How to Get Revenge on Your Ex...

By coconutjunglebook

162K 5.1K 4.4K

You just got dumped by your ex-boyfriend Jimin of 3 years. That night, as you were crying in the nearby diner... More

Chapter 1: The Breakup
Chapter 2: The Waiter's Plan
Chapter 3: Jungkook's Three Steps
Chapter 4: Caught
Chapter 5: Kim Taehyung
Chapter 6: The Makeover Pt. 1
Chapter 7: The Makeover Pt. 2
Chapter 8: The Makeover Pt.3
Chapter 9: The Party
Chapter 10: Ulzzang
Chapter 11: The Kiss
Chapter 12: Oh, Brother
Chapter 13: So We Meet Again...
Chapter 14: Black Velvet
Chapter 15: Confession
Chapter 16: Euphoria
Chapter 17: The Truth Untold
Chapter 18: Threats and Promises
Chapter 19: The Quest of Jikook Pt. 1
Chapter 20: The Quest of Jikook Pt. 2
Chapter 21: Tae's Secret
Chapter 22: Complications
Chapter 23: Cheater
Chapter 24: Caught in a Lie
Chapter 25: The Visit
Chapter 26: The Second Plan
Chapter 28: A Night to Remember
Chapter 29: Answers
Chapter 30: The Last Surprise
Epilogue Pt. 2

Chapter 27: The New And True Us

3.8K 105 84
By coconutjunglebook

"Love Yourself" -BTS

The Next Day
9 A.M.

Y/N Point of View

"Is this 'the makeover 2.0' ?" I asked.

"No. I mean, I don't know. It isn't as dramatic as before. Because we changed your whole appearance before. Now, we're all changing."

"What look are we going for, Kookie?" Tae asked.

"Something different, unique, and eccentric. Something that shows the true side of our confident selves." Jungkook explained.
"Something colorful."

"Ooh. I like the sound of that." Taehyung commented.

I think Taehyung has a strange and fun personality. This new look might be his calling.

We were at Taehyung' mansion again.
Each of us were going to be given a room to get ready in.
Jungkook wanted everyone to show their final new look at the end.

We said our "goodbye"s and "good luck"s and walked into our rooms.

The room I was given was huge. It was decorated very nicely. The colors of the room were white, beige, and creme. It looked so nice.

There were rows and rows of hair dye, makeup, and clothes that Tae has purchased, just for me.
I figured that the other two's rooms were like this, but with different items presented.

This must've cost him so much money. There were over 100 hair dyes to choose from, 50 outfits, and don't even get me started on the amount of makeup.

This is ludicrous.
He really does have money to spare.
It's not like I need 50 shades of brown hair dye, Taehyung.

There was a maid in the room with me, just in case I needed help with something.

She was a petite, plump lady. Probably in her late 50's. She seemed like a sweet person. Around her eyes were laugh lines.

I felt safe and relieved that she's here.
I probably won't know what I'm doing.

"Welcome, Miss Y/N. My name is Aera. I'll be your helper." She said warmly.

"Hello. No need for the Miss. Just Y/N. Thank you for helping me, Aera." I said.

"Oh, it's no trouble, darling. The other two boys have people in their rooms to help them, too. You're in good hands."she said sweetly.

I smiled at her, and headed towards the stuff.

"Okay Kim Y/N..let's do this." I told myself .

Suddenly, I got a text message.

Jungkookie ❤️: " Alright Guys..START! See you in four hours."

The chaos began.

Hair dye, sweatshirts, and lipsticks were being thrown all over the place.

It was madness. I couldn't choose!

I could hear rumbling and things being thrown and knocked over in the other rooms.
The boys must've been struggling, too.

I couldn't make up my mind.
I was picking everything I wanted, trying it on, being unsatisfied, and throwing it off.

Aera caught and picked up everything I threw off. I felt so bad, but this was frustrating.

We all decided to picked our outfits first, then hair, then makeup.

This is going to take a good hour. There was so much to choose from! 
Tae bought all the designer brands. I wanted to scold him, but what's the point? He's a walking ATM.

(Here are the outfits. You get to choose. Have fun ;) Comment which one!)

After half an hour of deciding what to wear. I finally chose my outfit and saved the others for another day.
It fitted like a glove.

Jungkook told us to choose our new looks as something that would represent us.
The real us. Our looks should show our personality. Something we should be proud and confident of.

"Love yourself." He said.

I kept that in mind.

I looked in the mirror.

"Aera. What do you think?" I said and took a spin around to show her.

"You look so lovely, like an angel." Aera told me.

"Thank you." I said to her.
I mean, she helped choose the outfit after all.

Next, would be my hair.

Jungkook said to go with your "real you" so I decided to do a dark color. It was a very dark brown, black almost, since my natural hair color was black. I would go with black, but I sort of wanted to change it up. Dark brown would work well, I hope.

"What color would you like to dye your hair, darling?" Aera asked.

"Dark brown please. I said and pointed at the specific shade I wanted.

"Oh, that would look absolutely magnificent on you, dear. Let's get started, shall we?" She said and led me over to the hairdressing chair.

