eyes. 

I've never really been one to cry. I tend to let everything build up within me, then I release it with a single punch to some unexpecting person. But today is too much. I just want to scream while simultaneously bawling my eyes out. It's an odd feeling. 

Eventually, my eyes are too blurry to see and I am forced to pull over. Despite what some people may think, I am a safe driver and I'm not stupid. I'm not going to risk my life by driving with my eyes all watery. I value my life too much. 

I'm on the shoulder of Highway 3. Traffic zips past me on both sides. There are only fields of corn in both directions and I watch the stalks sway in the soft breeze that whips around my hair. 

In that moment, I realize I left without my helmet and I internally curse at myself. I could die without the stupid thing. Such a rookie mistake and I know that with my luck, some Officer Asshole will catch me without it. 


In the distance, I hear the familiar sound of a motorcycle and my heart freezes. I know I am in another club's territory. I panic for a second until I realize that I left my cut at home. There is nothing to identify me as anything more than a woman biker. My face isn't well known, thankfully, so I shouldn't have to worry about anything. 

I watch as the pack of bikers get closer and closer. I begin to sweat and my heart is pounding through my chest, but I will myself to look put together. I don't need to raise suspicion. 

Wiping my eyes, I fluff my hair and lean against my bike. I know they will stop. They have to. They need to make sure I'm not a threat. 

Seconds feel like hours as I watch the bikes slow down and pull to the shoulder. Each rider looks at me curiously. I can see the patch on their chest, but I don't quite know who they are. I never really paid attention to that stuff. That was more so a Trevor thing. 

One of the men hops off his bike and removes his helmet, placing it on the seat. He is really good looking with buzzed, brown hair and a clean-shaven face. His arms are covered in black and grey tattoos of skulls and motorcycle related things. He's missing a shirt, leaving his strong chest completely bare and I can't help but admire him.

"Why hello there, Angel. Have troubles?" He asks smoothly, a large smirk on his face. This man thinks he's God's gift to women, I'm sure. 

"No, sir. Just needed to stretch my legs. Been riding for a while. You know how it is." I say and I give him my best smile. 

"Of course, Angel. How about you join us for a drink? There's a bar just down the road. Maybe you heard of it? Jackson's?"

Shit, I internally curse as I release whose territory I'm in. "Oh, I'm okay there. I really should be heading back home soon." I tell him. "But I appreciate the offer...?"

"Axel. And who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?" He asks, that smirk never faltering. 

"Roxanne. Or Roxy. Whatever floats your boat." I reply. 

"Well, Roxy. I have to insist you come for a drink. It's such a hot day, I don't really want you to get heat stroke or anything."

"Why are we stopped?" A hard voice questions from behind Axel and my breath hitches in my throat.

He turns to face the man that's been haunting me since last night and once his eyes land on me, I feel my entire body ignite with a fire its never felt before. 

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