The Burden Continues

By Full_Of_Shame

710 11 7

My continuation to a story called "The Burden" here on Wattpad by @Sssh-Im-Hiding (alert woes) that was never... More

Chapter Six
Chapter Seven (Turquoise Eyes)

Chapter Five

254 4 0
By Full_Of_Shame

A/N: Read the original first "The Burden" by Sssh-Im-Hiding. As stated in the description this is not my story this is just how I would have finished it. I wrote 3 chapters two over 2,000 words long and one over 3,000. My rest of the story will focus only on what happens to Ahkmenrah so don't be surprised if there aren't any scenes with McPhee or others. And you may notice Attila doesn't appear anywhere and that's because I just forgot about him and later just didn't bother since his character doesn't speak English sorry not sorry.

Keep in mind I have never written a fanfiction before much less mpreg. I don't plan on writing any more fics as this one is probably terrible. I did this for everyone who wanted to see this fic come to an end. Without further do here it is this chapter is 2 409 words long and its called "chapter five" because it ended on chapter four.


The next evening Larry was getting ready for his night shift, thinking of the night's upcoming events.

When he was done he headed out to the Pharaoh's tomb, he was almost past the reception when he stopped, paused for a second and took a few steps back to retrieve the trash can from under the reception's desk.

As dusk approached and all the exhibits came to life, Larry stood beside Ahkmenrah's sarcophagus waiting for him to wake up.

All of a sudden Ahkmenrah sat up in distress, then he saw Larry standing next to him with the trash bin in hand, he took it, and proceeded to violently retch. Emptying everything in his stomach until there was nothing but bile coming up.

"Thank you, Larry." Said Ahk after wiping his mouth, then laid back down, exhausted.

"Hey you okay, Ahk?" The nightguard asked slightly concerned.

"Oh. I'm quite alright. Just nauseous." Replied the Pharaoh with his eyes closed.

After a few seconds Ahkmenrah sat back up slowly, fatigue plastered all over his face, pains all over his body.

At that moment Larry glanced down at his stomach inquisitively.

"Hey Ahk, is it me or... is your stomach a little bigger?"

The Pharaoh look down at his abdomen his head clear now.

"I believe so, yes. You know, this child isn't an exhibition, Larry. If it is a real child the tablet has no effect on it just like it doesn't have any on you." Ahkmenrah answered in a matter of fact tone.

"Since it still lives on during the day, the curse still takes its course, which I presume is the cause of my ever growing middle." He trailed off.

Larry looked at Ahkmenrah who seemed deep in thought.

"Something troubling you Ahk?" Larry asked.

"I'm just worried that my garb may rip, as it was not made to accommodate my growing midsection." Said Ahk as he looked into the distance.

"Ummm... I've got a pair of sweatpants in my locker I could lend you for the time being if you'd like?" The nightguard proposed.

"Oh that's very kind of you Larry, but I must decline. As a Pharaoh, I must remain in my royal garments." Ahk said with an appreciative smile.

"Ok then. Offer still stands if you change your mind." Larry said as he knew the young Egyptian wouldn't stand to wear his form-fitting clothes this whole time.

After their little conversation, Larry accompanied Ahkmenrah to the reception where he'd leave him with Jed and Octavius for some company, while he went to collect the rest of the items needed for the healing spell.

"Hey, Gigantor! Where are you off to now?" Jed asked despaired.

"Gotta find the rest of the ingredients for the healing potion, and no you can't come with me, you guys stay here to take care of Ahk."

"But Larry we can't do much with him." Octavius chimed in.

"Talking with him to keep him busy is the least you can do guys."

"Alright, fine..." they both said in unison.


"Ok water from the Nile and a three-legged toad, shouldn't be that hard now should it?" Larry thought as he walked back to the Pharaoh's tomb to retrieve the items, walking past the two Anubis' guarding the Pharaoh's tomb.

Larry walked over to a painting that depicted the beautiful Nile shore along with some disheveled building in the background and a couple of ladies. He reached his hand into the painting for some water all the while apologizing to the women in the picture for they were perturbed by his actions.

"Now onto the toad..." He quietly said to himself.

He walked over to a display of several different toads, frog, and others.

The nightguard stood there for multiple minutes trying to find the desired mutant. When finally he spotted it, he opened the display and proceeded to reach forth to grab the repugnant creature.

