Rogue's Secret Mate

By QueenAmity97

176K 6.6K 1.6K

WARNING: BXB/Mpreg No one knows who, All they know was that a young man stumbled upon their pack, with a mute... More

Chapter 1: Runaways
Chapter 2: Hollow
Chapter 3: Forest
Chapter 4: Saving Hands
Chapter 5: The Smell of Life
Chapter 6: Mate
Chapter 7: Assumptions
CHAPTER 8: Rogue
Chapter 9: Acceptance
Chapter 11: Trash
Chapter 12: Gluttony
Chapter 13: Sleep for Now
Chapter 14: Reunion
Chapter 15: Death

Chapter 10: Urges

9.6K 386 123
By QueenAmity97

It's not always just the heart. Sometimes the mind breaks as well

The hallway was dark, enveloped with never ending shadows. A curtain of uneasiness lurking around the vast empty space of what Sin liked to call kitchen. I was tiptoeing, feet light on the floor in a way of trying to be subtle. My breathing came as fast yet silent but the prospect of my actions- beg to differ as I felt my self, sweating bullets just beneath my sweatshirt.

I left Taiga soundly asleep on our room, with Forest at the feet of the bed in his own little comfy dog bed. The wolf felt my movements as I tiptoed toward the door but stayed placid nonetheless after sensing no danger in my actions. Still, the thought of getting caught red handed made my nerves burst unto unfathomable level.

I just had to keep silent.

The party was long gone, after feeling like a displayed china doll the whole night by being passed and introduce to creatures or people per say I didn't know- I felt glee when Sin announced to end of the night. I met countless of people of the pack, be it an important one or not. The Alpha, Trey's and Braidan's father had an imposing aura of authority and intelligence yet his calm smile made me nod in his every gesture and questions. The luna, who got angry after hearing my story and Braidan's actions made herself my chauffeur as she toured me in every crooks of the pack house. To say the least, the party was a bit overwhelming.

Now, I had much more dilemma.

It started when I woke up to the television pressed against our wall playing to some children station, Taiga's doing. The said child softly snoring, totally forgetting the still showing child show. It shouldn't be a bother for me but the show playing totally caught my attention and for some reason my mouth salivated at the thought of those talking green fruit, especially if soaked with vinegar.

I couldn't understand why, instead of turning off the tv, I was caught mesmerized by the dancing fruits. I watched until it's finished and hesitantly turned off the device. But the thought of eating the fruit still lingered in my mind. My taste buds kept on salivating and knowing that perhaps the kitchen had probably store those fruits, I made my mind.

Here I was sneaking at the middle of the night, just for the sake of satisfying my urges.

I wanted pickles.

Blind eye with nothing to see, I kept on stumbling and tripping. Using my hands as support I tried my best to stay silent. Engraving the direction in my mind, I made my way to the kitchen. Caught between turning on or not the lights, I settled on the dark, better than getting caught. Hopefully, they had pickles, or this secret rendezvous of mine would be useless. I tiptoed at the hanging drawer and opened it, due to the moonlight reflecting from the glass window I could see some bottle jar. I almost screeched at delight as I read the content, pickles

My mouth salivated, I gingerly picked the jar and sat on the floor. I opened it and was greeted by the sour odor of vinegar, instead of cringing- I smiled.

Picking one, I hummed as I took a bite.

Ah heaven, munching silently I didn't notice the incoming footsteps.

Suddenly, light flooded inside the kitchen and for a moment I froze mid bite. Eyes wide and startled, I crouched deeply in the corner I happened to sit by.

Standing at the door, with a startled face was no other than Braidan.

"Holy shit! You fucking scared me!" he exclaimed in surprise. I stayed silent and gulped the remaining food in my mouth. He saw the jar at my hand and frowned. He took a step and if possible I shrunk further in my position.

"I see, good thing Sin managed to stock the drawer with pickles. Such a prepared man" I frowned but stayed silent.

"He probably guessed you'd crave for pickles too since almost all the pregnant ones like to eat it, guess you're the same huh?" He ambled unto the fridge and got some water. He was talking more like to himself as he did his business. I stayed silent, not knowing how to react. After all this man hurt me and my body couldn't seem to forgot. My muscles stayed rigid and defensive, even breathing felt like a chore.

"And why are you on the floor?" I didn't bother answering, I scooted away from him as he started advancing toward me. He noticed it, and paused mid-step.

"Right, you're scared of me. Figures" he sighed and stay rooted in his place.

"-listen..." his words got cut off as he contemplated on something, his brows furrowed and mouth frowning. He sighed and shrugged.

"...nevermind" with that, he sauntered away from me and walked out from the kitchen. I sighed in relief and looked down at my pickles. I picked another one and continued munching in happiness.

finally, I can eat in peace

After eating two full jar of pickles, I went back into our room and snuggled back to Taiga, finally sated and contented. I closed my eyes and thought back about my condition. I was pregnant, perhaps I was an omega? No human could be pregnant right? Could I still see Coco? Would he be happy? Hopefully.