There was a whole mini hairdressing station in the corner of the large room.

I sat down on the chair.
She put a cloth over to protect my clothes, poured the dye into a bowl, grabbed a hair-dyeing brush and got started.

"This will probably take about two hours total. So sit tight, honey." She says. 

I got comfortable and went on my phone.

After 30 minutes, I was sitting with my hair completely dyed. I'd have to wait 30 minutes to let the dye soak in before washing it off.

Suddenly, I got a text from Taehyung.

TaeTae 💜: "I walked into Kookie's room next door to see how he was doing because I was bored and waiting for the dye to soak and saw this:

Y/N: "Cute! ❤️"

Aweee. He's adorable. Jungkook can fall asleep anywhere. He must've fallen asleep while waiting.  He must be tired.

I noticed the color of his hair. It was light brown before. Is that pink I see? He's really trying something different.

Taehyung's hair must be outrageous. His and Jungkook's would take longer to soak in because their new hair colors were unnatural.

After a while, Aera finally says "Okay. It's time to wash off the dye."

She led me over to the mini washing station and washed all of the dye out.

Then, we went over to the styling area and she blow-dried it, brushed it, and straightened it.

Finally, my hair was finished. I went over to the mirror.

"What do you think?" Aera asked.

I was speechless. My hair..looked..AMAZING.
I was so happy!

"I love it so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed and gave Aera a hug.

She was petite, so I had to bend down a little. She pulled me in for a cozy, safe, sweet hug. I haven't had this in a long time.

I started tearing up.

She felt like a mother figure to me.

She reminded me of when I did have a mom. I missed my mother so much, and my father.

She let me go and saw me crying.

"Oh sweet child, what's wrong?" She asked.

I tried to contain the tears but they kept coming out.

"Y-you reminded me of my mother. She and my father died in a car crash when I was 12."

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." Aera comforted and sat me down on the couch.

"My brother had to raise me when they passed away up until last year, when I became 18. But I miss having a mother figure. It's been 7 years. I don't usually cry about her anymore, because what's done is done, but I just miss much. And you reminded me of what it's like to have a mother again." I cried.

I was so glad that I didn't have any makeup on yet, because that would get everywhere.

"Oh. Honey. Of course. I'm sorry about what happened to your mother and father, but whatever you need, I'll be here. Don't worry, she's looking at you from the heavens above. She must be so proud of you. Her beautiful daughter. What you can do now is be joyful. She would want you to."

I nodded and continued to sob in Aera's arms while she held me tightly.

She wiped my tears away and comforted me.

I sniffled and wiped away my tears.  "Okay. We should get started on the makeup. I'm okay. Thank you." I said.

"Whatever you need, dear." Aera said and smiled.

She led me to the makeup station.

I sat down in front of the vanity and wiped off my last tear. The amount of makeup products surrounded me.
There were 15 rows of lipsticks, with at least 10 colors in each row.
It was arranged by brand.

It was the same with the foundations, mascaras, B.B. creams, and eyeshadows.

There were 30 palettes or eyeshadows, and there was a whole section of skincare.

There were face masks, nose strips, moisturizers, and face washes. There were so many skin care products. It was understandable. South Korea is known for great skincare.

"Y/N dear, do you want me to do the makeup for you? Anything you'd like, I'm here to help." Aera says.

I normally would refuse, but I didn't know what I was doing. This was too much. So instead, my response was "Yes. Please do. That would be lovely."

Aera smiled. "Alright, dear. What type of look would you like?"

I thought of what Jungkook said.

"Something natural please, but still shows that I showed effort into the look." I said and gave her the items I chose.

"Of course." Aera says.

"Thank you." I said.

She first started with the skincare. I wore a face mask and got moisturized. I felt so..fresh afterwards.

My skin was glowing.

Next, she applied a light and generous amount of B.B. Cream and blended it out. Then, she applied put some contacts in my eyes. They were naturally colored light brown. This also meant that I didn't need to wear my glasses.

Then, she applied a peach eyeshadow on my eyelid, and another sparkly light pink colored eyeshadow layering that. After that, she curled my lashes and applied some mascara.

She added a light, peach blush to my cheeks and finished the look with natural, sparkly lip gloss.

My face feels so light. It wasn't anything like the heavy makeup Jungkook applied on before.
I felt like myself.

"Are you ready to see how wonderful you look?" Aera asked.

"Yes. Yes I am." I said and took a deep breath.

She spun the chair around slowly.


I just stared. I love this look. I felt radiant and happy. It was just what I wanted. Aera must be an angel sent from above.

"Wow. I- I love it. You're a genius, Aera. Thank you!" I said and gave her another hug.

She smiled warmly.

"You look absolutely extravagant, darling! Like a completely different person. This is more you. Before, you were gorgeous, but now, your natural beauty shines!" Aera exclaimed.

I laughed shyly. "Thank you. For everything."

"Anytime you need me, it's why I'm here." Aera says.

Suddenly, I got a text message from Taehyung in our groupchat. Those two should be done right about now.

TaeTae💜: "I'll be done in about 15 minutes. Can't decide on which tie to wear!"

