The Girl Who Never Smiles | ✔️

By ImagineSass_15

1.1M 47.1K 6.2K

{COMPLETED!!!} "She's just a little too scared to get close because everyone who said they'd be there, left."... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
TGWNS Playlist
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Bay's Letter
107K views, 4K votes
*Bonus Chapter* Thanksgiving
Bonus Chapters🎉🎉
Bonus Chapter *Asher's POV*

Chapter 47

12.6K 642 114
By ImagineSass_15

Hellloooo lovely readers,

I just want to start off by fan girling really quickly. WHY DON'T WE RELEASED 8 LETTERS, their album. I have listened to it on repeat and my god, I am falling in love. If any of you are limelights, comment in the comment section. If you get a chance, go and listen to their album. It is 5 stars.

Anyway to the book...

"Ready?" Zoe asks me with a knowing smirk on her face. 

"Yes" I respond, tight lipped. Issac opens the door of the house and Zoe and I walk out the house and into Issac's black Maserati. Issac gets into the driver's seat and puts the car into ignition.

"You guys hungry?" He asks.

"Kind of" Zoe mumbles and takes out her makeup palette and starts brushing along her face. Issac pulls off the lot of the house and goes in the opposite direction of school.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"Somewhere where food is. Duh" He says with a grin on his face. 

I roll my eyes and look out the window.

"Hey are you...cold?" He asks and looks down at my bare arms. He has been asking me the same question since he saw me with the outfit this morning. It's a light pink spaghetti strapped top and I am wearing black leggings and white Adidas sneakers.

"Issac..I am fine. I have a sweater in my locker as well."

"Just checkin'."

"For the 15th time."

"Well, i'm sorry that I care about if you are comfortable or not."

"Issac if I was uncomfortable, I wouldn't be wearing this."

"You just look cold."

"I am not shivering or turning blue!" I bite back and look at him as he drives the car. "Why are you making such a big deal about it?"

"It's just...lots of skin."

"And when you take off your shirt on the lacrosse field during practice, that isn't too much skin?"

"Bay..that is different."



"Oh just shut up and get married already!" Zoe yells from the back seat as she glares at the two of us with her brush in her hand. I roll my eyes and look out the window as we roll into a McDonald's drive in.


"Yes really"

Issac rolls up to the monitor where the menu is.

"You want your usuals?" Issac asks us. We nod our heads and when he hears the ladies voice asking for our order, he answers perfectly: 2 hash browns and 2 fruit parfaits. He orders a bacon, egg, and cheese mcgriddle. I fish out a 20 out my bag and I hand it to Issac. He gives me a pointed glare and I try my signature puppy dog eyes, but he just quirks an eyebrow in amusement. He gives the lady his card and pays for the stuff. Once we get everything, he drives off and in the direction of the school. I pass Zoe her food and then I take out Issac's mcgriddle. 

Issac drives down the street and as always in his car, it barely feels like we are moving. It's like we are gliding. 

I bring the sandwich to Issac's lips and he opens his mouth and takes a bite. I use my other hand to grab my hash brown and take a bite into it. Throughout the rest of the car ride, I help Issac eat while he is driving all the while feeding myself. It has become a routine of a sort when Issac is driving and we have food. 

When we pull up to the school, the parking lot is crowded with students and there are probably more in the school. Students move out the way as Issac parks his car in his usual spot. 

Issac takes his mcgriddle from me and continues eating it. I turn around to Zoe who is busy flipping through her fashion week catalog magazine. 

"Hey Zo?" She doesn't answer me.

"Zo?" No answer.

"Hey Betsey Johnson!" I yell and it snaps her out of her thoughts.


"Time to go. Pack up your trash." I say to her and she starts packing up. I turn back around and when Issac isn't looking, I slip the 20 dollars into his jacket pocket. 5 minutes later, we are out the car and walking into the school. Issac and I walk off to our locker and Zoe goes to her own. 

I open up my locker and stuff in my stuff and take out my books. Starting tomorrow, I will have a lot of work to do. In 1 week, it will be Issac's birthday. He always told me he never does anything for it besides have a drink with his friends, but I want to have a small gathering with his close friends. I already calculated the chance of Victoria being here and in reality, she may come and I hate that. 

I already ordered the cake. I had a specially designed cake for Issac and it is the cutest thing ever. I need to compile all the other parts of his birthday celebration, which I think will bring the great Issac Evans to tears, but we will see. 

"Hey what are you thinking about?" Issac asks and pokes the side of my head. I snap out my thoughts and give him a small smile.

"Ways to beat a lacrosse player in a race."

"You, beat me?" He starts laughing hysterically in the hallway.

"You have a weakness Issac Evans and I will find it and beat you in that race. Mark my words." I promise him and close my locker with my books in hand.

"Good luck with that Bay."

"Thank you for supporting me destroying you." I say with a smirk. The bell rings and students hurry off to class.

"Until we meet again." I recite to Issac and walk off. 


"Armani, I need you to buy me some booze."

"Bay Stewart is asking me for booze. I'll be damned." he says and kicks his feet up on the table.

"It's for his party. And I know you. If you invite anyone that is not in the inner circle and by inner circle I mean Asher and you will of course bring your girlfriend who will bring her friends, I will kill you with your eyeball cords as a choker."