With thoughts running inside my head. I never noticed how sleep consumed me.


Bright rays of the sun assaulted my line of sight. I groaned as I turned my back at the offending rays. A giggle caught my attention and I groggliy peaked at the source. Taiga was perched at the back of Forest, humping like a cowboy, the wolf helplessly obeying his command.

I smiled at the sight.

A knock at the door broke the trance, Taiga immediately got silent and clumsily hop from Forest's back. He dashed straight at me and snuggled behind the comforter underneath me. I sighed and caressed his back.

The door opened, Sin's head peaked inside. He smiled as soon as our eyes met.

"Breakfast's ready" I nodded and sat up, the comforter was dragged with my actions leaving Taiga opened for Sin to see. I chuckled as the kid scrambled unto my lap.

"Shy as ever" Sin murmured. He glanced around the room probably looking for Forest. The wolf perked from his bed and ambled unto us. Sin smiled and ushered the wolf outside.

"Trey was hoping to walk Forest outside" I frowned but nodded. For some reason, Trey had an unusual affection to the wild wolf.

"I'll leave you for now" I nodded, when the door was closed I looked down at the shy child.

"Come on Tai, let's get you settled" He looked at me and pouted, hands up in the air. I hefted him and walked inside the bathroom.

Breakfast would be awkward.


Being inside the kitchen, made me remember my escapade earlier. I blushed, knowing I sneaked just hours before. I couldn't even move my gaze to Braidan, perhaps he ratted me out to Sin. All in all, I felt like pleading a case- guilty as charged.

I stayed silent as I lugged myself unto the chair. I inwardly sigh as I counted the people, getting comfortable at the familiar faces I learned to slowly trust. They gave reassuring smiles as I put Taiga on my lap. Food was served at my front and the kid hesitantly lifted the spoon unto his mouth. He looked at me as he chewed his egg.

"So, Reagan after breakfast will it be okay for us to do some briefing in your situation?" Gael asked. I frowned, not understanding his words? Did he mean interrogation?

"Not like that kid, you know just getting to know you and for us to give you some information about us?" Perhaps, Fire sensed my agitation as he clarified Gael's words. But knowing they'd ask questions which I wasn't ready to give, I had to decline. Though, was it fair? For all the things they did for me was it okay to deny them as simple as background check?

"It's okay kid, take your time" I glanced at Sin and nodded.

Besides, I had questions too.


My hands were twitching, fingers itching to grasp something but the idea of doing it appalled myself to no end, not to mention embarrassing and peculiar. Who would be sane enough to caress random people's hair?

But the soft blond locks of Neya caught my attention, I had this urge to rack my hand through his golden strands. They were shining like a crystal shimmering and glimmering through the rays of the sun.

He sat beside Falcon, leaning on his shoulder with eyes close and a pair of earpiece attached to his ears, humming silently to a song he was listening. I kept on glancing and at the same time shying away, trying to be subtle. But the urges sometimes were so strong I didn't realize I was staring too long for somebody to notice.

We were all huddled around the living room, where square set of couches enveloped the small coffee table. Everybody was present, those people who saved me; Trey, Fire, Sin, Gael, Falcon, Midori, Neya and surprisingly Braidan. A tiny part of me, trusted them after all the care they showered for me.

"Hopefully our presence isn't a bit overwhelming Reagan but believe it or not our wolves managed to bond to you" Sin's soothing voice broke the silence creeping around us though his words brought a frown on my face. He chuckled, sensing my distress.

"It's common for our wolves to bond to each other knowing wolves usually form as your case let's say we manage to imprint ourselves to you?" They nodded and gave me a lopsided grin, Midori scratched the back of his head and shrugged.

"At first it scared me, not able to understand the sudden protectiveness of my wolf towards you but when explained by our elder, I settled down" My frown was getting heavy as words poured from their mouths.

"So, forgive us in advance if you saw us tailing your every actions especially now that our wolves knew you're pregnant, and when it comes to pups our sense of protectiveness is a li'l bit haywire."

"Wait..." I choked a word, but composed myself.

"... imprint?" Came my whispered voice. They nodded sensing my deliberate question.

"Imprinting for wolves is like giving a part of your soul to someone. It rarely happens and it takes a situation for that to take place. Like for example a near death experience, a situation where something stresses our inner wolves to take action"

"...your situation, being helplessly laid in the verge of death probably woke our inner instincts to unconsciously bond to you. We didn't notice it at first but the signs slowly show, taking us by surprise"

"And by he means signs, you getting stressed makes us agitated. You getting upset made our wolves upset too. A part of your emotions are passed on us. It's like getting bonded but without the physical means. We aren't wanderers but we sure as hell imprinted to you" Midori explained.

"Wanderers?" I asked.