Jungkookie ❤️: "Haha. Same! I fell asleep and got behind schedule. Still applying makeup."

Me: " 🙄 I swear, you two dorks. Hurry!!"

"Are they ready?" Aera asked.

"Haha. Nope. Jungkook accidentally fell asleep and got behind and Taehyung can't decide on a tie." I said.

I sat down on the couch beside her.

"Those boys. And they say us women take forever to get ready! Taehyung usually takes 2 hours to get ready everyday." Aera joked.

"Yeah, haha. Taehyung is so lucky to have you." I said.

"Well, his situation isn't that much of a difference from yours, darling. His mother and father are never around. I think he sees them once every six months. I've raised him ever since he was a baby. At least you got to spend some time with your parents, he never did. His little sister didn't get to either. They were always away. He's like a son to me, since I was the one who raised him after all." Aera explained.

"Awe. He never told us that. Anyone would be lucky to have you with them everyday." I said.

"Yes. I don't have a lot of time left with him, though. I'm afraid that when I'm gone, he would be alone and doesn't know how to make the right choices. I'm satisfied with the person he turned out to be. I raised him to always be kind, considerate, and loving. He also turned out quirky and strange, but I've realized that that's what others love about my little Tae." Aera says softly.

"Yes. Tae has such a great personality. You really have raised him well. Jennie on the other hand.." I started.

"Miss Jennie never liked me, even though I raised her as well. She acts like her mother. She was a spoiled child. Her parents weren't around and she would cry for them, and they made her stop crying by spoiling her. I know she isn't bad, she just wanted her parents. It became a habit for her. Now, she thinks that what she wants, she gets. I'm very sorry about what she did to you." Aera said.

"Please don't apologize. You had nothing to do with it. It was all her. She decided to be like this. She was obsessed with Jungkook, and thought I liked him." I explained.

"Darling, if you don't mind me asking. Do you have feelings for Jungkookie? I hope I'm not overstepping, but I'm asking for Taehyung. Tae really likes you. I don't think he's liked any other girl before. The way he talks about you. If you do have feelings for Jungkookie, Taehyung will know to step off. I won't tell them anything you say." Aera says.

I thought about it. I do. I really do.

"Yes. I do have feelings for Jungkook. I feel horrible for Tae, but it's who I love." I told her.

"Of course. Jungkook is a clever, selfless boy. He's been friends with Taehyung ever since they were younger and I sort of always took care of him and watched him grow alongside Tae. I won't tell them. It's up to you and when you feel ready to. Taehyung told me that you promised you would tell after the plan is done. Don't listen to him. Tell him when you're ready. He's a big boy. He can take it. " She said light-heartedly.

I smiled. "Yeah. That makes me feel a lot less pressured. But I will keep my promise. I have to tell them so why not just get it over with?" I told her.

"Hey, just be glad you're not stuck because you have feelings for both of them." Aera joked.

We laughed and continued talking until the boys were ready.

10 minutes later

TaeTae 💜: "We're ready."


"They're ready. I guess I'll step out now." I told Aera.

"I'll come with you. I'm supposed to cover your eyes as Taehyung said. He wants all of you guys to see each other at the same time." Aera said.

"So extra." I laughed.

Aera had to tiptoe to reach my eyes to cover them. She walked me out slowly.

I heard Taehyung's voice.

"Everyone's eyes closed?" He asked.

"Yeah." I heard Jungkook.

"Yep!" I said.

"On the count of three. 1...2..." He says.


Aera uncovered my eyes.

WOAH. In front of me stood two completely different people.

Jungkook has pink hair!! He looked so handsome. He would usually never go for any unnatural color, always black or brown.
But's a pretty magenta, pink color. He was wearing a fancy blue suit. Wow..

Taehyung in the other hand. Oh my gosh...

He didn't have one hair color.. but TWO. Half and half. Pink on one side, and blonde on the other. He wore golden specs and a cute heart-patterned shirt with suspenders and a black tie.

He looked adorable.

I didn't expect any less from both of them. This was the real them.

We all took a moment to look at one another.

Then, compliments were thrown everywhere.

"You look so pretty!"
"Wow! Amazing!"
"Your outfit is so cute!"
"Your hair!"

We all pulled in for a group hug that lasted a while.

Afterwards, we all smiled and thanked our helpers.
We were all ready. Mentally ready and stylishly ready.

We headed out, feeling confident with our true inner selves, which was the greatest feeling in the world..

Author Note:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUNGKOOK! I know, it was actually yesterday that he turned 21 because Korea is one day ahead, but I'm wishing him a happy birthday again!

My ultimate bias ever since I've started stanning BTS is all grown up 😭
He's legal to drink in the U.S. now 😳
Hope that goes well 😂
It feels like he's been 20 for so long.

Anyways, how'd you guys enjoy their new looks? I
I based this chapter off their comeback, which again, WAS ICONIC.

I know I know, you guys want to see the plan happening, and I'm here to tell you that that's the next chapter !! ;)
I think this story will have 3 more chapters and an epilogue. 😔

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 💜

-coconutjunglebook 🥥❤️

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