EMISON: Memento Vivere (disco...

By strangebrew

20.3K 631 113

Emily's in her Junior year in University of Massachusetts Boston. Alison resurfaces in Emily's life just exac... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV

Chapter VIII

1.2K 45 9
By strangebrew

And now when all is done and

There is nothing to say

You have gone and so effortlessly

You have won

You can go ahead tell them

Tell them all I know now

Shout it from the roof tops

Write it on the skyline

all we had is gone now

Tell them I was happy

And my heart is broken

All my scars are open

Tell them what I hoped would be

Impossible, impossible

Impossible, impossible

(Flashback, Senior year)

Alison lives for Sundays--it's the time of the week where there's no school to worry about. Sundays speak of a carefree and a relaxing day. Sundays mean her dad would be sulking at their office. She does feel awful for her dad, her mom's death has not been kind to their family. But then... there are the Sundays that she gets to spend with Emily. And that's all she could care about no matter how selfish that sounds.

"What's wrong?" Alison asked innocently, sipping on her semi-warm cup of coffee. "You're smiling like you know something I don't know about."

"Nothing, you're sitting on the [kitchen] counter, it's not like you to do that," Emily shrugged.

"What? I can't watch my girlfriend make me breakfast?" Alison said casually, not realising that that morning was the first time they've put a label to their relationship.

Alison put her cup of coffee down, making way for herself to jump off of the counter.

"And I can't do this to my girlfriend?" Alison leaned in closer to Emily, pausing when she was less than an inch closer to her, "you're the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. I wanna kick myself for missing that out ions ago."

"You're here now, Ali. That's all that matters," Emily whispered.

"Your mom's not here, is she?"

"No, she won't be back til afternoon."

"Great, because that means I'd get to do this," Alison cleared a few strands of Emily's hair blocking her face, slid her arms to Emily's neck, Emily returning the gesture, her warm hands held on to Alison's. She let out a content smile seeing Emily's gorgeous face this close, this intimate.

Both Alison and Emily was breathing heavily. Emily closed off the rising sexual tension between them with a kiss. Both their lips graced each other's--steadfastly, intimately, passionately. Deep into the kiss, Alison let out a moan, mouthing Emily's name into the kiss. Emily happily obliged and let herself lose, hands slowly roaming towards Alison's top. Alison didn't mind the soft hands exploring her body. She in turn cupped Emily's face, drawing Emily closer to her than ever.

Alison lifted Emily's shirt off of her and tossed it to the floor. Emily's long, wavy hair danced freely as both girls savored and lost themselves into their kiss.

"Oh my god! I cannot un-see that! I am perpetually scarred for life!" (Spence)

"I can't eat there anymore!" (Hanna)

"Em? Ali? Spence, you're over-reacting." (Aria gasped)

Three familiar voices broke their heated make out session.

Emily face-palmed herself, instantly panicked realising Alison has taken off her shirt. She hurriedly wore her top, and glanced on Alison who was surprisingly calm and composed.

"Morning girls," Alison said casually, as if they didn't just get caught by their closest friends making out. Alison made a slight movement to block Emily who wore her top haphazardly, and intertwined her hand with hers.

"Please tell me you didn't make out there yesterday. I had dinner off of that counter," Hanna said, breaking the awkward silence transpiring among the girls.

"Back up, what just happened?" Aria asked, still finding it hard to believe what she just saw.

"I'm speechless. I am never speechless," Spencer said, eyes wide, lips still parted in shock. "When did this start happening?"

"I asked you before if Ali and Ems are together before Jenna's house blew up, remember? But you didn't believe me," Hanna complained.

"I believe you now. Happy?" Spencer replied sharply.

"You guys, take a chill pill. We... Should be happy for them," Aria exclaimed.

"We're together," Alison said, again with the casual tone, as if stating what's already obvious.

"No, this can't be happening," Spencer said.

"Yeah. Because I swear all I saw earlier was blonde and black hair standing on the same counter where I had my dinner yesterday," Hanna whined.

"I don't know what to say. Like together-together?" Aria asked in disbelief.

" You have a problem, Spence?" Alison said, snapping at Spencer.

"Excuse me?" Emily asked, slightly offended by Spencer's remarks.

"Can't you see, Em? Ali, "A" will target you both especially if he/she/it/whatever finds out about... This. You two should be discreet about your thing."

"Relationship, you mean," Alison corrected Spencer.

"Yes, precisely."

"I know you, Alison. Please promise us you two will be discreet about your relationship, especially in school."

"I'll try."

"That's not good enough. Alison, don't be blindsided by your relationship with Emily. This relationship thing changes the whole game. Don't play with fire, Ali. You know "A", that bitch-bastard likes to play with fire," Spencer explained.

"Okay, okay. Can we move on to having breakfast?" Alison replied.

"Yeah, I'm starving. But I'm not comfortable eating off of that counter. How about we try the couch for a change?"

"Uh, uh. Han..." Emily warned.

"You two, seriously? At the couch too? But Mrs. Fields watches tv there. I watch tv on that couch. Fine, we'll eat somewhere else here in the house where you two haven't made out yet. Like the tub or something."

"That's probably not a good idea, I mean the tub thing," this time Alison warned her.

"Is there a place where you two haven't done the... you know... here? Fine, let's sit by the porch. Don't tell me you two made out there too?"