"Werewolves with the sole purpose of imprinting alone. No bond mates, but with the purpose to serve in loyalty. They were usually a pack warrior, a pack personal guard. Their purpose is to be of use and let their imprint lead their life. They're usually mateless...but they still could take a lover" Gael finished.

"Why me?" I asked, my voice turning into inaudible whisper as I weighed the impact of my situation. Imprint? Me? How come? Who was I for their wolves to imprint on me?

"Would it be unfair? You didn't want it to happen? Tie yourself to me?" They smiled and shook their heads.

"Your'e wrong Reagan. Our wolves aren't tactless. We wouldn't just imprint to someone without our approval. Though, it was unconsciously done, but imprinting is like bonding. If it was destined then it is. There's no mistake in it. Our wolves chose you"


After the talk, I felt like crawling myself at the soft sheets of my bed and never wake up. It was too much for myself to absorb everything.

I was just a normal human once, with an overbearing brother and a secret lover. Now, I was associating myself with a pack of wolves who managed to imprint themselves on me. Great.

After able to grasp myself out of the group, I trotted back into our room and planned to sleep it all. But a figure loomed over me, halting my plan.

"So it was you?" The voice owning it, held malice and disgust. It was uttered with disdain and contempt. I reeled, surprised at the tone. I almost stumble down at the severity of the words.

I looked up at the person in front of me, by any means I wasn't short stock, being 5'9 I deemed myself tall enough. But faced with almost a head taller than me, I crouched back intimidated. She's tall, freakishly big for an average woman. She's like an amazona, big with bulging muscles and stature.

I took a step back as she took a step forward.

"I thought it was just rumours. The gang taking care of a rogue omega..." she trailed off,

"... at first I didn't want to believe it" she took another step and invaded my personal space as she jabbed her finger right against my chest.

"Seeing you in a flesh erased my doubts not to mention you reeked of them!" She all but screeched like a petulant child as she step back. I flinched at her actions and took another step back distancing away from her. Who was this girl to cause such a scene?

She glared at me as she composed herself.

I had this sudden urge to slap her.

My hands twitched, and I curled my fist to stop the itch. She smirked as she sensed my silence, probably thinking I was submissive enough to not retaliate. It wasn't my place though to act careless. I didn't know her and so far no harm was done except for the finger jabbing.

She took another step that made me back off, a smirk suddenly appeared on her undeniably pretty face.

"I wonder what you did? They never are this open to somebody. Protective? Yes they are specially after Neya's case but good samaritans? I doubt..." she dashed her form at me as she jabbed another finger at my chest. I wanted to grab her finger and bend it far as I could to put emphasis on my feelings but I just took a deep breath to calm myself.

"So what did you do huh... Mr. Rogue?" That title again, how I wished to demand an answer for it but Sin was so reluctant to give me enough explanation.

I didn't answer her and took another step away from her, I remained silent throughout our scuffle. Despite the surprise of her actions I remained calm. I experienced worse enough than this though Braidan and her, totally caught me by surprise, being beaten and bitten to death was better than this.

...or so I thought.

Her figure that was a meter distance away, suddenly strided toward me in just a second. She paused and smirked looking just behind me before she dashed just right at my face. Surprised and bewildered I took a step back in tune to her actions, I didn't want her in my personal space. She raised her hands and suddenly flashes of Braidan hurting me invaded in my mind. I cowered and shied away from her. I stumbled back trying to get away from her but suddenly all I felt was air. Then, I was falling... and falling.

I gasped, flailing my arms to grasp something. Shit, I couldn't fall the baby. Immense fear took over my system that I just shutdown and closed my eyes.

Waiting for my body to stumble down steps by steps.

Strong pair of arms suddenly grasped my shoulders from behind. A scream lodged in my throat but the figure hushed me in reassuring words of comfort.

"It's fine Reagan, you're fine" the words were muffled in my ears, fear still latching in my body. I was shivering as an arm hugged my body protectively.

"I got you. Calm down" Finally on my senses, I glanced at Midori as he sent me a comforting smile.

I glanced back and saw the woman eyeing us in glare. The fall, she did it on purpose knowing I was standing just above the stairs.

A growl resonated and I glanced up at Midori. He looked so serious and angry, so far from his previous goofy self.

"What were you doing Georgia?" Midori asked in distate. The girl just huffed and crossed her arms.

"Nothing, I was just greeting him, didn't expect him to be that careless" she replied in defense. I frowned at her words but stayed silent nonetheless.

"Then next time, greet him properly not trying to push him down okay? You might be Sena's sister but my wolf might forgot once you hurt Reagan" The threat was plain as a day and the woman named Gorgia gasped in response.

"What are you threatening me Mid?"

"No, I'm saving you from six other wolves who might go rampant after hurting what they're protecting" with that as said, Midori grabbed my hands and escorted me back to my room, leaving a gaping amazona woman.

"Fuck her" was all Midori said before he slammed the door in my room, obscuring my view from the now glaring woman.

Suprisingly, I had this sudden urge to stuck my tongue out at the hostile woman.

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