"Disgusting..." he thought, looking at the green ghastly blob covered in many bright teal dots.

Once in his grasp, Larry closed the display and as he was about to put it away into a jar the amphibian jumped making its escape.

"Damn it" He cursed as now began the chase that was to continue for quite some time.


In the meantime, while Ahk was casually chatting away with Jed and Octavius, Teddy came over and took a seat next to the Pharaoh.

"How are you doing young man?"

"I'm good, still getting used to my predicament but, I'm okay" Said Ahk.

Theodore looked at him for a bit analyzing him from head to toe.

Ahk seemed to be uncomfortable sitting in the grey office chair. He looked like he was taking very small breaths, squirming in his seat. He glimpsed down at the Egyptian's stomach noticing it was protruding a bit more than it did yesterday, uncomfortably pushing against his belt.

"Are you sure you're alright Ahkmenrah?" Teddy asked with a serious tone.

"You know you can tell me anything, I'm not judging and I may give you some advice..." He trailed off.

Ahk knew Teddy wasn't going to let this slide so he answered reluctantly.

"My... wardrobe is... getting a little tight around my midriff if you will. I don't want to change out of my garment you see, I'm afraid if I'm not properly dressed people will look down on me, but it's getting a bit hard to breathe." He lowered his voice so that only Teddy could hear.

'I see..." The president idled. The usually bright and confident young King seems to have been victim to hormones. The poor thing probably doesn't even understand why he's feeling that way.

"Ahk my boy... you shouldn't think like that. Look at all of them Running around living their life so to speak, they know that they're alive because of you, you don't need to appeal to them in any way, because they already know they've got you to thank for all this, and besides you're in a unique situation right now, you need to relax and stop thinking about these things, what matters now is your health and how you feel Mentally and Physically. So now do me a favor and put on some more comfortable clothes will ya?"

He smiled at him taking the Pharaoh into a side hug causing Ahk to relax and smile as well.


Larry has been running around the museum for about 20 minutes now trying to capture the vicious toad until it finally made it's way to the main hall, making it's way over to the front desk. The animal jumped in front of Ahk and Teddy.


"Someone catch that toad!" Larry yelled out of breath.

At that moment Ahkmenrah spoke to the creature in Arabic and it stopped. Soon after Larry caught up to them and successfully caught the toad.

"... Thanks, I've been running after that thing for the past half hour." He said defeated.

He sat down exhausted.

The three of them sat there in silence until Ahk piped up.

"Umm Larry... do you still have those sweatpants you were talking about earlier?" He asked timidly.

The nightguard looked at him with a satisfied look, he knew Ahk would comply at some point.

"Of course I do" He smiled "Come to the break room I'll bring them over to you and you can change there."

He stood up and left to get the item of clothing with Ahkmenrah close behind.


"I'll make you some tea while you change." Larry spoke up.

The King nodded in agreement, removed his headdress and cautiously began to undo his garb, then took it off and laid it on the couch with care. He grabbed the dark grey sweats from a chair and started to put them on one leg at a time. Ahk tried not to fall over while doing so, when he finally got them on he proceeded to take off his Usekh collar and his cape. The Pharaoh stood there shirtless just in sweatpants waiting for the water to finish boiling when all of a sudden a sharp pain hit his lower abdomen.

"Argh." Ahk suddenly grunted in pain putting both of his hands on the sides of his stomach, eyes squeezed shut.

"Hey, you okay?" Larry asked turning away from the boiling kettle.

Then out of nowhere, Taweret's magic showed up again as blue sweeps of light began to swivel around Ahkmenrah for a bit. Both Ahk and Larry looked on in shock as the lights dissipated. Once the lights vanished Ahkmenrah's belly began to visibly expand in his hands, the skin stretching quickly as Ahk groaned in pain at the sudden growth in his middle, he clutched the chair next to him with his hand and crouched while supporting his belly with the other. Larry stood there discombobulated at the situation he had just witnessed. When he snapped out of it he rushed to the younger man's side.

"Hey hey Ahkmenrah talk to me! Are you alright?!" The man freaked.

Ahk caught his breath and started to breathe heavily as he sat on the floor with one hand still on his stomach massaging it to soothe the pain

"I'm fine." he chocked out "It's just, my skin... it's so tight... it hurts." He winced.

