Burning With Desire

By mochikun91

63.5K 3.5K 493

Cross between the world of 2moons by Chiffon_Cake and a world of bending. Wayo becomes the Avatar, how will h... More

Packing and Preparing
Southern Water Tribe
Morning Training Part 1
Morning Training Part 2
Prince of the Northern Water Tribe
Flashback to Wayo's 13th Birthday
Getting Acquainted
Is it a Date?
Back at the Villa
Fire Nation
Subtle Hints
Dinner and Training
New Beginnings
Fairy Angels
Moon and Star
MingKit Side Story
How do I Approach Him?
Approaching his Beloved
Our First "Date"~~~PhaYo
Part 1: A ForthBeam Story
Part 2: A ForthBeam Story
Preparing for War
Calm Before the Storm


1.3K 89 13
By mochikun91

A/N: I had bit of time before I'm once again surrounded by a sea of homework, so here is a short update. I hope you enjoy!

Yo's POV:

When I woke up, I noticed there was no one around me. I was left in complete darkness. The only living thing near me besides myself are the guards standing outside my door. I can hear the breathing become more calm. They must be dozing off outside. Before I had left my home and travel to the other nations to master the elements, I studied air bending diligently in my own kingdom. My Professor was Jinora. She is Tenzin's daughter.

[A/N: Tenzin is Avatar Aang's son. Jinora is extremely elderly in this point of the story.]

She mastered the art of meditation when she was just a child and was able to enter the spirit world at will. Of course I also have mastered it. I will seek the guidance of those in the spirit world to help me escape from this ordeal. I waited until all of the guards fell asleep before I began meditating in case they thought I was doing anything suspicious.

It took me about five minutes to bring my body and mind into a meditative trance. When I opened my eyes, darkness is not what surrounded me, instead I was surrounded by a sea of colors. The spirit world was much more colorful and brighter than the mundane world.

Combing through the vines, I noticed an old man. I decided to approach him. As I got closer, I noticed he had on a look of surprise. Even through his white beard and abundance of facial hair, I was able to see his reactions.

"Long time no see, Avatar. What brings you here, to the spirit world."

"You know me?"

"Yes and no. I know your past lives. Avatar Aang, Avatar Korra, etc."

"Can you help me?" I said in a low voice.

"What troubles are you facing that you have come to the spirit world seeking for help?"

"I've been captured. These people are planning to hold me hostage and plunge the world into chaos and disorder! I cannot do much because the poison is hindering me from entering the Avatar State. What should I do?"

"Avatar, the problem that lies before you is simple. In order to clear the poison from your body, you must activate the pool of chakra in the center of your body and have it flow throughout your body, Have it circulate around and detoxify the poison. This way you can clear the poison without leaving any residue behind."

After talking with him, I understood what to do. After leaving the spirit world, I began the process of slowly purifying myself and getting rid of the poison inside of me. After a few hours had passed, it was already morning and I have successfully gotten rid of the poison. I can now freely move the rest of my body. Before I could make a move, the two pieces of trash walked inside of the room, with apparently an extra one this time. I would assume this old man was their father.

Instead of doing anything rash and alarming the enemy I decided to pretend I was still poisoned. This way, when they leave I can break out of this accursed place.

"So all this time, it was the high minister who had dared to kidnap me. What are you planning!" Although I already know in my heart what they are planning, it was best to hear it from him directly.

He smirked at me and began to walk towards me. He told me all about his plans because he assumed I will be trapped here forever. What a joke. You are just setting yourself up old man. This minister is planning to covet the throne of the Fire Nation and launch an attack on the rest of the world. How silly. Does he think he can get away with this? I will make sure he pays for everything. For even thinking of hurting the people who will become my In-Laws. He is just asking for trouble. If he even hurts a single strand of hair on Pha's head, I will burn him and pulverize him to the floor! No one touches my man or his family!

After they left, I was moved to another cell, further inside of the area they are keeping me in. I waited patiently for the guards around me to become careless and fall asleep. Heh. I began to initiate my plans. First I have to get rid of these chains that are binding me. Using my fingers, I gathered water from the surrounding air and used it to slowly cut the chain, bit by bit. After 20 minutes of non-stop cutting, I finally cut them off. Getting up, I stomped my foot into the ground to get a sense of what the structure around me is like.

Gathering my strength I ran towards the door and used metal bending to tear open the door. The moment I stepped outside of my cell the guards have already started to wake up. I easily defeated them with my earth-bending prowess.

Unfortunately for me, more and more of them came at me. Deciding that I did not have time to play around, I chose one of the most powerful skill I had to defeat them all at once. Blood-bending. I had a grasp at all of their bodies and forced them to submit before me. Forcing them all to the ground and making them all unconscious, I made my way towards the exit.

Turning the corner I was caught by surprise. It was another guard who managed to hide before falling prey to my bending. He pierced my shoulder with his blade and my mind blanked out. My Avatar spirit had awoken. I mercilessly attacked him with my air-bending, launching him to the wall, breaking his neck, killing him.

Narrator's POV:

Pring and Park realized that he [Yo] was escaping and went after him. When they caught up to him, a wave of fire was approaching them at great speed. Before they could even react, they were thrown against the wall and knocked unconscious. Their faces, burnt by the strong heat wave coming from the flames. The parts of their face that were hit by the flames, were burnt like a crisp, leaving behind irreparable damage. They were scarred for life.

After getting rid of his enemies, Yo tore a hole in the wall and jumped outside, towards the forest. Before he could make it far, his Avatar spirit fades out and he descends quickly towards the ground. Gathering himself up he uses all of his energy to run inside of the forest. From the inside of the building where Yo tore a hole in the wall stood five archers. Their arrows aiming in his direction. *WOOSH* Five arrows were launched, flying rapidly towards him. Yo's palm was pierced. It pinned him to the tree. Yo collapses while being pinned to the tree slowly losing his consciousness.

[A/N: The Yuyan archers were ordered by pring to capture him alive if he escaped. Yuyan archers. Shoot a fly from 100m without killing it. Highly skilled, hired by Pring to capture Yo alive]

A/N: I don't really have time to go back and edit my story due to college and whatnot. So I apologize beforehand if there is any discrepancy in my story or if there are any misspellings, grammatical errors, etc.. I hope you enjoyed this update. Don't forget to comment and vote! See you next time!

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