"Kinky." he says with a devilish smirk on his face. 

Jesus Christ.

"You can't tell Issac about this. It's meant to be a surprise. And I know you have connections. All we need is beer, champagne, and tequila none of which I will drink."

"Why not, lightweight?" He asks mischievously.

I exhale frustratingly. This is what I have to go through.

"Buy me booze or I kill you. Simple. You have 1 week. The party will be at my house. That day my mom will be gone on a business trip overseas and my brother will be away for a school trip. Get it done and Issac can not know! Capisce?"

"Alright." He says.

I get up from the lunch table I was sat at with Armani and walk back to my lunch table with Zoe.

"Armani on board?"


"Who is left?" she asks and sips her kale drink.

"Asher. I need him to buy the pizzas."

"What are you bringing to the table missy?"

"It is a surprise and only Issac will know. Sorry. I have to go find Asher." I text Asher really quick and tell him to meet me in the multipurpose room. I get up and walk out the lunchroom and into the multipurpose room. I sit in the swivel chair and wait for Asher to come. I need approximately 3 boxes of pizza for 8 people and Victoria and her friends may not even eat pizza.

Asher walks into the room with his hands in his pockets.

"What up?"

"I need you to buy...3 boxes of pizza for a surprise party for Issac's birthday next week."

"He never does anything on his birthday."

"Yeah, but that was before he met me. Booze is taken care of, cake is taken care of. I will cover decorations and stuff. It will all be at my house. Invite no one. Only Issac, Armani, Cartier, Zoe, you, me, and unfortunately Victoria and Sienna will be there. No one else. If anyone else comes, I will call the cops on them. I'm serious." I tell him in a stern voice.

"Gotcha. What type of pizza?"

"Uh one pizza has to be pepperoni, another pizza  that is a flatbread one with just tomato and basil, and another pizza of whatever on it. You choose. I wrote it down here in case you forget." I hand him the paper and he pockets it. 

"Issac cannot know. If he finds out, I will use your dog tags to castrate you."

"The fact that I am used to your violent talk is very concerning."

"For you it is. I have to go. I have a lot of work to do." I get up and walk past him and walk back to the lunchroom.


What the hell is going on?

I look around the hallways and everyone is buzzing about something. I walk through the hallway utterly confused. Something is off. I find Zoe at the end of the hall looking around frantically. 

"Zoe! What's going on?"

"Mackenzie...she ran away, right pass me obviously upset."

"In which direction?"

Zoe points to the right and I jog off in that direction. A door that has to lead to outside is right in front of me and I open it. My guess was right. It leads directly outside to the parking lot. I spot Mackenzie running in the parking lot and out the school lot. I quickly zig zag through cars to try to catch up with her. When I finally reach her, I am out of breath. 

"What's wrong?" I ask her trying to catch my breath.

"You don't know" she responds bitterly.

Obviously not.


"Issac broke up with me." she says sadly and I nearly choke on my spit.

"What!" I croak out.

"He broke up with me. Something about his heart isn't in it and it isn't fair to me if he stays in the relationship, but there is for sure more to it obviously. It was all tosh anyway. I think it had something to do with you. Did you sleep with him!" she accuses.  

My eyes widen and my jaw drops at what she is accusing me of. 

"You t-think I s-slept with Issac?"

"Yes, i believe he got into your knickers didn't he? I always knew there was something going on between you two. The way you looked at each other. It was more than friendship." she scoffs and looks away from me, a lone tear trailing down her porcelain skin.

"I never slept with Issac and he didn't cheat on you Mackenzie."

"I am not a bloody fool! He obviously has feelings for you. Stronger than the ones he had for me. I thought maybe if you were with Brett, maybe now you and Issac would never happen, but you guys always make your way back together, huh?"

"Mackenzie, Issac and I never did anything like what you are implying while you were dating."

"Issac may have been faithful to me physically, but emotionally, he was not. He likes you more and it is not his fault. I just wish I knew earlier so I wouldn't be so torn apart. I need to go." she says and walks off.


She turns back to me and her eyes have turned red along with the rest of her face.

"I'm so sorry."

"Yeah, so am I. Tip of advice: don't let him go. Stop denying the connection between the two of you. You guys, there is something there." She turns and leaves and disappears down the street.

I can't help but feel guilty for how this all ended. Maybe if I had stayed away, Mackenzie wouldn't be walking away, crying. I walk back into the school building from the door I came out of. Zoe is waiting for me at the door. 


"Issac broke up with her and it is my fault." I tell her and release a stressed sigh. "I need to find Issac."

"Lacrosse field talking, or fighting with Mackenzie's brother."

"He will kill him." I say and start jogging to the south wing and to the lacrosse field. Maxwell, Mackenzie's brother, and Issac are on the field and Maxwell looks heated. Maxwell is red in the face and the fact that he has a lacrosse stick in his hand is scaring me. They are all the way on the end of the field and it will take me a while to run there. Let's hope I make it in time before something bad happens.

Because this is all my fault. 

I hope you liked the chapter! Don't forget to press that gold button on the bottom, comment, and share! 

Until next time...

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