"Not... Yet," Emily teased.


"I should fly back to Paris. I shouldn't have gone here. I shouldn't have allowed you to talk me into this," Alison said while she paced back and forth at Cece's bedroom. Cece sat on her bed, following Alison's pace.

"Hang on, I thought you were ready? You're supposed to see Emily just like we planned, remember?"

"Are you blind?! There IS NO plan anymore. Did you not see? She's with my doppelgänger already," Alison obviously frustrated, responded sarcastically.

"What now, Ali? You think it was a mistake to go here and see Emily?"

Alison calmed her nerves, a light crease of frown reflected on her face, "no, Emily was never a mistake. I am."

"Ali..." Cece said as she inhaled sharply, "stop, just... Stop... right there. Don't be unfair to yourself. You just did what you thought was the right thing to do. You were just looking after her."

"Oh how mighty of me, look where it got me," Ali responded in a defeated tone. "I'm booking a ticket tomorrow first thing,"

"I can't let you do that, Ali. You've got to stop running away every time you think you can't handle the situation. C'mon, Ali. I thought we were past this? I thought we're in this together. I promised to help you in every way I can, remember? I'll see what I can do about Emily. I'll find out about your doppelgänger," Cece said.

Alison responded with a slight nod, sighing, "okay, Ce. I'm sorry. I snapped."

"Oh, please, I knew you've always had your inner bitch in you."

"Haha, funny, coming from you who never changed since day one."

"Excuse me, I've better boobs now. And I wear better make up. Which reminds me we should buy you some clothes and make up tomorrow. Enough with the plain Jane. You're missing out on a lot. I miss the old you," Cece said.

"I don't," but Alison held back what she was supposed to say and instead just replied, "whatevs."


Emily and Alexis just finished watching a movie, and eventually both decided to head out for dinner. The restaurant was just a street away from the movie house. They both satisfied themselves by walking to the restau instead of bringing Alexis' car.

It was lightly windy and cold that night. Emily let loose her long, jet black hair. She draped her arms to herself, trying to warm herself up. Alexis tried to grasp her hand but she purposefully avoided physical contact with her, sliding both of her hands into her jacket's pockets.

It's been years since she last wore the jacket. A faint smile formed on Emily's lips recalling how she and Ali almost got caught shoplifting before. It was supposedly just a prank, they were really going to pay for it. Ali was just trying to piss off Hanna. She couldn't believe how Ali was able to talk her into it. Emily could hear Ali's voice in her head, "take a chill pill, Em. I'm paying for it. We're just gonna have a little fun with it first before we actually pay for it. Easy breezy. It'd be like, hmm, paying homage to Hanna's poor shoplifting skills."

Ali did get her a personalized jacket just a week after they tried to pull out the prank at the mall. It was a navy blue jacket with the words "Emison" at the back. Ali argued, "nobody's gonna figure out what that means. It'd be like our secret, just between us. It means Emily and Alison. Promise me you'll wear it to school?"

Reminiscing brought a small smile on Emily's lips.

"Em, I said do you wanna buy coffee later?" Alexis asked, pulling Emily back to reality. "You're out of your zone again."

"Huh? I was just looking at the old couple, they looked so happy," Emily lied.

"Em..." Alexis planted a hasty kiss on Emily's lips.

Emily, surprised by the contact, lightly pushed her away instantly.

"Don't," Emily said almost sternly.

"I'm sorry, Ems. I didn't mean. Oh god, I screwed up. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be rushing things with you," Alexis said apologetically.

"No, I was just uh, was surprised. See? We're okay," Emily said, afterwards placing a light kiss on Alexis cheek. "Why don't we head to the restau and show me the food that you've been raving about."


After dinner...

"See? I knew you'd like the food there!" Alison cooed.

Emily chuckled, both raising her hands with a full smile, "you win, you're right. Food was awesome. Remind me to bring my mom there when she flies here."

"When is she planning to come by? I can drive her around?"

"Maybe a week or two from now. Says the girls who's only been here in Boston for half a year."

"Have a little faith in me, in my gps, and in my awesome driving skills."

"Okay, two things Aly, you have poor driving skills. And two, I do have faith in you babe. Wait, why do you have that goofy smile on your face?"

Alexis faked a cough, "ehem, miss Fields, you just called me babe." Alexis thought of raising to Emily that for the first time since they met she called her by her nickname "Aly" but went against it.

"I did?" Emily's mouth formed a big O, eyes wide. "Noooo, I diddddn't," Emily teased.

"Yes, my lady," Alexis said while she curtsied.

"Come here, baaabeee," Emily teased further, draping both her arms around Alexis' neck, "I'm sorry about earlier. I was just... A little bit off."

Alexis matched Emily's stare with tender eyes, "it's okay, I understand." Then placing a kiss on Emily's forehead. Alexis intertwined her hand with Emily's, both resumed walking to the parking lot.

Emily stole a glance on Alexis, who looked entirely pretty and dolled up for the night. Alexis was wearing a plane v-neck green shirt, skinny jeans and boots yet she looked ravishing. Her blond hair shone amidst the dark. Emily couldn't help but feel a light flutter in her stomach. Emily heaved a sigh of content, and walked closer beside Alexis, consciously forgetting her Ali memories for the nth time.

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