•Be My Baby• ~l.s, bdsm, mpre...

By littlelouisstyles

1.3M 35.6K 31.3K

When Harry absolutely knows he doesn't want a submissive anytime soon, he meets innocent, blue eyed, curvy li... More

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Character Answers!
•Be My Husband•


18K 541 619
By littlelouisstyles

(pic above is Alex)

Harry chucked a bag of frozen peas into his cart, walking past a few isles before deciding to go down the candy isle.

Louis would cherish him for buying him more Milk Duds. They were his absolute favorite.

He grabbed a large pack of them and put them into the cart, chuckling to himself as he walked farther down the aisle.

He felt his phone buzz, so he reached down into his pocket and looked down to see a message from the princess himself.

From Louis💙: I miss u are you almost done?

Harry chuckled, smiling fondly.

To Louis💙: I just left babe. be patient or else you'll be punished. won't go easy this time.

Harry pressed send and put his phone back into his pocket. He wondered into the dairy section and grabbed a few things he needed to restock their fridge with.

Just then, he felt his phone buzz again, and he was about to look at it when a young boy bumped into Harry's cart. He grunted and fell to the floor right after that.

The boy yelped out in pain and began to cry. Harry panicked and looked around for his parents.

"I'm so sorry buddy, where's your parents?" He knelt down beside him, looking for any injuries.

The boy was holding his arm to his chest, the one that hit the metal cart. "Mummy's lookin for veggies." The little boy responded, whimpering slightly as tears pricked at his eyes.

"Do you want me to bring you to the veggie isle? I can help you find your mummy," Harry spoke to him softly. He brushed his hand over the boy's curly brown hair, trying to comfort him as he cried a little bit.

The boy nodded hesitantly, and after he sat there for a moment, he lifted his arms up to be held. He didn't seem to be in too much pain anymore, meaning he wasn't hurt very badly at all.

Harry smiled awkwardly, feeling a bit invasive by holding someone else's kid, but he scooped the boy up nonetheless.

He left his cart back in the dairy section as he walked into the isle full of fresh vegetables. "Tell me when you see your mummy, yeah?" Harry told the little guy, who nodded in response.

The dark haired boy looked around desperately. It took a few minutes, but soon enough he pointed off to the right of them at a man with black hair.

Harry's eyes widened as soon as the man turned around. "You again?" Harry laughed and walked up to him.

Calum heard Harry's voice and spotted him instantly. As soon as he saw his son in the large man's arms, Calum stopped in his tracks, dropping the bag of asparagus that he was holding onto the floor.

Harry found the reaction a bit odd, but he guessed that Calum was just surprised to see him holding his kid.

"He bumped into my cart." Harry laughed, and so did the little boy.

Calum let out a breath as Harry set the boy onto his feet. "I didn't mean to I was tryin' to get the butter like you told me to." He explained quickly.

Harry didn't want to judge, but it seemed a bit wrong that Calum had told his 4 year old to go and get something from another isle. Anything could've happened.

"Alex, what did I tell you? I said no running." Calum scolded him, and bent over to pick him up. "You're lucky I know this guy, if you'd bumped into some stranger's cart you could've been kidnapped." Calum set the boy down into the cart.

Harry stood awkwardly, it was weird seeing Calum as a parent. He was used to the old Calum, who was a carefree, run-around type of guy. Until he was exposed as the true bitch that he really was.

Or maybe still is...? The tea.

"Thank you for bringing him to me, I'm sorry about the trouble again." He spoke to Harry sincerely, seeming guilty.

"Oh it's no problem, he's a cute lil one." Harry brushed off, smiling at Alex who was staring at Harry cheekily from behind the bars of the shopping cart.

Calum snorted. "Little dom thinks he can do whatever he wants, he doesn't like to listen to me that's for sure."

"What about his dad?" Harry accidentally slipped the words out, feeling bad for digging into someone else's life.

Calum looked away from Harry, taking a short breath. "Hasn't been in his life. I can tell he needs a strong dominant here for him to teach him things, and I feel bad about it." Calum spoke quietly, watching Alex mindlessly play with a pair of new light up shoes that were in the cart with him.

Harry frowned, feeling a bit bad for Alex. "He seems like a strong little guy, I think you're doing a good job." He complimented.

And if Harry wasn't just seeing things, he could swear that Calum's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

It wasn't a surprise. Calum's always had feelings for Harry, they probably didn't entirely disappear throughout the five years he'd been missing.

"At least you think so." Calum smiled a bit, looking Harry up and down while he bit his lip.

Harry nodded awkwardly. "Yeah, well I've got to go and find my cart again, you two have a nice day." He coughed and began walking away.

"Bye bye hero!" Alex called out, making Harry turn and wave at him before he went back to his cart.

That was just...ew. Harry cringed. It was just so awkward, and running into him in the grocery store must mean that he'll probably be seeing him around more often.

His kid was cute though, looked like a tiny Calum.

Harry sighed and decided to just cash out in order to avoid seeing Calum around the store.


"I'm home baby boy!" Harry shouted out, he smirked when Gemma looked up at him from the couch.

"There are other people in this house too y'know." She rolled her eyes playfully and flipped a page from the book she was reading.