"You're sure you're fine?"

"Yeah yeah I'm ok." He concluded.

"Ok then, well I can't do anything about the pain Ahk I'm sorry, skin isn't supposed to stretch so much in this short amount of time. It's gonna hurt until this is all done and you'll have a lot of stretch marks too." The older man lifted a brow at the thought.

"I can give you some ointment to rub in but I don't know how much that will do." he proposed.

"I'd like that." The Egyptian sighed his eyes closed breathing still a tad bit labored.

Larry helped Ahk back up and sat him on the chair to rest and sip his tea in peace. The two men sat there for a while drinking their tea, every time Larry looked up at the man he had a mix of discomfort and confusion on his face.

"What's up? You seem troubled." The nightguard said.

"Oh, nothing it's just... my nausea is gone but" the man paused "I keep feeling movement in there like something is inside of me floating around moving about. It just feels weird" Ahk answered with mixed emotions.

"You're feeling it move around? Well, that's good, at least we know it's okay" Larry trailed off as he remembered when his ex-wife first started to feel movements when she was pregnant with Nick.

"If my memory serves me well you seem to be about 5 to 6 months along." He added.

"How can you tell?" The Pharaoh looked up eyes wide.

"Well..." The older man began, feeling a bit awkward "You said your nausea's gone and that you're feeling it move... and that's around when these things happen. From the looks of it too, I mean you easily went from being about 3 to 4 months to, looking like you're about 6 months along."

The young man rose abruptly.

"Uh... right. Do you mayhap have a shirt I could borrow as well? I don't really want to go out there with a bare chest given my situation." Ahkmenrah looked down at the floor a bit ashamed.

"Um yeah sure I'll find something and you'll be all set." Larry agreed and went to look for another article of clothing.


When Larry walked back into the room he slowly opened the door apparently Ahkmenrah hadn't heard him and was sitting on the couch his fingertips barely grazing the surface of his now considerably distended stomach clearly focused on it.

"Ahem." The man cleared his throat as he entered the room, startling Ahk out of his thoughts.

"Oh you're back, I didn't hear the door open." The young man said quickly bringing his hands to his sides.

"Don't stop on my account, I'm not judging. What were you doing?"

"Well my skin still hurts so I tried to massage it a bit, but it started to move under the pressure and startled me, which is what you walked in on. Also..." the man trailed off "my bellybutton is weird" he mumbled.

" No Ahk it's not weird it's normal, well it's normal for pregnancy that is, so it's ok there's nothing wrong with it, nor with you." The guard reassured him putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh god I don't know what's gotten into me Larry I'm sorry for my behavior it's unforgivable." Ahkmenrah said tears welling in his eyes.

"That's okay it's your hormones they're out of whack because of all of this don't blame yourself for that, you can't control them, Oh and speaking of all this since you mentioned you're still in pain I got you some ointment."

"Oh thank you, Larry, Guardian of Brooklyn" The young Pharaoh hugged him tightly.

"Yeah yeah well now get dressed and let's get out of here people are gonna wonder why we're in here so long, also I got all the stuff for the potion you're gonna have to tell me what's next" Larry informed Ahkmenrah as they left the room.

"You'll have to boil all three ingredients together and I'll have to cite a spell as you do so to give the potion its magic powers." Ahk said as they made their way over to the reception's desk.

"Woah, what happened in there? You look different." Jed stated gesturing over to the King.

"Yeah, you've been in there for over an hour." Octavius added.

"It seems Taweret's magic struck upon me again, so we had to deal with that." The Pharaoh cooly informed the miniatures.

"Ah, I see you're much better now, aren't you Ahk?" Teddy inquired.

"Much better, thank you." The young Egyptian admitted rubbing the side of his belly.

Soon sunrise made itself apparent as hints of light hit the ceiling of the main hall.

"I'm gonna head to my tomb now."

"Um, Ahk?"

"Yes, Larry?"

"You might wanna hide in your sarcophagus or something because I don't wanna explain to McPhee why our mummy is dressed in modern clothes and is itself about to become a mummy." The older man jokingly informed the Egyptian King. Ahkmenrah nodded with a smile and turned into his chamber as the sunbeams made their way inside the museum.

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