"Really? You're so bored in my house that you've resorted to reading?" Harry asked, making an angry face.

"Shut the fuck up, it helps me relax." She shot back at him.

Harry could hear a snicker come from the kitchen, he looked to his right through the kitchen doorway to see Niall doing the dishes.

He must've been laughing because he'd heard the two siblings going back and forth.

One of Harry's eyebrows shot up. He had to leave for work this morning and he hadn't been home for too long before he went grocery shopping so he hadn't really seen Niall much today.

He sat beside Gemma for a moment, leaving the grocery bags on the floor near the front door.

"So did you two meet, or should I introduce you to him to make it less awkward?" Harry asked in a low voice.

Gemma waved him off. "We met already. He's pretty funny actually." She smiled slightly.

Harry nodded. "Okay, good."

"Hi." A small voice spoke.

Harry looked over to the stairway to see Louis standing on the bottom step. He was absolutely glowing, wearing a hoodie that was too big for him. His hand was resting on his belly, the other holding onto the banister.

"Hey baby." Harry cooed, then stood up and walked over to him. He lifted him into his arms and held him on his hip like a little toddler.

Louis giggled happily and kissed Harry's lips. "I missed you so much. Wait a second-" Louis sniffed Harry's shirt. "You smell...different."

Harry carried Louis up the stairs carefully before he set him down on their bed and looked down at him. "What do you mean?" He gave Louis an amused look.

He turned around and began to change out of his work clothes, while Louis talked.

Louis shrugged. "It's kinda odd, I think I'm starting to smell things differently. Sometimes when I smell vanilla scented things it makes me have to puke." He shuddered.

Harry smiled lovingly and kissed Louis on the nose. "That's pregnancy babe." He bent over and kissed his tummy. "Hi baby girl." He whispered. "Daddy's gotta go and get the groceries put away. Wish you could help."

Louis smiled down at Harry, running his fingers through his curls.

He could feel movement inside of him, but the baby hadn't kicked or anything yet. Louis knew that whenever Harry talked to her she would tumble around like she's doing now. It made Louis' heart clench.

Then, suddenly Louis' eyes widened. "Harry! Gimme your hand." He grabbed Harry's hand quickly and placed it right above his belly button.

"Why? What's wrong? Does it hurt somewhere?" Harry blurted out quickly, but then he felt something.

It was a little kick. Harry's eyes widened.

And then another. He felt his heart beat quicken.

"She's kicking!" Harry exclaimed, full of excitement.

Louis sniffled and wiped his eye. "She loves you. You always make her tumble around and now you made her kick, Harry. She knows her daddy's voice."

Harry beamed at the teary eyed boy, feeling his own eyes well up. "You know daddy's voice huh baby girl?" He spoke softly to their baby. He felt a small kick after, which was followed by a bigger one.

Louis winced slightly. Harry looked up at him with worry in his eyes, before he looked back down to his tummy. "Hey hey hey, don't hurt your mummy."

Harry stood up and kissed his forehead. "I love you both so much." He whispered, his voice cracked a bit but he coughed to cover it up.

Louis noticed, letting out a coo. "Awe, we love you too." He smiled up at him and wiped his eyes.

"You wanna come downstairs now babes? I got you a few things from the store." Harry grinned.

Louis gasped slightly. "Okay!"


The next day, Harry woke up with a quiet groan, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes.

He kissed Louis, although he was still asleep, and walked downstairs all wobbly.

Right when he was about to grab the milk out of the fridge, there was a loud knock at the door.

Harry frowned and shut the fridge. He moved over to the door.

He checked who it was, having to move the curtain and look through the window.

Calum stood there. He was looking back at him.

Harry closed the curtain and furrowed his eyebrows. Why would he be here at 6am?

He opened the door. "Did something happen?" He asked, his voice still sounding groggy.

Calum gave him a large smile and handed him a box of raisins.

Harry looked down at it. He had always loved raisins, he used to eat them with his breakfast every morning.

But this was weird.

"Thank you? Um, why did you bring these to me?" He asked in confusion.

Calum shrugged. "I thought it could be a thank you for helping my kid yesterday."

Harry nodded, looking at Calum. He seemed a little off.

Harry noticed that was wearing a striped shirt with red pants and red suspenders.

Kind of like Louis' style.

Calum saw that Harry was staring. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, sorry, it's just...you're wearing an outfit Louis would wear." He blinked a few times.

Calum frowned. "Oh? That's odd." He giggled. "I guess we have a similar style?"

Harry gave him a disgusted look, thinking that he was trying to copy his submissive's clothing choice, but also noticing that Calum was giggling just like Louis does.

"I need to get ready for work," Harry spoke, a bit creeped out.

He shut the door and locked it, closing the curtains more. Calum knocked again, waiting for Harry to come back out.

Harry didn't move, he stood there and waited for Calum to leave.

Calum didn't stay there too long, so Harry sighed. What the fuck has gotten into Him?

Harry shook his head. He must be going crazy, it's probably just a coincidence. He really hoped it was just a coincidence.

He turned around to walk back into the kitchen, but instead he was greeted with a pair of gorgeous ocean blue eyes.

Louis stood on the bottom of the staircase again, looking at Harry with a worried and maybe even scared expression. "Why was Calum here?"

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